That escalated quickly

By xti4max

388 2 4

Anna just wants to save Pearl, but dopplewhores and baby vampires are beginning to test her patients. luckily... More

chapter one
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

chapter 2

47 0 0
By xti4max

tada, Ill admit I'm not completely happy with how this chapter worked out but I hope you like it.

ow and disclaimer, I've ages Jeremy up a year forgot to tell you in the last chapter so he is only a year younger than his sister and the others.

Anna's first stop Monday morning is the hospital, she's booked in for a transfusion. Vicki's purse in hand she goes to her appointment. On her phone, as she leaves the room texting Matt asking him what room Vicki is in when she crashes into none other than Jeremy Gilbert.

They both burst out laughing much to the disproval of the orderlies, bending down Jeremy retrieves Anna's phone from the floor handing it back to her. They both question what the other is doing there, she explains her appointment but also points out she wants to see Vicki, he shares a grin holding out a hand he tugs her in the direction of Vicki's room.

They are both stood in her doorway when a nurse tells them that they can't stay as Visiting hours haven't started yet. Anna holds up the purse, "Just returning this she left it that night, you don't mind, do you?"

At the Nurse's be quick they enter the room quietly. Anna leaves the purse at the side of the bed. Eye's meeting "we're gonna be late for school." At his shrug she grins wanna stop for Starbucks on the way." She receives a smile and the leave together. On the drive to school they make plans to go visit Vicki later that day.

Anna does a little dance when she realises that she has missed history, Jeremy throws a napkin at her pointing out he still had to deal with the ass that is Tanner later. They get out of the car and are halfway across the quad when Jeremy spots Tyler.

She holds out an arm to stop him. "You're about to do something incredible stupid aren't you."

"Yup, wanna join me?" A surprised laugh escapes her.

"Lead the way trouble." His eyes widen in surprise half at the laugh the other half at the response. As so as they reach Tyler, and his hussy squad Jeremey starts to question him about how Vicki is doing. When Tyler threatens him, Jeremey calls him out on it. Before threatening to kill him should he hurt her again. Spinning on his feet to stalk away, he grabs Anna's hand to haul her with him when he realised, she wasn't following. Giggling, she points out she didn't expect that from him.

[cafe somewhere in mystic falls]

Realizing she had a few hours to kill before picking Jer up and heading to the hospital Anna agrees to go with Caroline to the cafe. Parking next to Caroline with a groan.

"You didn't tell me Elena would be here." Laughing she just waves her irritation off.

Once all the orders are made and collected, they sit outside in the sun. Bonnie tries to talk about the comet and what her grams knew about it but all Caroline wanted to talk about was what happened between Elena and Stefan. Anna holds up a hand.

"For the record I don't want to know."

Elena confesses that nothing happened anna laughs as Caroline questions what wrong with her until Elena decides to go after him. After she leaves the girls tell Anna all the places she needs try and visit, they are making plans to go shopping when her alarm goes off. Bonnie questions an alarm in the middle of the day when she answers, bonnie gives a disgusted look, I'm surprised she's not already killed herself was her only reply. Before anna can respond Caroline places a hand on her arm asking her to send Vicki her love. Her eyes widen telling anna to wait she rushes back into the cafe. When she returns, she has a bag with a couple of sandwiches and pastries. She just shrugs at the look she receives,

"Hospital food is crap, and make sure Matt eats some too." Kissing Anna on the cheek she says goodbye.

[Gilbert house]

Anna pulls up outside the Gilbert house waiting for Jeremy to appear, so they could head off. She hears Jenna talking about drugs and smirks. She is still talking when Anna spots Jeremy sneaking out of the house, he jogs up to the car launching himself in, yelling for Anna to drive, she laughs hitting the gas, they both look back at the house to see Jenna stood in the doorway arms crossed unamused.


They arrive at Vicki's room to hear Matt and Vicki exchanging terse words, Anna makes a face at Jeremy. He just shrugs opening the door.

"We brought food, Matt sit you look worse than Vicki." She pushes him into the chair as Jeremy hands out the food for the Donavan siblings. Matt opens his mouth to argue, Anna takes the sandwich from Jeremy's hand shoving it into his mouth. Vicki laughs.

