Unexpected Life

By xsassysavx

24 0 0

A detective gets a job to go undercover to a school as a student. Picked for her young looks, they think she... More

Undercover, Me A Student
The Rude Stranger
What Now?

What Have I Done

4 0 0
By xsassysavx

I could feel the bulge in his pants now, his body had become aroused and he couldn't hide it anymore, so I repositioned myself lower so I could undo his pants and release his hard cock. He had a fairly big one too, I began stroking it and as it got harder and hotter, so I began licking it and sucking on the tip. "That's enough." said Liam then he released a moan "No, its not." I said. I took off my bottoms and climbed back on him "This is wrong." he said "But it feels so right." I said as I repositioned myself and slowly slid his cock into my pussy. The penetration felt so good that we both let out a moan as our body's connected, I began riding him and kissing him between the moans, we went at it for quite a long time. All the built up tension had finally been relieved so I Iayed on Liam's chest out of breath. "You." Liam started to say as he tried to get up "Shut up, and stop moving." I said pushing him back down, it was warm and comfortable against his chest so eventually I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning alone in bed, and soon sat up after recalling what I had done last night. "Oh my god, you stupid woman, you lost control last night and forced yourself on him." I scolded myself as I quickly grabbed a towel and walked up to my door opening it ever so slightly so I could peek outside. I didn't see anyone at all so quietly I ran upstairs to the bathroom and turned the taps on until the temperature was just right, then I removed the shirt I was wearing and stepped into the shower. "What am I going to do, how can I face him." I said to myself as I heard the door open "Oh no!" I gasped as I turned to see Liam standing there in a robe. "I was here first, go away." I said avoiding his eyes "This is my house not yours, and I do what I please here." he said in an angry voice and I looked at him and he dropped his robe.

He walked over and stepped into the shower too, so I decided to make an escape, quickly I turned and tried to run past him but he slammed his hand against the wall right in front of me. "Your not running away." he said leaning close to my face "Running away after taking advantage of me, who do you think you are." he said angrily. I froze in place and he said "The least worry you should have is showering with me after last night." he said pulling me back under the running water. "That's your own fault." I said trying to get away but failed, he was stronger than me so he pushed me up against the wall. "No one has ever taken advantage of me like you did last night, truthfully I'm quite astounded yet pissed because you hurt my pride as a man." he said looking me directly in the eyes. "Don't even get me started on the fact I'm at fault for letting you, being a minor and all." he said "Am I really one though." I said as I ran my hand along his chest. His body was fit, so he had a nice six pack. Turns out he really is an attractive man.

"What's that supposed to mean, who exactly are you?" asked Liam as he reached to touch my face "Master Liam, Miss Liza is here." said David outside the door. Liam retracted his hand and looked at me "We will continue this conversation next time." said Liam as he got out and wrapped a towel around himself and headed out. "What am I doing, I almost blew my cover. Last night I went too far." I said as I stood under the water and as the water began to get cooler I got out and dried myself off, and threw the robe Liam left here on. I leaned against the counter and stared into the mirror at myself. "The sooner I figure out this case the better." I said as I left the bathroom and headed to my room to change and ready myself to leave this really nice house. "Damn school, I wouldn't mind staying here longer." I complained as I left the room and I saw Liza in the living room next to Liam "I'm leaving, back to school tomorrow." I said and Liza looked over at me "Your still here" she asked "Yeah, I wasn't feeling too good yesterday so going home would have been a chore, make sure you take care of my brother." I said and Liam looked grossed out by me saying that considering everything, which was exactly what I was going for.

"I will don't worry, glad your feeling better." said Liza "Miss Skye let me give you a ride." said David as he came out and grabbed a pair of keys "Okay." I said as I waited for him and we left. "Just call me Skye, no more Miss." I said as I got into the car, and he pulled out of the driveway. "So, last night. You were like a different person altogether." he said "That honestly, is more like my true self. I don't usually show people I know I will see often." I said as I clenched my hands together "I'm not who everyone thinks I am. I can't give details other than that though.". "I believe you, I wont press for more. Be careful, I feel as though your doing something dangerous." said David "I always try." I said. We sat in quiet the majority of the ride to my house, he was a very nice guy and I knew I could trust him. "Thank you David." I said as I got out and headed inside, I couldn't stop thinking about Liam and what I had done to him. I shook my head trying to focus on my work which was more important. I went over to my desk and unlocked the drawer containing the files I had collected. I needed to figure out why students have gone missing but I got distracted by Liam in the process.

