Stella & The Playboy

By AuggiePooh_

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"How about we stop with the games Stella? You want me just as much as I want you." His voice was low as he c... More

Stella & The Gnocchi
Stella & The Pretty Boy
Stella & The Socialite
Stella & The Proposal
Stella & The Coffee Shop
Stella & The Peace Offering
Stella & The Spotlight
Stella & The Truth
Playboy & The Double
Stella & The Shoplifter
Stella & The Family
Stella & The Nacho Thief
Stella & The Bonfire
Stella & The Yacht
Stella & The Brawl
Stella & The Scandal
Stella & The Meltdown
Stella & The New Plan
Stella & The Birthday Boy
Stella & The Monthly Visitor
Stella & The Commercial
Stella & The Surprise
Stella & The Tease
Stella & The Slumber Party
Stella & The Gelato
Stella & The Prick
Stella & The Termination
Stella & The Blue Plate
Stella & The Secret
Stella & The Call Off
Stella & The Stalker
Stella & The Liar
Playboy & The Truth
Stella & The Letter
Stella & The Interview
Stella & The Co-worker
Stella & The Nice Guy
Playboy & The Meeting
Stella & The Acquaintance
Bonus Chapter

Playboy & The Garden

508 23 7
By AuggiePooh_

Chapter 25


The past few months have been very interesting. My feelings for Stella had grown past the simple crush I had before. But I also had great respect for her, and that's why I decided to stop pursuing her.

She's made it very clear how she doesn't want anything to happen between us. Anytime something did happen she would freak out and I didn't want to jeopardize the truce we had finally created with each other. It was about time I respected her wishes and stopped.

Ashford Industries and Empire Industries were already working hard together and getting ready to announce their first joint product. It had been in the works since the second I put an engagement ring on Stella's finger. Our fathers wasted no time joining together to expand their inventory.

So now we were celebrating the release of this first product at an event in Boston. There was going to be a seminar during the day, introducing the product and explaining to all potential buyers its purpose. And when evening struck there would be the celebratory launch party.

Stella and I needed to be there the day before to get ready since I was the incoming CEO.
So here we were, in Boston checking into our suite at The White Lotus Hotel & Spa.

"Your room key sir." The desk attendant says flirtatiously as she hands me the key to the room. I smile lightly at her, "Thank you."

She blushes, "If you need anything, feel free to call the front desk. Ask for Melinda." She says with a wink.

I could feel Stellas eye roll from beside me as she glared at the desk attendant, "Desperate much?" She mumbles under her breath. The desk attendant furrows her brows at Stella, indicating she heard her. "Excuse me?"

Stella shrugs, "You're excused."

I chuckle nervously as I grab Stella's hand, leading her away before a catfight erupts between the two. "Wow someone has been extremely jealous lately." I said as the elevator begins to go up.

She frowns at me, "It's not jealousy, I'm simply playing the part of your fiancé. She was flirting with you which happens to be extremely inappropriate."

I chuckle as I rest my back against the elevator wall, "Whatever you say."

We were both quiet as the elevator went up to our floor. It wasn't as if we were mad at each other. Stella had caught on that I stopped flirting with her and we just weren't as friendly anymore. I missed how it was before, but this was for the better.

The elevator dings as we reach our floor and head down the hall to our suite. I unlock the door, revealing the beautiful grand suite. There was large a sitting area with cream furniture and a tv. Stella wanders over to the doors where the bedroom could be found. She turns around with her brow quirked as she sees the room.

"One bed?" She asks as she looks over at me.

"Don't worry I'm sleeping on the couch. They were out of two-bedroom suites. You can take the bed."

She shakes her head, "It's fine, the beds big enough for the both of us."

I quirk my brow, "You sure that's a good idea?"

She shrugs, "I don't see why not."

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to sleep in the same bed with Stella. We had only done it once and that was when we were drunk.

I shrug nonchalantly before heading toward the bathroom, "I'm going to freshen up. The briefing for tomorrow's event is scheduled for this afternoon."

"You mean the one I can't go to?" She asks with a sarcastic chuckle from behind the door.

"I'll tell you everything that happens, don't worry." I respond as I look in the mirror. Stella's father had strictly forbade her from attending any corporate meetings that had to do with the merging of both companies. I still didn't understand why he was trying so hard to keep his daughter in the dark about everything to do with the company. He was fine with her being arm candy for me at events and such, but other than that he wanted her out of sight. It made me hate the guy, but I had to pretend to like him in the meantime.

Stella always had so many great ideas and plans for the company. There was a reason why she worked in her current position as operations manager and I thought she deserved to be placed higher.

I take a shower to freshen up and wrap a towel around my waist after getting out. I sigh when I realize I forgot to bring my clothes out.

When I leave the bathroom, Stella sat there on the bed in some comfortable-looking shorts and a loose shirt. I smile lightly at her, she's so damn cute.

She frowns at me in return, "Must you always come out half-naked?" She asks irritatedly.

I chuckle as I approach the bed, "I just came to get my suitcase." I grab the suitcase on the ground before dragging it with me to the bathroom.