"How are you doing Vic."

"Full disclosure if your head hurts, I'm pretty sure Jer here hit your head off a tree carrying you out of the woods," she pauses laughing, "prince charming eat your heart out."

Matt laughs "I never thanked you two for what you did the other night." Both shrug him off.

"You both, it was you that found me." She reaches for Jeremy first as he was closest hauling him into a hug, then extends her arms to Anna for another hug. "Thank you, Thank you both."

Anna pats Vicki on the cheek telling her to finish her sandwich, then remembering the purse, asks if she saw it. Vicki nods gesturing towards the table where it now lies.

They stay and chat for a little while, Anna enjoys getting to know the Donavan sibling. Matt offers to pay her back, but she refuses, after all she didn't buy it, she also won't tell him who paid, "We are your friends, we are supposed to take care of one another." That's all it takes to shut him up.

[The Grill]

Anna gets out of her car making a beeline for the grill hoping the girls don't see her, as much as she loves Caroline, Bonnie and Elena just piss her off.

She slips into the grill seeing Jeremy at the bar, sliding up next to him to steal his drink. He makes an annoyed noise at her smirk. But it falls suddenly.

"Vicki, what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" Vicki lets out a tired sigh explaining that she needs to go back to work soon, then asks Jeremy if she can speak to him privately pulling him towards the toilets. Hearing their conversation Anna storms over, snatching the baggie of drugs out of Vicki's hand. "No absolutely not, you are on medication, and unless you wanna die this," She waves the bag in her face "Is a very bad idea. And you." She turns on Jeremy "I thought you had more sense." Anna takes a deep breath, both humans are staring at her wide eyed. "Shit sorry guys I just, drugs set me off real bad."

"No your right." She gives Jeremy a tentative smile.

"I'm always right, she links her arm with his you promised me a comet, wanna join us Vic."

"I hadn't really thought about it. But I could be talked into it. I'll meet you out there in a few."

"Awesome we shall save you a seat, come on Jer lets goooo." She all but drags him from the bar Vicki laughing behind them." She all but drags Jeremy out of the Grill.

[Behind the Grill.]

Caroline smirks when she sees Anna and Jeremy holding hands, Anna just holds out a hand for candles, leaning close telling her to go for it with Matt, she walks away tugging Jeremey with her.

She pauses turning back "To bad my uncle isn't in town I think he'd like you Caro."

She flushes a smile lighting up her face "I have candles to hand out."

Laughing Jeremy pulls Anna to a decent spot they can sit and watch the comet.

Leaning on Jeremys shoulder to peer around him, Anna frowns into the darkness.
"Where is Vicki, what's taking her so long." Jeremy pulls out his phone shooting of a quick text. After ten minutes of no answer they trek back to the grill to look for her.

"You don't think it's my fault, because of."

"No, Anna Matt does it all the time." He runs a hand through his hair. "She said its how she knows he still cares."

[the Grill]

When they reach the grill they can see the whole mystic falls gang inside, Anna tries to turn and walk away, this time it is Jeremy grabbing her hand dragging her into the building.

"Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?"

"You're her stalker. You tell us. "

"Listen here dickwad, just cause your daddy is mayor doesn't mean I won't beat your pompous ass into the ground, WE obviously can't find her," She focuses on the rest of the group, "She was meant to meet us outside to watch the comet."

"She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced."

Elena starts straight away shrieking at Jeremy. Matt breaks it up asking for them to stow it so they can help him find Vicki, the others start to disperse but Elena grabs Jeremy, hauling him down to a secluded spot, Anna following close behind.

"So that's your game now, dealing? Look, I'm sick of the tough love speech, Jer. It's really having no impact."

"Firstly," Anna starts before Jeremy can, "There were no drugs Tyler is a lying mongrel and secondly little miss perfect go fuck yourself we need to find our friend." Anna grabs Jeremy and storms out the grill.

"You didn't have to do that."

"I know. Now you go that way I'm gonna go that way." she points in the opposite direction meet back here in 10." She leaves before he can say anything.