"That's it, I will focus only on work now." I said to myself "Only suspects I have is Mr. Lane and Liam but I didn't find anything suspicious about him at least not as of yet.". It would suck if he was behind it all, but at least I had my fun while I could. I had decided to follow Mr. Lane again but this time I had to be more careful as to not get caught, maybe even follow him outside of work. I had a plan set for tomorrow, in order to find out more about this arrogant teacher. For now I made dinner/lunch for tomorrow, then washed my clothes for the week. Prepping my clothes for the next day didn't take me long so I had time to relax a bit before heading to bed. Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up dripping in sweat from a nightmare, I had dreamed about something that terrified me but I soon forgot what it was about. "I hate these dreams the most" I said as I placed my face into my hands and sat like that for awhile before grabbing a drink of water.

There was no way I could fall asleep right away so I wandered around my house a bit before hearing a sudden bang at my door. "What the actual fuck." I said quietly as I tiptoed over to my living room window. As I approached from the side a shadow stood outside my window trying to see inside so I hid against the wall. I wasn't good with these kinds of situations, in all honesty I was absolutely terrified and frozen in place. The shadow stood there for awhile then took off quickly as a car drove by, I slid down the wall to the ground cowering in the fetal position. Everything from confronting people, and chasing or following them in daylight was okay for me but once nighttime falls, I become terrified and frozen with fear in this kind of situation. I didn't like the dark, in fact I'm scared of the dark when I'm alone. They said it's most likely a trauma caused by an incident in the past, but I can't recall it, or more like I'm too scared to try remembering. I waited awhile then when it felt safe to do so I doublechecked the locks on my door and windows. Quickly I went back to my room and turned on my galaxy lamp, so I had lighting without it attracting outside attention.

I slept like shit that night, that is if you could even call it sleep. I opened my eyes and daylight shone through my window so I got up out of bed. I went and made a coffee, drank it, brushed my teeth, then got ready for school. I grabbed my lunch and books, then headed out. As I opened my door there was a dead animal on my step and blood on my door with writing saying 'Stop looking into matters that don't involve you. Or pay the price'. I looked at the animal for a moment but had to turn away just in time to throw up from what I had just seen and smelled. "Ugh, dead animals really." I said as I wiped my mouth "I just brushed my teeth too." I complained and I plugged my nose and went inside to grab a garbage bag. I came back out and scooped the corpse into the garbage bag so I could take it to our forensic guy for any clues. It was really gross to deal with, but I made a special trip to my workplace to drop it off.

"What the hell." gasped the forensic guy "This is a warning, it's old fashioned yet effective" said a guy as he examined the body. "A warning?" I asked "Yes, exactly" said the guy. "How interesting." said my boss as he wandered into the room "But that also means you could really be in danger if you pursue this, it's dangerous." said the guy as he turned to me. "You'll just have to be careful" said my boss as he left the room. "You really shouldn't pursue this, people who do this are not normal they have a fucked up, dangerous way of thinking about everything." said the guy. "It's my job, I have to see it through." I said as I looked at the clock and realized I was late, so I quickly ran out and headed to school.

I ran inside as soon as I got there, and tried to sneak in without Liam noticing as he was looking at his computer. "Your late Miss Muse." he said as his eyes shifted and he was looking at me "Hehe, it would seem so" I said as I sat down "I will let it slide today but if it happens again, it will be an hour of detention after school." he said "Now turn to page 102.". The last thing I needed was detention after school to interrupt my investigation. The day went on and ended pretty quickly, after I got out of class I was going to head to the bunker but, Seth appeared out of nowhere "Skye, let's grab some coffee. I'd like to get to know you better." he said "I can't, I'm busy." I said as I turned away from him then he grabbed my wrist "Please, if you refuse I won't let you go. You will have to take me everywhere with you." he said. I turned to him "Has anyone told you that your stubborn." I said meeting his eyes "Only towards the girl I like." he said bluntly catching me off guard "What?" I gasped.

