Elizabeth Jane Goldsberry (A...

By ashes202011111

19 3 3

Elizabeth (Nikki) is a young girl who finds herself in trouble way too much. What happens when a young boy su... More

Chapter One: The Dance of the Century

Chapter 2: Don't. Get. Caught.

3 1 0
By ashes202011111

Karl wasn't ready for what was in that ballroom. 

The downside to time traveling for Karl was that where ever he went, it was to help the ancestors of his friends, and sometimes.....that didn't go well. When he walked into the ballroom, the memories of everything flooded back. He saw Dream on a throne wearing the kingdom crest that was a smile, Sapnap dancing with Puffy, Nikki standing in the corner talking to Fundy, and a girl that looked exactly like George standing next to the snack bar talking to Eret. "Woah" he said aloud, though no one noticed over the music. He check his watch, he have 48 hours before he has to go back, it was 1840 his watch said and he enjoyed getting more time than usual. He looked around for clues to his assignment and two things pop out to him, Nikki and Dream. Dream had a kind look in his eyes, but his eyes were different, they were brown. I turn back to girl George and tried to estimate her age, she looked around 35 what if? Karl looks at Nikki and sees how elegant she is and how much fancier she is dressed than everyone else, so he goes to talk to her. Walking over, Karl sees her wink at a maid walking by and immediately decides to be careful talking to her. "H-hello" 

"Hello, there. Who are you?"

"Karl Jacobs." 

"Karl Jacobs, an interesting name, who invited you?"

"Um.... I don't know, just got one by letter" 

"Hmmmmm" She didn't buy it. 

"May I ask for your name?"

"You came to my grandfathers party not knowing at least his last name?"

"As I said, I don't know who invited me Miss um"

"Miss Goldsberry to you, but my full name is Elizabeth Jane Goldsberry"

"Thank you, Miss Goldsberry" She looked at Karl with interest. 

"What is that on your hat? It looks likes googles."

"That's what they are. Dyed them myself."


"Why thank you"

"Your quite welcome" 

"Can I ask you something?"


"Has there been anything suspicious going on?"


"Anything weird, or out of the ordinary"

"No, or at least not that I know of"





"Well, I must get going, Miss Goldsberry, it's been a pleasure." Karl bows then heads to go talk to girl George when the unexpected happened. 



"I want to help you"


"You obviously snuck in somehow, and I want to find out"


"I want to find a family secret with you."

"Okay, on one condition"

"What is that?"

"You tell me all that you know, and call me Karl" 


"Sweet lets get going." As they head to the library they are stopped by someone, someone special. A maid comes up with long black hair and brown eyes, Quackity. Karl immediately blushes, she was really cute. 

"Excuse me?"

"Yes?" Elizabeth seemed annoyed, but Karl didn't mind. 

"I was wondering if you guys needed any assistance, you guys are leaving the party, correct?" Even though acting and looking innocent, Karl could see the mischievous look in her eyes. 

Before Elizabeth can answer Karl butts in "We would love your help, what is your name?" 

"Pandera, but Pam works as well" She wore gloves and a tight maid outfit. She was obviously wearing a corset and had black high heel boots. 

"Wonderful, lets go Pam" Karl was loving this already, but when he turned to Elizabeth she gave him a glare. He looked at her and whispered. "My mission, my words." and then turned back to Pam, chatting with her. Karl, while walking towards a large staircase, caught a man who looked a lot like Sapnap, towards his left. He blushed. Sapnap always did look good in a suit. Once they were at the bottom of the staircase the maid pause. 

"This is where I leave you, the library is at the top, 3 doors to your right, the archives and next door to that across the hallways." She curtsied and walked away, winking at Karl as she left. Karl's eyes were still glued to Sapnap. Suddenly, the man was communized  by a lady, who looked like captain Puffy, they whispered a little bit, and then Puffy wandered off, strange. Elizabeth was suddenly in front of Karl. 

"Did you hear anything the maid said, we have to go upstairs!" She grabbed his arm and started walking up the stairs, and let go when Karl started following him. She turned to him and smiled. "You like my brother, huh?" She smirked. .

"Umm, whos your brother?" Karl asked innocently, trying to get more information on past Sapnap. 

Hello everyone! Have another chapter! :D

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