Hearing voices Anna rushes up to a nearby roof, watching the Salvatore brothers exchange, Vicki hysterical between them. Seeing the tears on Vicki's cheek, Anna has had enough, she grabs Damon by the throat.

"Enough, you fucking idiots, I don't care if you two kill each other but you will leave the humans in this town out of it, do I make myself clear?" She drops Damon, taking Vicki gently into her arms.

"Long time no see Anna." she flick him the finger. Working on fixing Vicki's memory of the night.

"Come on sweetly you've ripped your stitches, we're gonna have to get that fixed."

[At the Grill.]

She sends Jeremy a quick text to meet her in front of the grill. Not letting him fuss, instead she sends him to distract Matt so she can sneak Vicki into the grill. They sneak into the back, snatching up the first aid kit as they go.

Its only once Vicki is bandaged back up that they venture out of the bathroom. Vicki throws herself at her brother promising to be a better sister.

Jeremy pats her uninjured arm before returning to the bar, leaving them to their conversation, Anna follows long enough to say goodbye kissing his cheek. Leaving to join Caroline.

"Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?"

Anna elbows Caroline "Rude, and not her fault she needs help." While they are talking Stefan joins them asking about Elena, Caroline and Anna share a look with the latter rolling her eyes as Bonnie gives him Elena's details.

{A few hours later]

Anna is at home on video chat with her aunt and uncle when Jeremy texts her. Her aunt makes a joke about her answering her phone in the middle of the conversation. Her uncle is just frowning.

"No boys, Annika Mikealson." making his wife laugh,

"How are you gonna enforce that we are in Greece."

"NO, we are on holiday and she is a big girl." She turns from her husband "Have fun hunny."

"Uncle Finn, there is something I should tell you," She pauses as if to read their moods. "There is a doppelganger here, before you say anything, I'm obviously gonna tell uncle nick but I want to save Pearl first, and I need the dopplewhore around to open the tomb she is a descendant.

Finn rubs a hand over his face, "That complicates everything, have you told your father, he will not be happy,"

"Never mind Kol, Fayette will lose her mind her daughter so close to a spawn of Tatiana." Sage interrupts.

"Everything is fine, I just need time, please don't tell." She sends them an imploring look.

"Call every day, if you don't, we will just show up and we will be bringing everyone."
"This is the reason your my Favourite uncle Finn." She blows the screen a kiss finally opening the message, it's a picture of Vicki and Tyler kissing.

"I gotta go."

"What, what's wrong."
"Nothing serious, a friend just got their heart broken." She closes the laptop grabbing her keys dashing out the door.

Jeremy is waiting outside for her when she pulls up, he says nothing as he gets into the car. They drive in silence until they reach the Gilbert house. He pauses with the door open, "I need your help with something."

She puts the car in park sliding out. They walk to the door in silence. Jeremy scowls into the silence. Taking her hand he jerks her towards the stairs.


He cuts her off, with a shake of his head "What you said earlier about the drugs, I need your help I don't think I can get rid of them on my own." She smiles kissing his cheek.

"Let's do this." Anna can hear his sister and aunt upstairs, she knows what they are doing, and she know it's going to make things much worse.

They are at the top of the stairs now; Jeremy can see Elena in his doorway.

"What the hell?"

She spins around startled, Jenna staggering out the door seconds later.

"I can't believe you, No actually I can believe you doing this." He glares at Elena. "But not you Aunt Jenna." still with a firm grasp on Anna's hand he storms into his room shouldering past the woman, dragging Anna behind him. He slams the door shut once they are in letting go of her hand to throw himself on the bed.

"Looks like I don't need your help after all Anna, looks like my 'family' took care of it for me." Anna makes a face at him.

Walking over to the bed glowering down at him. "Move over dummy." He shuffles to one side, nuzzles into the bed next to him. "They just care Jer, their trying to help you in their own way, doing a terrible job but they are trying." She sighs Jeremy catches the pain in her voice. Asking what's wrong.

"I just miss my family. I was talking to my aunt and uncle before you text, I just miss them all." Jeremy shifts lights to wrap an arm around her pulling her close. She goes willingly resting her head on his chest. They lay like this talking for hours until they fall asleep.

soooo, what di you think,

let us know


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