Sneaking Out

بواسطة lalalolipop21

195 5 0

Scottney One Shot. I love this couple. المزيد

I'll Wait For You

195 5 0
بواسطة lalalolipop21

Duncan chuckled as he watched Courtney trip over herself after being completely soaked in the green jelly that she hated so much. She stood there frozen in pure terror and then started flailing her arms up and down and frantically ran off. All this while she was screaming was too much for Duncan to hold back his laughter. He had already finished the obsta-kill course but the best part was watching her freak out. He couldn't stand her anymore but still was able to be entertained by her suffering. 

"Courtney! You're okay! You're doing great!" 

That rehead guy, Scott. The way he and Courtney seemed to be getting close lately made Duncan want to puke. Yeah, Courtney was hot but what in the living hell did Courtney see in this dirtbag? Duncan was a bad guy but at least Duncan had style. Scott was as plain as dirt. Scott wasn't bad looking but he was just cruddy. He knew Courtney's standards were low, but this was the lowest she's ever gone. She was downgrading after Duncan, that was for sure. 

"Hahaha. Hey Courtney! You look better in that green goo! It suits your snotty attitude!" Duncan shouted over Scott. It felt good to finally say something to Courtney since she had been blanking Duncan for a while. He needed to get her attention somehow. Scott turned towards the delinquient and squinted his eyes.

"What's your problem dirt boy?" Duncan asked. 

"Was just about to ask you the same thing?" Scott's eyes seemed to pierce through Duncan. Duncan just ignored his icy look. Why was Scott so different now? From what Duncan's seen and heard about him, he was a total dick. In Revenge of the Island, he was a completely different guy. A dark and manipulative jerk. What changed him? Could it be-?  

"Courtney! Be careful!" Scott yelled back to her as she almost tripped again.  

"You've got something for Courtney, don't you?"

Scott gritted his teeth and turned back towards Duncan. 

"And if I did, why would you care?" Scott glared furiously at Duncan. 

"Sorry, but I just don't think guys like you are her type."

Scott at first looked angered but then his mouth curled up into a small smirk. He turned his back once again on his punk teammate. 

"Well, she dated you didn't she?" 

Duncan couldn't come up with a faster and better comeback. He lowered his voice a bit as Scott still kept his eyes on Courtney. Scott looked like he was watching her every move, hoping she didn't screw up and get herself hurt. 

"Look, I'm just trying to warn you about her. She's not what you think."

Scott didn't want to give Duncan any more attention, although it did piss him off at how Duncan talked about Courtney.

"Oooo. Are you trying to make me scared of her?"

"She's bat shit crazy dude. She'll pull you in and right as you think you're with her, she'll tear your whole world apart. She'll push you around, make you change yourself, and she will bring you down on yourself. She will use you because she knows that you don't have any self esteem. All of that shit for nothing." Duncan noticed Scott wasn't really listening to him anymore and was more worried about Courtney. Duncan leaned in and whispered. 

"Yeah dude, she made me go through so much and not once did she put out. She's not worth it dude." Duncan left it at that when he noticed Scott stopped yelling words of encouragement to his burnette ex. Scott turned and upper cutted Duncan as hard as he could and Duncan almost went out cold. Duncan laid out on the grass and then felt the sole of Scott's shoe on Duncan's throat. 

"You ever talk shit on Courtney-I'll-"
Scott was cut off by Gwen who was trying to push him off her boyfriend. Scott walked away. Gwen tried to help Duncan but he already wanted to beat the shit out of Scott. Gwen pushed him back down because she didn't want the fight to escalate and she knew that Duncan fought really dirty. He always brought a switch blade and he would use it in a circumstance like this one. Gwen didn't need him going to prison for murder. 

Courtney had made it into the giant spinner but it threw her out and she screamed bloody murder. He eyes shut closed as if she didn't want to know where she'd land. Her tears clouded her vision and she felt the air hit her face as the spinner sent her flying. When she landed, she was suprised at how soft the landing was. She tumbled on top of something hard. She laid upon what or whoever it was. She dared open one eye to see that it was none other than Scott. She couldn't help but blush. For a second it looked like Scott was knocked out but he quickly raised his head. He rubbed the back of it gently and then when his eyes met Courtney, he could finally see clearly what had happened.

