Sybil's Death

By gladtohaveemma

134 2 1

Sybil's death explored from different points of view in the household. More

Sybil's Death

134 2 1
By gladtohaveemma

(Sybil's POV)
I awoke and sat straight up. A shooting pain went through my stomach. Tom rubbed his eyes.
Tom: Darling what's the matter?
Sybil: I think my contractions may have started.
Tom: Already?
I nodded and breathed through the searing pain.
Tom: Alright. I'll go and summon Dr Clarkson.
He left the room.

    (Cora's POV)
I awoke to Tom standing over our bed. I sat myself up and tried to wake myself up.
       Tom: I think Sybil is preparing to have the baby.
       Cora: What?
       My heart filled with excitement and also bewilderment. My little baby was giving birth to her own baby.
        Robert: Let's ring Dr Clarkson.
        Tom and Robert left to telephone him. I woke up Mary and Edith and we all went into Sybil's room.

    (Sybil's POV)
         When Dr Clarkson arrived, I was so relieved. I didn't like being left alone in the state I was in. He examined me and he told me it wouldn't be too long now. I was so happy. I had always dreamed of becoming a mother and I knew that this baby would grow up with the most wonderful father.

        (Cora's POV)
When Dr Clarkson came to examine Sybil, it brought me back to when she was a child. Dr Clarkson would come and tend to all 3 of my girls whenever they were ill. I trusted him with my baby and knew he would do his best with the new baby.
        The next morning, Robert came upstairs while I was having breakfast. He told me he telephoned Sir Philip Tapsell to look after Lady Sybil and he would be here by dinner. Sir Philip Tapsel had been delivering aristocratic babies for years. In fact, he was one of the many doctors I had seen when I was pregnant with Mary. However I found his personality to be a bit harsh; especially with someone in a delicate condition.
    Robert: We can't risk her welfare to sooth Clarkson's feelings.
    Cora: I know.
    Robert went on to point out that he missed the warning signs with Lavinia and had misdiagnosed Matthew.
    Cora: Is that fair? He didn't want to get Matthew's hopes up and with Lavinia the disease could move like lightning. He may have delivered lots of Lords and Royal Highnesses but he doesn't know us.
    Robert: I'll ask him to include Clarkson in his deliberations if that will satisfy you.
    Cora: I suppose so.
    I was happy that we were keeping Dr. Clarkson. I wanted Sybil to feel as comfortable as possible during this process with someone she had known all of her life.

(Sybil's POV)
    Tom decided to stay in his dressing room for the rest of the night in case anything serious happened. Dr. Clarkson had a nurse come and stay with me during the night. I barely got any rest. When I stepped out of bed, my feet felt a bit odd. I looked down and my ankles had swollen to twice their size. As the sun rose, I started hearing movement on the gallery. After breakfast time, Mary came into my room to check on me.
    Sybil: I'm the size of a house. My back hurts and my ankles are swelling. And the headaches. Honestly I cannot recommend this to anyone.
    Mary: I am listening. But of course I'm dying to start one of my own.
    Sybil: So you're not waiting?
    Mary: Waiting for what?
    Mary gave me a puzzled look. I didn't know why she was so confused by what I said. It made perfect sense to me.
    Sybil: I don't know but I did wonder.
    I don't know why, but I felt I should tell Mary about wanting the baby to be Catholic. I felt as if I needed to; that I would need her support in some way. She agreed to stick up for me if it came to it which I felt it would.

(Cora's POV)
    That night we sat down to dinner with Sir Philip Tapsell. As the hostess, I was seated beside him to make conversation. He was still the same man I remembered meeting all those years ago; very brash and almost arrogant.
    Cora: We also told our local doctor we'd ring him when it looks as if the baby is coming.
    He was very welcoming of the idea in his words, but I could tell the idea had angered him. That made me even more distrusting of him.
    Over the next day, Sybil was still in labor. I knew that labor could last for multiple days sometimes, but something just didn't sit right with me. That night at dinner I told Sir Philip that I was going to ring Dr. Clarkson after dinner since Sybil was almost ready to give birth. I was shocked when Robert started to contradict me. I put my foot down and insisted that he be there.
    That night at dinner, everyone sat in silence as we waited for the baby to come. We made small talk about Edith possibly writing a column. Suddenly the nurse came in and I headed up the stairs to be with Sybil.
    The room became too crowded with all of us there so Mary Edith and I went back downstairs while the doctors dealt with her. When the doctors came back down to the library, Dr. Clarkson said that he was concerned about Sybil.
    Robert: What do you mean concerned?
    Dr. Clarkson: Lady Sybil's ankles are swollen. And she seems...muddled.
    Cora: What sort of muddled?
    Dr. Clarkson: Not quite there. Not quite in the present moment.
    I felt my heart begin to race. I was getting increasingly concerned but I knew I had to stay calm.
    Mary: What do you think it means?
    Philip: It means she's having a baby.
    I stared at Sir Philip in fury. How could he be so flippant of these symptoms? Sir Philip called Dr. Clarkson out of the room. I was nervous he would bully Dr. Clarkson into silence.

