The Thing About Flip Flops

By yellowbility

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Audrey Parker has been metaphorically tossed into a cabinet for her whole life. Everyone's left her; her mom... More

Chapter One: Hello Again
Chapter Two: There Are Probably Hallucinative Drugs In My Lemonade
Chapter Three: My Brother And I Have A Spontaneous Vocabulary Lesson
Chapter Four: We Risk It All For Some Taco Bell
Chapter Five: Birthday Candles Are A Fucking Fire Hazard
Chapter Six: You Sound Like A Weird Bug
Chapter Seven: Sexy Cheese Pulls and Eloquent Dogs
Chapter Eight: Shakespeare Fans Should Skip This Chapter
Chapter Ten: So I Guess He's Not Going To Send Me His Nudes
Chapter Eleven: Damn You And Your Stupid Pretty Face
Chapter Twelve: I Don't Know Where Your Feet Have Been
Chapter Thirteen: Mutual Free-Insult Passes
Chapter Fourteen: Shut Up And Eat Your Pasta, Dr. Fucker
Chapter Fifteen: Funding Someone's Mental Breakdown Is The Best Form Of Support
Chapter Sixteen: Has The Sauce Gotten To Your Head And Made You Delirious?
Chapter Seventeen: Your Face Looks Like A Psychopathic Blobfish
Chapter Eighteen: Kevin McCallister Is Actually Terrifying, I Said What I Said
Chapter Nineteen: Carrot Candles To Go On Top Of The Carrot Cake
Chapter Twenty: Jack Golden, Legend Among Cowboys
Chapter Twenty One: Kids, Don't Be Like Aunt Emily
Chapter Twenty Two: It's A Proposal, Can I Get A "Whoop Whoop!?"
Chapter Twenty Three: I Can't Tell If He's Telling Me Dirty Jokes
Chapter Twenty Four: I Become A Red, Blushing, Stuttering Fish
Chapter Twenty Five: My Genius Revenge Plan Ends With... Well, Read And Find Out
Chapter Twenty Six: Double Revenge... He Deserves It!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Spring Break
Chapter Twenty Eight: Warm Pizza and Even Warmer Cuddles
Chapter Twenty Nine: Thank God I'm A Country Boyyyyy
Chapter Thirty: Stupid Goddamn Butterflies
Chapter Thirty One: A Toast on a Boat
Chapter Thirty Two: Failed Parenting, Vasectomies and Ketchup Cake
Chapter Thirty Three: Henry's Accident
Chapter Thirty Four - Visitations
Chapter Thirty Five: The Treehouse Talk
Chapter Thirty Six: What Happens After "I Love You"?
Chapter Thirty Seven: (I Know) I'm Losing You
Chapter Thirty Eight - Corrections and Confessions
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Sex Habits of Octopi
Chapter Forty - Beautiful.

Chapter Nine: The Tragic Downfall of Mrs. Hinkleson

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By yellowbility

Me and Chris have plans to go out again tonight.

A week after our first date, he has invited me to go to a movie. I suggested we do something more casual, so here it is.

I'm in black jeans and a sweatshirt, and we're hoping to catch a throwback showing of Jaws tonight, if he shows up on time.

Which he does.

At least he's not in a suit.

Chris and I have been talking a lot more in the last week, mostly at lunch. I've started to realize that he's actually somewhat okay to hang out with. I've come to the conclusion that our first date was only awkward because we were still thawing from everything that happened. This one's guaranteed to be better.

We talked a lot about movies during our bonding time. He hates Star Wars. I can't believe it. What a little bitch. Except he likes a lot of good stuff too, so I can't complain. Still, hating a classic like that...

"Hey, Audrey," he says as I walk up towards his car.


I climb into the passenger seat of his car and we're at the theater in no time. The car ride passes in comfortable, companionable silence.

When we step out of the car and into the cool, amazing-smelling movie theater, I beeline for the popcorn booth.

I'm about to ask him if he wants caramel popcorn or plain when I notice that Chris has disappeared. I look around to try and find him, but I can't spot him. This is weird. He was just here a minute ago. I look around more carefully and finally see him near the back of the room, calling someone on his phone with a look of worry on his face.

I step out of the line (I know. Crazy.) to go see what's wrong. When I approach Chris, he makes a slight jerk of the head and a motion that seems to imply, not right now. Give me a second.

He speaks to the person on the other end. "Yeah. Okay, but can't it wait? I'm seeing a movie with this chick..."

I realize what's happening. Something's up, and he's cancelling. I hope for his sake that it's something serious and not just a plot to get away from me. Wait, I'm wearing deodorant, right?

When he hangs up, I don't ask what happened but he tells me anyway.

"My friend needs help with his homework, and his parents are busy and his other friends are too. I've gotta go. Sorry, Audrey, can we do this some other time?"

"Oh. Okay," I respond, too startled to be angry. I mean, everyone else is busy, yeah, but so was Chris. He grins in thanks and leaves quickly, pocketing his phone.

He leaves in his car before I can even say goodbye. I know that he's probably heading somewhere that doesn't pass by my place, but he could've at least asked if I needed a ride. Which I do, since it's freezing outside and I came here with a person who left me hanging for someone's homework.

