The Cure // Im Nayeon x Reader

By WritingRey

264K 18K 12.9K

*COMPLETED* A story in which Nayeon is the daughter of a billionare CEO. She wants to become the next CEO of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
New book!
New Book!

Chapter 20

4.5K 332 125
By WritingRey

The next morning Nayeon woke up in pain. Her body hurts a lot, especially her arms. She looked next to her but Y/N was not in sight. She guesses that the CEO already woke up. Nayeon managed to get herself out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. She looked around in the room and saw that Y/N already put some clothes for her to wear.

Y/N's style is very different than Nayeon's. Nayeon likes to wear expensive brand clothes, while Y/N just wears whatever she's comfortable in.

"Oh you're awake." Y/N smiled when she saw Nayeon entering the kitchen. Nayeon can't even look at Y/N's face because she's so ashamed about last night.

"I made breakfast. Let's eat." Y/N suggested and both of them sat down at the table. Y/N immediately dug into the food while Nayeon just watched Y/N eat.

"Aren't you eating?" The CEO questioned.

"I'm not hungry." Nayeon shook her head.

"What? You didn't eat last night either. You should eat so that you can gain some strength."

"I really don't want to." Nayeon informed and Y/N sighed. She doesn't like this stubborn side of Nayeon's, maybe because Y/N is this stubborn herself.

"Then I'll feed you." Y/N said as she grabbed some food with her chopsticks and gestured for Nayeon to eat.

"C'mon, I can't wait forever." Y/N said and Nayeon just gave up and ate the food.

"We should replace your bandages after breakfast." Y/N suggested and Nayeon just nodded. The two continued to eat their breakfast in complete silence and afterwards Y/N took care of Nayeon's wounds and cuts once again.

"I should go now." Nayeon stood up. She's been a burden to Y/N ever since last night, so she doesn't want to disturb her anymore.

"What? You're not going anywhere. Where will you even go?" Y/N questioned.

"I don't know." Even though Mr. Im has abused Nayeon a lot, he never threw her out of the house before. She remembers him telling her not to come back until he says so, so she'll just have to wander around for now.

"You're staying here. I'm not letting you go anywhere."

"Y/N-ssi, I mean Y/N-ah, you have work to do, I don't want to disturb you." Nayeon looked down.

"You're not disturbing me at all. Please just stay here until you're better." Y/N went closer and caressed Nayeon's arm.

"Okay." Nayeon sighed and sat down.

"Go ahead and ask me whatever you want. I know you have a lot of questions." Nayeon suddenly said after a short silence.

"I don't need to know, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, you already saw my scars. I know you're wondering how I got them." Nayeon guessed.

"I had speculated that he was doing this to you, but I didn't know it was this bad. Why is he doing this?"

"I don't know, I've been living like this ever since I was a kid. He always abused me whenever I did something wrong and sometimes he even abused me for nothing. I think he enjoys it." 

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have made you deceive them." Y/N blamed herself.

"It's not your fault, I knew this was going to happen." Nayeon admitted.

"You knew but you still went with it. Why?"

"Because I'm used to this. He's abused me so many times by now that it doesn't even hurt anymore. At least now I got abused for something that I really did do."

"Why are you letting them do this to you?" Nayeon isn't someone that will let others harm her easily, but it seems like she's different when it comes to her father.

"What else can I do? He'll throw me out if I go against him. I'll literally become homeless."

"You're 25, he shouldn't be abusing a grown up woman like that." Y/N said in frustration.

"Jin is 28 and he also gets abused."

"He has that much power over you guys huh?"

"He gives us no choice." Nayeon added.

"Then why do you want to become the CEO?"

"Because he doesn't want me to become one. He ruined my life, Y/N. He keeps saying that I'm incapable of becoming one, so I want to show him otherwise."

"Wait, wait, isn't he letting you do this project to prove yourself?"

"No, he never had plans of giving me a chance. He's just letting me do this to keep up his good reputation. It's always been Jin and never me." Nayeon said sadly. Now Y/N realizes that the two actually have the same goal. They both want Mr. Im and Jin to go down but Y/N also wants ImTech to  be destroyed while that's not something that Nayeon wants.

"Aren't you going to work? I'm sure you have a lot to do. I can handle myself here, you shouldn't delay your work because of me." Nayeon advised after a short silence.

"It's fine, I'm taking a day off so let's spend it together." Y/N suggested. She doesn't want to leave Nayeon knowing that she's not safe.


"No buts, we're spending the day together."

"You don't have to feel sorry for me Y/N-ssi. Like I said before, this is a very normal thing that happened to me." Nayeon chuckled. Y/N doesn't understand how Nayeon can act like this is nothing. She must be so used to it that it barely has an effect on her.

"I don't feel sorry for you, I just want to spend time with you." Y/N lied. She does feel sorry for her, but she doesn't want Nayeon to feel bad.

"If you say so." Nayeon smiled to herself. Did Y/N just say that she wants to spend time with her?

"What do you want to do?" 

"Well, I can't really go out in this condition." Nayeon sighed. Since her father never hits her face it's been quite easy to hide her cuts but now for the first time ever she also has cuts on her face, which is a lot harder to hide than other body parts.

"Then let's watch a movie." Y/N said and stood up to grab the tv remote. They picked a movie and sat down on the couch. Nayeon looked like she was very focused on the movie, while Y/N wasn't at all. She just kept staring at Nayeon for God knows what reason. Nayeon noticed this but didn't say anything, instead she laid her head on Y/N's shoulder startling her. Y/N put her hand over her heart and she noticed that it was beating faster. Y/N has never felt nervous around someone before. Nayeon really is the first person that makes her feel flustered like this and she doesn't like it at all.