(Sybil's POV)
    For the next night and day, I continued having contractions. Each one seemed worse than the one before. Then that evening, things finally started to progress. I had almost reached the end. I saw Dr. Clarkson come in, but I don't remember what he was doing. I also remember seeing flashes of different family members coming in and out. Tom started talking about the future and working on cars with his brother. I felt this urgency to tell him not to do that. I wanted him to move forward. For some reason I could only think of his future; not mine.
    Tom: I wish there was something I could do.
    Sybil: Just be here. We can just lie back and look at the stars.
As I breathed through the next contraction, I thought about what I had said. It had made sense to me in the moment, but I didn't know why I had said that.
Dr. Clarkson walked over to me. Suddenly, I began panicking.
Sybil: Am I on duty Dr. Clarkson?
Dr. Clarkson: What?
Sybil: I swear I'm not on duty otherwise I wouldn't be lying here.
Dr. Clarkson: you're not on duty.
I looked at Dr. Clarkson's confused place. I didn't understand why he was so confused. I looked at Tom. He looked horrified. I realized that I had hallucinated.

(Cora's POV)
I walked into Sybil's room with Dr. Clarkson. I had him go into more detail on what he thought was wrong with Sybil. I told him to stand up to Sir Philip and have him run a urin test. He was being extremely obstinate and causing an argument right in front of Sybil. My patients had reached its limits.
Cora: Just give the order to the nurse please Sir Philip.
He gave me an annoyed look but nodded at the nurse. I walked closer to the bed and Dr. Clarkson asked Sybil how she was doing. I watched in horror as she flashed back to the war and was worried that she was on duty. I knew that something wasn't right. This wasn't normal for childbirth.
We gathered back into the library and Dr. Clarkson explained more of his thoughts on Sybil's condition. He believed she was toxemic with a danger of eclampsia. He wanted to get her to the hospital and deliver the baby by cesarean section. Sir Philip completely disagreed. He thought moving her now would be the worst thing to do. He said cesarean sections were very dangerous and could expose her and the baby to disease. Robert continued to support Sir Philip. My mind was spinning with all of these theories but my heart was with Dr. Clarkson. I knew Tom had to make the final decision.
We summoned Tom out of Sybil's room to ask him what he wanted to do.
Tom: Could we get her to the hospital?
Philip: To move her now would me murder.
Dr. Clarkson: Sir Philip admit it you're beginning to see the symptoms. You can tell she's distressed.
Cora: Can you?
Philip: Yes Lady Sybil is in distress. She's about to give birth.
I knew the distress that Dr. Clarkson was talking about was different than the agony that was common with giving birth. Dr. Clarkson said we needed to make a fast decision.
Tom: If she has the operation now do you swear you can save her?
Dr. Clarkson: I can not swear it. But if we don't operate and if I'm right about her condition than she will die.
They hadn't fully said the consequences of what could happen. I knew it's what they meant but hearing it broke my heart. Robert continued to defend Sir Philip. I knew I had to say something.
Cora: Robert I don't mean to insult Sir Philip, but Dr. Clarkson knows Sybil. He's known her all her life.
Tom: So you'd take her to the hospital?
Cora: I would've taken her an hour ago.
Just then Sybil let out a terrorizing scream. I raced to her room. The baby was beginning to crown. I took her hand and helped her through the birth. I couldn't tell if she was doing better because she wasn't speaking. The pain was too great for her to say anything. Finally, her baby girl was born. Sybil began to cry as she took her baby into her arms; cradling it gently against her chest.
Cora: I'm so proud of you my beautiful angel.
Sybil: Thank you mama.
I kissed her on the forehead and left her and the baby so she could be alone with Tom.

(Sybil's POV)
The last part of labor had finally come. I could feel the baby coming. Mama, Mary and Edith raced into my room. Mama held my hand and helped me handle the searing pain. Suddenly, there was my beautiful baby girl. Tears formed in my eyes and Sir Philip handed me my baby. I settled her against my chest. I had complete happiness and contentment with my baby. For some reason, I felt this urge to cherish this moment. I always knew that giving birth would be one of the most special days of my life, but it was as if my body was sending me a warning instead of a reminder. Mama sent Mary downstairs to tell everyone the good news. Tom came bursting through the door and he started to cry. He sat down beside me as I cradled our new baby.
Tom: She's so beautiful. Oh my darling. I do love you so much.
He kissed me on the forehead.
Sybil: I just want to sleep really.
Cora: Of course you do. You've earned it. She's a wonderful baby.
I handed the baby to the nurse. I settled myself into bed when I felt the urge to ask mama a favor.
Sybil: Mama?
Cora: Yes my darling?
Sybil: Tom is thinking of getting a job in liverpool. Going back to being a mechanic. But that wouldn't be right for him. He needs to move forward.
Cora: We'll talk about it tomorrow. We don't need to worry about it now.
I again felt this urgency inside. I felt as though this couldn't wait until tomorrow.
I kept trying to tell her what I wanted, but my mind and body were completely exhausted. I asked her to fight for Tom and the baby when the time came. I didn't know why I felt as though I needed help fighting. I had been strong enough to run away from everything I knew to marry the man I loved. In this moment however, I felt week and frail after everything my body had been put through. She gave me a kiss goodnight and left.

