
By seijurossimp

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Laxus Dreyar is realizing things, but Freed is already over him. Or is he? More

Chapter 1: Frustration
Chapter 2: Tension
Chapter 4: Moonlight
Chapter 5: Loss
Chapter 6: After
Chapter 7: After part 2
Chapter 8: Freed
Chapter 9: Regret
Chapter 10: Love
Chapter 11: Memories
Chapter 12: Conflict
Chapter 13: Sanctuary

Chapter 3: Rejection

187 9 17
By seijurossimp

TRIGGER WARNING: There is an attempt at sexual assault in this chapter. To skip over it stop reading at  "That sounds perfect." and begin again at "Thunder masked the sound of..." Please do what is best for you and stay safe. Thank you.

Freed closed the door behind him, leaning his head back on the door frame, as he took in heavy breaths. His heart was racing at what felt like a hundred miles a minute.

Pull yourself together Freed. Laxus just likes long hair. It's nothing special. You're nothing special to him. He tried to reassure himself.

Freed's felt these feelings before. He was always left to look like a fool once he realized small instances between him and Laxus had no ulterior meaning. He just likes long hair. Freed kept repeating to himself as he walked to the front desk of the inn. Or does Laxus like me? No. He's not in your league. Drop it.

He tried to bury the small hope that lit under him before his past feelings resurfaced.


After about fifteen minutes Freed returns, "The innkeeper says there's a bar down the street. We can eat and grab a drink."

Laxus nods in agreement and starts changing. He wears a purple long sleeve muscle tee with a turtleneck, black pants, and his black coat with fur lining draped over his shoulders. Again, Freed can't help but notice how his clothes seem to fit him a little too perfectly.

Freed wore a black button up with black pants, and typical dress shoes. He left a couple buttons at the top of his shirt undone and wrapped a belt around his waist. His hair was pulled down and he tied the ends of it together to have it lay down his back.

Laxus watched as Freed was buttoning his shirt. Damn he looks handsome. He quickly looked away, trying to keep the sudden pink appearance on his cheeks hidden.

The two of them head out to the bar on foot. The rain was still pouring, but the innkeeper lent them an umbrella. Since Laxus was the taller one, he held it up for the both of them.

"I'm surprised you want to go to a bar." Laxus says, "You usually don't like to drink until we finish a job."

"Well we'll be able to reach Moonlight by the end of the day tomorrow. I figured since we're ahead of schedule, we could relax for tonight" Freed replies.

The sound of rain surrounded them. The splashes of their feet in puddles as they walked grew louder as Freed was getting lost in his thoughts again.

Why was Laxus acting like this? Maybe I should make a move.

His throat dried up and he stopped walking, "Laxus..." he says in a mumble.

Laxus looked down at Freed. He noticed how Freed was staring at the ground while they walked.


"I want to do a unison raid with you."

Laxus' eyes widen. He turned his whole body to Freed.

"You want to do what?"

"A unison raid" Freed repeats.

Laxus scans Freed.

He can tell this had been on his mind for a while, but why hasn't he ever mentioned it before their trip alone? Before he could think about it any further he felt the word leave his mouth.


"What do you mean no?" Freed shoots Laxus a look of confusion. His brows now furrowed. "I thought this trip was to help us improve. If we could perfect a unison raid we'd really be unstop-"

"I said no and that's final." Laxus says, cutting off Freed.

His expression had turned cold.

"Why not?!" Freed pushed. He didn't understand why he was coming off so defensive, but he couldn't help it. "Is it because our magic isn't similar to one another? Because I've learned new spells that could-"

"No. It's too dangerous." Laxus cuts Freed off again.

Freed was starting to get frustrated, "No it's not. You know I'm a strong wizard. I can handle it. Why won't you at least try it?"

"Look Freed," Laxus hesitates, "to do a unison raid you need a lot more than similar magic. You need to have..." Laxus gulped, "...strong chemistry with the other person." He knew what he was about to say was going to come off harsh, but he had to make Freed back off. "We... we're just not a good match."

The silence between them felt like it lasted an eternity.

"Not a good match..." Freed scoffs, "... right."

Of course.

Why did Freed ever get the idea that his feelings for Laxus were going to be mutual? Freed didn't know if he felt more angry at himself or hurt from Laxus' rejection.


He told himself nothing was ever going to happen between them, but still got caught up in the moment. It was foolish of him to even think Laxus was going to agree. He might as well have proposed to the guy!

