What He Pretends To Be

By loverofniqab

41 3 0

just dive in,I bet you will be captivated πŸ€—. M sorry 😭but English isn't my first language and you gonna se... More

Chapter two
Chapter Three

chapter one

21 1 0
By loverofniqab

Tsk Tsk Tsk...

"Waki,waki"Lemmah voice boomed as she continiously shift Aishah body on the bed.

"Just a minute more"Aishah pleaded sleepily.

"Hey babe today is your wedding so get your damn ass up this instant"Lemmah said in an unlady like manner Making Aishah stiffled a laughter.

"Fine,am getting up"Aishah said as she lazily sat on the bed.

"What of Dad "Aishah asked.

"He his at the mosque waiting for you"leemah replied. A small smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, what is with the smile"Aishah demanded as she pointed an accusing finger at leemah.

  "I can't just believe you are getting married to that scum after all the stunt he pulled when you were in secondary school"leemah replied , Making Aishah frowned a bit.

"I agree about that but hey I did not give you an opportunity to call  Farihd a scum"Aishah said picking up the pillow from the bed to hit leemah.

"Hey, enough there am sure Dad  is waiting for you" leemah said trying to set herself free from Aishah wrath.

"Hey babe get me my Niqab,am sure the house will be stuffed with lot of male and female visitors" Aishah explained and lemmah stood to retrieve the Niqab from the wardrobe and handed it over to Aishah.

  "Thanks"Aishah muttered , putting on her Niqab before climbing down from the bed.

"I will be back leemah"Aishah said before she left....

"Baba,am scared"Aishah said crying on her father's lap.

"Aishah, wipe your tears, there is nothing to be scared of and beside Farihd looks like a changed person"Mr Khan, Aishah father said trying to reassure her.

  "Father,the memories of everything he di..."Aishah couldn't complete the sentence before breaking into another  feast of tears. Mr Khan patted her on her back gently.

  "Be a strong woman,and don't make your mother sad in her grave"khan whispered onto his daughter ear before kissing her on her forehead.

"Now ,stand up .Go back to your room and get prepared for your wedding , make sure you look glamorous,you know how the reporters are they won't leave until they drop a news"Mr Khan said dropping into a feast of laughter.

  "I will be going Baba"Aisha announced as she stepped out of the family mosque and headed to her apartment.


"Oh my ,come and see the bride groom looking so take away"Hafiz,Farihd best friend teased making Farihd burst into laughter.

"Hey,hafiz not tod..."Farihd was interrupted by the sounds of his ringing phone.

"Hey lemy, how are you" Farhid greeted the person who is at the other end of the call.

"Farhid,am begging you, please don't forget all we had planned"lemy said almost screaming.

"Hey,cool down you don't want anybody eavesdropping on our call,do you"Farhid asked.

"Farhid, please don't let her beauty sway you away,I still love you and I know you do to"lemy said more calmly.

"I love you and I haven't forgotten our promise,once the deal is sealed I will divorce her,just wait for me"Farhid replied reassuringly.

"Okay Farihd,I think I had footsteps I gotta go" lemy said cutting the call.

"What was that about"hafiz asked with a frown plastered on his face.

"Just what you think it is"Farihd replied nonchalantly.

"Don't you dare tell me that you are getting engaged to Aishah because of those fucking dares"Hafiz said feeling agitated.

"Well, maybe"Came Farihd short reply.

"Damn you Farihd, just damn you" Hafiz shouted and angrily left the room.


"Who were you talking to on the phone"Aisha asked leemah as she walked in.

  "An talking to Balikis,she said you musn't dress up until she shows up.

"The nerves of that girl,I will be taking my bath right away"Aishah replied pulling off her Niqab.

"Whatever"leemah muttered, earning a smack on her head from Aishah.

"Ouch,that hurt you Know"Lemmah protested pouting like a baby.

"I will smack you harder again"Aishah threatened before storming off to the bathroom.


  "Did you Aisha Khan accept Farhid Muhammad as your lawfully wedded husband" the Imam of the mosque asked Aisha for the third time and she gave him the same reply "I do"she answered for the third time. He asked Farihd the same question and his answers were the same with Aishah own.

  "Alhamdullah"The crowd roared in happiness,The reporters too weren't losing there chances as they did all there best to capture  beautiful pictures and have the best article to take home. You know the daughter of a billionaire getting married to one of the best doctor in the state.it was worth the headlines.

     The wedding went really well and now it was time for the couples to go home.Aishah find it really hard to leave her father and her only adopted sister leemah alone as she kept on giving them a fierce hug.
   "You Know even if I cry ,it will be hard for people to notice"Aishah whispered to Leemah as they both burst into laughter.

   "I will miss you so much"she whispered to Aishah.

"I will miss you too"Aisha whispered back.

"Bye baba"Aisha waved at her father for the last time as Farhid zoomed the car off to their new home to start a new life.

Hy Readers.
Well, this is my first time trying to write out an Islamic book and am telling you this book have a lot of twist so be patient with me.

Well,to any of you who is looking out for a perfect book without grammatical mistakes or any errors then I bet this book is not for you so kindly leave before you try to bad-mouth my work which I won't really appreciate.
Love you 💖💕

This Book Is Not Edited.



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