He pulled me along with him "You mean me, you like me? We barely even know each other." I said as we kept walking "What exactly are you doing Seth?" asked Liam who we had passed "You probably wouldn't know, it's called a date." said Seth in a arrogant manner. "It's not a date I didn't agree to a date." I complained "Let them be Liam, they are young still." said Mr. Lane who came out of a nearby classroom. "I didn't plan on stopping them, just making sure it wasn't bullying." said Liam as he turned to Mr. Lane and they left together and so Seth pulled me along again. We were now outside heading to his car "Wait, isn't there a coffee shop nearby?" I asked "Yeah, but the place I want to take you to is way better than that one." said Seth as he opened the door and I got in the passenger seat. A coffee sounded pretty nice right now, so what was the harm in it. He soon got in and started the engine "I promise this place will be like nothing you've ever had before." he said as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

We drove for about 10 minutes and arrived at a modern looking café that was at least double the size of any of the ones I had ever been to before. "Wow, it looks so fancy for a café." I said as I undid my belt and got out of the car. Seth soon followed me out and we headed inside "Could I get my regular table" he asked the woman at the counter "Of course, you may head back and someone will be there shortly." she said. He grabbed my hand and we walked up a set of stairs to a nice second level table with a perfect view of the main floor. "Wow you can see everything from up here." I said smiling at him as we sat down and a waiter came up "I guessing your going to want your regular right, and what about the beautiful girl accompanying you?" he asked. "May I order for you." Seth asked me "Sure, whatever you think is good." I said looking around at the pictures and paintings on the walls.

After about 5 minutes the waiter returned with our drinks and some pastries to snack on, the drink served to me was a hot latte beverage of sorts I guessed. I picked it up to smell it and I could smell cinnamon, mixed with coffee beans, vanilla, and something else that made it smell amazing. "It smells so good, what is it?" I asked "This is what they call the twisted trickster." said Seth as he picked up his drink and had some. He was pretty cute, and his personality was good. I wouldn't mind fake dating this guy to help keep my secret, within reason of course. I had a sip of my drink, which left me with the sweetest taste on my tongue, the flavor was actually perfect to me. I grabbed a pastry and took a bite, it was like a chocolate croissant but with whipped cream inside as well. "This place really is like no other I have ever had, thank you so much for bringing me." I said drinking and filling my face with pastries "No, I really must thank you for coming with me." said Seth with a smile.

It was like I couldn't stop myself from having more, that was until all of a sudden my body felt weird and my vision got cloudy. "Why all of a sudden, I'm not feeling so good." I said rubbing my eyes and that's when I realized what had gone wrong. "You, did you drug me? Or was it the server?" I asked as my body began going numb "Well, you see normally it doesn't take this much in your system to work, but you just kept going like it hadn't fazed you." said Seth. "It was you." I said losing control over my mouth, I couldn't move at all anymore. "Your strong willed, but your nosy and unfortunately we can't have that." said Seth and I lost consciousness. I faded in and out of consciousness in the car, but I couldn't visualize anything well. When I finally came to I still felt groggy and a bit numb, I was tied up to a chair. Ropes were around my legs and arms "Hey, come and face me like a man. Only cowards tie their prey up!" I shouted and tried tipping my chair over "Just be quiet, otherwise they are gonna come shut you up." said a voice from a dark corner. I couldn't tell much other than it being a guy.

"Who's being noisy down here?" said a man's voice from behind me "Untie me this instant!" I said as I wiggled in my seat and it almost tipped but it was caught by the man. "Not happening, now I advise you to shut your trap before I do it for you." he said as he came around to the front of me, I couldn't believe my eyes. "It can't be." I said shocked "Why is it you." he said stepping back. It was Liam and he looked as shocked as I was "Well I was wondering why you were so set on eavesdropping and following people, your curiousity got the best of you now." he said. "Guess there isn't really a need for introductions, now is there." said another mans voice approaching from behind, next person to approach was Mr. Lane. "This doesn't surprise me, but why you, and even Seth. What the hell are you people doing at our school." I said angrily raising my voice, but Mr. Lane covered my mouth "Get me the tape Liam." he said and Liam did so. My mouth was duct taped shut.

I refused to give up so easily so I started trying to tip my chair and let out muffled screams at them. "Stop acting up, or you'll leave me no choice" said Mr. Lane "You can go Liam, I'll deal with this." and Liam left, I didn't listen to him at all so he walked over to a table and grabbed a needle and some drug with it. No way I fiercely shook my head no but he didn't stop. He hit my vein in the crevice of my elbow and injected the unknown drug into me. "You won't die from this, it's just going to put you to sleep, maybe by the time you wake you will realize your position." he said as he left the room. I had no idea what was injected into me, but I started losing consciousness almost a minute later. I woke up later, feeling like crap, and my heartrate sped up filling me with a boost of adrenaline. I looked around but there was only the guy from earlier, the one who warned me. I started moving around in my chair again trying to break free, these ropes were tight and I couldn't get them to budge.

