⛪The Solider of the Bells & T...

By AshleyGryffindor

55.8K 1.1K 583

Sing the bells of Notre Dame!~ Those words she heard all her life alongside her sister: Quasimoda or Quasi f... More

⛪Sing The Bells of Notre Dame⛪
⛪Pictures I will use⛪
⛪Songs I will use⛪
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⛪The Court and Place of Miracles⛪

2.9K 67 29
By AshleyGryffindor

Y/n and Quasimoda walked into the cemetery together to approach a large crypt stone as Y/n looked at the woven band carefully.

Y/n: "This looks like the symbol on the map." She said honestly as Quasimoda held up the torch for her to see.

Quasimoda: "But what does it mean?" She questioned her sister.

Y/n: "Hmm. I'm not sure." She said while carefully taking hold of the torch. "I can make out an inscription, but it's going to take a few minutes to translate it." She said honestly before the sound of stone grinding then thud against the ground hit her ears. "Yes, well or we could just go down those stairs."

Y/n said before they walked into the staircase but not before fixing the coffins lid back onto the entranceway then walked into the old catacombs of the dead plague victims of Paris and had ankle deep sewage throughout it.

Y/n: "Cheerful place." She joked to lighten the mood as she looked over at Quasimoda then noticed something was off. "Hmm, we should have run into something by now." She said honestly as Quasimoda asked what she meant. "You know, a guard, a booby trap..." She said til her torch went out. "Or an ambush." She said in the dark before light filled their vision to show faux skeleton clad gyspy men laughing out at them then grabbed on the two women.

Clopin: "well, well, well. What do we have here?" He questioned while the sisters spoke up before being gagged. "You're very clever to have found our little hideaway. Too bad you won't live to talk about it!" He told Y/n and Quasimoda as the men tied up their hands behind their back as Clopin began to sing out.

Clopin: Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles

Gyspies: The Court of Miracles!

Clopin: Brother, you're there

Clopin: Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see
But the dead don't talk
So you won't be around
To reveal what you've found!

Clopin sang out as they took Y/n and Quasimoda into the true court of miracles which was full of colors and gypsies young and old that managed to escape from Claudette Frollo's reach.

Clopin: We have a method for spies and intruders
Not terribly different from bees in a hive
Here in the Court of Miracles where
It's a miracle if you get out alive!

Clopin: "Gather around, everybody. There's "good noose" tonight." He joked as the gypsies laughed and gathered around. "It's a doubleheader. A couple of Frollo's spies" he spoke out as the crowd booed. "And not just any spies. Her captian of the guard and her loyal, bell ringing henchwoman."

Gyspies: "The ugly hunchback! She's bad luck! She's cursed!
Hang them both! String them up!" They shouted out towards Y/n and Quasimoda while nooses were placed around their necks.

Gyspies: Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles

Clopin: I am the lawyers and judge all in one, We like to get the trial over with quickly

Gyspies: Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!

Clopin: Now that we've seen all the evicence

Puppet: Wait! I object!

Clopin: Overruled!

Puppet: I object!

Clopin: Quiet!

Puppet: Dang!

Gyspies: We find you totally innocent, Which is the worst crime of all...

The Gyspies sang out as Clopin leaned against Y/n as he rubbed her head after he knocked her in the head with a gavel.

Clopin: "My apologies, ladies, for your imminent demise. Any last words?" He asked as Y/n and Quasimoda spoke up but their gags muffled them. "...I thought not" He said smirking then began to sing out.

Clopin: It's always sad when a life's at its finish
I have to admit to a bit of a pang
But we must protect at all costs our secret
It's our lives or yours

Clopin & Gypsies: So you're going to hang!

Esmeraldo: "Stop!" He shouted out which stopped Clopin from pulling the lever as Y/n and Quasimoda said his name through their muffled mouths while he ran up the stairs. "These women aren't spies. They're our friends." He said honestly as Clopin looked at him in shock

Clopin: "Why didn't they say so?" He questioned as Esmeraldo untied Quasimoda and Y/n free from their gags, binds and nooses.