It was tempting to let out a flirty comment back there but I kept it to myself. I was quickly learning it was much easier to avoid Stella when we were in New York. At least there I could just stay in my room and go to work. But here we were going to be in the same room, constantly.

I pull out a suit and iron it before putting it on. I brush my hair and trim my beard before tying my tie around my neck, or try to. I exit the bathroom as I still attempt to fix the tie.

Stella notices and chuckles, "Let me help you." She gets off from the bed as she walks up to me, her proximity now extremely close as she begins to readjust my tie. I avoid eye contact as her heavenly scent consumes my nostrils.

"Are we okay?" She asks suddenly.

I look down at her in confusion, "Of course we are. Why do you ask?"

She steps away from me as she finishes, "You've been weird lately, that's all."

"Just trying to avoid any situations."

She nods in understanding, "Fair enough. Have fun at the briefing."

I chuckle lightly at her as she looks up at me, "I'll try." She walks over back to the bed where she cuddles under the covers in the air-conditioned room.

I grab my briefcase before leaving the suite and heading down to the hotel lobby.

I was not looking forward to this briefing.


The briefing was boring, as expected. We discussed plans on how to reach out to a new group of clientele and went over who would be in attendance at the party. As well as what this product launching meant for the future of these two companies as one. There was no backing out of the company merging at this point.

"Julius." A voice says from behind me as I pack up my belongings. I look up to see Stella's father approaching me. "Mr. Harris." I greet.

He shakes his head, "You know you can just call me Robert."

"Robert." I correct myself.

"Do you have a moment to talk?"

I look down at the time, 4 pm. "Stella's waiting for me at the hotel."

He chuckles, "This will only be brief. It's about her. How about we get some drinks?"

Sighing, I follow Mr. Harris out of the building and across the street to a nearby bar. I take a seat beside him on a bar stool as he orders the bartender to get him a beer. "Want anything?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "No thank you. What is this about?"

He sits forward, not looking at me as the bartender slides him the beer. "I've told you how I feel about Stella working for the company. But you still continue to defy me."

I let out a breath, "Your reasons aren't good enough." I say calmly. I look to the bartender, suddenly feeling the urge for a beer. "Get me a Heineken."

Mr. Harris frowns as the bartender hands me the cold beer. "She's my daughter, my reasons don't need to be good enough."

I turn to him, "And she's her own person." I state. Mr. Harris grits his teeth in anger at my statement. I sigh, "You can't control everything she does. Stella has wanted this her whole life. Why are you trying to keep her from it? Because she's a woman? You have plenty of female employees."

"Because she's my daughter. I don't need to explain further my reasonings."

"I think you do. This is going to be my company, and she will be my wife. And I want her to be Vice President. If you cannot give me a legitimate reason as to why she shouldn't, I will carry on." He doesn't respond so I continue. "She's incredibly capable. The board will find her to be a wonderful choice."

He shakes his head in disappointment, "Maybe you aren't the man for this position after all."

"That's for my father to decide, and he's made his choice."

"Thanks to me Julius, I convinced him. And I can just as easily un-convince him."

I glare at him, "You're nothing more than a business partner to him. I'm his son."

"And you're nothing more than a pawn, just like Stella, both replaceable. Regardless if you stay together or not, this business deal has sealed."

I scoff, "Replaceable? Stella is one of a kind."

Mr. Harris chuckles, "You're fighting so hard for a woman who will never love you."

"How would you know if she loves me or not, you hardly speak to her."

"I forced her to marry you. Stella isn't capable of loving a man."

"So you're aware of the damage you've caused?"

He doesn't respond. Getting out of his seat he places money on the counter. "I'll see you at the event, Julius."

"Likewise." I say as I look in front of me.

Our meetings weren't always like this. Usually consisted of simple talk about transfer of power or business-related. This was the most intense it has been. We've talked about Stella before, but never to the point where he's threatening me over it. I've known for a while that he doesn't want Stella involved. But his reasoning was always that he didn't want her to have to work, which didn't make sense to me.

It was only now that Robert Harris decided to show his claws, threatening to get me removed as future CEO. But I was going to continue to hold my ground. I wasn't going to be scared or threatened out of my position. I had the upper hand and the odds were in my favor. Stella was going to be my VP whether he liked it or not.

I wasn't entirely sure why I was fighting so hard for Stella. Before she was just someone I wanted to sleep with, but now I was sure I was feeling much more than that.

I paid the bartender for my beer and left a tip before leaving the bar. I cross the street and head toward the rental car before making my way back to the hotel.

When I get to the suite, it was around 6 pm. I enter the room to see the place empty and frown. Pulling out my phone, I decided to call her.

"Hey." Her heavenly voice greets through the phone.

"Where are you?"

"Reading at some coffee shop near the hotel. You were taking forever."

I smile, "Sorry. How about I make it up to you with dinner? I'll pick you up from the shop."

"Yes!" She pauses, "I mean, yeah sure dinner is great." She says trying to sound nonchalant.

