Our Dream - A Hogwarts Story...

By Mystery_Author19

404 6 2

She's been through a lot in her life, the trials she has faced are just the beginning. Can she cope with what... More

Authors Note
Our Dream
Character Background
1st year - Chapter 1
1st year - Chapter 2
1st year - Chapter 3
1st year - Chapter 4
1st year - Chapter 5
1st Year -Chapter 6
1st year - Chapter 7
1st Year - Chapter 8
Summer - Chapter 9
2nd year - Chapter 10
2nd year - Chapter 11
2nd year - Chapter 12
2nd Year - Chapter 13
2nd Year - Chapter 14
2nd year - Chapter 15
2nd Year - Chapter 16
2nd Year - Chapter 17
Summer - Chapter 18
Summer - Chapter 19
Summer - Chapter 20
Summer - Chapter 21
3rd Year - Chapter 22
3rd year - Chapter 23
3rd Year - Chapter 24
3rd year - Chapter 24
3rd year - Chapter 25
3rd year - Chapter 26
3rd year - Chapter 27
3rd year - Chapter 28
3rd year - Chapter 29
3rd year - Chapter 30
3rd year - Chapter 31
3rd year - chaptet 32
3rd year - Chapter 33
3rd Year - Chapter 34
3rd year - Chapter 35
3rd year - Chapter 36
3rd year - Chapter 37
3rd year - Chapter 38
3rd year - Chapter 39
3rd Year - Chapter 40
3rd year - Chapter 41
3rd year - Chapter 42
Summer - chapter 43
Summer - Chapter 44
Summer - Chapter 45
Summer - Chapter 46
Summer - Chapter 47
Summer - Chapter 48
4th year - Chapter 50
4th year - Chapter 51
4th Year - Chapter 52
4th year Chapter 53
4th year - Chapter 54
4th year - Chapter 55
4th year - Chapter 56
4th year - Chapter 57
4th year - Chapter 58

4th year - Chapter 49

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By Mystery_Author19

It's the next day, aka, the day of our performance. I woke up nervous and it hasn't gone away.

The twins have had to talk me out of a panic attack about 2 times already. Me and Fred also had to calm George down as well. The whole day we all sat in my room trying to distract ourselves and it seemed to be working.

That was until it was about 3 hours before we had to go. I asked them to watch Caleb while I went for a shower and let me tell you, a shower with a cast is difficult. It didn't take me long and soon I was out and back in my room watching the twins amuse Caleb and themselves. They went back through to their room to get ready and I fed Caleb before putting him down for a nap before he went to poppy.

The longest thing was for me to do was my hair. I decided to change the colour, well half of it. I've wanted to do it for a while since I seen a muggle girl had it when I was out a walk with Caleb. I had gave her a compliment on it and her face lit up. I decided to stick with red and black for today. Red to represent my Gryffindor side obviously. I'm happy we don't have to wear our robes so I can dress in what I want.

After my hair was red and black I dried it and put half of it up in space buns and left the other half down to swish past my bum.

I done my makeup which was just the usual base, eyeliner and brows but I made one red one black to match my hair so it was fun. I already done my nails earlier in day so they were good.

I made a last minute decision getting ready and gave myself another piercing. I know shock horror but I think I've become obsessed. It was only one of my nose. In the middle, a septum piercing. I think it looks good.

I heard a knock on my door and in came poppy to pick up Caleb.
"Hey poppy he's in his cot, I've already fed him and he's having a nap so you can stay till he wakes up or take him the now" I told her as I finished off my makeup with some nude lipstick.

"I'll just wait, you nervous?" she asked me as she peered in to see Caleb.

"A little bit but I'm doing it to make my dad proud so I'm getting more excited." I told her.

There was a knock on the door and through it came Fred's voice "Davina, we are ready. Want us to wait or are you meeting us down there?"
"I'll meet you down there" I shouted back to him. I heard him walking off as I got up to grab my clothes.

"Oh before I forget, your cast can come off but you need to wear a boot, means you can walk without your crutches and you need to take one more healing and replenishing potion" poppy told me as she magic up a boot for me.
"oh I love you" I said making her laugh.

She took the cast on and put the boot on, luckily it was black so technically it matched my outfit, I like to think of it as an extra accessories and then she gave me the potions.

I went into the bathroom and got dressed. I had the same red bralette on from the talent show but this time you could see it since I was wearing a cropped fishnet shirt. I pulled on fishnet leggings and knee high socks before I put on my red tartan skirt and to finish it off was my ankle boots with rose embellishments.