Y/n & Quasimoda: "We did say so!" They shouted at the Gyspy king together as Esmeraldo explained further.

Esmeraldo: "This is the soldier, Y/n. She saved the miller's family. And Quasimoda helped me escape the cathedral alongside Y/n." He said honestly as Y/n walked towards the ledge to say.

Y/n: "We came to warn you all, Frollo's coming! She says she knows where you're hiding and she's attacking at dawn with a thousand men!" She yelled out then Clopin ordered his troupe to pack everything up to leave and once it was done, Esmeraldo walked up to Y/n and took hold of her hands.

Esmeraldo: "Also everyone, Y/n here is my..." He looked over at Y/n then his people before he began speaking in romanian. "Inima mea este adevărata iubire și acasă.~" He spoke in his thick accent making Y/n flush slightly.

Inima mea este adevărata iubire și acasă~ - My heart's true love and home~

Clopin smiled at Esmeraldo and looked over at Y/n before telling the troupe that they were now celebrating for Esmeraldo had found a woman that he truly loves close to his heart. While Esmeraldo began to sing out towards Y/n as Y/n sang back to him as they danced together again.

Esmeralda: What's happening to me? My heart is pounding so fast.

Y/n: What sort of place it this? Where we're together at last.

Esmeraldo & Y/n: Where our misgivings are past and we're together at last

Esmeraldo: Here we are, nearly strangers
From two worlds that have rarely met, But tonight you are dancing in my heart

Y/n: Look how far we have traveled and the journey's not over yet, For I'm feeling I just might let you win my heart~

Esmeraldo & Y/n: Can this sweet delusion be true?
Am I really here holding you? I must be in a place of miracles!

Esmeraldo: Where the blind can see

Esmeraldo & Y/n: In a place of miracles

Y/n: Love can work it's alchemy

Esmeraldo & Y/n: The soldier and the gypsy
Dance in an embrace in a place of miracles

Y/n: Like this place, safe and secret. I have hidden my heart away 'til tonight, It was known to only me~

Esmeraldo: See my face always laughing, That's just part of the part I play. That's just part of this masquerade if only me~

Esmeraldo & Y/n: But now I can drop all disguise
When I see myself in your eyes.
I know I'm… In a place of miracles!
Where my heart is free to believe in miracles, Like you here in love with me!

Y/n: And all my rusty armor, Gone without a trace... In a place of miracles

Esmeraldo: In a place of miracles

Y/n: In a place

Esmeraldo & Y/n: Of miracles

Clopin: "Where are you going?" He asked Quasimoda as he stopped her from walking away as Esmeraldo and Y/n danced together near them. "The party has just begun." He said as he noticed Quasimoda had no drink. "Has no one offered you a drink?" He questioned before giving her a crystal goblet full of wine. "Everyone, a toast to love!"

Y/n: "A toast to Quasimoda. Without your help, my sister. I never would've found my true love." She said honestly as she hugged Quasimoda then toasted up her glass.

Esmeraldo: "Thank you, Quasimoda." He said kindly then lightly kisses her on the cheek.

Quasimoda: She looked at her wine before lifting up the glass high in the air and said "To love and friendship!"

Clopin: "Spoken like a true gypsy." He spoke kindly to Quasimoda before singing out as Quasimoda looked into her goblet to see her face looked different

Clopin: There's a place in the city
There's a chance you may chance upon
Where the true
Hidden you is clear to see
Where your secret self is revealed
And your deepest wounds will be healed

The wine in the goblet rippled before showing Quasimoda what she truly looked like inside of her soul and kind heart. Quasimoda's eyes widened slightly before she smiled softly as well finally saw herself as Y/n always saw her as a beautiful young woman.

