The Symbiotic Villain

By Silverfang22

446 7 3

Life as not been fair to Damian Walker, being quirkless in a world where 80% of the population have super pow... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

145 2 0
By Silverfang22

Damian was in his apartment, bench pressing, with two 20 kg on each side. He needed to keep his body in tip top condition, the more muscle he got, the stronger him and Venom became and it would also build a resistance to his weaknesses. After doing sixty reps, Damian decided to take a break. Grabbing a water bottle, he sat down on his couch and turned on the news. Damian grinned at what the news was talking about, they were discussing about the beating he gave the that arrogant bunny, yesterday. 

New reporter:Terror in the city as the most feared Villain in Tokyo and nearly killed the rabbit hero Miruko, eyewitness had this to say. 

Soon the camera went to a couple of people who witnessed the fight

Man:Me and my wife were having our anniversary dinner in the restaurant Olive Grove when Miruko came crashing into the dining hall where we eating, then that monster came and began to attack her.

Woman: It was horrible my daughter loves Miruko, she's her favorite hero and to watch her get brutally beaten by that beast, really broke her heart watching that. 

One civilian on the other hand, was angry, as he began ranting. 

Angry Civilian:Why haven't the pros caught this guy yet, isn't it their jobs to defeat villains!?, this guy had already killed twenty of our beloved heroes. When is this bloodshed going to stop!?, the heroes always made me feel safe, now I'm afraid to walk home from work. As long as the demon is still out there, none of us can feel safe anymore!

News reporter:The president of the Public Safety Commission, has reassured the public that she will double the patrols in Tokyo to capture the Venom villain and that they will not rest when he locked away in Tartarus prison.

Damian turned of the TV scoffing, he hated how the heroes had the people of Japan depending on them to much. That's why he was doing what is doing, hunting and killing heroes, with the number of heroes that he has put down, the public's fate in them was slowly decreasing. He couldn't help but grin savagely at that, he will prove to the world that despite the heroes 'amazing' quirks they were still human, meaning they could bleed and die like any other quirkless person. 

He took a photo out of his pocket and stared at it. It was a photo of him and Jordyn at Universal Studios Japan, hugging each other close and smiling. Damian let out a genuine smile. 

Damian:Jordyn you were the greatest thing in my life, and I'll always love you and I promise I'll will change this country's views on their 'beloved heroes'. 

After that he went back to bench pressing. 

(Scene change)

Damian wasn't the only watching the news. Izuku Midoriya was also watching the morning news as he does everyday, he enjoys watching the news to get the latest update on heroes around Japan. However, he never expected to see this, the rabbit hero Miruko brutally beaten by the villain Venom, to the point of death. That villain gave Midoriya the chills, not just because of his appearance, but for the fact that this guy has killed twenty pro heroes and put many others out of commission. The events of the USJ were still fresh on his mind, with the villains failure at the USJ Midoriya theorized that the League will probably recruit this guy and that thought alone really scared him. 

Inko: Izuku breakfast is ready. 

Izuku: Am coming mom.

Izuku made his way to the kitchen and greeted his mom, as the two began to eat, his mom decided to make small talk. 

Inko: Izuku are you okay? 

Izuku: Am fine mom, just thinking about something. 

Inko: What's on your mind honey? 

Izuku:'s about what happened at the USJ. 

Inko: Izuku there's nothing wrong with being afraid, what you and  your class went through was a traumatizing experience, just a couple days in in UA and you've already encountered villains.

Izuku: Yeah I know mom, I knew the risk of being a hero when I applied to UA, I knew that eventually I would have to face villains in the future. I just got to go beyond, plus ultra. 

Inko couldn't help but smile, her son was truly had the heart of a hero, she feel terrible for every thinking that her son could never be one, she was glad that she was proven wrong. Both continue to eat their breakfast without worry.

(Mustafu police department) 

Curtis Fox's life has been a mess for the past year now, ever since his daughter's suicide and his wife's fall to villainy, his family has been completely destroyed. All because of corrupt judge and three little bastards with quirks. He left Tokyo and transferred to Mustafu, he just couldn't live in Tokyo anymore, too many bad memories, another thing on his mind was his daughter's boyfriend, Damian. He hadn't seen him since Jordyn's funeral, he tried calling him, but Damian had changed his number and he didn't have any accounts on social media. Curtis was worried about the boy, he saw him as his own son, his worst thought was that Damian had committed suicide, oh god how he hoped that wasn't the case.

Sometimes he ponders why he even bothers protecting this society, being quirkless himself, he knows exactly how they are treated. Growing up he had to put up with all that bullshit discrimination that Jordyn and Damian went through, as a kid he wanted to help people, but being quirkless he was always told that he could never be a hero, so instead he decided to be a police officer instead.

 The problem was that the police force always get crap from civilians because it's the heroes who capture most of the villains and they just take them away. Ever since he moved to Mustafu he applied to be a member of S.W.A.T, he had trained very hard to become a member, and in just a year, the department made him commander of the team, recognizing his leadership and hard work. The S.W.A.T team were given weapons that would give them an edge against quirked individuals, seeing as many officers on the force were quirkless. 

