Case closed?

By AliaMAA123

29 5 14

Nightingale, a young man decides to start a new life and forget about the past , moving forward we discover s... More

Case closed?

29 5 14
By AliaMAA123

"You're free to leave Middleton now Mr. Nightingale." The sunlight is a sense of liberation, the way those rays passed upon my honey-brown skin was like music to my soul, the one that tells me I am finally free! "When did they release him?", "What he is back?", "Wow, ten years!", redundant comments made by the intrusive people of Blairsville invaded my head, the only way I could get rid of my dreadful past was to leave this cursed town.

"Cairnholm town, where your radiant future awaits" Words on the Blairsville newspaper played around in my head. What if Cairnholm is where a new chapter of my life begins? Can I finally walk in the streets without inhibition, or judgement made about my remorseful past? I am willing to do whatever it takes to get out of here and start a new life!

It is Thursday in the afternoon, the acrid smelling sweat drenched my shirt, I soon dropped my bag inside a flat which I have discovered in the other end of town and headed to a café- which was highly recommended by an affable man that lived next door.

"Oh god, it is Katherine Bennet, how can such ravishing beauty exist?"

Katherine, Katherine, Katherine the only word I heard since I have arrived in this town. I perceived from the locals that she was the former prom queen, and undoubtedly the most charming girl in town. I sat there munching on my scrumptious almond croissant, reading my favorite romance novel, pride and prejudice; I came across my favorite line "I could easily forget his pride, if he had not mortified mine." Then suddenly, I laid my eyes on a stunning woman with bright Hazel eyes walking confidently towards me. Could she possibly be an angel on earth?

"Hello sir, I do not recall seeing you before, are you new in town?"

"Yes, I just arrived this afternoon, I am Nightingale by the way, and you are..."

"Katherine, Katherine Bennet, nice to meet you, may I take a seat?"

"sure, go ahead."

Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into months, and we were... in love. Isn't it quite surprising how you could meet your soulmate in the most unexpected place? Because this is what happened between me and Katherine. We met at a small coffee shop in the other end of town, and before we both knew it, we were having our first official date tomorrow.

It was my day! I dressed into my elegant black suit, like prince charming; waiting for my prepossessing princess to show up. And here she was dressed in an entrancing red dress which was covered with roses. Vibrant music was played by the elegant violins as we sat there, enjoying the moment, and picking our special dinner for tonight. Our ambrosial beef wellington had just arrived along with mash potatoes and asparagus on the side. Suddenly, Katherine had started coughing - a cough that could have woken the entire street. As she cried in agony she yelled,

"please help me I don't know what's happening to me I can't breathe, please I am begging you, call the ambulance, why aren't u helping me!"

You might think that this all took the wrong turn, except this is how I exactly planned things to happen. Hi, my name is Nightingale Bennet, known as the "psychotic Bennet" I was raised in a small town called Cairnholm, my life was exemplary, I lived with affectionate parents that loved me more than anything. My life was perfect! until at the age of four, my infuriating sister Katherine was born, she constantly had my parents' attention, they barely knew I existed. By the time Katherine was five, they took her to special places, and I was constantly left at home with a Nanny. On my ninth birthday I was out of patience, voices in my head would yell "Kill her!" other voices would yell "don't, she is your sister!" My emotions got out of control, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and attempted to kill her, and before I knew it my parents were standing right behind me.

"we need to get him out of here, he is not safe for our daughter, god knows what he is capable of doing next" Words by my father remain stuck in my head. Really so driving me to Blairsville town, away from home and keeping in me in the Middleton sanatorium was the best solution? And for what? To keep your little princess Katherine safe? I have been planning for this day for years, and here Katherine was (my parents' little princess) lying dead right in front of me. Do I regret what I have done? Not at all, this is probably the best decision I have ever taken.

"sir would you like a croissant or crepe?"

"crepe please"

Oh, bonjour from Paris, this is what I truly call a new life, I shall try out some fresh French crepe, Au revoir for now.

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