"Your going to end up dying at this rate, it's surprising enough your already awake when that drug puts everyone out for the whole night if not until the afternoon of the next day. Even if you get free you think you can escape unnoticed." asked the guy as he slowly stood up. "Your a fool, but I have a gut feeling your not a normal student like the rest of them." he said as he walked into the light shining from the moon in the small window, he didn't look unhealthy at all just exhausted. "He's gonna kill me for this if I'm caught, but I'll help you out. Just be quiet and patient." said the guy as he walked over and went behind my chair, I could feel the heat of his hands on my cold skin as he began fighting with the ropes. Soon my hands were free and I removed my tape and untied my feet. "Why did you help me?" I asked as the guy walked back to the corner he was in before "I'm bored of nothing exciting happening here." he said and I walked over to him as he got to the wall.

"How old are you?" I asked "Twenty, why the sudden question?" he questioned "Your name." I said "Mark, why are you being so strange just leave, if you can." he said. "Good." I said as I kissed him so suddenly he didn't have time to react. "Thank you Mark, but I'll help you too." I said as I quickly moved behind him and grabbed him in a sleeper hold. "You." he struggled to say "Shh, sleep now." I said as I tightened my grip until he lost consciousness. "Hopefully he goes easier on you for this." I said as I quickly ran over to the chair and unscrewed the leg for a weapon, then I made my way towards the door. I peaked out and saw only a few security looking guys. Slowly I made my way out and hid in the shadows, I had no idea where I needed to go so I just followed my gut. Slowly creeping up on a security guard who was unsuspecting so I grabbed him in a sleeper hold while covering his mouth as I dragged him into the shadows. He wasn't as strong as I thought he'd be, so soon he was out.

I saw some light coming from a gate across the yard, but there was a guard patrolling there so I had to stick to wall and hope to catch him when he turns back the other way. And my chance came so I ran quick and just as he turned to me I whacked him as hard as I could with the leg of the chair I had brought with me. It snapped but he fell to the ground and vaguely I saw blood on my broken bat. "Don't die now." I said dropping the weapon as I patted him down for the gate key and I found it, as well as a pack of smokes so I took both before I unlocked the gate. It was dark with only a few lights and as I turned to the place I came from I realized it looked like a villa of sorts. Making a mental image in my head as best I could I ran into the greenery as I made my way down what looked like a hill. As soon as I had a chance I went into a wooded area away from the road, which was a great idea until I kept tripping over branches and roots I couldn't see.

I felt lacerations being created all over my legs and arms "I can't keep doing this, I can't afford to leave a trail for them." I said to myself as I stopped and found some mud and moss to cover what I could see of my wounds but it was really dark in the woods. It stung like a bitch but I kept going until I found my way to a gas station of sorts. I headed inside and the man tending the counter looked at me "You look like hell." he said "I know, I was hiking through the woods and when the sun went down I got lost, I have no phone, wallet, or even a map. I couldn't find them either haha, this really sucks." I said on the verge of tears well fake ones "Could you at least tell me where I am, I'll hitchhike or walk home from here, I'm from Westfield." I asked holding my head. "I'll do you one better, hey Lucy your headed to Westfield tonight right?" shouted the guy and a young woman came out. She looked my age roughly my actual age.

"Yeah, I was just getting ready to leave. Why?" she asked as she saw me "Girl you look like you've had better days." she said "She got lost hiking nearby, she originally from Westfield too. She thought about hitchhiking or walking back." he said "Oh hell no, not in that condition. You'd never make it alive. It's about a half hour drive, and at this time of night only crazy people would be prowling about." she said as she approached me. "I'm going to see my boyfriend so I'll give you a ride there, it will be much safer that way." she said as she grabbed my hand. "My name is Lucy Melbor, age 26 this here is my pop's gas stop. This way your more comfortable riding with me" she said. "My name is Skye Muse, age 17 from Westfield." I said, she gave me a sweet smile "Let's go, grab a water and a muffin and we will go." she said "I don't have my money." I said hesitantly "No worries, it's on the house. Come back when your feeling better if you can." said the man.