He and Courtney were out in the forest away from the challenge and other contestors. She got off him but her body ached a bit.

"Owwww. Scott...Are you...okay? AH!" Scott helped her when she was about to fall back down. "Courtney!" He grabbed on of her hands and held it tightly. He let her lean against his chest. It seemed as if they didn't have anything to say but the look in their eyes said everything. He let go of her waist and let her stand on her own. 

"Scott, why are we way out here?"She asked sounding almost annoyed. 

"You got spun out here and landed on top of me."

"Why were you out here though?" Courtney asked sounding very confused. 

"Ah, I was trying to um...stretch my legs...So I decided to take a walk." Scott said as he was trying to come up with a good excuse. Before Courtney could think over what he just said, Scott saw that she had small scratches all up and down her arms. 

"You got cut up. Let's get those cleaned up." Scott said sounding concerned. He was shocked as he heard her giggle. Her laughter, it sounded so sweet to his ears. He wanted to hear more of that. The burnette pushed a strand of loose bang behind her ear. She got a coyish look in her eyes. 

"You get so worried about me, don't you?"

Scott was hardcore blushing and she could see right through him. He shook himself from the feeling and glared at her. He couldn't let her read him like an open book! Yeah, he really liked her, but what if Duncan was right? Not about her being crazy, because he knew she was crazy, but it was something he could handle. He was worried that maybe he wasn't really her type. Scott had been afraid of rejection for a long time and especially now. He had the biggest crush on Courtney but he didn't want to be rejected by her. 

"Pff! No! I just didn't want you to cost one for the team!"

Courtney's adorable look in her eyes went away. Scott hated himself. Why must he be like this?
Her brows furrowed a bit and Scott looked as if he wanted to take back his words. 

"Well, sorry for thinking that maybe you cared!" She turned right around and left back to the others. Scott let out a sad sigh and hunched his shoulders as he walked followed her from far behind. Of course he cared about her. He just had to make a big idiot out of himself. 

When Courtney came back, she noticed Scott wasn't right behind her. She looked back in concern and Duncan caught on. As the other contestors left one by one back to the cabins, he waited to see if Courtney was still following them. He waited until everyone was gone and he grabbed Courtney by her shoudler and patted it.

"Great job out there, but looks like our team lost anyways. I know who I want to kick off. I'm thinking maybe Scott?" He whispers the last part in her ear. She jerks back from him and it causes his hand to let go of her. 

"I'm not voting Scott off."

"Why? OH! I know! You like him?" Duncan wasn't really sure if she liked him but, he'd like to get an answer from her. 

"No! I mean-I do like-AH!" Courtney clasped her hands over her eyes. Duncan could judge by the way she was getting flustered that she did indeed like the country boy. Duncan rolled his eyes in disgust. 

"Scott sure as hell doesn't like you. I mean, come on Courtney." Courtney gasped and looked at Duncan who was smiling mischeviously back at her. 

"How do you know?"

"I mean, it's you. Courtney, what makes you think that anyone would want to date you after everything that's happened on this show? You're crazy and a control freak! What guy would want that? Scott wouldn't put up with it. I don't think any guy could, not like me."

Courtney rolled her eyes and pushed past Duncan's shoulder. Was he right though? Courtney didn't give it a second thought. She walked straight to her cabin. Later that night at the elimantion camp fire, she sat in her usual spot. She saw Scott walk towards her and plop himself down by her side. She thought for sure he'd want to sit away from her after what had happened earlier. She whispered to him. 

"I didn't think you'd wana sit next to me." She had no idea why she told him.

"What? Why?" Scott looked back at the burnette that he adored. She appeared a bit nervous for some reason. She started to fiddle with her hair and it wasn't a usual quirk for her. Scott spent a lot of time studying her movements. He was into her after all. 

"Oh it's know...You don't think I'm a crazy control freak do you?" Courtney didn't look at him. 

"What?" Scott raised an eyebrow at her. She quickly folded her arms together as if to cut herlself away from the ginger even more. 

"Oh it's nothing."

