๐™‹๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š ๐™’๐™š๐™ž

By ReneCainMarien

515K 24.8K 11.2K

Mo Da Zu Shi and Tian Guan Ci Fu presents. ๐™‹๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š ๐™’๐™š๐™ž - ๐™Ž๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ƒ๐™ช๐™–๐™‡๐™ž๐™–๐™ฃ Spanish translat... More

1|Last wish|
7|Lotus Pier|
9|Puqi Shrine|
20|First meet|
21|Tianzi Xiao|


8.4K 442 300
By ReneCainMarien


Wei Wuxian passed a piece of paper to Lan Wangji and grinned at him. Lan Wangji's eyes widened as he looked at the paper in his hands and then he slowly looked at the smiling Wei Wuxian next to him.

"You... Why did you draw my portrait?"

"Does it look like you? Is it good? "

Wei Wuxian leaned in closer to look at Lan Wangji's face and smiled. 'Don't come closer. Don't smile. No stop laughing. I... I can't look away. Stop it' Lan Wangji gently placed the portrait on the table despite his inner turmoil and said:

"You have spare time, yet instead of copying the text, you make random scribble. From my point of view,you will never be released from your punishment."

"I already finished copying, so I won't be coming tomorrow! Baba will be soooo proud of me."

Wei Wuxian said proudly tapping his chest and smiling. Lan Wangji lowered his gaze from the smiling Wei Wuxian to his portrait laying on the table in front of him. He said sadly, barely a whisper.

"Is that so."

Before Lan Wangji could take a nice look at his portrait, Wei Wuxian grabbed it. It took Lan Wangji all his self control and all the three thousand rules drilled into his head to stop himself from snatching that portrait back. He looked at Wei Wuxian as he took Lan Wangji's brush 'he's holding my brush' dipped it in his ink 'thats my ink' and started drawing in front of him.'in front of meee.'

"Oh, I forgot. I need to add something to your portrait.
Hmm... a flower and a butterfly on the side of the head~ Done! "

Lan Wangji stayed in his seat resisting the urge to take a peek while Wei Wuxian drew the flowers. Lan Wangji was pretending to read his book as Wei Wuxian finished his drawing. Wei WuXian put the brush down and gave the portrait back to Lan Wangji.

"Here you go, for you. "

' For me ' Lan Wangji took the portrait from Wei Wuxian. It was beautifully done, and there was a flower on one side of his head and a butterfly on the other side just like Wei Wuxian promised. Lan Wangji placed the paper down as gently as possible and opened his mouth to say.


"You're gonna say 'pathetic' right? I just know it.
Can't you switch to another phrase? Or add another word to it? "

Wei Wuxian cut in before Lan Wangji could finish. He grinned at Lan Wangji and wiggled his eyebrows at him.

'Since you asked nicely.' Lan Wangji an answered with a straight face.

"Extremely pathetic"

"So you really did add another word. Thank you!"

Wei Wuxian laughed loudly and clapped his hands. He stood up but did not leave. He pointed at Lan Wangji's book and said.

"Alright. I'll stop disturbing you. Don't you still have to read those Buddhist scriptures? Continue, continue"


Lan Wangji opened the Buddhist scriptures to read. His eyes widened after seeing the contents of the book. The book which looked like a Buddhist script from outside was now filled with pornographic drawing. Lan Wangji was stunned speechless he suddenly stood up.

"!!! This !!! "

Lan Wangji exclaimed and immediately hurled the book far away. Wei Wuxian started laughing hysterically rolling on the ground. His loud laughs echoed in the Library Pavilion as Lan Wangji stared at the laughing mess with a shocked face.


"Lan-Er-Gongzi, you're actually looking at erotic pictures! "

Wei Wuxian teased in between his loud laughter. Lan Wangji glared at Wei Wuxian who was now rolling on the floor clutching his stomach and laughing. Lan Wangji's grip on Bichen tightened as he said.

"You--!! You actually switched the content of Buddhist scriptures with that... that.... "

Wei Wuxian continued to laugh, almost crumbling to the floor. He looked at Lan Wangji and laughed even more, making Lan Wangji even more pissed. Lan Wangji called him.

"Wei Ying!! "

"Here! I'm here. I'm here! "

Wei Wuxian raised his hands as he replied still laughing. He could not stop his laughter after seeing Lan Wangji's expressions, eyes wide open , furrowed eyebrows and the blushed ears. 'oh Lan Zhan you blushed'

Lan Wangji furiously drew his sword Bichen and pointed at the laughing Wei Wuxian.

"What sort of person are you?"

Wei Wuxian replied while wiping his tears away. He waved at Lan Wangji and said.

"What sort of person could I be? A man! "

"You have no shame"

Lan Wangji deadpanned looking at Wei Wuxian who had tears in his eyes from too much laughing.

"Do I need to be ashamed about these kinds of things? Don't tell me you've never seen something like this before. I don't believe you."
' I actually see this live , you know. '

Wei Wuxian replied looking away from Lan Wangji, his cheeks suddenly felt hot. Lan Wangji pointed his sword at Wei Wuxian again and this time the wraith butterflies all appeared around them.

