Friends Stick Together || Ama...

By lyzshaa

4K 164 219

Yashiro Nene, a freshman in highschool. She was a new student at Kamome High, and she was labeled as 'The Qui... More

Two Peas In A Pod
A Reason [Part 1]
A Reason [Part 2]
On Hold Or Cancel? (Notice)
I Don't Want To Hurt Them.
Protect Her
A Love To Hate

The Quiet Nerd

792 17 73
By lyzshaa

Yashiro Nene, 14 years old, a freshman, and a new student at Kamome High. She never bothered to make friends, for she would move school eventually. That was until a boy named Amane approached her.


It was a normal day for Yashiro. She'd find her way to her classroom, and sit there quietly while waiting for her teacher to arrive.

She never gets a chance to know about the school news, for she merely chatted with anyone.

When the whole class would do a group project, she would be neglected and forgotten.

But Yashiro didn't bother.

'I'll leave this school one day eventually.' Yashiro thought as she went to do her routine in her classroom, look at the flowers from the window. She chose to sit beside the window, so she could atleast have a glimpse of the outside world.

"Ah... Hello there.." Yashiro whispers as she sees a butterfly land on one of the plants close to the window.

'Hey, daikon-nerd.'

A familiar voice called out, it was a group of girls.

This was also part of Yashiro's routine, to get a handful from the popular girls in class.

'Don't even bother... She's talking to a butterfly.' whispers one of the girls from behind.

Yashiro just remained quiet.

"We need our money." the girls confronted Yashiro.

"What if I don't have your stupid money?" Yashiro answers back.

The girls scowled.

"Listen here you little brat-"

Someone cuts her off.

'Leave her alone.' someone calls out.

"Haven't you bothered that girl enough already?" asks a boy with dark, choppy hair.

Yashiro was surprised. No one has ever bothered to stand up for her in this school.

"Mind your own business, Yugi." scolds one of the girls.

"I will once you leave her alone." responds the boy.

The girls leave and go back to their seats.

Yugi then approaches Yashiro.

"Hello! My name is Yugi Amane, what's yours?" asks Amane.

Yashiro just turns away.

"That's not a nice gesture towards the person who saved you, y'know..." Amane pouts

"Th-Thanks." Yashiro mumbles.

"You got your 'Thank you'. You can leave me alone now."

But Amane doesn't give up.

"Silly, I asked for your name, not a gratitude." he smiles towards Yashiro as he leans on her desk.

Yashiro was now wide eyed. But she didn't let her guard down.

"My name's in the attendance sheet." she scowls. "Or you could call me 'Daikon-nerd'. Haven't you heard the nickname people give me now?" Yashiro faces Amane, frowning.

"Yeah, nice try. But I'm not giving up." Amane smirks.

Yashiro was now annoyed, she knew there was no point in staying quiet or else Amane wouldn't leave her alone

Yashiro buried her face on her desk.

"Y-Yashiro Nene. My name's Yashiro Nene." Yashiro whispers.

"Great! You can call me Amane. And I'll call you Nene." he says with a grin.

That was loud enough for all the people in the classroom to hear.

'Yugi-kun's talking to Yashiro.' Started the whispers.

'Not just that! He's telling her to call him by his first name, and he's calling her by her first name, too.' whispered the others.

'Does he like her?'
'Are they dating?'
'Since when were they friends?'
'Are they siblings? No... They look different.'

Now, Yashiro was a nervous wreck.

"A... Aren't you ashamed of the whispering?" Yashiro asks Amane, then he looks around.

"They're just whispers." Amane responds bluntly.

Yashiro was taken aback by his answer. No one has ever wanted to talk to her before, and if someone did and heard the whispers, they'd back out immediately, and and even if she did make a friend, its either they forget about her or use her.

"Nene-san?" Amane calls out

"Ah... Sorry, Yugi-kun. I was spacing out-"

"Amane-kun. Didn't I say you could call me by my first name?" Amane interupts Yashiro.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry, Amane-kun."

Yashiro has never called anyone by their first name before, so she was embarrassed and started to blush.