God I'm an idiot! I was finally putting it past me and here I go again!


I was foolish.

The two of them walk the rest of the way in silence.


Freed and Laxus take a seat at the bar. The bartender walked up and asked what they would like, "Two shots of whiskey" Freed responded. Laxus looked at him with concern.

"Shouldn't we eat something first?" he asked.

"You order the food. The shots are for me" responded Freed coldly.

Laxus orders food for the both of them. The bartender pours the two shots and leaves after asking Laxus if there was anything else. He watched Freed take the first shot and saw his face wince. Then he immediately swallowed the second one. It was clear what Laxus said earlier upset him. Freed waves down the bartender for more.

"I think you should slow down Freed," says Laxus.

"Why? We're here to relax and have fun, aren't we?" Freed's cheeks were already flushed from the two shots, "Don't make me drink alone now."

He eyed Laxus, almost challenging the man. The bartender poured two more shots along with a pint of beer for the both of them.

Laxus knew Freed was a lightweight. He hesitated for a moment and in that moment Freed took the two shots on his own. "I don't even know why I try," he mumbled under his breath.


Stop being so angry.

He let out a heavy sigh, "I'm going to the restroom", leaping off the barstool.

Inside the restroom, he went straight to the sink and rinsed his face with cold water. He could already feel the whiskey fog up his mind. Get a hold of yourself. He just wanted to have fun for once and here he was acting angry. Again.

Laxus didn't owe Freed anything. There was no reason for him to be so offended for being rejected. Part of him couldn't help it though. He was always confident in everything, but when it came to Laxus he felt so... insecure. He hated it. He hated how Laxus made him feel safe but weak all at the same time. He hated how he can't help but love him and constantly be reminded he's not good enough for him.

Freed heard snickers in the far corner of the restroom. He saw two men, one tall with black hair slicked into a short ponytail and the other with a buzzcut in a tank top. They were loitering by the bathroom window and seemed to be inhaling some type of purple smoke. One of the men had been staring at Freed since he entered the restroom.

"Hey you," the taller one called out, "You know how sexy you look right now?" The other man with a buzzcut snorted. "You wanna have some fun?", he gave Freed a smug look.

"I'm good, thanks ..." Freed responded with an emotionless smile before leaving the restroom. He was well aware of how good looking he was. He was used to people catcalling and hitting on him. Freed knew he was attractive enough for both men and women. This came with positive and negative attention from both. None of that mattered to him though because the only attention he wanted was from Laxus and he was not going to get it any time soon.

He climbed back onto the barstool next to Laxus and started drinking his beer. The food arrived and the two of them sat at the bar and ate their meal. Freed decided he wasn't going to be angry tonight. He refused.

Just have some fun.

Freed ordered a couple more shots and pushed one to Laxus.

"Just take one with me!" he smiled. Laxus looked at him carefully. Maybe it was Freed's warm, genuine smile or maybe he just really wanted to relax tonight too, but Laxus decided to take the shot with Freed. Then another. And another.

The alcohol did little to Laxus's mind. He had a high tolerance, unlike Freed.

Two girls walked up behind them and tapped Freed's shoulder. He turned toward them and immediately thought they were going to ask him something about Laxus. What is that hunks name? Can you tell us who that is? Is your friend single? Were the usual questions that came along with travelling with someone as hot as Laxus.

"H-hi.." one of the girls stuttered looking at Freed. "We were wondering if you.. If you wanted to dance with us?" she asked nervously, her cheeks filled with a rose color.

Freed was a little shocked at first. Any time he was with Laxus he had barely got any attention from strangers. Maybe it was the insane amount of alcohol he had consumed in a short amount of time, or the way he wanted to fill the void from Laxus' rejection, but he did feel like dancing. He hopped off his stool, almost stumbling to the floor. Laxus looked like he was about to assist him until Freed held a hand up reassuring him he's okay.

"Yeah sure!" Freed says enthusiastically "Let's boogie!" and grabs the girl's hands taking them to the dance floor. Freed did want to let loose. Dancing was something he hadn't done in what felt like forever.


'Let's boogie'? God he's such a lightweight. Laxus thinks to himself, holding back a smile as he watched his friend go to the dance floor. He watched Freed as he was dancing closely with the girls.

Freed took one of the girls and spun her around, then took the other in his arms and dipped her. He sure was charming when he wanted to be. Laxus was keeping a close eye on him as he had found himself sandwiched between them and they were giggling. They moved their hips in sync with one another in slow motions. Freed looked like he was truly having a good time. Letting go of all of his stress about the job and his rejection from Laxus. Freed's cheeks and nose were a faint rose color, and his laugh spread across the entire dance floor.