(Cora's POV)
I came back upstairs to see Sybil and the baby. I watched Tom and Sybil looking at their baby. Even though I had doubted their relationship in the beginning, I realized in that moment how perfect they were for each other; and what amazing parents they would be. Sybil said she was tired so everyone started to leave. As I went for the door Sybil stopped me. I walked over to her bedside. She began to explain to me things she was thinking about for the future and what she wanted Tom to achieve. As I looked into her eyes, I could tell she was desperate for me to understand her and help her. I promised to defend Tom and the baby. I kissed her goodnight and we all went to bed with our hearts filled with joy.
In the middle of the night, I heard Mary saying my name.
Mary: Mama, Mama wake up it's Sybil.
Robert and I jumped out of bed. We walked into her room to see her convulsing. This was unlike anything I had ever seen; even during the war. I knelt by her bed and grabbed her arm. All I could say was no. If I ever told her no, it would stop her. I knew deep down there was no logic in it but that was all I could do. Through the tears and the screaming, I felt her arm grow stiff. I looked up at her face and knew that she was gone. I collapsed and began to sob uncontrollably next to Tom. There was nothing anyone could do; my baby was gone.

(Sybil's POV)
It didn't take me long to fall asleep. I hadn't slept in 2 days. In the middle of the night I awoke with an excruciating headache. I asked the nurse to get me some medicine and she left. Then, I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I started breathing increasingly heavier until eventually I was gasping for air. I screamed as loud as I could for help and Tom rushed in from the other room. He came by my bedside and then yelled for help. Then everything became a blur. At that point I was just trying to survive. When papa and mama arrived I was trying to get up. I wanted to see my baby one last time. I knew that it was over. After a few excruciating minutes, everything grew dark. The fight was over.

(Thomas' POV)

It was the middle of the night when I heard Mr. Carson yell for the servants to come downstairs immediately. I rubbed my eyes, stood up, put my robe on and headed downstairs.
When I got down to the servants hall, I looked over at Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson. They both had tears in their eyes. I wondered what could've possibly happened.
Mr. Carson: There isn't an easy way to tell you all this. It's hard to accept it myself. Unfortunately Lady Sybil has passed away from complications from her delivery.
    We all stood there in silence. I assumed I would just be in shock, but I felt a lump start to form in my throat. I looked down at the floor.
Daisy: Is there anything we should do Mr. Carson?
Mr. Carson: Carry on Daisy. As we all must.
    That was normally my motto. I just carried on no matter what, but I just couldn't do that this time. Mrs. Hughes came over and hugged Daisy. I looked around and everyone was in shock or was crying. I left and stood outside of the servants hall by the stairs. Immediately, I broke down in tears. I was angry at myself for being this vulnerable. I worked so hard to become the person I was and this was ruining it. But I couldn't stop myself.
Anna: Thomas?
    Anna wasn't a friend, but she wasn't an enemy. I always thought she was too nice. Plus she married Mr. Bates, someone who wasn't fond of me and I definitely wasn't fond of him.
Thomas: I don't know why I'm crying really. She wouldn't have noticed if I died.
Anna: That's not true.
    I knew that Anna wasn't just being nice. Lady Sybil took the time to know all of us.
Thomas: No, no I don't. In my life not many people have been kind to me. She was one of the few.
    Anna came closer and hugged me. I would've shrugged it off or walked away, but at this moment, it felt nice. Mrs. Hughes walked by and we straightened up.
Mrs. Hughes: Oh don't mind me. The sweetest spirit under this roof is gone. And I'm weeping myself.

(Cora's POV)
After we had gotten over the shock of what had happened, we left Tom alone so he could have some time with Sybil. I decided to sneak back into her room to have one last time alone with my baby and to seal my promise to fight for what she wanted.
Cora: We'll look after them. We'll look after them both. Don't you worry about that.
I heard the door open. At this point, I didn't care who saw me. All I could think about was Sybil.
Mary: It's time to go to bed mama. We'll need some rest to face tomorrow.
Cora: Not just yet. This is my chance to say goodbye to my baby. You go. I'll be alright; I promise. Mary, can you ask your father to sleep in the dressing room tonight?
She left. I told her that she would always be my beauty and my baby. I kissed her and left the room.


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