Weasley twins x y/n

By remuslupinluv

171K 2.5K 668

weasley twins oneshots! More

Fred pt. 2
George pt. 2
please read.


3K 61 48
By remuslupinluv

"my family will love you!" George shouted from the bathroom.

y/n was still unsure and had a gut feeling, "George.. they'll hate me.." she said starting to feel a little nauseous.

George walked out of the bathroom and over to his girlfriend which was sitting on their bed, "my family loves everyone." he tried his best to calm her nerves but it didn't seem to work any.

She stood up and looked at George, "i'm a malfoy! your family hates malfoys!" her voice was shaky and so was she. Her nerves were all over the place.

George pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head with a bit of force, "as long as they see how happy i am, they'll love you." he whispered.

y/n nodded hesitantly, "alright fine. c'mon the train leaves in a bit." she said and grabbed Georges hand, pulling him down the stairs. Along with a few bags in her hand.


They finally arrived at the burrow and y/n took a deep breath trying to get the uneasy feeling to shake away. George squeezed her hand and led her to the house where the weasley family awaited, Molly smiled at her son "it took you ages get here!" she shouted happily.

George hugged his mom and then looked at his girlfriend, awkwardly standing next to him. "oh mum! this is my girlfriend y/n-" his younger brother ron cut him off, "malfoy." he spat out sourly giving her a bitter look.

Molly gasped silently and looked at the girl infront of her and then back up at George, "you brought a Malfoy to our home!?" her voice shook with anger and disbelief. Georges eyes widened and looked at the girl attached to his side, looking like she was about to cry.

"mum-" George tried to say something but was cut off by Arthur, "you know better than to bring a-" he paused and looked at y/n in the eyes "traitor. to our family home." he added and looked away, heading back inside.

Ginny, Fred, and Ron all glared at her as they walked inside. George looked at his mom with pleading eyes, "can she at least come inside and stay for the holiday?" he squeezed her hand even tighter. Molly scoffed "i suppose we can't send her back now. She can stay but i can't promise i'll like it.." said Molly with a bitter tone.

George took a sigh of relief and went to pull her inside but she refused to move and shook her head when George looked back at her, "you heard them George.. i'm a traitor. I can't go in there.." she was sad and George could tell. "darling you're not a traitor, you're not your dad or you're brother, you're definitely not your mom." he softly caressed her cheek with his thumb.

y/n gave a half smile and looked at the door, "i can prove it to them.." she whispered to herself and followed George in. immediately after she entered all eyes laid on her making her a lot more tense, she tried to wave but they just ignored her and went back to what they were doing.

"dinner will be ready in 20 minutes." Molly told George and patted his back. George smiled and led y/n up to his room that he shared with Fred, y/n smiled and set her bags down near his closet. She fiddled with her fingers and sat on the edge of Georges bed, "do you think your mum would ever like me?" she asked her boyfriend curiously.

George smiled and nodded "after awhile, yeah."


It was dinner time and the two came down the stairs and sat next to eachother at the dinner table. Y/N tried to ignore the glares she was getting from the other three siblings, she tried not to let it get to her. After all she would prove to them that she wasn't like her family.

The food came floating onto the table, along with the dinner plates and forks. Molly and Arthur sat down and everyone began to put food on their plates, it was silent for a bit but then Arthur sparked up a conversation with y/n.

"so y/n.. whats it like being the daughter of lucius and Narcissa? I can imagine with all the money its pretty nice." y/n couldn't tell if he was being genuine or sarcastic, but she still tried to answer honestly without starting an argument.

She shook her head, "no actually.." she laughed nervously. Arthur raised an eyebrow and so did Molly but they kept asking nonetheless, "what do you do for fun? bully kids? use all of daddys money? brag about how spoiled you are? betray people everyday?" Ron asked her, a laugh following after.

George looked up at him with a threatning look but Ron didn't care, he hated how a Malfoy was in his home. "i never see you walking around school with anyone? probably because you stab everyone in the back. You've probably cheated on my brother, i don't know why hes with a bitch like you.." he said angrily.

"Ron!" George shouted but Ron just looked at him and shrugged, "you're really going to sit here and tell me im wrong? Honestly George, i never see you two together in the halls. I wouldn't be surprised if its because shes sucking off another guy." He scoffed and George banged his fist on the table.

It made y/n flinch and she stood up, "i um-" her breathing was heavy and she looked like she was stumbling backwards. "i just need to be excused.." {y/n} said in a breathy voice, running up the stairs and into the twins bedroom. The whole family stood in shock, well except for Ron and George, Ron just laughed and shook his head and sat back down to eat. George on the otherhand was furious with his brother, "i need excused too. look what you've done ron." he said bitterly and ran up the stairs after y/n.

He entered his room and his eyes immediately went to the bed, where he had saw his girlfriend curled up and crying to herself. His heart immediately broke and he walked over to her, sinking down in the spot closest to her, he couldn't stand seeing her like this "darling.." he said softly and pushed a peice of hair out of her face.

She kept crying harder and harder, she refused to let George look at her face. George laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, "Ron didn't mean it.." he tried his hardest to fix the damage his brother had caused at Dinner. "yes he did George! why can't they understand that just because i'm a Malfoy doesn't mean im spoiled, bully kids, or stab people in the back." her sobs grew louder, her body trembling violently.

"my father hates me, so does my mother. They favor my brother over me and im always shoved to the side. I get none of my dads money and i'm forced to surive on my own George." Y/N took a big deep breath and turned to face George, who obviously hurt for her.

She started playing with Georges shirt, not making eye contact with him, "i'm never walking around with anyone because they all think the same like Ron and your entire family. They're scared of me, they all hate me.." she started crying again into Georges chest.

What the couple didn't know though is that the family stood in the doorway of the room, listening to the whole conversation and starting to feel bad. They knew none of this about the poor girl and treated her badly because they assumed, they assumed she was just like the rest of her family.

Georges heart was shattered but he was also angry. His family hated her from the start, and Ron had to be a peice of shit and say those awful things. None of them would listen to him, he was happy and she was clearly the reason for it, why can't they just accept her for who she is. All because of her stupid last name.

Molly and Arthur crept into the room and caught Georges attention by accidently stepping on a creaky floor board. He glanced at them and looked away, "i want nothing to do with you people right now." he said bluntly. Arthur and Molly looked to the floor feeling shameful and guilty, walking out and taking the kids back downstairs with them.

It took awhile but George had finally gotten y/n to fall asleep, meaning he could also go to bed before Fred entered the room. He didn't even want to look at his own brother right now. He threw the covers over the both of them and wrapped his arm tightly around his girlfriends waist, finding her hand and intertwining their fingers together. Falling asleep like that.


this needs a part 2 loll :)

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