"There we go!" Amane giggles.

"Let's have lunch together, okay? I'll wait for you on the roof." Amane offers.

"E-Eh?! Why so soon?" Yashiro asks nervously.

"We're friends now, aren't we?" Amane asks Yashiro.

"Oh. Yeah I forgot. Let's be friends, Nene-san" Amane asks immediately.

Yashiro starts to hesitate.

"How am I sure you won't use or forget about me...?" Yashiro turns back at the window.

Amane then pulls her head to make her look at him

Now the whispers were getting intense.

'Yugi touched her!'

"You'll see~" Amane tells Yashiro playfully.

Yashiro was now confused.

"O-Okay, Yu- Amane-kun."

And that was the day Yashiro made her very first true friend.


Yashiro went to the roof, just like Amane told her too.

'What if he was just playing me? Or pranking me? Maybe he won't show up.. ' Yashiro thought to herself

No. He'll be there. Just you see Yashiro.

Yashiro made her way to the stairs leading towards the roof, just to be greeted by three girls. The girls who confronted her earlier.

"Where's our money? Daikon freak?" they confronted Yashiro again.

"I said I don't have your money. Didn't I mention that earlier? Now, let me pass." Yashiro tried her best to show them she wasn't scared, even though she was really scared of what they'll do to her.

The girls moved, which surprised Yashiro. But she climbed the stairs anyways, afraid they might change their minds. As Yashiro was about to take her fifth step, she felt a strong pull on her hair, that left her to fall

"'Oops, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.'" says one of the girls while taking Yashiro's food out of her hands.

"Give it back!" Yashiro screams, still in pain from the fall.

The girls just laughed at her.

"You actually think he'll be there? Pfft. Pathetic." one of the girls laughed.

"He was obviously just lying to you, right, 'Nene-san'?" insulted one of the girls

'In fact, I am here. No wonder Yashiro-san was taking so long.'

A voice calls out, it was Amane.

"Didn't I say stop bothering her?" Amane scolds.

Now the girls were annoyed as ever

"Fine. Your safe. For now atleast, Daikon." with one last insult, the girls left.

"Are you okay, Nene-san?" Amane asks with concern. "I heard something or someone fall. Was it you?" he kneels beside Yashiro. Yashiro was crying, but refused to admit that she was the one who fell.

"Why do you even care, Amane-kun..." Yashiro muffles because of her tears.

"Like I said, were friends. Right?" Amane responds.

Yashiro was crying even harder. "I have no friends." she yells at Amane.

Amane didn't care that she yelled, he understood that she had trust issues, and here he is, helping her get rid of those issues.

"Then what am I to you?" Amane asks seriously.

Yashiro shrugs. "I'm supposed to be asking that question." Yashiro walks towards her food that was now ruined.

"You can have mine if you want." Amane offers

"It... It's okay, Amane-kun. I'm n-not hungry." Yashiro responds.

"I... I'll go to the bathroom for a while.." Yashiro then rushes to the bathroom.

"Eh?! W-Wait-!" Amane knew there was no stopping her, so he let her go, for now.

Amane went back to their classroom, and found Yashiro burying her face on her desk.

As Amane walked closer, he saw crumpled paper beside her desk.

They never stop, huh.

He picked up the paper and was stopped by Yashiro.

"I-I'll pick them up, Yugi-kun."

"I said you could call me by my first name, right?" Amane asks.

Yashiro turns away.

"Fine. Amane-kun..." Yashiro whispers.

"Is it that hard to pronounce my first name?" Amane says while wiping Yashiro's tears

"Why do you care so much about me...? Amane-kun?" Yashiro asks again.

"I said it a million times, you're my-" Amane gets cut-off by Yashiro's sudden pull of his arm.

Yashiro's and Amane's face were close enough to touch each other's nose, which made Amane blush.

"I want a different answer than that." Yells Yashiro. Her eyes were teary and narrow.

"Ah..." Amane doesn't know what to say, he made an effort to be friendly to her, and he doesn't even know why.

