The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

21 The Connection

6.9K 306 233
By melantha123

POV Hiro

My finger is tapping at the table while I'm waiting. Everyone from my group is busy with drinking their slurpies. "I was highly against this. We should be tracking where the arsonist is," I groaned.

"Just drink your green demon already," GoGo said strongly as she pushed my drink forward.

"Why is it green demon anyway?" Honey Lemon asked as she drank her pink day dream.

"Because it's green obviously and-," Wasabi started explaining but then his eyes widened as the straw touched my lips.

"NO HIRO! There's wasabi in it!" He shouted but far too late. I took a mouthful of the drink and my eyes watered immediately. The heat was burning my tongue, making my breath hitch and I started coughing.

"From scale 1 to 10, how burned you feel?" Baymax asked and showed me the screen with different type of faces.

"Definitely ten," GoGo grinned and drank her red drink.

I tried to wave my hands to signal Baymax that I was alright. That didn't stop things to happen and soon I found myself being sprayed at with foam and I just tried to protect my head. The power of the spray was hard so it knocked me down on the floor.

People were staring at us when I finally got up. "I'm a fireman, nothing to fear," I laughed nervously as I scooped my head clean from the foam.

"Baymax, I seriously need to adjust your programming," I mumbled. However everyone in my team was laughing.

"Take it easy dude," Fred chuckled and leaned back while drinking his rainbow colored drink and reading a comic.

"Okay, now we go," I said angrily as I grabbed everyone's drinks. Only GoGo was fast enough to empty her drink. She looked like she was in pain.

"Are you okay?" Honey Lemon asked from GoGo.

"Just a minor brain freeze," GoGo gasped and quickly stood up. She started walking towards the exit. We all went after her and I threw the almost finished drinks to trash. It was already late March so snow had started to melt when spring was slowly arriving.

As we walked towards our car I heard familiar sirens. "Fire trucks!" I gasped out and soon I saw the flashing blue lights. I glance at others.

"You want to go?" Wasabi sighed and I nodded my head. We all get inside Wasabi's car and he started driving.

"Those firemen will have put out the flames when we get there," GoGo groaned.

"Well if you can drive faster then-," Wasabi whined and then I saw a devious grin forming on GoGo's lips. She stuffed some chewing gum inside her mouth and then she made Wasabi move.

"Oh no," Wasabi gulped as GoGo started driving. The people were just passing images as we were racing on the streets. GoGo used the horn to get people to jump out from her way as she speeded after the fire trucks from station 500.

"Here we are!" GoGo cheered and she pulled the hand brake. The car started sliding other side first and it got parked between two cars.

"Out," GoGo said and pulled us all out from the car. Everyone had frozen from the shock. However the electricity which flow through my body when GoGo touched me, made my heart to beat. Her eyes looked into mine playfully which made me feel the butterflies.

"Were you scared?" GoGo raised her eyebrow and I shook my head quickly.

"Good," she said and popped a chewing gum balloon while letting go my hand.

"Now what?" Wasabi said and crossed his arms as we got behind the straps that firemen had put around the fire place. A storage building was on fire.

"Now we wait until it's put out," I whispered.

"Put out! Did you hear that GoGo! We rushed for nothing," Wasabi muttered.

"Pfft," GoGo shrugged and went to sit on a bench. We all joined her and watched as they were putting the flames out.

"We should help," Baymax said all of a sudden and I glance at it.

"Fine," I told my robot and I stood up.

"Hiro?" Honey Lemon asked.

"I'm a fireman," I grinned and I nodded Baymax to follow me as I run. For a slight moment I saw GoGo watching at me weirdly.

I got back to the scene and I made my way through the crowd.

"Whoa, no kids or civilians are allowed on fire scene," an older fireman told me as he kept an eye on the crowd.

"Hiro Hamada from fire station 313 is offering himself for duty," I said and I pulled out my information. The fireman glanced at me in disbelief but when he saw my identification he smiled in relief.

"Alright, c'mon then young man. My men are getting tired, all the help is good. You're doing this on your free time?" He asked as he lifted the string.

"Yes," I said while going under the string. I let Baymax to follow me and when the fireman saw him, he got startled.