"Yes?" Y/N answered.

"Thank you. If you didn't come last night, I might've slept on the streets." Nayeon informed, her head still on the CEO's shoulder.

"Why? Couldn't you call anyone else?" Nayeon is like a social butterfly, Y/N is sure that she has a lot of friends.


"How about your friends? Mina and Sana are your friends right?" Y/N questioned.

"Yes and no. I mean we're friends, but I'm not that close to share something like this with them. Besides I don't trust them." Y/N smiled weakly upon hearing that. Since Nayeon did share this with her, it means that she trusts her, right?

"Then who helps you when you're in a situation like this?" Y/N does feel bad hearing that Nayeon really has no one to lean on.

"Usually no one. Momo helps me out sometimes, but I'm too embarrassed to keep asking her for help." Luckily, Nayeon's assistant supports her and takes care of her well.

"How about your mom?" Y/N hesitated to ask this question but she was very curious. It's logical that Jin wouldn't help her out, but what about her mother?

"She has no power. When she tries to protect me, she gets abused as well." 

"Nayeon..." Y/N suddenly lifted Nayeon's chin up with her fingers, so that they could face each other.

"If something like this ever happens again, then just know that I'm here for you. You're not alone, you can talk to me and I'll always listen to you and help you out. I'll protect you if I have to." Y/N informed and Nayeon's eyes are becoming watery. No one has ever stood by her side like this. 

"W-why?" Y/N won't gain anything from helping Nayeon with her personal problems so Nayeon doesn't really get why she's being so nice to her.

"Because I don't want to see you like this anymore. I want to see you happy." Y/N admitted. Y/N's head is telling her that she's lying but her heart is telling her otherwise.

"Stop feeling sorry for me." Nayeon said once again.

"I already told you, I don't." Y/N said weakly and the two locked eyes. They stared in each other's eyes for like 5 seconds before Y/N started to lean in. She held Nayeon's face when their lips were almost touching and placed her lips onto Nayeon's. She started to kiss Nayeon slowly and Nayeon didn't reciprocate at first. Nayeon knows that she's liking Y/N a bit too much and her kissing her just makes it worse. However just after a few seconds, she started to kiss back. The one and only Chou Y/N is kissing her, so how can she not? Y/N's lips taste wonderful and it's very addictive.  

The few times that Y/N kissed Nayeon before was to just gain her trust, not because she wanted to, but now something is different. This time she didn't lean in to gain her trust or something. She leaned in because she wanted to. She leaned in to make Nayeon feel safe around her. 

Y/N was liking the kiss a bit too much even though it was a slow one, so she pulled Nayeon a bit closer and now their bodies are touching. Nayeon is getting very turned on right now and if she doesn't stop this, it could go wrong, so she subconsciously pushed Y/N away.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." Nayeon apologized as she looked away.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. Did I make you uncomfortable?" 

"No, don't worry about it. It's not like it's the first time we kissed." Nayeon chuckled and Y/N nodded.

"I'm just questioning your intentions." Nayeon admitted.

"My intentions?" Y/N raised her eyebrows. Fuck, does Nayeon know that she has bad intentions with her?

"I heard that you used to do this with Sana and eventually never started dating her even though she was in love with you." How did Nayeon even find out?

"That was back in college, it was like three years ago. Besides I didn't even know that she liked me, I found out afterwards and I made it clear to her that I didn't want anything more."

"So you used her?" When Sana told Nayeon about this, she felt kinda sad about it. Y/N has kissed her a few times, so what if she's just playing with her just like how she played with Sana?

"Of course not! I had an interest in her as well in the beginning. I wouldn't kiss someone if I don't have at least a little bit interest in them." Y/N denied and when she realized what she actually said she mentally cursed herself. It is true though, she never had bad intentions with Sana. She just realized after some time that she didn't feel the same.

"So you are interested in me?" Nayeon smirked. She knows that Y/N didn't mean to say that.

"I.. euhm, I..." Y/N was speechless.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer. I guess your interest in someone never lasts very long since you've never been in a relationship before." Nayeon remembered.

"I guess so. I'm not someone that can go into long-term relationships that easily like how you have." 

"Yah, who said it was easy for me? Yes, I've been in long term relationships before, but believe me it was not easy." Nayeon raised her voice and Y/N was a bit surprised by the change in Nayeon's tone. Hearing Nayeon say "yah" means that she's comfortable around Y/N.

"Besides, you're the first girl I've ever kissed." Nayeon admitted and Y/N widened her eyes.


"Yes, I'm sure you've kissed a lot of other girls, but I've only kissed guys before." Y/N feels proud hearing that. This means that Nayeon was never that attracted to a girl before, but she is to Y/N.

"That's some new information." Y/N smirked.

"Don't smirk like that, it's not like I wanted it." Nayeon lied.

"But you were the one that kissed me first." The CEO fired back.

"Yeah, whatever." Nayeon shrugged it off. 

"Do you actually like girls? Or did you just kiss me to make me shut up?" Y/N's curiosity grew.

"I like girls and boys, but I never dated a girl because my dad would just kill me. No one would accept it, so that's why whenever I see an attractive girl I try to distance myself from them. How about you?"

"Well, I guess I like both but I've always had a preference for girls." Y/N nodded to herself.

"Aren't you scared of what people will say? I mean you're a CEO after all."

"No, my family knows about it and they accept me for who I am so I'm not really worried about that." Y/N said and Nayeon nodded. Y/N is so lucky to have such a supportive family, Nayeon wishes that she had that too...


A/N: New chapterr. Please vote and comment!!

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