[13+] DBD x Reader (Gender Ne...

Snailonnaise द्वारा

39.4K 845 221

It's exactly what it says on the tin! Ever wanted to give your favourite killer a hug? (Perhaps even a cheeky... अधिक

Meeting The Trapper
The Hillbilly & Huntress
The Meeting
There Was A Chapter Here (Edited)
The Realms
A date with Trapper
Quality time with Wraith
A lesson with the Hag
Studying with Adiris
Photography with Ghostface
Pizza Party

Meeting The Wraith

3.3K 81 16
Snailonnaise द्वारा


This one is going to start including more of the killer's POV! The perspective will be written in bold at the top to keep things simple, no POV indication means it's back to you. And, now Y/N knows what they're doing, chapters will start to focus more on the interaction!


Trapper's POV

After arriving back at camp, the first one I saw was Wraith, and being the most quiet of the killers I knew my secret would be safe with him. "Hey, Wraith?" he turned to me and tilted his head as if telling me to continue. "Have you ever had a survivor... Not be afraid of you?" I paused for a moment before explaining further "Yknow like, them talking to you and being... Weirdly friendly..." Much to my dismay, he seemed to shake his head no looking a little puzzled. Ah well... Maybe he'll meet them in his next trial and see what I'm talking about...


The hatch I crawled into seemed to lead me right back to the campfire where Meg beckoned me over. "Alright you got it! Now I think it's time for a proper introduction to everyone before the next trial, eh?" I simply nodded in agreement and she began.

"Okay, so this nerdy guy is Dwight. He's pretty shy, and a bit of a scaredy-cat, but he's nice. This here is Claudette, she's a really good botanist so if you're ever injured try and find her! And finally, that one over there is Jake... Uh... Jake tends to prefer to go for walks than talks so we don't know him so well, but he's nice when he does speak!" Meg concluded, looking at me as if to ask if I had any more questions.

"Thanks Meg, it's nice to meet all of you, I'm Y/N." Dwight and Claudette nodded in acknowledgement, and I decided to go take a look around since there was a little while before the next trial started. First of all I had a little look around the cabins, seeing a multitude of names on them I didn't recognise. Nea, Bill, Feng Min... Well, I'm sure I'll meet them eventually. 

Next on my list was the forest, following a hidden and overgrown path I found myself a little ways away from what appeared to be a glowing crack in the ground... It was perfectly straight and looked similar to the ground of that trial as it was... Collapsing I think trapper said.

Despite feeling a strange energy from it, I  pressed onwards until I was stood right next to it, seeing a second set of cabins in a distant clearing. Just as I was about to cross it to take a look, I felt the familiar black smoke and prepared myself to be taken to another trial.


Wraith's POV

I wonder what Trapper was talking about, a friendly survivor? Surely not. Before I got the chance to think about what he was saying I noticed it was my turn to enter the trial grounds. I wonder if I'll see who he's talking about...


As I come to, I notice I'm now in what looks to be a run down scrap yard, with damaged cars and wreckage spread about the area. I know what I'm doing this time, and quickly head over to a generator. After almost finishing it and seeing one already light up across the map I'm wondering where the killer is, it can't be trapper again right?

Suddenly my question is answered by the sound of a bell, making me jump as another tall figure seemed to materialise near me. I didn't run, although I knew I should, instead I stared at this new figure. Bandages... Maybe he's hurt? He looks a litle bit like a tree too... Wait a moment, is that a spine he's holding?? Okay, maybe it is time to run!

I warily stumble to my feet and run to the nearest palette, waiting for the tree-like man to follow me, though he appears to pause and stare at me quizically before initiating chase. I'm still not the best at this, and before long I'm once again on the ground being hoisted into the air.

"Um, hi there! What's your name? I feel weird calling you 'tree guy'" I let out a small nervous laugh as he also paused a little ways before the hook. "So you're the one trapper was talking about... Wraith. My name is Wraith." He spoke softly, before throwing me onto the hook and giving me what looked to be an apologetic look before ringing his bell and seeming to vanish.

Wraith? He seems nice... And that bell is very cool, I wonder if he'd let me try using it...

Before I get the chance to ponder too much I see Meg running over to hoist me off the hook "Were you trying to talk to him? I wouldn't bother if I were you, they're not here for a friendly chat you know!" 

She patched me up and brought me to the next generator as I saw someone else get hooked in the distance. "We're not doing so well this trial, only two gens done and two people hooked... Hopefully someone gets that guy off before he hits stage 2..." 

"Stage 2?" I question, prompting her to explain. She simplifies it for me, "You can be hooked three times. After hook one, what they call the entity will appear and you must struggle. But if nobody comes to get you in time and you get too tired then you're out and will be sent straight back to the campfire."

That made sense, but was pretty unnerving... We saw the person in the distance get rescued off the hook but promptly after saw both our teammates go down and be picked up. "Damnit..." Meg exclaimed as a deep ethereal rumble swept across the area and a strange black creature appeared in the sky above one of the hooks. 

"That's him out of the trial... Stay here and finish the gen, I gotta get our other friend off!" Meg hopped up and quickly disappeared from sight. I did as told and just about finished my gen before I heard that bell again. Looking around quickly I noticed him look at me, tilting his head before walking off towards Meg and our teammate.

Why didn't he chase me? That's weird...


Wraith's POV

I saw them looking at me confused as I left them. I don't think I'll chase them just yet, I'd like to get the others out of the game first so I can ask a few... Questions...