Esmeraldo & Y/n: In a place of miracles

Clopin: Love will hold the key

Esmeraldo & Y/n: To a place of miracles!

Clopin: To a new reality.

Esmeraldo & Y/n: Here we are together. In a state of grace

Y/n: In a place of miracles

Esmeraldo: In a place of miracles

Clopin: In a place

Everyone: Of miracles.....

Y/n: Here we are, Merely strangers from two worlds that rarely met. But somehow, you have made me someone new.~
Traveling far on a journey that's the longest I've taken yet. Now i'm asking, If you will let me, come with you
Though our lives are tattered and torn
All i'm feeling now is reborn, I must be in a place of miracles!

Esmeraldo: Where the blind can see

Esmeraldo & Y/n: In a place of miracles

Y/n: A miracle you've brought to me~

Esmeraldo & Y/n: The soldier and the gypsy
Left in an embrace in a place of miracles~

Quasimoda: I knew I'd never know that warm and loving glow. Though I might wish with all my might, No face as hideous as my face. Was ever meant for heaven's light
And now this time, I've learned no love will be returned but as long as she's happy. I'll be happy as well

Esmeraldo and Y/n sang out alongside Quasimoda as they kept dancing together while smiling at each other.

Esmeraldo: All this time I've been certain, That my life would spent alone~

Quasimoda: To I who's meant to be alone

Esmeraldo: And once more I've pretended not to care

Quasimoda: Who looks both laughable and frightening

Y/n: But now I'm here beside you and now I know...

Quasimoda: There are no miracles for me

Esmeraldo & Y/n: No more need for a heart of stone~

Quasimoda: To have a heart of stone

Esmeraldo & Y/n: We'll let our feelings unknown
Their plans we'll share

Quasimoda: I was never meant for heaven's light

Gyspies: Will we reach a friendlier shore
Will we find a haven once more
And we'll be
In a place of miracles
Now we leave our home
For a place of miracles

Clopin: Romanis again must roam
Could there be country
Kinder to our race?

Esmeraldo & Y/n: In a place of miracles~

Quasimoda: Where's my place of miracles?

Esmeraldo, Y/n & Quasimoda: In a place of miracles!"

Esmeraldo looked down at Y/n before pulling her into a passionate kiss on lips which surprised her for a moment then she kissed back while the gyspies and Quasimoda clapped happily for them. Esmeraldo leaned away from the kiss to look down at Y/n and then looked over at Quasimoda.

Esmeraldo: "You both took a terrible risk coming here. Some may not exactly show it, but we're grateful." He said honestly as he hugged Y/n and Quasimoda together until a familiar voice was heard in the air making Y/n and Quasimoda look up in disbelief.

Frollo: "Nor would I." She said honestly as soldiers stormed into the court of miracles while the gyspies screamed out in terror. A group of soldiers surrounded Y/n, Esmeraldo and Quasimoda as well. "After twenty years of searching, the court of miracles is mine at last." She said smugly as she walked towards Quasimoda. "Dear, Quasimoda. I always knew you would someday be of use to me." She said before ruffling her hair as the soldiers tied up Y/n's and Esmeraldo's hands behind their backs tightly.

Quasimoda: "No." She said honestly as well disbelief while she looked over at her friend and sister.

Esmeraldo: "What are you talking about?" He questioned as he glared at Claudette angrily.

Frollo: "Why, she led me right to you, my dear. And look whom else I've found my darling purest angel, Y/n that you corrupted with your witchcraft." She said honestly gently holding Y/n's face in her hands.

Y/n: "Esmeraldo has not bewitched me and your corrupt men nearly killed me! You're nothing but a liar and a true she devil!" She yelled at her aunt before spitting in Claudette's face.

Frollo: Looked at Y/n in shock before anger showed on her face. "I shall remedy that then. There'll be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow morning and you're all invited to attend." She said honestly before looking over at Esmeraldo and Y/n. "Lock them up." She ordered as the soldiers dragged the gypsies, Esmeraldo and Y/n away to be put into the dungeon cells.