Before Scott could say anything, Chris stepped in and revealed that their team actually won and that the Heroic Hamsters cheated. Courtney was happy to know that neither her or Scott were going to be eliminated and that they would be spending time in the nice hotel. She jumped up in excitement and blindly hugged onto Scott. They both jumped up and down. They slowly opened up their eyes and realized they were hugging. They blushed and turned away from each other as if nothing happend. How they both wished to be in eachother's embraces longer. They felt stares on them and Courtney looked down.

Do they think I'm crazy? Does he just see me as a friend? Or...?

Do they think I'm not meant to be with her? Am I too much of a nobody to be with her...

They both walked to the hotel with sad expressions. Looking down at the ground. Gwen noticed how they were acting. She was getting a strong feeling that they both liked each other. Maybe there was something she could do, and it would help build a friendship with her again. The whole night went on awkwardly as Scott and Courtney tired to avoid each other. Courtney walked into the dining room with a plate of food. Scott was sitting on the far edge of the table and spoke after swallowing a giant chunk of his steak. Courtney excused herself but Scott stood up. 

"No, I'll excuse myself." He got up from his seat and left. Courtney saw Gwen and Duncan and she left too. 

"What's going on with those two?" Gwen asked her boyfriend who seemed to be too preoccupied with his dinner to care what was going on. 

"What's it to you?" He managed to say before gulfing down a swig of orange juice.

"I mean, I'm just saying that Scott and Courtney seemed to be know, closer to each other the past few days. Now it's like they don't want to be near each other? Do you think they were dating?" Gwen explained. 

"Nah. Courtney isn't into losers like him." 

"Wow, that was kind of mean Duncan."

"Um, yeah! I'm a mean person doll face." Duncan retorted. 

"Look. I want to be friends with Courtney again. I don't care about what you think of her. She was a cool friend to have around."

"You're just saying that so you'll have an ally. You don't actually want to be friends with that broad do you?"

Gwen got up and surprisingly threw the rest of her orange juice into Duncan's face. He spit out what got into his mouth and glared at his goth girlfriend. She let out a laugh. 

"I love you but, you don't know me well enough." Gwen grabbed her finished plate and left.

Courtney sat on the edge of her bed while nervously running her fingers through her hair. She let out a sigh. Duncan had yet made her feel bad about herself. Was she really psychotic? Was she really too crazy to ever find love again? Why did she let him get into her head like this? Her eyes sqauinted as she was trying to stop the tears from coming on. She had been crying herself to sleep for months. She was able to get over Duncan, but it was a lot harder than it sounded. Duncan crushed her esteem. When he cheated on her, she thought something was wrong with her. Maybe there was something wrong with her. 

The only reason she got clingy to Duncan was because he cheated. She started feeling like she was losing control. Duncan not wanting to commit to her made her turn into a control freak. She wanted him forever but he didn't want her back in the same way and it burned. It was why she kept herself from getting into another relationship. It was why she needed to get over Scott. Scott could cheat on her too, and she'd go through the same thing. She told herself that she didn't need love. Yet here she was, smiling whenever Scott looked at her and his smile...She let out a sob and cried into her pillow. She didn't realize that Gwen was outside the door. Her and Courtney shared rooms now but would never talk even though they were on the same team now. 

Gwen got an idea. 

She went to find Scott. He was nowhere in the hotel. She thought that he could be outside, knowing him. She opened the entrance door and saw Scott sitting on the steps. It seemed as if he was ignoring whoever was behind him. Gwen noticed that he was staring at the fireflies and trying to catch one. She cleared her throat. 

"Hey Scott!"

He didn't bother turning, he already knew who it was. 

"Hey." Was all he replied with. 

Gwen sat next to the country boy but not too close. He really did smell like a barn and she couldn't stand it. 

"So, you and Courtney! What's going on between you guys?" 

Scott only looked at Gwen to glare at her. 

"I'm not tellin' you anything." He sneered. 

"Okay, that's fine. I just have seen the way Courtney looks at you is all."

Scott's face dropped. 

"The way...she looks at me?" He wondered out loud.

"Yeah, she's always got this lovey look in her eyes. I used to be her friend-"

"Until you took her boyfriend at the time I know." Scott looked back to the fireflies but with a more angered expression. Gwen sighed. 

"What me and Duncan did was wrong but I am in love with him. I know that maybe I won't ever be Courtney's friend again but I'd like to do this one thing for her right now."