"Thank you so much, I'll make sure to visit." I said as I grabbed some water and a muffin and we went outside, Lucy had a black jeep that we got in. We left and talked a lot on the way back to town, surprisingly we had a bunch in common so we got along great. I told her the address I wanted to be dropped at and it wasn't my own place because that's the first place they will look for me once they realize I've escaped. "Wow, this is really your place? It's huge." said Lucy as she pulled over. "It's my brother's place, I just stay there right now." I said "Hey here take this, once you get your stuff again shoot me a text and we can hang out." said Lucy as she wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "For sure thank you, so much." I said as I got out and watched her drive away, then I snuck around the side and climbed over the stone wall that surrounded this place. I was in so much pain, but I was more worried about squaring up with this asshole. "Your dead Liam." I said as I made my way towards the kitchen window where David normally was at this time of night. He wasn't there unfortunately, so I had to think of another way so I wandered around the house and found a loophole.

There was lattice leading up to the second floor, so I began climbing ignoring my pain if only until I reached the top. The balcony door was open a crack so I quietly opened it and entered the room and shut it behind me. It took me only a moment to realize whose room I was in. I turned to face the bed and there lay Liam asleep. I looked around and found a sharp letter opener and grabbed it. I turned around but Liam was no longer in his bed. "Where?" I started to say and the light came on, I was now face to face with Liam who had a pistol in his hand aiming at me. "How is it you." he said and I raised my hands up "Shit." I said, as I met his eyes "We have unfinished business, it turns out" I said. "Drop it, what exactly did you plan on doing with that." he said and I dropped it and he lowered his gun putting the safety back on. "No good, I'm at my limit." I said weakly before I fell to the floor. "How pathetic." I said holding my tears in from the excruciating pain, I could hear him walking towards me but I was too weak to even turn onto my back.

"You, your absolutely insane aren't you?" he asked standing right next to me, I felt him grab a hold of me and he flipped me onto my back. "You, why did it have to be you." I said as the tears escaped my eyes "I thought we were friend's at least, but your part of what I need to end." I cried. "Friend's, don't kid yourself unless you mean with unnecessary benefits in the first place." he said as he pulled out his phone "David, ready the bath. We have an unexpected guest that snuck into my room. You'll know when you see it." he said hanging up the phone. I was too weak to care or question anything anymore, I just wanted to die. Liam picked me up and carried me down the hall to the bathroom and in there stood David looking mortified by my appearance "Miss Skye what has happened to you?" he asked and I just shook my head at him. "You may go I will deal with this." said Liam and David did just that. Liam sat m down on the shower bench and tried to take my shirt off "Don't." I said weakly "Just be a good girl and be quiet, you did disrupt my sleep after all." he said and I already knew I wouldn't be able to fight him on this anyhow.

He continued and removed my clothes on by one which hurt because the cuts I had underneath them bled and my clothes were kind of sticking to me. "Ow, it hurts!" I cried "It's going to, judging by how long you left it like this." he said finally removing the last piece from my body. He stood up and turned the shower head from the wall and running the water until he decided it was the right temperature. "This will hurt a lot too, but needs to be done." he said as he ran the water over my body, the pain was so bad I ended up screaming a few times "Now it shouldn't hurt as much, all the shit you put on your wounds has been cleaned out. Now you have to soak in Epsom salt water to help cleanse more thoroughly." he said as he picked me up again, to carry me to the tub and he gently placed me in the tub. My wounds stung again but not as severely as the shower had caused them to.

I felt pathetic, I couldn't even bathe myself so Liam was doing everything including washing my hair for me, all without saying anything else. It was calming having him wash my hair, even knowing he is part of my investigation with this group. I felt strangely comfortable with him. After he finished he emptied the tub and sat me on the toilet seat as he rummaged through the pantry and pulled out bandages and disinfectant. He did everything to make sure my injuries wouldn't get infected and wrapped me up without making anything too tight or too loose. I could stand a bit now, but it hurt to do so. "Why, do this?" I asked as he put a robe on me. "You came here after escaping, threatened me without even considering your own condition, to the point that you couldn't even do anything to me at all. You having escaped were smart enough to know to not go home, but now you've put me in a bad position if it's found that your with me. I'll be known as an accomplice to your escape, even if I didn't do anything. And I can't very well let you die in my house so whether I like it or not I'm now your caregiver." he explained.

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