I put the boot on my leg and hobbled out back into my room. "How do I look?" I asked poppy.

"Oh Davina Dear you look stunning" I thanked her before checking the time. I had five minutes to get down. I gave Caleb a kiss grabbed my jewellery and headed off. I was rushing to get to the behind the great hall and also trying to put my jewellery on. I had all my rings on and my necklace locket that matches Bekki's. I was just trying to put in my hoops through my tunnel stretchers.

Finally I made it and seen the twins waiting for me. I smiled and walked over to them. I gave them both hugs and asked if they were ready to which they said yes. I could hear the chatter of all the students and could hear as some first years finished getting sorted. We peered out to see all our friends sitting and looking around for us.

We were told yesterday what was going on so that we had more time to get ready. I still cant believe the triwizard tournament is going to be held this year.

"You both look very handsome, are you impressing someone?" I asked them while I held a smirk on my face. They both grinned at me.

(Fred's style^^)

(George style^^)

"Could ask you the same thing Davis" Fred raised an eyebrow at me. I just laughed at him and shook my head "did you pierce your nose while you were getting ready?" he asked while he moved my head from side to side to see it. I just nodded at him and responded to his first statement.

"Well now I've got my body back to normal I thought I'd show it off. It's been a while since I've felt comfortable enough, so why not now?" I did a little twirl which was more difficult than I expected with my boot.

"Well you look very good short stack" George said as he got ready to watch the other school's entrances.
"Yeah you look hot" Fred said as he began to do the same.

"Thanks guys" I said as I stood in between them and peered around as Dumbledore began talking.
"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen" he was interrupted my filch running up and whispering something in his hear. The three of us did our best to keep our laughter in watching how the man ran.
"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime."

The great hall door open and a group of girls dressed in blue dance up the aisle and release
Butterflies into the air. I can see all the boys staring nad notice that the twins are too. I just laugh at them.
"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkaroff."

A lot of older boys walk up the aisle holding bo staffs, twirling them around and stabbing them into the ground leaving a spark effect behind.
"Well isn't that interesting" I said under my breath but the twins heard me and they laughed. We pulled back to get ready.
We could still hear Dumbledore talking as we got ready. We seen the teachers move out the way as Dumbledore waved his wand to make a stage appear.
"Now please give a warm welcome to our entertainment for tonight. Davina Davis, Fred Weasley and George Weasley" We heard the applause of the students and teachers and im sure the Gryffindor was the loudest.

As we walked out I looked over to see our friends ans my brothers almost screaming at us. We heard some wolf whistles and Fred and George both bowed dramatically before getting to their instruments. I laughed at them before standing behind the microphone that was there. I took a deep breath as the twins started the music.

It was coming up to the high note and I quickly scanned the crowd. It surprised me to see Mr and Mrs Weasley stood with Uncle Remus and a certain black dog. I seen Mitchel standing besdie them clapping and cheering. It gave me a confidence boost, I glanced at the twins and they gave me encouraging smiles.

This is it.

I done it, I actually done it. I heard the twins whooping behind me and it encouraged me to go again. I know I can do it now. I was proving I wasn't a little girl anymore.

Soon the song came to an end and I stood there breathing heavily as the crowd screamed and applauded. I turned around and looked to see the twins standing up. I ran to Fred and he picked me up and twirled me round. I done the same with George.
"We did it" I screamed. He held hands and bowed before walking back behind the stage. I grabbed a glass of water and chugged it before we went through the castle and to the big double doors for the great hall. I saw poppy standing there with Caleb grinning at us.
"That was brilliant. I'm so proud of you guys" I gave her a hug and she said she could take Caleb until after the announcemts were done. I thanked her and went to join the twins who were already sat down.

I walked into the great hall and seen Bekki.
"BEKKS" I shouted. She turned around, got up and ran towards me tackling me into a hug and we both fell to the floor like always. We were both laughing our heads up as we stood up. I seen 3 of my favourite boys coming up to me Neville, Seamus and Dean. I ran into them and they stumbled back a few paces and we all laughed.

I heard Dumbledore clear his throat as the rest of the students were laughing. I looked over to see him smiling at us clearing waiting to continue.
"Sorry oh great one. Please continue" I bowed dramatically and shot him a wink before sitting down, I heard people trying to hold their laughs in.

"Our sister everyone. Never met anyone more sarcastic" I heard Alec say. I spun around and stood up gave another dramatic bow before sticking my fingers up again with 3 up and two down before saying "read between the lines bitch"

"Davina language" I smirked at Mitchel and it seemed he noticed what he said because he put his head in his hands from where he stood.