"Errr... he is new firefighting technology," I laughed nervously as I rubbed my neck.

"Yes, I can see that," he said while staring at Baymax.

"Let's get you equipped," the fireman said and soon I had a suit to borrow.

"Just don't get burned," I told to Baymax as we went inside the burning building. Baymax started using his foam cannon hand and putting the flames down.

"Same to you Hiro," Baymax said which startled me.

"Mmhmm.. sensing anything useful," I told him as I hacked down a door with axe.

"I can sense some burning liquids," Baymax told me.

My eyes narrowed, "An arsonist?"

"Yes," Baymax replied.

It took us hours to put down the huge fire. I said goodbyes to the other firemen as I stayed at the scene. They made me their honor firefighter and let me keep their stations suit.

As the night came I went to signal the others to come inside.

"Wow," Honey Lemon said as she came to me. I was waiting at them in the doorway.

"What?" I laughed.

"You look good in uniform!" Honey Lemon cheered and my cheeks blushed. I ruffled my head nervously as I held my helmet.

"Uh, thanks. Anyway once we go in, just follow me. No stupid stunts or stuff like that," I told them as I went in.

The ash and water had combined into muddy substance on the floor. It was a bit slippery under your feet.

We checked the whole place out but found no good clue about the arsonists. It was late when we ended our work so we went home.

"Okay, last stop Hamada residence," Wasabi said as he pulled out from the road. He had left Fred and Honey Lemon off already. I stepped out from the car after thanking him. I waited as Baymax got himself out.

My heart skipped a beat when GoGo came out from the car too. She glanced at me nervously.

"Uhh.. There's still couple miles left to your home?" Wasabi questioned.

"You said.. last drop Hamada residence," GoGo snapped.

"Yes but you're my neighbor," Wasabi mumbled.

"Go," Gogo said strictly.

"Okay, okay. Fine!" Wasabi groaned and started his car.

I stare at GoGo, she is looking down at her feet.

"Well, I wish you good night," I grinned and I wiped my hair from my forehead.

In an instant GoGo's eyes watched at my eyes. Her gaze wanders on my face and I feel my heart bumping.

"Puberty is a case of--," Baymax started.

"YOU DIDN'T JUST SCAN ME DID YOU!" I shouted as I turn around to glare at Baymax.

"-reactions that are increased by--," Baymax continued.

"STOP!" My yell was almost crying.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn around. GoGo is looking at me mischievously, the sight leaves my mouth hang open.

"You have something there," GoGo said and wiped her fingers on my forehead. Her other hand was pressed on my chest.

"W-what?" I gulped out while I heard Baymax's muffled voice continuing the story about puberty.

GoGo showed me her fingers with ash stains.

"Oh, " I laughed and rubbed messed up my hair nervously.

Suddenly she leaned forward. Her hands went on my waist and I felt her body getting close to my. No way, is she going to..

"You're too slow," she whispered against my lips and then she closed the gap. Her lips tasted like strawberry bubble gum. She felt soft and her lips moved against mine shyly. Slowly I put my hands on her hips and she squeezed my firefighting coat.

I close my eyes and I kiss her back. My hand goes inside her hair and she moaned a bit, lightly tilting her head to right. I start kissing her neck and I hear her panting.

"Too slow Hiro," she whispered again and her hand goes inside my coat.

"Your body heat is increasing Hiro. Should I cool it down?" Baymax asked.

"Mmmhmm..." I mumbled out as I continued kissing GoGo.

"Let me help," Baymax said and suddenly I felt lots of cold water spraying on me.

"AGH!" GoGo groaned and let go of me. We're both soaking wet and GoGo's eyes are wide. We glance at each other and then we laughed hardly.

"Want to come and dry yourself up?" I grinned and she nodded her head.

"You're too slow with the first move,"she said as we went into elevators.

"I like you," I told her immediately and she startled.

"That was fast," she smiled shyly.

"How about.. I love you?" I said carefully, tasting the words on my tongue. I also tried to see her reaction. Her lips parted a little and she looks at me while Baymax stuffed itself into elevator.

My body went against GoGo's.

"It's fast.. and I guess that I like it," GoGo said quietly and I cheered mentally.

"Good. Then it's settled. We're a couple," I grinned.