Right now Curtis was meeting with an inventor working for the police. Curtis entered the room and was met with a man in his early thirties wearing a black lab coat, glasses and nicely kept hair.

This man is Ryoma Morino, a quirkless, but highly intelligent man, at fourteen he applied UA, hoping to enter the hero course, but due to his lack quirk, the only way for him to attend was entering the department of support. Begrudgingly he accepted and when he graduated he decided to work for the police force by inventing weapons and gadgets for them, instead of working for any hero agency.

Ryoma: Ahh Curtis nice to see again how are you doing?

Curtis: Hi Morino Ryoma am just peachy, but I didn't come here for conversations I came to see what you have for me and my time today. 

Ryoma: Straight to business, I like that, anyway what I have for you is this. 

Ryoma presented a small round gold device with a with a red button in the middle. 

Ryoma: This here is a electric pulse grenade, it is activated by pressing this small press button here in the center, you would have approximately five seconds to throw it at your enemies, it will electrocute them in a two feet radius, so do be careful not to get caught in the blast.

To demonstrate Ryoma pressed the button on the grenade and threw at some testing dummies, the grenade then exploded into electricity, shocking all the dummies. Curtis was impressed, that grenade would help his team against a large group of quirk users

Ryoma then took out similar grenade only difference was that it had a blue button instead of red and it was silver.

Ryoma:This one is an electric net grenade, instead of exploding and shocking a number of enemies, this one the moment you throw at someone it will turn into a net trapping the enemy in it and electrocuting into unconscious. 

Curtis: Wow Ryoma am impressed these are interesting gadgets, but is this all you got today? What about the drones, that you talk about last month?

Ryoma: Oh those drones are still not ready, I'll probably have a least one ready this month , but I do have your S.W.A.T. outfit ready. 

Ryoma then led him to a room in the back of his lab.

Ryoma: Your outfit is in there, go on and try it out. I made some adjustments to it as well as the rest of the team, I think you may like it.

Curtis entered the room and was impressed at the modifications, he was quick to put it on to find out what it felt like. After putting his uniform on he emerged from the room in his uniform 

Ryoma: Wow you look absolutely incredible, Commander Fox.

Curtis: Thanks though it's a lot lighter than I expected. 

Ryoma: Well that's the beauty of it, your movements won't be restricted, and you'll be able to move a lot quicker, while still being able to whist and physical hits. Also the gloves that you are wearing, will increase the strength in your punches, strong enough to punch to through solid concrete, make dents in steel and....they are able to hurt All Might himself. 

Curtis: No way are you serious? These gloves can hurt the No.1 hero in Japan? 

Ryoma: That's right, but I didn't invent them to kill All Might, they were made to specifically combat criminals with high durability, and believe me there are lots of those guys running around, so they are just precautions. Those gloves also act as shock gloves, there is a switch on each glove that will turn on the electrical current in them, and that's not all, on the left wrist of your uniform I planted a small device that would allow you to summon an energy shield.

Curtis:Really now? How do I activate it?

"Ryoma: just hold your left wrist out and say 'Shield'.

Curtis did as instructed and to his surprise a large shied of blue energy appeared.

Ryoma: This energy shield can withstand intense heat, falling debris, bullets and a little bit of brute force, to turn it off just say 'deactivate'. 

Curtis: Deactivate

The shield then turned off.

Curtis: Wow Ryoma, you've really outdone yourself, sometimes I wonder why you didn't choose to work for a hero agency instead. 

Ryoma: The heroes already have enough sidekicks making gadgets and equipments for them, so I decided that it was time that someone helped out the boys and girls in blue. The police deserve the same respect and admiration that heroes get, and with my inventions will help do that. 

Curtis couldn't help but feel touched by Ryoma words, he truly believed that the police force could be as great at the Pro Heroes. Maybe just maybe they can inspire quirkless people not just in Japan, but around the world.

Curtis: Thank you Ryoma, that truly means a lot to me.

Ryoma: My pleasure Commander Fox, now if you don't mind, I got work that needs to be attended to. 

Ryoma went back to his laptop and continued to work on what he was working on before Curtis came to the lab. Curtis went back to the training room where his team was.

(UA with class 1-A)

The past few days have been peaceful and stressful at the same time for class 1-A, peaceful because they had a few days of from school and stressful because the events of the USJ was still fresh on all of their minds. Right now they were all talking among themselves when Ida came into the classroom announcing that homeroom was about to start.

Ida: Attention homeroom class is about to began, everybody stop talking and take your seats!

Kirishima: Uh we're all sitting

Kaminari: Yeah you're the only one standing.

Ida now embarrassed just sat down.

Ida: Daaang it.

Ochako: don't sweat it 

Kirishima: Oh by the way guys did any of you hear the news?

Kaminari: What news?

Kirishima: About what happened to the rabbit hero in Tokyo. 

After Kirishima said that, the whole class was now paying attention. 

Sato: Oh yeah, I heard about that last night, some villain almost killed her, what did he look like again?

Ojiro: From what the news told the public about what the surviving heroes of this villains attacks, they all said that it was a tall, muscular and black monster with big white eyes, razor sharp teeth and a long tongue. The most noticeable thing about the villain is a large white spider symbol on his chest and back. 