"why it is English dear brother of mine" I laughed at him as he shook his head before turning back to Dumbledore "sorry for the interruption my great man, I will refrain from being absolutely hilarious" I smiled as Bekki pulled me back down more than likely to scold me but I was too busy laughing.

"Davina settle down" McGonagall scolded

"Oh c'mon Minnie you know you love me" I shouted up to her. I seen a small smile paly on her lips before she could do or say anything we heard a booming laugh come from where the guests were sat. I looked over to see my Uncle Lupin trying to supress his laughter and seen the balck dog on the floor with his paws over its eyes.

"If you would let me continue," Dumbledore went to speak up.

"of course oh wise one" before I could finish my remark Fred had put his hand over my mouth and his arm around my chest to keep me still.

"thank you Mr Weasley now as I" Dumbledore was cut off by Fred shouting in pain,
"you just bit me" he stared at me in shock

"don't do that the-"


"Oh shit" I said a bit too loudly as people started laughing. We all clamed down as dumbledore continued once more.

"I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri-wizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks."

"Wicked" I heard Fred say from beside me.

Dumbledore continued "For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch."

Thunder roars overhead from the enchanted ceiling as rain begins leaking through the roof
and I can hear some girls scream. A strange man stands in the doorway at the back of the hall, he casts some magic upwards and seals the roof and it goes back to normal.

"Bloody hell, it's Mad-Eye Moody." Ron said with a shocked expression on his face

"Alistair moody? The auror?" Hermione said in a surprised tone.
"No Hermione Alistair moody the magical unicorn" I said and she stuck her tongue out at me as I laughed.

"He was a catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are full thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter though these days." Ron explains as I zone out waiting for things to go back to normal.
I furrow my brows as I watch him drink from a weird flask
"What's that he's drinking do you suppose?" I heard someone say across the table.
"I don't know but I don't think its pumpkin juice" harry says in response.
"Well done Hazza" I said in a sarcastic tone. He rolled his eyes at me but laughed with me.

The ministry worker Barty crouch walked up to address us all. "After much deliberation the ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the tri-wizard tournament. This decision is final."

Everyone immediately protests but the twins are definitely the loudest "That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!"

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouts and silences us all. I'm not too bothered about it to be honest I wasn't thinking of entering I just want a quiet year this year.

Dumbledore casts some magic over a box which melts into a goblet holding a blue flame.
"Oh pretty, I want to touch it" I said, I looked around to see my friends sending me weird looks "I was kidding" not.

"The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the tri-wizard tournament has begun." Dumbledore said.

They feast began to appear and I excused myself before anyone began to talk to me. I went and met poppy to get Caleb so I didn't have to do it after the feast.

Once I got him I headed back to the hall.

As I walked in I went over the table where the guests were.
"Hey titch that was excellent" Mitchel said standing up to hug me and immediately took Caleb for a cuddle. I hugged everyone and the bent down to talk to the 'dog'.
I hugged around his neck as he licked my cheek, I laughed and wiped it away. "Did you like it?" I asked him to which he nodded. I stood up and talked to the whole table "do you think dad would have been proud? I done it for him" they all nodded and told me we done great. Mr and Mrs Weasley told me to tell the twins they were proud.

I took Caleb back and headed over to the hufflepuff table to see my other brothers and Cedric of course.
"my turn" Cedric says as he held out his arms. I passed Caleb to him and watched as most girls turned toward him and 'awwww'd.

"Hey Ceddie, I think you've got a few admirers" I said and he looked around the hall before turning back to Caleb.
"Yeah well they aren't my type" was all he said before we changed the topic. 5 minutes later I was taking my son back and heading to my table to get dinner.

As soon as I sat down Caleb started crying. I knew he was hungry because poppy said she had changed him before she gave me him back. I was about to get up and out the hall since people were staring but then a readymade bottle was sitting in front of me. I looked around and seen that it was my father who gave it to me. He nodded as I smiled gratefully.
While Caleb was eating I finally managed to eat something myself.

"Oh your mum and dad wanted me to tell you they were proud of you two" I said to the twins

"Really?" They asked as big grins broke on their faces. I just nodded at them. I think it's the first time in a while that they were told that from their parents and I think it's sweet.

The rest of the night was talking about our summers. We never stayed on the topic of my experiences too long thankfully. My friends who hadn't seen me in the summer quickly gave me the usual 'sorry for your loss'.

That night's sleep was a great one I was defiantly exhausted .

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