"Yeah," she said.

"You look great in uniform and you're a good guy," GoGo said while rubbing her hands together nervously.

"Thanks. You're smart, beautiful and fascinating girl," I smiled to her and I lead her to my apartment. I helped her to get some dry clothes after I put Baymax to his loading dock.

POV Elsa

I got my mail again and there's more bills. Again some from the hospital, Frost's treatment is really expensive. I sighed as I went into computer to pay them and only to realize that I had to pay it with credit card again. I'm just running out from money.

Well, money isn't all that should matter. His spirit is still here, just waiting to get back into his body. I work in saving people so he is just like that,almost at least.

"What chu doing?" I felt a cold air burst behind me and I slammed my laptop closed.

"Nothing important," I laughed as I turned around with the rolling chair.

"Mmhm.. " Frost said and raised his eyebrow. His thin fingers were tightly around his wooden staff.

"Why you have that thing anyway?" I whispered and nodded towards the staff, it was my desparate try to change topic.

His blue eyes turned to look at the staff. "Uh.. I don't know."

"I do," I said as my cheeks felt like they were burning.

"Well? Tell me then, my Queen," he laughed and did an overdone bow.

"You used it to get a young girl named Sophia from the ice when you almost drowned.. but ended up in coma," I mumbled out.

"Is that so?" He raised his eyebrow and I nodded.

"Well, it's really good for leaning," he grinned and straightened his back while standing straight.

Just when I was about to respond I heard doorbell ringing. Frost hummed and smiled to me warmly as I stood up from the chair. Quickly I went at the door.

"Hey Elsa!" A brunette girl said. She smiled happily and was like waiting for something. I bit my lower lip. Should I know her?

"Emma?" Frost's shocked voice said.

Of course. It's his sister.

"Hello Emma. How are things for you?" I smiled gently and I asked her to come in.

"So nice that you live in his place. When he wakes up you will move in together?" Emma grinned and I heard how Frost gasped out.

"Let's see," I giggled. Did I just giggle? What is wrong with me!

"Our family would love for you coming to enjoy dinner with us. It would be nice to meet the girl who captured my brother," she laughed.

"Umm," I started and I was about to say no until I saw Emma's eyes.

"NO!" Frost shouted in panic.

"Yes. Yes I would love to," I smiled. This actually feels a bit satisfying, hearing Frost cursing on the background.

"Alright see you in five hours then. Here is our address, we live practically few blocks away," Emma smiled and handed me a piece of paper.

"See you!" I told her as I closed the door. When I turned around I saw Frost looking at me angrily.

"Why.. why did you agree! You know practically nothing about me," he whined.

"And?" I raised my eyebrow.

"They think that we're dating.. I mean my body used to date you.. agh.. this is so weird," he rolled his eyes and glared at me. His thin lips pressed tightly together.

"Okay.. so.. start telling me stuff about you," I laughed as I went to living room. I sat on the couch and crossed my legs.

"Hah, as if you would remember everything when you're at my parents," he laughed sarcastically and scratched his nose for few seconds with his front finger.

"Try me," I smiled.

"Uh.. So I play guitar," he shrugged.

"I know that," I grinned. "Tell me something new," I crossed my arms as I leaned back.

"I play ice hockey as a hobby. I've been doing that since I was a kid. Umm.. I'm excellent cook. I take pictures of snowflakes and I have a collection of pictures on my laptop. Then my best friend is Hiccup Haddock--," he told me.

"Hiccup! He is a sweethearted man!" I cheered and Frost's eyes widened.

"ANYWAY--," he said loudly, "On my free time I love to wear--."

"Hoodies. Your favorite color is blue," I added.

I saw his cheeks blushing. "Yeah.. well.. and you're not the only one who can sing," he said and sounded bit embarrassed.

"You can? Give me a sample?" I smiled. This is going to be interesting.

"No way," he mumbled.

"Well tell me stuff about your family. It's odd if I don't know them," I tilted my head to left.

"My parents are researchers. They work inside a research institute. My sister is 17 and really energetic. She loves to dance," Frost smiled warmly. He must really love them.

"What type of things you like in a girl?" I asked from him. My cheeks flushed after the question.