"Really?" Scott asked sounding skeptical. 

"I can tell Courtney likes you Scott. It's not that hard to see."

"What do you mean? She'd never like a guy like me."

"Think what you want." Gwen stood up before continuing her sentence. 

"Courtney's crying and I don't know why. I thought'd like to know..."

Scott's anger completely vanished from his face. He stood up. 


Courtney wiped the tears from her face as she heard a knock on the door. She wiped off her face faster and when she felt as if she didn't look like she wasn't just crying her eyes out, she opened the door. 


The redhead stood there and smiled at her. It was a very kind smile. She blushed a bit and looked confused. His hand reached towards her face and his thumb wiped a tear away. 

"I wanted to know if you were okay?"

Courtney didn't want to get emotional but she couldn't help it. Her brow knitted together and she bit her bottom lip. 

"Sorry about earlier." She whimpered. He shook his head. 

"No need to be sorry."

"But Scott-" Scott quickly put a finger to her lips, gently to stop her from saying anything more.

"Do you want to sneak out with me?" Scott whispered to her. She nodded. 

Scott walked alongside Courtney as they left the hotel. Scott snuck a flashlight and turned it on. Courtney followed closely behind as they made their way back through the forest. She jumped when she heard a sound she couldn't recognize and Scott noticed. He took her hand in his own and continued walking. He couldn't get over how cute and small her hand was compared to his. 

They finally made it to a rather large pond filled with lilly pads. The fireflies were everywhere lighting up the scene. The moon light was also making it light enough to see. 

"Scott, this is beautiful. How did you know it was here?"

Courtney said as Scott helped her down the side of the hill. 

"I found it after I made you mad earlier today. After you landed on me." He said shyly. 

"Oh." Courtney was saddened again by the memory. 

Scott sat down in the grass and waited for Courtney to sit next to him. They both watched as the frogs leapt out of the pond and listened to the crickets chirping. The lilies were seemingly glowing in the light. 

"Courtney. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. It's just..."

"What is it?" She turned towards him, the lights reflected off her beautiful dark skin. Her onyx eyes were full of mystery and life. He couldn't help but stare at her. His eyes darted away after a minute goes by. He raises an arm and itches the back of his neck. 

"Do you like me?" His words cut through the awkward silence. 


"Cause if you don't...we could at least maybe be friends?"

"Scott...I really like you...Do you like me though?" 

Scott stared at her in disbelief. 

"Are you kidding me?" 


Scott took Courtney's hands into his own as he found the courage to finally tell her.  

"I'm crazy about you Courtney. I think I have been from day one. You're different from any girl I've met. You're everything I've ever dreamed of."

Courtney reluctantly pulled her hands away from him. She felt as if she couldn't trust him just yet.

"Then name one thing that you like about me and it can't be physical." 

Scott thought for a moment and Courtney took it as him finding it hard to like anything about her personality.

"I like the way you never back down. Yeah, I like how passionate you get. You hide a lot but I think deep down, you've got a big heart. You're fiesty too and I love it. I want to know you more though. I mean it."


"Courtney...I want you..." Scot slipped his hand over hers that was resting on the ground.

"I want you's just...I'm so afraid..." She pulled her hand away again and looked down. She started to cry again. Her sobs were soft and they pulled on Scott's heart. 

"Courtney..." He whispered and held her face in his hands. 

"I'll wait for you as long as you want. I want to be with you, but if you need more time then I'll be patient. I want things to workout between us, I really do. You don't need to be afraid...I'm not Duncan." 

Courtney stopped crying and stared back into his deep blue eyes. His eyes looked down on her in the most lovingly tender way she's ever seen. He was serious about her. 



"I want to be with you. I want to be yours right now."

"Your wish is my command." He smiled.

They stared lovingly at each other with only a few inches between their noses. 

"Scott? Can I...kiss you?"

Scott couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her vulnerability. He thought it was the most innocent and adorable thing in the world. 

"Of course." Scott slowly shut his eyes and didn't move into her. He patiently waited for her to make a move first. Then he felt her soft lips plant themselves onto his. He deepend the kiss by reaching one arm around her head. He felt her soft hair as his other hand held onto her arm pulling her closer. They didn't want this to ever stop. 

Was this how love was supposed to feel?

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