Sweetly Devoted | Jung Wooyou...

By jecnwoos

1.6K 68 23

All you wanted was to get healthier. You were so tired of these brutal health battles and constant doctor vis... More

1; (intro)
2; (intro pt. 2)
3; (the meeting)
4; (the news)
5; (the news pt. 2)
7; (the rescue)
8; (devotion)

6; (the storm)

135 8 1
By jecnwoos

After the comfortable silence, you continued your story of the doctor's visit. With Wooyoung paying lots of attention and trying to understand. He knew a difficult journey was about to begin for you. The detox process, even said by the doctor would be extremely hard. You had only a very limited option of foods to eat which wouldn't help you keep a steady weight. You had to tamper off a medication that could cause anxiety and panic attacks to burst out again. Starting multiple supplements such as iron which you were scared of. You knew iron would be heavy on your stomach and you hated that feeling, it scared you beyond to feel more ill. You definitely had a horrid phobia of being ill. What person wouldn't though? When you were younger, you never pictured getting real illnesses. Even then, you had that phobia but your phobia came to life. You couldn't imagine the people that had it worse and were even more ill. They were beyond strong to you. Any person who was suffering, whether small or big, you considered strong no matter what.

You had to be extremely careful and the doctor gave you a month. Blood-tests would get repeated to see if this process is working. Wooyoung knew this was a gamble because if the doctor is wrong, you would be more ill but he did his best to shower you with positive words and actions. He knew what was going to come this month; your moods would go up and down, your panic attacks could restart from withdrawal, it's gonna be a major adjustment eating only a few foods and ones you weren't very fond of. He knew nothing would be your fault and that you're gonna try your best thanks to his encouragement. He knows sometimes you wanna give up although you try to hide. If that happens, he will rush to pull you up.

As three weeks passed and the detox process almost a month in, you instantly felt the hit of it on day two. You felt extremely light now-a-days, wondering if you only weighed 1 pound because that's how it truly felt. It was still taking time to get used to the foods and these foods such as soup for lunch now and some oatmeal for breakfast, weren't giving you the energy you needed that the foods you were allergic to gave. You will admit though, stomach problems were decreasing which was a positive.

The lowering dose of the pill brought back anxiety attacks indeed. You weren't sure if this would last but crying spells were becoming common. Some days, there was just nothing to cry about yet you cried out of nowhere. You also weren't sure if this came from you being afraid of losing the pill because that was possible. The human brain is a powerful tool that can trick you sadly.

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