I curse loudly, causing a mother to look at me repulsively while shielding her baby's ears. Sorry, kid.


"He just bailed on you?" Jenna yelps through my phone. I respond with a quick yes, somewhat grateful that she's so pissed on my behalf.

I ended up taking a bus home. I told my dad and Jeremy that Chris dropped me off a block away so they wouldn't get suspicious, but I don't know how well that worked.

"That piece of shit. I hope you told him that you were definitely not gonna go along with the whole rescheduling bullshit. You did, didn't you?"

I hesitate, long enough for her to guess. ""

"Audrey!" She chides.

I sigh, fiddling with my fingernails. It's getting late, but I really want to talk to someone about this before I go to sleep worried and angry.

"Look, I didn't want to offend him. He seemed genuinely upset that he had to go..."

"Audrey, he left you out in the cold after ditching you! Why are you taking his side?"

I pause, thinking it over. The truth is, I've always wanted one of those kissing-in-the-rain, oh-shit-there-was-only-one-bed, romance novel type love stories. He's the closest thing I have to that right now.

I'm not ready to let him go when I could maybe be letting go someone who goes on to be someone I end up loving.

I doubt that Chris is likely to be that person, but it's the idea of having that that makes me rethink being mad at him. It's stupid, I know.

Instead, I tell Jenna, "I'm gonna give it one more chance. If we don't hit it off then, I'll forget about him. Deal?"

She answers, "It's completely up to you. If you want to do that, go ahead. Got it?"

"Got it. Thanks."

I go to bed feeling much more reassured that I had been a few hours ago.


Chris is waiting by my locker in the morning when I show up to put my textbooks away.

I try to get to my combination lock without touching him, but he grabs my arm and moves so I have to look at him.


I push his hand away with my free arm.

"I'm sorry for leaving. I just had to go help my friend with his homework. It was really important."

I want to say, More important than me?

But it's only been a little less than two weeks that we've started dating again so saying that feels excessive, creepy, and desperate.

I just nod, fiddling with my lock until it clicks into place. I shove my books into my locker, and when I finish I turn to face Chris properly.

"I get it," I say. He looks shocked. His face brightens into a smile.

"You do? Great! So we're cool?"

I manage to smile back. "Totally cool." I give him a thumbs up as proof.

"Nice. I'll see you later, then, okay?"

"Uh-huh," I confirm, and spin on my heel to walk towards my next class. I think my ponytail hits him in the face.

Now we're cool.

I shoulder my way through the crowds of people around campus, trying to find my classroom.

Then I hear a loud shout coming from the next hallway over.

Everyone around me looks around, and as if we're all controlled by one mind, we rush towards the noise. Excited whispers and nervous laughter tell me there's a fight going on. I try to see through the people gathered around a specific area, and manage to find a spot where, if I stand up on tiptoe, I can manage to make out the fight.

People are chanting and it smells like sweat because of all the people standing too close for comfort. But nobody cares about that. They all care about the two people brawling it out on the floor.

I think one of them is a guy on the football team, since he's wearing one of those letterman Jackets you always see jocks wearing in movies. Number 8. I don't actually know who that is. There's no name on the Jacket.

The other guy has dark hair and is wearing a hoodie, meaning I can't see his face, especially since there are a lot of people in front of me, blocking my view.

Football aims a hard punch at the other guy, making the crowd wince and collectively go, "Oof."

The other guy, Hoodie, takes the punch right to the gut and falls down. I see him flip Football the bird before Football comes down on him, trying to get on top so he can get more hits in.

When Football leans down, Hoodie knees him right in the balls, making the jock screech and the crowd laugh.

Football swipes a fist at Hoodie's face, but it's slow since he's still in pain from the injury. Hoodie easily ducks and grabs the jock's hair, smashing his face into the floor.

This fight is getting ugly. Football glares at Hoodie through a bloody nose and an obvious headache. Jeez.

Number 8's elbow slams into the side of Hoodie's head. The crowd, including me, gasps as Hoodie socks Football so hard across the face that it leaves an obvious mark.

"BOYS!" Someone screams from behind me. I turn away from the fight to see the vice principal charging at the two guys.

Oh no.

Someone shouts, "Wait, Miss Hinkleson..."

But it's too late. She stupidly moves to stop Football's punch, but his fist collides with her hand in a very painful looking way.

The vice principal screams loudly. I think her hand might be broken.

The crowd is quiet. The boys have even stopped their brawl to watch.

Oh god. This is going to get bad.

I suddenly sprint down the hallway, trying to escape the crime scene. Hell, as bad as I feel for Miss Hinkleson, and as much as I feel like a guilty coward for leaving, I don't want to get caught up in this. I think most of the other witnesses of the fight have the same idea.

We rush away, leaving the two boys and the screaming teacher in the middle of the hallway.

I turn back as I'm about to turn the corner and see Miss Hinkleson holding her wrist, crying, and shouting at the two boys. Everyone else has escaped to class.

I linger for a second, trying to figure out who the boy wearing the hoodie is. I think I know. I watch for a second longer as another teacher shows up with the nurse and moves down to help Miss Hinkleson. I turn and leave.

In poetry class, Jack is absent.

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