Illegally yours.

By MissShaneyLeonie

9.1K 299 21

Tia-Cathryn, a 17-year-old girl from Texas moves to London meeting the infamous Harry Styles. Management wan... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty Seven.
Chapter Thirty Eight.
Chapter Thirty Nine.
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty One.
Chapter Forty Two.
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight.
Chapter Forty Nine.
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One.
Chapter Fifty Two.
Chapter Fifty Three.
Chapter Fifty Four.
Chapter Fifty Five.
Chapter Fifty Six.
New book: All my love.

Chapter Twenty Eight.

166 5 0
By MissShaneyLeonie

Okay, so my plan to slap Mari-Anne, rip up the contract and 'never speak to her again' didn't quite go to plan. Don't get me wrong, I had this whole idea in mind but as soon as I got to her door, all the words I'd practiced and rehearsed for hours straight, erased from my mind.
"Tia Wilson, what brings you to our head quarters? To be specific my office?" She sips her coffee elegantly behind a large blue desk.
"I'm here to end my contract once and for all" I state, sitting on a leather armchair facing her. She chokes on her coffee and seems to find my comment funny as she laughs profusely and then stares at me. "Oh, you were serious?"
I nod.
"Haven't I told you before? You cannot end this contract, it'll end in another month, I want Harry's image to be damaged and you seemed to want that too" She snaps, typing away on her keyboard.
"I did.." I begin, I did what? I did want to ruin my boyfriends image, but now I don't? What's the reason? He's just a boy?
Yeah, he's just a boy you happen to be in love with. My subconscious mocks.
"You did? Aw is little Tianna in love?" Mari-Anne mocks too. "Pathetic. You are absolutely pathetic, snap out of this dream, you do not love him, you lust him. There's a clear difference between the two"
Do I lust for Harry? Or do I generally love him? The letter he wrote for me, makes me believe I love him, but this contract and the sex makes me think that I just lust for him.

I had been to look at apartments yesterday, only one caught my eye and it seemed perfect, so I bought it. I'd finished moving everything into the house by today and was ready to surprise Tia for when she finished University. Gosh my girl is in university. I smile at the thought, it's six months on friday, six long months I've spent loving and caring for Tia, she's always been my priority. I just love her.
I placed her favourite book on her side of the bed, Juliet's secret boyfriend. It's about a woman who is in a unhappy marriage and meets a boy, they have lots of problems along the way and the book is really romantic, who the fuck am I? Why do I know all about this girly fucking book?
I need to get out more, Tia's filling my brain. I'm whipped.
"Niall pal, where are you?" I say into my phone. It's been too long since I've hooked up with the lads, I need some man time, man time alone.
"About to go into bar 21, you in?" He says. Bar 21? At twenty to four in the afternoon? Whatever.
"Yeah I'm down, I'll meet you there"

I grab my keys from the counter and lock our fresh new apartment, I have to pick Tia up for half 5, I mustn't be late, she didn't bring her car to work this morning and has no idea where our new apartment is. I'm trying to show her how good of a boyfriend I can be, we go on tour in two weeks time, starting in Adelaide, Tia's coming with me, and I'm excited for that. It'll be a new journey for the both of us and will really test our relationship.
I pull up outside the bar and park the car. Niall and that chick who's bestmates with Tia, bany? Betany? Bethany? Whatever her name is, are snuggled up inside a booth. I think I might throw up.

"What are you two fucking now?" I say, sliding into the booth. Beth chokes on her water, whilst Niall sticks a middle finger up, I return the gesture.

"Where's Tia?" Beth smiles, I suppose she is quite attractive, her long blonde hair, big blue eyes and white pearly smile is certainly an eye catcher but she is nothing compared to Tia.

"Work" I reply, shifting my gaze to the beer Niall placed infront of me. Oh what the hell, one won't hurt, will it? I take a sip of the beer and relish as the cold liquid I've come to love slides down my throat.

"Oh yeah, how's that going?" She says, taking another big gulp of her water before placing it down.
I look at Niall, and back at Bethany. I don't know how it's going. I never thought to ask her, I suddenly remembered that text Tee had got that time I slept at hers. I'd got jealous from the name before I actually read the text and realised he was her boss, a middle aged un-attractive man, Tia had reassured me that he had nothing on me, but then again, what do I have?

"Good" I finally say, "She won't have to stay there long anyway"
I take a few more big gulps of my beer.

"Why?" Beth and Niall both say in unison.

"Well with the tour coming up, she doesn't need this job" I explain. "We'll be on tour for months, she can find another job or I'll give her money" It sounds fucked up when I say it out loud, I like the idea better in my head. "Tia can depend on me for things"

"What if she doesn't want to work in another country?" Beth asks, she asks too many questions and the beer has gone to my head, she's starting to aggrivate me and I could blow any time."Or depend on you?"

"Then its tough shit, isn't it?" I spit, Beth gasps at my comment, she seems to hate me, but I don't give a fuck, why should I care what SHE has to say or think?

"More" I yell, slamming my second empty glass down. A hot young waitress in a tight mini skirt refills my glass and leaves.
"Harry pal, I think you've had enough to drink" Niall says, I'm only on like my 3rd glass. Who's he to tell me when to stop drinking?

"I think you should shut the fuck up" I snarl.

"What would Tia think?" Beth whispers, standing up from the booth and bringing out her phone.

"Fuck!" I shout. "Tia"

"Yeah, remember her?" Beth hands me her phone showing a picture of Tia stood by the eiffel tower, a glass of wine in one hand and her other on her hip. Her long curls hang by her sides, she's wearing a figure hugging, skin tight creme and black dress with matching heels. She has such a beautiful smile.

"What time is it?" I ask, handing the annoying bitch her phone back.

"Half 6" Beth says, " Me and Niall have to go-"
I immediantly stand up from the desk and rush to the back entrance of the club. Dialling Tia's number repeatdly, I jump into my private car. Even though I'm drunk I need to get to Tia. Fuck I'm an hour late, I hope she's not mad, I know I've let her down.

"Hello?" She says, her sweet voice fills my speaker.

"Tia babe, I'm so sorry" I pull up into the complex of her apartment and sit in the drive way. Is she even here?

"You've let me down Harry, I had to walk home all alone in the dark and pouring rain" I hear her voice crack, I know she's about to cry.

"I'm so sorry where are you now?" I ask.

"Home" She sobs. "Don't bother coming over"

"Tia please -"
The line goes dead, she'd cut me off.

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