Ah well, I went to search for gen 4 and saw meg unhook our friend before getting downed herself. This isn't going well... I saw the injured teammate limping towards me and ran over to heal him. "Thanks..." he murmured quietly. If I remember correctly, this must be Jake. I took him back over to the generator I started work on, and he gestured for me to go to Meg.

Making my way over I saw the tendrils most of the way through forming around her and panicked. I couldn't quite get there before they swung down, almost stabbing her if she didn't catch it. As I pulled her off the hook she seemed more nervous. "I'm in stage 2 now, next time I'm hooked I'm out..." she mumbled, following me into the bush for healing.

Just as I was about to go back to the gen from before I noticed Wraith entering a chase with a now injured Jake. Maybe not the time... I managed to heal meg fully and get back to the gen, noticing it was nearly done. 

The familiar chugging of it being done was calming, just one more. But before I got the chance to celebrate my progress the sound of that bell rang out. Me and Meg split up, with the Wraith first chasing me but leaving to follow Meg after hitting me once. I guess he wants us both at a disadvantage. I hid in a nearby bush, hoping I wouldn't see Meg go down, but to no avail. Now both my teammates were out on hook and crawling.

Unsurprisingly, I saw them both get hooked within a matter of minutes, the shadow of them being taken up into the sky. 

It's just us now. 

Deciding that him leaving me was a sign of him being friendly, I walked back out into the open and called out "Wraith! Hey, where are you?" 

My question was answered by the bell ringing behind me

"Oh, there you are! Why didn't you chase me before?" I questioned him, getting little more than a swift smack sending me to the ground. "You're interesting," he began, picking me up over his shoulder "come to the boundary line once you're back, we can talk there." he almost whispered, once again taking me to the hatch, which I gladly crawled myself into.


Wraith's POV

As I went back to camp, I went to go find Trapper, scaring him a little by uncloaking right behind him. "Jesus Wraith, stop doing that. Anyway, what do you need?" 

"I found that survivor." was all I needed to reply for him to become interested, asking me all kinds of new questions.

"I told them to go to the boundary line, so come with me if you want to speak to them." and with that we headed off into the forest towards the divide...


The boundary line... Was that the strange glowing line in the forest? It has to be. I decided to ask Meg about it and her expression immediately changed to worry.

"Be careful going to the boundary, there's nothing stopping either party from crossing except the Entity's rule. And his only rule is no killing survivors outside of trials... I'm sure if you're going I can't stop you, so please just be careful..."

I took what she said on board with a nod, and headed off down the old path. I guess that explains why it's so unused, huh... I soon saw the line in the distance and crept over, seeing a strange clear glimmer just beyond it.

As I approached, the glimmer rang a familiar bell and the Wraith appeared, awesome! "Hey Wraith! Why did you ask me to come here?" I questioned cheerfully before noticing a second shadow from behind one of the trees, looking at it interestedly. 

"Why aren't you afraid?" He pointedly asked, walking a little closer to the boundary, confirming the rogue shadow definitely wasn't his. "Before I answer that, is someone else here?" I quickly asked, pointing at the shadow which made Wraith chuckle. "Your hiding spot sucks Trapper, come out."

Sure enough, the killer from the first trial slunk out from behind the tree. Is he... Shy? That's cute.

I chuckled softly alongside Wraith before collecting myself to answer. "I.. Don't really know... You two don't seem all that bad, and from what I learned this... Entity is in charge?" The two nodded in confirmation and I eyed the boundary line curiously.

"What would happen if I crossed?" I decided to ask the two, which stumped them a little, but Trapper answered my question quickly.

"Nothing. Not unless you decided to go introduce yourself to the less welcoming killers over there, then it might get a little painful for you..."

I let out a short hum as an okay and stepped right on over, now very close to the two I could take in just how tall they were. "Huh, you guys are a lot bigger up close..." I commented, not meaning to actually say anything.

The two seemed a little too stumped at my actions to respond, so I looked between them smiling for a moment. "Okay, my turn to ask a question! Uhhm... Wraith, what are those bandages on your legs for? Are you hurt?" 

He simply shook his head in response, I guess still a little confused. I turned my attention to trapper, hesitantly gesturing to his arm "Okay now, those have to be painful right?" He looked over to them and gave a kind of shrug. "They were when they went in, now though not so much..." 

I wanted to ask what happened, but didn't want to pry too much. Deciding to sit down at one of the trees I gestured for the others to sit too, both of them doing so with some reluctance.

"So what are the other killers like? Sorry if I'm asking too much, I'm just interested! You two seem cool, but you said some others aren't?" 

I could've sworn I saw a slight smile creep onto Wraith's face before he replied "Well... Thank you... And yes, the others may not be so friendly. There are a few who may also take interest in you. Huntress, Legion, and Plague are the most talkative ones, but... Doctor, Clown and Pyramid Head aren't so interested in making friends..."

I heard Meg calling me in the distance and hopped up quickly. "Oh! That's my time to head off! I'll come back to chat some more later!" I called back as I walked off back to the campfire...


Trapper's POV

Having now had a good look at that survivor, they're quite cute... Almost like a small puppy... I do hope the others aren't too cruel to them in the next trial... 

What am I thinking, honestly Evan get it together!! It's a good job nobody can see you blushing behind this mask!


Wraith's POV

What an interesting one... I do hope they come back to talk more. It's been a while since we've had that type of naive innocence. I briefly glanced over at Trapper as I get up, seeing him shake his head as if to try to get a thought out of his head.

I think somebody might have a crush... Let's just hope it doesn't end up with him being punished...


[2286 words]

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