"I..." Amane couldn't think of an answer. He kept saying it was because they were friends, but he didn't even try to think why he wanted to be friends with her.

"Just as I thought." Yashiro lets go of Amane's arm.

"The teacher's coming. You should get back to your seat. Yugi-kun." Yashiro tells Amane while looking back at the window.

Amane just stood there feeling guilty.

"I-I'm sorry, Nene-san." Amane says while going to his seat, which was behind Yashiro.

I'll try and cheer her up. Amane thought.


It was the end of class. Amane decided to look for Yashiro, to walk her home.

Amane looked everywhere for Yashiro, but he couldn't find her. Not even on the roof nor the garden

Amane looks at the old school building, and the first place his eyes land on was the roof, where he sees a girl with cream hair with aquamarine tips, looking at the sky.

"Ah... So that was where she was hiding..." Amane then walks toward the old school building.

(Yashiro's POV)

I might aswell be alone here for a while...

Yashiro glances at the school gate, seeing Amane running towards the old school building.


Yashiro wasn't ready to face him, so she quickly went back into the old school building to hide, thats when she bumped into Amane.

"Oh... You-You're here..." Yashiro mumbles.

"I'm a fast runner." Amane says with a grin.

"Sorry about earlier, I'm quite the drama queen..." Yashiro admits.

"It's fine, Nene-san, I'm sorry for giving such a petty reason too. I'm sure it just made your trust issues worse." Amane says. Yashiro then starts to look down.

"What do you want, Amane-kun?" Yashiro asks.

"I... I wondered if its fine with you if I would walk you home..." Asks Amane.

Yashiro then jolts her head up.
"W-Walk me home...?" Asks Yashiro, red as a tomato.

"Mhm! If that's fine with you, ofcourse."

"I'm fine with that, but are you...?" Yashiro asks Amane.

No one has even wanted to walk home with her, no one has ever wanted to walk to school with her, either.

"Ofcourse it is!" Amane says cheerfully.

"O-Okay." Yashiro mumbles.

Amane then takes Yashiro's hand and leads her out of the school.


(Amane's POV)

She's been awfully quiet since we left the school. Amane thought.

I'll cheer her up. Yeah. But with what? Amane thinks again, his ideas were out.

Should I come to her home to help her with homework? Should I invite her home?

No.. Then she'll get another handful, from my little brother. Amane thought

Yashiro's been looking down at the street the whole time. Keeping her distance from Amane.

"Nene-san?" Amane calls out, worried he might've done something wrong.


She didn't even bother to say my name...

"Di-Did I do something wrong? Are you still mad at me?" Amane bursts out, attacking Yashiro with questions.

"Whoa... Slow down. No... I'm not mad, Yugi- Amane-kun..." Yashiro smiles at Amane.

"And you didn't do anything wrong either." Yashiro reassures Amane with the warmest, biggest and brightest smile she could give.

Amane was still worried. So he blurted out words he didn't mean to say.

"Would you like to come over to my house, Nene-san?" Amane asks, his face red after realizing what he had just said.

"O-Ofcourse i-if th-th-that's fine with y-you, Ne-Nene-san..." he stutters, while chuckling nervously.

Yashiro stared at Amane wide eyed and surprised.

(Yashiro's POV)

Oh no... Hold it in, Nene! You'll embarrass him even more if you...

Yashiro couldn't help but laugh at Amane.

Yashiro: "Aha-haha!" she giggles, covering her mouth with two of her hands.

Yashiro: "I-I'm sorry but-" she's held back by another wave of laughter.

Amane stared at Yashiro, his face cooled down a bit. But hr was still blushing just at the sight of Yashiro laughing.

He finally made her laugh.

Amane smiled at the sight, and started laughing too.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" asks Amane.

Yashiro smiles.

"Yes, ofcourse Amane-kun." Yashiro says while trying to hold back another wave of laughter.

-At Amane's House-

Amane and Yashiro arrive safely at Amane's house.

"I'm home~!" Amane calls out while removing his shoes.