"In a girl? Well, I've not been that active on dating area.. so never thought of it through," he smiled mischievously. "So you're type will do, my parents have no idea of my taste nor do I," he said teasingly.

"Thanks a lot," I rolled my eyes.

"So the singing? I've just heard you singing over some Taylor Swift," I whispered.

"You're not letting me out of the hook?" He sighed.

"No, no I am not," I laughed.

"Okay. So anything will do?" He said and ran his bony fingers through his shiny silver hair.


He cleared his throat.

(Avicii - the Nights)

"Hey, once upon a younger year
When all our shadows disappeared
The animals inside came out to play
Hey, when face to face with all our fears
Learned our lessons through the tears
Made memories we knew would never fade

One day my father-he told me,
"Son, don't let it slip away"
He took me in his arms, I heard him say,

"When you get older
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid."

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember."
My father told me when I was just a child
These are the nights that never die
My father told me

When thunder clouds start pouring down
Light a fire they can't put out
Carve your name into those shining stars
He said, "Go venture far beyond the shores.
Don't forsake this life of yours.
I'll guide you home no matter where you are."

One day my father-he told me,
"Son, don't let it slip away."
When I was just a kid I heard him say,

"When you get older
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid."

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember."
My father told me when I was just a child
These are the nights that never die
My father told me

These are the nights that never die
My father told me
My father told me


(* end of the song)

"You just sang a whole song," I whispered.

"Yup. You've got a problem?" He responded laughing. He jumped back and I saw him floating to sit over the edge of the couch. I explored his face, how his muscles moved as he formed a mischievous smirk. His hair was hanging a bit over his sparkling blue eyes.

"No I don't. However I will have a problem with you if you don't let me to finish opening up my letters," I said after clearing my throat.

I can't fall for his charm. He has turned me back before so he can do it again.

"Sure," he chuckled.

I inhaled deeply as I opened up a thick envelope. It was from Anna.

I read the note 'Elsa, I found these old letters when I went through your moving boxes. Yes there are still some in my storage. OOOH! And look at the cute kid in the picture! I didn't know that you had that kind of pen pal back then!'

"Why are you turning red?" Frost laughed and poked my shoulder.

"A-are you trying to read behind my back?" I snapped back and gave him angry glare.

"Nope but you act weirdly," he hummed.

I sighed and I started looking at the pile of letters. I remember how in school we had to take a pen pal from another country in our English lessons. I had one.

The handwriting in the first letter was all scribble. My pen pal was a boy, one year older than me. We wrote about how our days went and so on. Our teachers handled sending the letters between our schools. Their goal was to have girl-boy writing friends. They said that being interested in different things is good.

Different things? You might ask how, well the assumption is that boys like boy stuff like sports and girls like arts and languages. Well, I loved languages. My mother was from England as my father was from Norway, I went for English school in Norway.

This pen pal of mine, he was something that I've never heard before. His letters still made me laugh, he could change his topic in an instant and his words were funny. We weren't that different though, we loved winter and he was at ice hockey team for juniors. I was good in figure skating. Oh, and we both loved music. We had so much to write about when we get to know each other.

Of course his first letter started this way:

'Yo. Wazzup. They made me write like you to? Srry about dat. I gtg to ice hockey practice. Just respond whatevs you like. -J.O.'

My respond was really long. I gave him a lecture about poor writing and how he should try more. Our first letters were all about fighting. Until we found something in common, singing.

I glance at Frost who is now sitting on an arm chair. He is playing with a snowflake. It's floating in the air as he swiftly is waving his hand in the air. He glances at me and smiles slyly as he notices my stare.

"Don't let me disturb whatever you're doing," he grinned and made the snowflake float to me. It exploded into tiny ice crystals under my nose. Frost started laughing and I showed him my tongue. He just chuckled and started playing with other snowflake that he created.

I continued reading the letters. These were an important thing for me when I was 9. I was always expecting the letters, he was a best friend to me back then. We could write about anything.

Then I felt a lump in my throat as I was reaching the last letters. I was almost ten year old back then. The last letter was the hardest to read. It was written just couple days before the death of my parents, they died in a fire.

"Greetings to Norway!

It's getting quite chilly and windy on the outside. Tomorrow I will teach my sister to skate on ice. My parent's got her new skates.

