
By shiireads_

14K 539 96

๐‚๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐’๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ โTucking the stray hair behind her ear is just him puttin... More

.| Colours of Love
.| Tere Ishq Mein
.| Yours, Always.


1.6K 76 12
By shiireads_


•| Arnika

They were everywhere, behind me, in front of me. Their sparkly shine was burning my eyes, crawling on my skin as if mocking me for the dark life I have. Chitter-chatter of my aunts, teasing of my cousins, the dark colour of henna was too much for me. So, I ran away.

From my own marriage.

I looked back balancing my bridal lehenga in one hand and my bag in other, checking if there was someone following. No one was, till now. I wasn't sure how much time it would take my family to digest the fact that their daughter ran off on her own wedding.

I ignored the look local people were giving me. And of course why not, you don't see a girl cladded in embroidery lehenga with heavy jewelery on road everyday. I don't know where I was going, but I only had one thought in my mind. To get away from here as soon as possible.

I wasn't supposed to leave my home like this, with fear of being caught or of being exposed. I never knew how my home transformed into jail day by day. I still remember how my father bought an anklet for me and I used to run around the house, making jingling sound causing my father to laugh at my antics.

A single tear escaped the confines of my eyes, I immediately wiped it off. I have to stay strong, there's no time for tears. Nervously, I turned my neck to witness anything behind me and my blood froze. I could form the shape of a body coming towards me. It was my brother.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I curled my fingers around the fabric of my dress and ran off like a bullet train. In front of me was a bus, letting some people in. My heels were creating problems and my feet were aching but I gave it my least attention. Maybe it was adrenaline rush or my will to escape but I somehow got inside the vehicle and then heaved a sigh of relief when I saw my brother far away. It was do or die situation, I couldn't risk of getting caught and then married off to some guy who wanted a typical housewife.

"Ma'am ticket?" I was startled and immediately spun to see a man holding his hand out, expecting me for a piece of paper that I was unable to provide.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a ticket." I whispered, my voice coming out as pants. I was still suffering from the after effects of running.

"You have to pay the fine."

After paying the required amount, I sat on one window seat in the last of the bus. I had some money which would allow me to sustain some days. A light chuckle slipped from my mouth, oh darn that was fun. I was finally free from the cage!

My father and brother was too soft hearted person. But when my mother passed away, it was like my father's will was snapped. He was no longer the same loving father, he was harsh. I and my brother knew he was suffering but he forgot that we also were suffering. We needed him.

My marriage was fixed abruptly, without my consent. Well, I don't think here any body care about girl's consent. I was angry. I wanted to achieve my dream, to build my career. So, after many tries, pleadings to deaf ears I was here.

I removed my heavy jeweleries and kept them safely in pocket of my bag. I leaned against the window and gazed outside. It was still noon, the hues were indicating the arrival of evening. Soon there would be darkness and stars twinkling in the sky. I smiled to myself thinking how I used to jump and try to catch them when I was little. When I couldn't catch them, I would run to my mother crying and complaining that how they ignored me.

She would say, "They aren't of your reach beta but they will always guide you to the right path after all it's a creation of God."

I miss you Ma. I know you are proud of me because my decision is right. May your and God's guidance be always with me.

I jolted awake when someone patted my shoulder. It was the bus conductor. I had fallen asleep in the middle of journey.

"We're here Ma'am." He smiled and left. I firstly checked my bag to confirm if anything wasn't missing and when I found none, I stepped out from the bus. We were in standing outside a hotel of which I had zero clue and the chilly wind didn't helped at all.

I turned around, only to question in my mind, Where the hell am I?

•| Daksh

Enchanted darkness was surrounding the sky, million of sparkly object blinking in the sky. Sometimes I really get amazed how god created nature, it was elegant beyond imagination. I observed my surroundings. The lush green forest wasn't that green in the night, a whisper of air going around.

I inhaled it, the air. It was overwhelming, to be here far from artificial world, in the arms of lush beauty. I could almost feel the difference in air. We were on a trip to Jaipur, the Pink City of India. 'We' in the sense, me and other passangers of the tour bus. It was a break time. Our bus was parked on side. Many people were making their ways to nearby shop to eat or get fresh.

It was the time for departure so I thought to head back. I was about to turn when I saw them.

Inspite of the governing stars in the sky, they emerged, the fireflies. I hastily grabbed my camera which was swinging on my arm and aimed at them. I clicked the button and a snap was heard. I smiled to myself when I saw how beautiful the picture turned out to be. This night was turning out to be so beautiful.