Quasimoda: "No, please, Mistress!" She pleaded as she looked over at Y/n whom was fighting against the soldiers til one placed a sword at her throat. "No, no. Please." She begged as Claudette glared down at her.

Frollo: "Take her back to the bell tower. And make sure she stays there." She ordered as the guards picked up Quasimoda off of the ground.

Y/n: "Quasimoda! Don't give up!" She shouted out loud before she was thrown into a barred carriage to be taken to the dungeons as Esmeraldo caught her before she hit the floor. She looked through the bars to see her sister being dragged away as tears fell down her face before she grabbed onto Esmeraldo to cry as he tried to comfort her.

Hugo: Justice in Paris was often displayed in the square at Notre Dame!

Victor: Now as the wood for a pyre was laid in the square at Notre Dame!

Laverne: There came some there who sought entertainment and some who wished all gypsies harm!

Victor, Hugo and Laverne: For the rumor was growing a gypsy was going to burn at dawn at Notre Dame!

Now in the dungeons of Paris, Y/n and Esmeraldo where separated from each other in pure white clothing but placed in side by side cells. Y/n wiped her cheeks fearing for Quasimoda praying that she was alright.

Choir: Kyrie eleison

Laverne: While the city slumbered, Quasimoda sat awake

Victor: As the night crept perilously onward, Not one word she uttered!

Hugo: Not one movement did she make, Awaiting the inexorable dawn!

Choir: Kyrie eleison!

Quasimoda was chained up within Notre Dame by the soldiers of Frollo but as they left no one noticed that Phoebus loosed the main chain of the woman's bindings.

Victor: Quasimoda, you must try to free yourself!

Laverne: The boy and Y/n needs your help!

Quasimoda: Quiet! Go away.

Hugo: You're the only one who can save them now.

Quasimoda: You know what happens when I try to help! I only make things worse.

Victor, Hugo and Laverne: You don't believe that!

Quasimoda: How do you know what I believe?
What do you know of me?
What do you know of all the things I feel?
You're only made of stone.
Who is it that you see, instead of seeing what I am for real?
This twisted flesh and bone!

Laverne (& Y/n's voice): Quasimodo, it wasn't your fault!

Quasimoda: You're a liar!
With every new excuse you try out, you only make me want to cry out. Would that I were made of stone like you!

Laverne: You don't mean that!

Victor: Just take some time to --

Quasimoda: You give such good advice!
So why has not one single word you've said been any help at all?

Victor, Hugo and Laverne: Quasimoda!

Quasimoda: And you who sound so nice,
The more your dreams and fancies fill my head,
The farther that I fall!
Shut my brain down!
If I was senseless, I'd prefer it!
Another gargoyle on this turret,
Spitting rain down to the stones below!
I've wasted my faith believing in saints of plaster, But the only one worth believing in was my mistress!
She's the one who never lied.
She told me it was cruel outside,
She told me how I had to hide;
Her words were cold as stone, but they were true.
Not like you.

Quasimoda looked over at Victor, Hugo and Laverne sadly then looked out into the rain filled sky praying for her sister, Y/n. The one she got in trouble, the one she hurt and betrayed. Quasimoda looked back at her gargoyle friends and shouted out.

Quasimoda: Take all the dreams you've sown, Take all your lies and leave me alone!

Laverne: All right, Quasimoda, we'll leave you alone.

Victor: All right, Quasimoda, we'll trouble you no longer.

Hugo: You're right, Quasimoda, we're only made of stone.

Victor, Hugo and Laverne: We just thought that you were made of something stronger.

Quasimoda: And now I'm on my own,
Never again to wonder what's out there.
Let it remain unknown!
And my one human eye will ever more be dry!
Until the day I die, As if I were made of stone!

2909 words & the finale is coming up next chapter everyone!

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