My best friend still only thinks that I go to just guitar lessons. He has no idea about my singing. What's the last song you sang?

Yesterday I put some paint on the sponge that teacher uses to wipe the board. Just imagine when she squeezed it and her whole hand turned into green! I got some detention. It was worth it.

Umm.. this is bit weird. Here is my picture. Can I see you? We have wrote to each other for months but I don't know how you look like.

It is a bit old picture from this year. I have a bit odd hair color, I got it from dad =) .

- Your friend, J.O.


When I corrected the papers something fell from between. I glance down and I see a picture on the floor. I grab it and lift it to look at.

I let out a gasp and I slam my hand over my mouth. There's a boy with roundish cheeks, he has a mischievous grin. My heart is racing as I look into his blue eyes and then to that windblown messy hair.

Quickly I glance at Frost.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Frost laughed and came to me.

His eyes widen when he looks at the picture.

"Okay, where did you get it? Going through my stuff? I thought that they got my stuff out from here," he spoke fast and I shook my head.

"Well, where you got my old picture?" He said coldly.

"F-from here," I whispered as I patted the pile of letters. He narrowed his eyebrows as he looks down to them.

"No way," he gulped.

"Yeah," I said quietly.


"Mmhmm.. " I mumbled and my cheeks flushed. I saw him turning red and breathing heavily.

"Frost?" I asked after he had been quiet for a while.

"You know how an 11 year old boy feels when a girl stops writing after seeing his picture - when he considered her as a friend," Frost spoke quickly and I could almost hear a crack when he squeezed the staff tightly.

"" I whispered.

"Like crap!" He said angrily and bit his lower lip.

"I..I'm sorry," I said while still being in shock.

"Yeah," he said simply and stared at the letters.

"This is weird.. I didn't stop writing because of your was the time when my parents died in a fire and I changed school," I said quietly and my hands shook.

Frost sighed, "Well.. that's a good explanation."

Slowly I stood up and went to get a photo album. I found a picture of me and Anna as children. "This is me," I smiled.

Frost looked me like I'm crazy. "This is how I looked like, Frost. Sorry that replying took this long," I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

Then I gasped, "FROST! I got IT!" I shouted happily which got him startled.

"Know what?" He gulped.

"This is our connection that the nurse spoke of," I cheered.

"Being pen pals as kids?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes! That's why you might react when I'm near!" I smiled. He gave me a little smile as response.

POV Jack

This is the worst, worst.. no... WORSTEST thing ever in my life.

Here I am, looking as my fake girlfriend is having a chat with my parents. In dinner table, without me. Well, my fake girlfriend slash ex pen pal slash job stealer slash apartment invader slash beauty.. wait, snap out of it Jack! Anyway she's there, munching some bread and now speaking with my sister. About what?

About me.

"So how did you meet our son?" My mother smiled and leaned her chin on her hands. She examined Elsa with her gaze.

"The website for firefighter's around the world," Elsa laughed nervously and I bit my lower lip.

"He is a great singer!" Elsa added quickly.

"And a guitar player," Emma giggled.

"I hope that you'll get him back in your life soon sweetie. I'm just sorry that we never had the chance to meet you both together," my mother sighed which made my heart ache.

"Yes. I would have had some fatherly advices stocked up about dating too," my father sighed and crossed his arms. He started playing with his beard and his blue eyes were watering.

"Dad," I whispered sadly and Elsa flinched when she heard my voice.

"Mr. Overland, Fro--.. Jack had really excellent dating skills," Elsa laughed nervously.

"He did? Well, that's a relief since he was so bad in starting a relationship," my father laughed.

"Hey! Since you've eaten I need to show you something! "Emma giggled.

"Alright," Elsa smiled and stood up from the table after thanking for the food.

"Please, do not... I repeat, do not follow her," I said to Elsa quietly but she gave me a playful grin when Emma turned her back at her in the corridor.

Emma guided Elsa to one place where I didn't want her to be taken.

My old bedroom.

Elsa was circling around my room and my cheeks flushed when she looked at my old pictures, saying how cute kid I used to be and yeah... they even laughed at some. Are they trying to kill me to embarrassment!