There was a jingling sound that caught my attention, I adverted my eyes from the camera to the source of sound and my breath hitched.

Remember I said that nature was elegant beyond imagination? I take that back.

This person, standing in front of me, trying to pacify her surrounding was the most elegant creation of God. She was clutching her lehenga tightly around her fists, a blazing fire dancing around her.

"Excuse me! Why are you clicking my pictures?" I thought her voice would be soft, sensitive but it was mixed with confidence.

"What?" I blinked. And then I saw her glare, both at me and my camera.

Damn it this girl!

"Oh hello! I'm a professional photographer and.." Narrowing my eyes, I stalked up to her, feeling her cat like eyes tracking me. She was so small against me, barely reaching till my chin with a fury on her face. It made me smile. I then showed her my recent clicks. "I was clicking pictures of nature, see!"

I could the see the whirlwind of expression going all around her face. It was funny, literally. Lightly shaking my head, I picked up the cover of my camera and started walking back to the bus not before craning my neck in her direction and speaking with a smirk, "Also, you aren't that beautiful."

I swear I heard her mutter 'asshole' under her breath.


As soon as I entered in my room, I changed into warm clothes as temperature in Jaipur tends to be more cool than other places. The bed in the middle of the room, with soft, warm lights around it was calling me. I jumped on it, feeling the mattress making me bounce slightly. This was so different from my bed and I was so going to enjoy my sleep here.

My room's door suddenly bursted open, startling me. The red lehenga girl from before trailed with her bag and jumped on my bed while I was watching the scene unfold with gaping mouth.

"This is so soft." She cooed, touching the fabric of bed.

"What are you doing in my room?" I practically hopped from the bed and glared at her. This was my room for god's sake! How the hell she even got the keys? I was seriously going to have a talk with the manager.

She just got up from the bed and started forwarding toward me. At first I thought, I was too harsh but the look on her face depicted another thing. Her steps were slow yet it was fast. Her feet stopped when she was close too me. From here I could see the tiny lashes of hers, could feel the softness of her skin, her lips were slightly parted. She wounded her arms around my neck and I froze, "You mean our room, husband?"

I stumbled back from her gasp, "I'm not your husband!" I yelled to which she rolled her eyes and went back to the bedside.

"I know! It's a imaginary story I made." She unzipped her bag and took out some clothes from it, "Like we are newly married couple and on our honeymoon, blah blah blah."

"You what?" I screeched, horrified by her strange story. Man, I'm sure this girl is crazy.

"So what? Huh? I did to save myself! I don't know this city and I can't roam around at this odd hour. Can I? All other rooms were packed with couples, just this one was occupied by one person, so to adjust here I came up with this story."

I was pretty sure my expression would have shown the surprise and confusion because she again said,

"Don't worry. We aren't getting married! And, you can check your messages, your half payment has been returned to you. I've paid my share for this room." Then she went inside the washroom.

I checked my phone and her words were true. There was a message about my half payment credited to my account. I ran my fingers through my hair and massaged my temples.

What shit am I into now?


This was supposed to be my trip! Solo one. I was going to enjoy alone! What? How? Fuck! What the fuck is happening?!

I pocketed my phone, grabbed my wallet and went to the reception. I was going to have a nice, long, healthy talk with the manager. Who doesn he think he is?

What if it's a 'she'?

Okay, who does she thinks she is! Giving my room to another person without my permission. There's something called consent!

I walked to the reception with confidence, stopping just as the receptionist finished talking to someone on phone.

"How may I help you, sir?" Her smile was as fake as her lashes, though I didn't comment on it. I just went with the anger in me,"I want to meet the manager right now!"

Her smile wavered, if it was because of my voice or my expression, I don't know.

"Sorry sir but the manager is not available right now. If you have any complaint you can tell me, I'll look into it. If you've any message you can also tell me I will forward it to-"

"Of course I've complaint! The service of this hot-"

"Oh honey!" I heard her before I felt it. Her hand snaking around my bicep. I looked over the side to see that lehenga girl who was the reason for my sour mood, giving a sweet smile to me.

"Please excuse him. He's just angry that the geyser is not working. Look into it please." She happily said this to receptionist and started dragging me to the room.

"What the-"

"Shut up!" She hissed. Her hands tightened around me and soon we were in our room. With her infront of me, her hands on her hips and lips pressed in a thin line."Do you even know what were you doing?! You were going to get me homeless!"

"And how that is my problem?"