Then, a boy with the same dark and choppy hair as Amane rushes out of one of the rooms.

He looks just like Amane-kun. Yashiro thought

"Amane! Amane! I missed you!" cries the boy, rushing towards Amane to give him a big hug.

"I scored a ball in P. E. at school!" he says excitedly.

"Tsu-Tsukasa, you're holding on to tight..." Amane complains, embarrassed that Yashiro had to witness this, first-person.

Tsukasa looks toward Yashiro.
"Oh! Hello there! I'm Tsukasa, Amane's twin brother!" Tsukasa welcomes Yashiro with a big smile on his face.

"Amane, is she who I think she is?" Tsukasa looks at Amane with hopeful, big eyes.

"Hey, Mom, Dad! Amane's found himself a girlfriend!" Tsukasa exclaims.

"Wha-What?!" Amane and Yashiro cries out.

"Tsukasa... She-She's not my gi-girlfriend..." Amane stutters. Totally flushed by Tsukasa's theory.

"Eh?! She isn't?" Tsukasa asks with wide eyes.

"Say, are you Amane's girlfriend?" Tsukasa asks Yashiro.

"N-No... I-I'm Nene Yashiro... A-Amane-kun's classmate..." Yashiro mumbles, blushing red.

Tsukasa then looks around Yashiro.

"Ah... I see, makes sense. Amane doesn't usually date daikon-ankled people." Tsukasa says bluntly.

That left Yashiro is shock.

"Tsukasa, that's not a way to treat our guests." someone scolds Tsukasa from behind, lightly patting him on the head with a book.

"I'm sorry about him, he's always like that..." Amane apologizes to Yashiro.

"A-Ah! I-Its fine, Amane-kun..." Yashiro then answers back, looking at the floor.

"I've been insulted about my ankles many times. So its fine." she assures Amane with a bright smile.

Amane was surprised at Yashiro. She's been bullied, teased, insulted, and sometimes even bruised. But she just smiles about it?!

Amane then scolds Yashiro.

"N-No! Its not fine... For me atleast. You should be treated better than this." Amane then says a bunch of words he didn't mean to say.

"Amane." Someone then calls out to Amane. It was his dad.

"You should lead your 'girlfriend' towards the living room, am I right?" he scolds playfully, raising one eyebrow up.

"Dad..." Amane then complains.

"Haha, I'm kidding. Your mom's almost finished cooking. So lead her to the dining area." Amane's dad orders.

Amane then takes Yashiro's wrist. "Come on, Nene-san" he smiles at her while leading her to the dining area...

They had finished eating, so Amane decided to help Yashiro with her homework.

"Are you sure you ate enough food? You only ate five shrimps, a few seaweed and thats it!" Amane asks worriedly.

"Mhm! I ate enough." Yashiro says with a smile.

Amane wanted her to eat more, but he decided he won't push her.

"O-Okay then... But if you get skinny, you'll come to my house every day to eat, okay?!" Amane tells Yashiro strictly.

Yashiro was surprised at how he's acting. No one has ever cared about how much she eats, she'll usually get bullied if she eats too much.

"And not to mention you didn't eat lunch!" Amane scolds Yashiro again.

"I'm fine, Amane-kun, I promise." she reassures Amane.

"Not believing it." he then takes Yashiro back to the dining room, towards their kitchen.

"If we're gonna answer our homework, we'll atleast have a snack for that!" He says while taking out a box of chocolate covered cookies.

Yashiro was hungry, but she didn't want to eat anymore, in attempt to try and make her ankles slim.

"I-I... I said I'm full, didn't I?" she stops Amane from taking the box.

"You don't look full to me." Amane says, firming his grip on the box.

He takes one cookie out as Yashiro was about to speak, and stuffs it in her mouth.

Yashiro couldn't do anytging but chew while pouting.

"It's good, right~?" Amane asks Yashiro, smirking.

Yashiro would've lied if she said it wasn't. Without knowing what she was doing, she takes another one out from the box and chews on it again.

Amane then laughed at Yashiro's gesture.

