Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

42.5K 3K 830

A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News
Ch. 22


1.7K 155 60
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Forth's POV

Jay was looking at me like he had seen some ghost. I don't know why he was shocked after I explained to him about my meeting with Beam. I don't think it's a big deal to take care of someone and nurse them back to health, right? So why was Jay behaving like this?

"Okay, can you please stop looking at me like that!!"

"Like what?"

"That!!! Like I have done something unimaginable!!"

Jay gave me the look of are you fucking kidding me and smacked my head super hard.

I know it's hard to believe that I let someone treat me like this but it's Jay we are talking about. He is like my brother, my family, my life and only he has the right to treat me this way.

"Bro!! Are you even listening to yourself??!! I am literally in shock. I can't believe that Forth Jaturapoom took care of someone who is not me!! YOU NEVER CARE FOR ANYONE DUDE!!!"

Ugh!! And they say girls are over dramatic.

"I know okay, no need to shout like this. It's just that the guy was so beautiful and I just wanted to.."

"Get into his pants, I know. But you couldn't do it because he was sick so you took care of him and are now trying to find a way to fuck the life out of him, right?" I smirked at Jay. This guy knows me so amazingly well. Of course I wanted to bang that angel,since the moment I laid my eyes on him, but I couldn't and you know why.

Ever since I have parted with him, I cannot stop thinking about him. I close my eyes and I see him, I look at my phone and I see him, he is everywhere. I wonder how his skin will feel against my lips. I wanted to see him squirm beneath me panting hard and moaning my name.

Oh crap!! Just the mere thought of him has given me a boner, I should probably deal with it first.

"Send Jamie inside." Jay gave me a glare and shook his head in disapproval. He knows I am sex addict and is trying to help me to get over my addiction but I just can't.

Jay left sending Jamie inside. Jamie was a twenty one year old twink and has a nice body, he is my sex toy obviously and is really good at sex.

"Lock the door and strip." Jamie did as I told him and then I drained him until he was shaking and begged me to stop.

Me: Hey.

Angel: Hello.

Me: How are you now?

Angel: I am all better now.

Me: That's good to hear.

Angel: Umm... can I say something?

Me: Sure, what is it?

Angel: Can-can you take your phone back, please?

Why the hell he wants to return the phone to me. Did he figure out that I have bugged that phone? I know it was not the good thing to do but I wanted to know what he was doing and with whom he was interacting.

Me: May I know why?

Angel: Actually, I don't like free things. 
Also you are not my friend so I cannot accept it as a gift too.
 I-I have bought a new phone with my money, so I thought...

I know he must be shivering while typing this. He is also scared of me like the rest of the people and it took a lot of courage for someone to say these things to me. I didn't want to scare him anymore because I want to get close to him as soon as possible.

Me: Sure angel. I'll come over your place tonight and take it, if it's okay with you?

Angel: O-okay. See you then, bye.

Me: Bye angel, see you soon.

"May I know that reason for the smile?" During my whole conversation Jay was sitting right in front of me, which I kind of forgot. We were discussing some business deal, after it was over I decided to check on my lovely angel.

"I have a date tonight?!!"

"Really?!! With whom? Your hand??'

I threw the pillow at Jay which was lying right beside my chair for some reason. "Fuck you. I am going over at Beam's place tonight. He wants to return the phone I gave to him."

"Owh!! Did he finally figure out that you have bugged that phone? Which was not so cool and a pure invasion of privacy, I told you it was not a good idea but..."

"I get it mom!! I know he is just an ordinary guy not my rival and bugging some ordinary person's phone is not ethical." I said in a boring tone. You see Jay is cool and all in other aspects but sometimes he started sounding like he is my mother which annoys me a lot.

"Exactly! I am so proud that you remember all these ethics I have taught you. I have raised you so well." Jay said, wiping his non existing tears and looking at me like I was actually his son. I rolled my eyes at his antics and threw a pen at him, which he caught.

"Okay jokes apart. Any intel on either of those two guys?"

It's been weeks but I was still searching for that guy who has a scar on his leg and that other mafia lord who managed to run away from my grip that day. The name of that mafia lord was Damien, that's what I have heard and I know it's not his real name. We know it won't be easy to catch him again that easily but I don't want to give up on finding him.