"Hey Lan Zhan. No. Stop. They'll hurt y--"

Wei Wuxian face filled with worry seeing hundreds of butterflies flying towards Lan Wangji but his words were cut short when they just flew around him. The butterflies neither formed the protection barrier around Wei Wuxian nor attacked Lan Wangji. Some butterflies even sat on Lan Wangji's shoulders and head. 'What the heck is happening ? '

"I am not scared. "

Lan Wangji said with clear voice his sword still pointed directly at Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian stood up from the ground, pointed an accusing finger at the butterflies and said.

"You traitors. Whose side are you on?"

The butterflies did not answer but they happily sat on Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian felt like laughing more seeing Lan Wangji pointing the great Bichen at him with a pissed off face while having butterflies on his shoulders and head. Lan Wangji said his voice getting louder.

"You, go outside. Let's fight. "

Waving a hand at Lan Wangji Wei Wuxian said innocently. 'Oh Lan Zhan, look at that face of yours'

"Not fighting~. Not fighting~.
Don't you know Lan-Gongzi? Personal fights are prohibited in the Cloud Recesses."

Lan Wangji picked up the pornographic book back up before Wei Wuxian can. Wei Wuxian panicked. 'This is evidence. Don't. Don't take it to that old man. '

"Eh? Hey.
Why are you grabbing the book? I thought that you didn't want to read it. You want to secretly keep it? That won't work. I borrowed it from someone else, so you have to return it after you read it. "

Wei Wuxian was hoping Lan Wangji would throw it away and then he can give it back to Nie Huisang. 'Please just give it back. Don't take it to old man Lan. Or you could just destro...'

"You--! "

Lan Wangji gritted his teeth and continued to point his sword at Wei Wuxian. He took a step closer making Wei Wuxian scramble back.

"Hey hey don't come over!
If you get too close, I feel nervous. If you have something to say, say it properly. You're not gonna hand this in are you? Hand it in to whom? Old- your Shufu? "

' I have to to rile you up until you destroy it. Come on Lan Zhan. '  Wei Wuxian said as he moved back few more steps even to get away from Lan Wangji's sword. He huffed and rolled his eyes at the traitor butterflies, who simply flying around and not helping him.

"Lan-Er-Gongzi, can you really let your family elders see something like this? He would definitely suspect you already read it. That's what A-Diē did when he caught my porn. So I know. With a face as thin as yours you'll be ashamed to death... "

Lan Wangji was enraged, he furiously destroyed the pornographic book with his spiritual energy. Wei Wuxian gasped as the the paper bits flew around them along with the silver dust from butterflies.

"Why are you using spiritual energy to shatter my precious book? What a waste. Lan Zhan everything about you is great except thay you like to throw things everywhere."

Wei Wuxian said as he gestured around the library floor which was now littered by the paper bits. Lan Wangji stepped forward pointing his sword at Wei Wuxian.

"For everyday you've been throwing around my paper notes. And today you even ripped a book. You ripped it, so clean it yourself."

Wei Wuxian said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest to show his displeasure. 'Fuddy duddy you destroyed the book. Hehehe. '

"Get out!!! "

Lan Wangji said with a raised voice and Wei Wuxian froze on his spot. 'Lan Zhan.. You said.. You said.. Hahaha... '

"Well well. Look at you Lan Zhan. Everyone says you're a gentleman of excellence. You seem like my Baba. He is a gentleman but when he curses... It's so great. But you. You actually told me to 'get lost'. You can even say this kind of rough language."

Lan Wangji swung Bichen forward and attacked Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian dodged the attack and hopped onto the window.

"Get lost it is then. Getting lost is my best skill. No need for you to sent me out. "

Wei Wuxian hopped out of the windowsill onto the ground laughing. Leaving a very angry Lan Wangji in the Library pavilion alone to clean up the mess.


"Wangji.. You look... annoyed? "

Lan Wangji placed Bichen onto the table with a loud thud and sat on his seat. Lan Xichen chuckled seeing his brother's expression. He took a sip of tea and gasped loudly gaining Lan Wangji's attention.

"I got it!!!"

Lan Wangji raised an eyebrow ever so lightly as if asking a question. Lan Xichen nodded and said.

"It's about Wei-Gongzi."

After searching his brother's face and confirming his theory Lan Xichen continued.

"He pulled a prank on you? Again? "

"Xiongzhang!! "

Lan Wangji gripped Bitchen tight and schooled his face not to give away his embarrassing situation. 'Xiongzhang, why don't you try being with him for one month. On second thoughts don't. It won't end well for me. ' Lan Wangji sighed seeing his brother's amused smile.

"I'll take that as an yes Wangji.
And today, don't walk away."

Lan Wangji refused to be teased like that and today he could not even ditch the tea and go back to Jingshi. Lan Wangji silently sipped the tea, and definitely did not think about Wei Wuxian and his story and his butterflies.

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