"Ahahahaha! I knew you were hungry!" Amane teases.

"Oh, shut up..." Yashiro then responds. She gave up hesitating after taking her first taste of the cookies. Then they both went to Amane's bedroom to answer their homework.


It was now 8:01. Yashiro decided it was a good time to say goodbye to Amane.

"I have to go, Amane-kun. I still have hamsters to feed." Yashiro says to Amane.

"Sure, Nene-san. I'll walk you out the door." he offers Yashiro.

They reach the door and Yashiro went out of it.

"Thank you for tonight, Amane-kun." Yashiro smiles at Amane.

"Yeah. You can come over again whenever you like." he smiles back.

"I'm sorry, I would have love to walk you home but, I don't have my parents' permission too.." Amane apologizes again.
"Ah, its fine, Amane-kun. I'll go home from here."

Yashiro smiles at Amane before taking off. It was the best day of Yashiro's life.


Amane walks back into the house just to be greeted by Tsukasa's wide, and hopeful grin.

"Amane! Do you like her???" Tsukasa attacks Amane with questions involving Amane and Yashiro.

"E-Eh?! No-No way! Wh-What makes you think that?!" Amane stutters and blushes.

"You're giving me another reason to suspect that!" Tsukasa giggles. "You blush and stutter whenever I mention daikon-san!" Tsukasa says jokingly.

"Tsukasa, please don't call her a daikon." Amane scolds his little brother while making his way to his room.

"You gave me another reason!" Tsukasa exclaims.

And they chatted about Amane liking Yashiro for the whole night...

~•~•~•~•~The Next Day•~•~•~•~

Yashiro walked in the direction of Kamome High. Trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

She remembered last night, ofcourse.

Amane-kun's probably forgotten about me. Yes. That's right. No one remembers the 'daikon-nerd' anyways. Yashiro thought.

Just as she was about to stop thinking about Amane, that's when he pops out of nowhere.
"Nene-san!" Exclaims Amane from behind, totally scaring Yashiro.

"Kya!! A-Amane-kun?!" Yashiro was startled by his sudden appearance. She thought he had forgotten about her already.

"Mhm! That's me!" Amane smiles at Yashiro.

Then he notices the look on her face.

"Didn't I say I won't forget about you?" Amane tells Yashiro, trying to make her remember the promise he'd made yesterday.

"Oh.. Yeah... I'm sorry, I thought you were just bluffing." Yashiro admits.

"And why are you following me, Amane-kun?" Yashiro asks Amane.

"Hmm... It's because...

Friends stick together, right?"

Yashiro was surprised at his answer. She'd never make a friend before. Yashiro then looks down and smiles.

"Thank you, Amane-kun..." Yashiro whispers. A light blush on her cheeks.

"Anytime!" Amane tells Yashiro, then pulls her wrist and drags her to school with him.


It was another normal day for Yashiro, but she had a frien with her.

Amane stopped by at the bathroom, and told Yashiro she would go first.

The sight of her alone started another set of whispers.

'I knew it. Yugi wouldn't want to be her friend.' Was the whisper that started it all.

'He forgot about her again, like everyone does.

'I almost feel bad about how pathetic she is.'

'Keep it down, daikon-san can hear us.'

Yashiro was bothered by the whispers. So she looked down while she made her way to her desk.

They're right. Yashiro thought, burying her face onto her desk.

He's probably just faking me. That's why he went to the bathroom. I bet he can't stand me.

Negative thoughts overflew Yashiro's head, that was until she heard a familiar voice call out to her;



Eep- another fanfic cuz why not XD

Part 4 of 'If I could stop time is in progress. Don't worry. :)

Thank you to everyone who voted, commented and read that fanfic ^^

It means a lot... I was just starting to lose motivation XD

Anyways, I'll make part 2 tomorrow. With more that 3k words. Again, I'm not overworking myself. Its just that stories pop out of my head T_T

Sorry for the poor cover, It'll be improved once I get my ipad back.

Anyways, what do you think of this fanfic? I'll leave that question to you. Goodbye shippers ~

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