On the other side, that guy with the scar was good at hiding too. I just can't find him no matter how hard I try, but I have a feeling that some day I will end up meeting him one way or another.

"Nothing yet, but according to our last intel Damien was last seen in the northern part of the states, so I have asked my people to keep close eyes in the area." I hummed in response.

After that I talked a bit more with Jay and finally bid him goodbye and went to my room to get ready for my date tonight.

I don't know why I was nervous. It's not like I am meeting someone for the first time. I have met and fucked people in just my first meet so why the hell I was getting so nervous now?

I was currently standing outside Beam's house and was thinking of knocking. I didn't wear any fancy clothes to come to his place, I was in my casual clothes and also brought some lube and condoms, just in case you know.

Knock knock

The door was opened by the angel himself. He was looking more beautiful and angelic like he was on that day. His face was glowing and his cheeks were flushed for some reason, which was making him look so cute and edible.

"Please, c-come in." His voice was angelic too. I think I can hear him talk non stop without any complaint.

I entered inside and looked around. His place was neither small nor big. It was of decent size, the decorations gave the place a vibe of being home. It was as beautiful as my angel was, there wasn't anything that I didn't like in the house.

"You have a nice place." I said looking around and taking a seat on the sofa in the living room.

"Th-thanks." With saying that he left. I think he went inside the kitchen or something.

Beam was taking his time in the kitchen or wherever he went and I didn't want to rush him to do anything. I didn't want to scare him more since he was already scared enough with my presence. I was busy admiring the place when my phone lit up.

Bro: Do not dare to force yourself on him.
He is a good guy and if you'll try to harm him in any possible way,
 then be ready for the consequences."

 It was Jay. His mother hen was again coming out which made him send this message to me.

Me: Of course mom!
I promise I won't do anything which he won't like.
Now shut up and let me enjoy my date.

Bro: Asshole.

I snorted and put my phone back inside my pocket.

"I-I wasn't sure what you like, so-so I made these. I hope you like it." Beam came with a tray in his hands, which has juice and muffins in it.He was nervous and shivering a bit. I really hate seeing him like this, I want him to like me not getting scared by me.

To lighten the mood said in the most soft voice I could ever mutter, You don't have to do anything angel. Just being around you is enough for me." I also showed him my gummy smile, which has managed to steal the heart of so many people.

"You have come to my house for the first time, so I couldn't just.."

"I appreciate your thought angel. Now can I eat these muffins or are you going to feed me?" I joked which managed to put a smile on his face, even though it was just for the second.

"Su-sure, go ahead." Muffins that Beam made were of different flavours and I loved each and everyone of it. He is not only good looking but his cooking skills are amazing too. I was really impressed.

"They tasted heaven, thank you for making them." When I was eating those muffins, I asked Beam to eat too but he just shook his head saying that he is diabetic and has made these only for me.

Something in me changed, as soon as he told me that he had baked these for me only the lust I was feeling for Beam a few minutes ago was gone. Except Jay, no one has ever done something so thoughtful just for me. Beam barely knows me in person but still he did this for me.

I was touched.

"I-I also have made dinner. So please eat before you go." Trust me, I tried. I really tried but I just couldn't hold myself any longer. I left my place and took a place near Beam. I grabbed his shoulders gently and hugged him.

God only knew how hard it was for me not to hug him. I wanted to hug him the moment I saw him but I was holding myself back, I Didn't want to make Beam uncomfortable in any possible way. But the way he was treating me, I just couldn't hold myself from hugging him.

As soon as I hugged Beam, his body became stiff. To ease him and make him realise that I am not going to hurt him, I started rubbing my hand on his back gently and whispered into his ear,"Thank you for your kind gesture angel, I am so touched." I swear, when I whispered this to him, I felt him shiver a bit but I don't know whether it was from fear or from something else.

"Also, you don't have to be scared of me. I have come here to only take my phone back but also to form something with you. I am not the person who beat around the bush, I will say it directly. I am attracted to you Beam and I want to court you."

He fainted.



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