I chuckle, "Send me the address. I'll be there soon."

"You better be." She says before hanging up the phone. I instantly get a text with the address of the coffee shop, causing a smile to form on my lips.

I change out of my suit and into something more casual. A simple white button-up with the sleeves rolled up and the top buttons undone. After freshening up, I head back outside to drive to the coffee shop.

I enter the small shop and see Stella seated at a table by herself with a book in front of her. Her crossed legs were exposed by the beautiful purple mid-length dress she wore. She looks up from her book to catch me staring at her and smiles. "Ready to eat?" I ask as I approach.

She nods as she puts her book in her bag, "I'm starving." I reach out my hand for her to take and she does before allowing me to lead her outside.

"How was the meeting?" She asks as we drive down the streets of Boston.


She frowns, "Oh come on. What did they say about tomorrow? Whose on the new clientele list?"

I chuckle before proceeding to tell her all about what the briefing entailed, but not mentioning the encounter with her father.

When we arrive at the restaurant I chose, Stella and I are seated at a table right away. "This place looks nice." Stella says admiring the interior.

"Wait till you try the food."

"You've been here before?"

I nod, "I come to Boston often. This is my favorite restaurant in town."

Before she can respond a waitress greets us with menus, "Welcome back Julius!" The busty waitress greets us cheerily as she hands us both menus.

"Nice to see you again Kelly." I respond nonchalantly. I may or may not have slept with her. And she refuses to get over it.

"What can I get for you today?" She asks, her question aimed at me.

"Now I see why it's your favorite." Stella mumbles.

"I'll get the steak tartare. Babe, what would you like?" I ask Stella.

Kelly frowns after hearing me refer to Stella as babe but quickly hides it with a fake smile.

"I'll take the potato gnocchi."

Kelly nods silently before taking our menus, not saying anything else before leaving.

I laugh and she frowns at me, "What's so funny?" Stella asks, clearly getting irritated.

"Just remembering the last time you got gnocchi."

She rolls her eyes, "Oh yes when you covered me in it, hilarious."

I reach out and hold her hand from across the table. "I'm sorry for being late, and I'm not interested in that waitress."

She takes her hand out of my grasp, "I don't care about either of those things."

"Then what's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm just hungry."

Kelly approaches again suddenly with two glasses of water. "Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else." She says before walking away.

Stella observes her water before taking a sip. She was so pretty, I couldn't help but stare. Her hair cascaded loosely past her shoulders, not in its usual ponytail. Her makeup was minimal, bringing more attention to her defined facial features.

"Staring is rude Julius." She says as she looks down at her phone.

"So is using your phone at the dinner table."

She motions to the table in front of her, "Dinner isn't served yet."

As if on cue Kelly appears again, placing our meals in front of us before walking away. "Well that was freakishly quick." Stella comments.

I chuckle, "That's why I like this place."

Stella puts her phone down and picks up her fork to eat. I do the same, cutting into my steak.

"So your birthdays coming up pretty soon." I say as we eat our dinner.

She nods, "Yep, finally turning 25."

I laugh, "What do you want to do for your birthday?"

She shakes her head, "I'm sure we'll be split up by then. You won't have to deal with me anymore."

I frown, "But I want to. I mean we're still friends right?"

She looks up at me with a small smile, "I guess we are."

Dinner went by smoothly with small talk before we decided to head back to the hotel.

"Where are you going? The hotels that way." Stella says as I make a turn toward Boston's Public Garden.

"I wanted to show you something while we're out."

I park and stop the car before getting out and helping Stella on the other side. The entrance to the garden was lit up as the sun was close to completely set.

"Is this where you take all your lady friends?" Stella asks with a chuckle.

"Just you." I say before taking her hand. I lead her into the garden, where a statue of George Washington was surrounded by beautiful greenery.

"I love how they lit up the statue." Stella comments as she looks at it.

"Wait till you see the bridge."

"Do you only come to Boston for work?" She asks as I lead her toward the bridge.

"My parents used to bring me here during Christmas when I was little. My grandparents lived here."

She smiles, "That must've been fun."

I nod, "It would be so cold that the lake would freeze over, and people would use it to ice skate. That was my favorite time of the year."

She looks down at the water beneath us, "It looks pretty when it's not frozen over. I can't stand cold weather."

"It's enjoyable when you have someone to cuddle with." I say as I approach from behind her, my hands wrapping around her waist. I wasn't supposed to be doing this, but I couldn't help myself.


"Hmm?" I respond as I nuzzle the crook of her neck.

"Why do you want to stay friends after we split up?"

I pause for a moment, contemplating my answer. "Because I still want you in my life."

"But why?" She asks.

"Why wouldn't I?"

She shrugs as she looks out at the water. "Aren't you tired of me?"

I shake my head as I hold her closer, "I'll never get tired of you."

She chuckles, "We'll see."


What's their ship name? Jella? Stulius?

Lmaoo, thank you for 1k reads! I'm thinking this book will probably be about 40 chapters? Maybe a little less, like thirty-something.

Keep voting!

- AuggiePooh_

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