Laxus noticed his thoughts lingering on an image of him and Freed on the dancefloor. Hands on Freed's arms. Fingers sliding through emerald locks. Freed's hands caressing down Laxus' chest. There was a sudden heat flowing down through Laxus.

Laxus shook off the emotions. He cleared his throat and ordered another drink for himself. He drank the entire pint of beer without looking back at the dance floor. Oh god, what were you just thinking about? He felt his throat get completely dry and felt a blush rising to his face.

Once he finished his third pint, he turned back around to see Freed talking to a man. The man was brushing Freed's hair behind his ear, while his other hand was wrapped around his waist. Laxus' brows furrowed. What the hell? Where did the girls go? He thinks as he scans the bar looking for them. He sees the two girls at the other side of the bar with a man and it seemed like they were working their way into getting free drinks.

When he turned back around to the dance floor Freed was gone, and so was the man.


Freed's mind was fuzzy. He definitely drank too much too fast. He was still dancing with the two girls when two men walked up to them. It was the two men from the restroom. The man with the buzzcut was undeniably flirting with the two women to draw them away from Freed. Once he was successful, the man with the ponytail wasted no time. He put his hand around Freed's back and pulled him closer.

"Don't waste time with those girls, how about you have some fun with me instead?" he smirked while pushing Freed's hair behind his ear. His thumb was lingering on Freed's cheek.

Freed scoffed, "What makes you think you're my type?"

The bar's atmosphere had become suffocating. Freed could slowly feel his eyelids get heavy and the room felt like it was spinning.

"Let's just say it's a gut feeling," the man replied, taking notice of Freed's uneasiness. "Why don't we continue this outside?" the smirk still resting on his face.

"Yeah..." Freed's breath was beginning to stagger, "That sounds perfect."

The man still had his hand wrapped around Freed's waist while leading him outside the bar. Freed felt like everything around him was covered in a purple haze. His body felt hot. Like really hot.

Once they got outside, the man didn't waste any time and pushed Freed against the brick wall in the bar's alleyway. The man pushed his lips against Freed's forcibly. His hands were all over Freed, grabbing at his body as if in a rush. Hands were unbuckling Freed's belt.



Wait. What is happening?

When the man put his hand inside Freed's shirt and made contact with his bare chest, Freed realized what was going on.

"Stop." Freed pushed the man off, shoving him into the other wall. Something was different. All of his strength was gone. He felt himself slump back against the wall. His limbs suddenly went numb.

"Damn! You must have a strong mind," the man said rubbing the back of his head, "my hypnosis spell should have made you completely lost in lust for me." He made his way back to Freed, grabbed his wrist and slammed it against the wall. Freed winced in pain. He tried kicking the man off of him but he couldn't. He felt like his legs had all of their strength depleted.

Hypnosis spell? Shit. Hypnosis spells shouldn't work on him. Freed really did have a strong mind. No one was able to get into it, but today he was upset and drank too much. He lost his composure. Dammit.

"Y- yes.." no. I don't want to say that.

Freed shook his head trying to make out the words for a counter spell but all he could say was "Yes." He reached down for his sword and remembered he left it back at the inn. He looked up at the man who was still holding onto his arm. The man had what looked like a cigarette in his mouth, and out of the tip purple smoke was filling the air between them.

"Why don't we take this back to my place?" the man asked, smiling as if he already knew what Freed's answer was going to be.

Freed tried so hard to refrain from answering. He bit down on his tongue until he tasted blood, but it was no use. The fresh scent of the spell entered his nostrils and went straight to his brain.


Freed fell to the floor as his limbs went completely limp. His breathing quickened. His will to fight back had dissipated. He broke out in a cold sweat, and felt like he was choking on vomit.

"Man, you're even sexier like this!" the man cackled, "Can't wait to take you home and fu-"

The man was cut short when a fist covered in yellow light connected to his face, sending him flying across the alley. Freed lifted his head and that's when he saw him.


His eyes slid closed as the spell finally took its toll, knocking him unconscious.


Thunder masked the sound of bones cracking under the skin of Laxus' knuckles. His blood was boiling. Anger filled his body at the sight Freed on the ground. His vision blurred with red.

How dare he.

How dare this man, this scum, do this to Freed.

My Freed.