"Umm.. I'm going to leave you on it while I help mum get out her family albums," Emma cheered and I did a facepalm. This is even worse.

Elsa sat on my spinning chair when Emma left. She rolled herself around and then she paused. Her fingers were tapping my old desk.

"Are you having fun?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes, in the matter of fact I am, Frost. You have interesting history," she smiled slyly.

I groaned and then I sighed my defeat. I bit my bottom lip, "top drawer. Pull it out and check the bottom."

Elsa looked at me weirdly but did as I asked. Her eyes widened when she found a pile of letters. I ruffled my hair nervously as she started looking at them.

"You kept them all," she said quietly.

"The tenth letter is my favorite," I grinned.

She quickly took it.

She laughed a bit, "You numbered them.. and... uhh.." Her cheeks blushed into sweet shade of pink and I smiled warmly.

"Yeah? And?" I urged her to continue.

"T-there's something underlined in my words," she said quietly and glanced at me. I nodded to her. My heart beat faster.


She cleared her throat, "We have so much in common! We are like one soul split into two! I asked mum to get something from jewelry smith. You are a boy but my best friend in my life, I got no else friends. I hope that you like this other half of snowflake pendant that I got. I have other half. - E. A."

I used my wind to open up the second drawer which made her startle. She started gasping when she saw a slightly darkened silver snowflake pendant, well the other half.

The next thing I didn't count on.

She fainted on my floor.

"Oh heck no!" I shouted as I flew to her. She had fallen down from her chair and I heard running steps outside the door.

Time to act.

I went inside her body again, just in time when my sister slammed the door open. This time I managed to control Elsa's body better than the first time.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"I just tripped," I responded and Elsa's voice spoke.

"Are you okay?" Emma smiled warmly.

"I hit my head," I lied, " I should go home and get some rest."

Emma agreed on it gladly and I avoided the rest of the embarrassment when I left. I managed to grab the letters and the pendant with me.

The thing is that my head is killing me as I get glimpses of Elsa's thoughts as I'm inside of her. It's really weird.

I feel so light headed.

When I was back at my own apartment I collapsed on the floor. I squeezed her head between her hands. "AGH!" I groaned as I started feeling her presence. I crawl forward, at times collapsing back down.

It was like my head is going to explode from inside out, I kept on bumping into furniture as I try to get to bedroom. I'm going side to side, the knees of hers are giving in.

"This pain is -," I moaned as I felt like electricity had flown through me.

Then I fell to floor, her body twitched couple of times and then I felt her consciousness rushing back into her. I could feel her and her thoughts for few seconds.

She was thinking of me. My eyes, my expressions. How I move, my slight remarks and the way I laugh. These things made her heart flutter.

Suddenly I felt like my heart been ripped from my chest, Iike a cannon had been shooting an ammo at me and making me crush against stone wall. I got thrown out.

When I flew out, slamming myself against the wall as I manage to materialize in time, I could see how she shot something at me. A blue sparkling cold beam bursted out from her hand. The walls of the bedroom froze.

I could see the fear from her eyes as she looked at me, her breathing was fast and her hands started shaking as she looked into them.

Elsa started crying, her hands went around her body and she swayed herself. I could hear her sobbing. I closed my mouth that was hanging open. Did she just use ice power?

Slowly I took support from my knee as I stood back up. I walk to her and I sat next to her.

"W-what's going on.. F-Frost? Why... why? H-Have I b-become a -m-monster?" She stuttered as she watched into my eyes. She looked for answers through her fear. I tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I don't know," I sighed and then I gave her a faint smile. "However I've heard that best friend's are for each other especially when they need it."

"T-this power could be..d-dangerous," she shivered and squeezed her legs against her chest. She was so afraid.

"You might be a bit dangerous yes.. those glares of yours almost kill me sometimes but you're certainly not looking like some ugly monster," I grinned.

There's that glare again. Good.

She slapped my chest and it went through. I laughed a bit and she frowned. I quickly created a snowflake, "I've become an expert with this power. I can teach you, I think."

"You should teach me. It's probably your fault anyway," she snapped and crossed her arms.

"It's a deal then," I smiled. Maybe it is my fault, I added in my mind as I look at her.


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Loving you My Flaming Snow Storm!

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