She sighed. Walking over, she took a seat on the side of bed. "I ran away." Her fingers were busy pulling the threads of bedsheet. "From my home. I needed a place to stay. There wasn't a single room for me here. Yours was the only option left. I'm sorry for this. I know it's abrupt. But it's only matter of few days! Bear with me. We just have to pretend outside that we are newly married."

I sat on the couch, my eyes not leaving her. She blinked, gauging for my reaction, waiting for my answers.

I pondered on the topic. Her situation, as she's telling, is worse. I'm selfish. I know I am. But not this that I'll kick a person in need and won't help. But should I do this fake pretending thing? Should I let her ruin my trip? As if it isn't already ruined.


Just one word. It was enough for a smile to grace on her face. A face so beautiful, a smile so astonishing. I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes. "I won't pretend to be your husband everytime. Only when we have company."

She nodded. Her smile still gracing her face. I stretched myself on the couch, making it comfortable and then layed there. I closed me eyes, listening the jingling of her payal like a lullaby.

"And, keep your distance from me when we are in this room." I warned which was followed by a light yawning. I heard her mumble something but was too sleepy to hear it.


The splash of cold water on my body jerked me awake. I sat up, frantically blinking and trying to get any idea about my surrounding.

"What the fuck?!" My face was drenched, drops of water sneaking towards my shirt. I snapped my eyes straight to a figure standing infront of my with a sheepish smile on her face and an empty glass of water clutched in her right hand.

"I'm sorry. I tried waking you up but you sleep like a hog." She shrugged and then lifted her hand to show me the glass. "I had to use this."

Standing up, I raked my hands through my hair, grimacing when they came out wet. "Why did you wake me up? For one of your fake act?"

"No. I mean yes, as we'll have to act but I specifically didn't wake up for that. It's because of dinner."  

"What dinner?"

"For us to have dinner in the hotel's resturant."

"You Woman-" I started but was cutoff by her.

"I have a name you know? It's Arnika." She smiled, giving me those full, wide eyes.

"Do you have the idea?" I took a step ahead. "That we can have our dinner here? In this room." She blinked as if she knew it.

"But all the people who came here for the trip are having dinner together. To get to know each other as we all will be spending time for few days-"

I was in irritating mood mainly because of my half sleep and also because of this uncalled burden who was standing in front of me. That's why I didn't let her finish her sentence just picked on of my other t-shirt from my bag and went inside the washroom to change. When I came outside she was still there, following me with her eyes. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

Without listening her reply I opened the door and left for the restaurant.

It was lightly dimmed, casting soft hum of lights around the space. Tune of music drifted along the air. It would've been too good for my liking if my mood wasn't down. I tilted my face, trying to find a decent table.

"This way sir, ma'am. " A waiter came, signalling me towards a table. His smile directed to something behind me made me aware of her presence. But I didn't turn or tried to acknowledge her, simply went ahead and sat on the chair. She took her seat on my opposite.

"We have special discount for the newlyweds." He smiled to us. I word newlyweds felt like an itch to my body. "And one free dessert from our side!"

"Order whatever you want." She looked to me at the sound of my voice. Her smile slowly dying the sparkle of her eyes diminishing. It made my chest ache and I clenched my jaw, not liking the action of me body.

"Yeah so, we will get.." she trailed her eyes across the menu, then proceeded to name the dishes. When the waiter was gone, her stare shifted. To me. And I really really didn't liked it.

"I'm sorry."

My eyes snapped to her. Our stare clashing against each other, searing something warm inside me. It spread from my chest to my heart to whole body. There was something so intense about this contact of our eyes. She didn't said anything more but I understood it. I felt the unsaid words. I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

We were quite throughout the wait for our food. Neither of us speaking, neither of us making any eye contact.

"You two are so cute! Perfect couple!" I ignored the comment. I wasn't-

Something poked my leg.

Then a sensation of a pointed object traveling up. I ducked under to see a heel sandal on my shoes circling like a snake. With narrowed eyes, I was about to say something to her when I saw it.

Her blush. The soft pinkish shade on her cheeks and neck, making her eyes more beautiful. It was so surreal to see her like this. It was like watching a precious secret.

'pretend. say thank you.' she mouthed. That knocked me back to the situation in hand. I craned my neck to side, thanking the women seated beside our table.

I mouthed back to her, 'ab khush?'

She just gave me a smile and I chastised myself not to focus on that curve of her lips for too long.


I'm back! Yess I am!

Just adding few more scenes here and there. And in no time the epilogue will be up also!

Intihaa has 8K+ views? Are you kidding me???

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you all<33 🥺

So here's the first chapter of Tere Ishq Mein.

What do you think of Arnika's weird story?

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