Laxus hesitates the last blow, his fist lifted midair, when he remembers Freed is still lying unconscious in the alleyway. He dropped the man, who now looked half beaten to death. He exhaled a shaky breath, while he made his way to Freed.


Dammit. This is all my fault. If I just kept my eyes on him-

Laxus quickly shook off his guilty thoughts. It doesn't matter. He needed to get Freed back to the inn. He needed to make sure Freed was okay.

He bent down, elbows on his knees, and Freed. He cradled Freed's head into his hand, providing support while wrapping his other arm under Freed's legs, Laxus picked him up in one fell swoop. He was a little surprised by how light Freed was. He looked at Freed's face and noticed him shivering in a cold sweat. His face was pale. This seemed to be a side effect of the spell. Freed's body was trying its best to reject it. Laxus felt his jaw clench, he could feel the anger stir up in him once again. He let out a heavy sigh before heading back to the inn.

Once Laxus carried Freed back to their room, he gently laid Freed across the bed. He walked to the bathroom where he grabbed a small hand towel, soaked it with hot water, and placed it on Freed's forehead. He took a seat next to the bed.

Laxus was reaching to caress Freed's face when Freed's eyes suddenly opened and he jerked up into a sitting position, causing Laxus to nearly fall out of his chair. Freed turned to look at him. Laxus opened his mouth to speak but as soon as he did Freed covered his own mouth and bolted to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Laxus heard the distant sound of Freed puking. He made his way to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Laxus, don't-" gasped Freed. His eyes were filled with tears, as he was gasping for air. He held a hand up to stop him but quickly pulled it back as he continued to throw up into the toilet.

Laxus didn't say a word.

He bent down behind Freed and grabbed Freed's hair in one hand to prevent it from getting in the way. He used his other hand to rub Freed's back soothingly, instantly putting Freed's trembling to end. They stayed like that on the bathroom floor for another ten minutes until Freed felt like he hurled everything out of his stomach and then some.


Freed walked out of the bathroom using a towel to dry the corner of his mouth after brushing his teeth. His body felt weak, as one's body would feel after spending a solid fifteen minutes throwing up everything in it. He noticed Laxus, now in his sweatpants and no shirt, laid across the small couch in the room.

"Feeling better?" Laxus asks.

"Yeah... somewhat" he responds. His voice was raspy. It was clear his throat was incredibly sore.



"You don't have to sleep on the couch. We can share the bed, it's really big" Freed offered.

"It's okay Freed, really-" Laxus protests.

"Please," Freed said, looking down at the ground then moving his head up to look at Laxus, "Please I... I don't know if the spell has completely worn off yet, and I'd rather have you close to me in case..." his eyes moved away from Laxus', trying to avoid the weakness he was showing.

A shock came over Laxus' face. Freed's vulnerability was shining like a bright light in a dark room. "Okay." He got up from the couch and made his way to the bed. Freed climbed under the blanket on the left side and Laxus did the same with the right.

They both lay straight on their backs for a few moments until Freed turned to face Laxus.

"I'm sorry."

Laxus quickly turned his head to face Freed, "what?"

Freed's eyes were now glossy. His face was pale and looked hollowed and tired, "It's all my fault. All of this could have been prevented. If only I didn't drink all those-"


Freed moved his eyes up to meet Laxus'. Laxus turned his whole body, he and Freed now facing each other completely. "Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened," Laxus told Freed, sounding almost frustrated.

Freed moved his eyes downward. Laxus knew he was still blaming himself. He lifted his hand and gently slid Freed's hair behind his ear. He cupped Freed's face and caressed the area surrounding Freed's beauty mark with his thumb. His fingers were gently massaging behind Freed's ear. Freed closed his eyes, causing his tears to finally fall.

Everything that had happened so far was just too much. This was not how it was supposed to go. Freed didn't want Laxus to see him like this. Nothing about this was helping him prove how strong he was.

He opened his eyes again. Laxus was wiping away the tears on the left side of his face. He reached up and softly placed his hand over Laxus'. He felt the cuts on Laxus' knuckles and held it close to his face.

Laxus' presence was warm.


"You're always saving me," Freed said before his eyes slid shut. His hand slipped from Laxus'. The night had finally taken its toll.

Laxus moved his hand down to Freed's chin and pressed their foreheads together. He stayed there for a moment before pulling away from Freed's face, letting him rest.

I know now. I know what I have to tell him.

I'm going to tell him.

After this job, I'll tell him.

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