Most of the class were shivering at the description of the villain, mostly Mineta, who looked like he was about to wet his pants. Midoriya however was trying to figure out what the Venom Villains quirk was, from what he heard from the news, it was made out to sound that the villain had enchanted strength, speed, agility and durability, and was able to sprout tentacles from its body to attack he's enemies.

Tsuyu: I've heard that this villain has killed over twenty pros and has hospitalized others to the point where they can't be heroes anymore. 

Sero: Shit this villain is nothing like the thugs we fought, he's the real deal, just imagine what would have happened to us if that guy was at the USJ.



Sato: I don't think it would have made much of a difference, I mean All Might was able to beat the bird thing and still come out on top.

Tokoyami: Yes while All Might's strength truly is a thing of wonder, but if what Asui said about this villain killing twenty pro heroes is true, than I can't even began to imagine how strong this villain truly is. 

As the students continued to talk, the door to the classroom opened. To reveal their homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa, all bandaged up, looking like a mummy.

Aizawa: Good morning class.

The whole class were surprised at Aizawa's appearance and at the fact that he was in school today, even with the injuries he suffered at the hands of the Nomu. They began to ask him if he was okay to teach today. 

Aizawa: My well being is irrelevant, but that's not important, what is important is that your fight is not yet over. 

The whole class was wondering what Aizawa meant by that, some believed that they needed to fight more villains, but that wasn't the issue. 

Aizawa: The UA sports festival is coming up and this will be the perfect opportunity, for you to get scouted by hero agencies all over Japan. The festival will be held in two weeks, so I highly recommend that all of you use that time to train hard and go beyond plus ultra. 

Soon the whole class was excited, this was their chance to prove themselves to all of the pro heroes around Japan. This was another step to becoming pro heroes. The rest of the day went by rather normally. As Izuku was walking home he couldn't help but think about the Venom Villain, worried about running into him, and if his hunch was right, the villains will try and recruit Venom out of desperation and there is so much about Venom that he doesn't even know yet. He has a bad feeling that he is going to run into Venom sooner or later. 

(Time Skip)

It was four thirty in the after noon and Damian and Venom had just killed three pro heroes who thought the could take him and Venom down. 

Damian: Man that was boring, these were supposed to be pros, that was just pathetic, they don't even register for a decent warm-up. 

Venom: I can't even consider them a snack, they taste so better when they can give us a challenge.  

Damian: Yeah will that's two less annoying heroes in Japan to deal with. Lets go back home and  order some takeout and watch the soccer game. 

After getting back home to his apartment and ordering some takeout that consisted of spicy shrimp, general taos chicken, white rice and some french fries, after paying the clerk he turned on his TV and began watching the soccer game between Japan and Russia. After getting into the second half of the game, a strange purple portal appeared in his living room and a strange man who looked to be made of mist  emerged from it.

Damian: Who ever you are, you have ten seconds to tell us who you are and why you are in my apartment. 

Kurogiri: Relax I did not come here to fight you Venom Villain. 

Damian was now on edge, how the hell did this guy know his identity, he was just about ready to transform into Venom, but he wanted some answers. 

Damian: Alright who the hell are you and how do you know who I am?

Kurogiri: My apologies for coming here uninvited, and to as how I know you are the infamous Venom Villain, I witnessed how you killed those three pro heroes, but rest assured I have no intention of revealing your identity to the public. My name is Kurogiri and am with the League of Villains, and my boss has a particular interest in you and he sent me to find you.

Damian: Your boss huh, well then what happens if I refuse to come with you?, and don't bother using the threat to expose me to the public, because I will just kill you to keep my identity a secret. 

Kurogiri: There is no need for that, and your free to reject my invitation, but reconsider, my boss just wants to simply speak with you. 

Damian was tempted not to go, but this villain here, he and Venom couldn't sense any malicious intent coming form him and also both him and Venom were curious to find out who Kurogiri's boss is and why he wants to speak to him. 

Damian thoughts: Venom what do you think we should do?

Venom inside Damian's head: I say we go and check it out, see what this League really wants and if this turns out to be a trap, we'll be more than capable of handling them. 

Damian: Alright then, we'll come with you, but this better not be a trap or you and your friends will be our next victims.

Kurogiri: Do not worry, my boss just simply wants to speak to you. 

Kurogiri open up his warp gate and both him and Damian walked through it and appeared in a bar. Damian noticed a bizarre person with severed hands all over him sitting on the stools with a drink in his own hand.

Shigaraki: Ah Kurogiri you found him, nice job. 

Damian: And you are?

Shigaraki: haha, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shigaraki Tomura and let me just say, I'm quite a fan of your work, the way you kill heroes, I also saw the beating you gave that arrogant Rabbit Hero, it was so cool.

Wow honestly Damian never expected to meet anyone who was a fan of his, most people just runaway in fear when they saw him transform. This guy must hate heroes as much as him if he was praising him so much. 

Venom inside Damian's head: I like this one 

Damian: Well then nice to meet a fan, but we didn't come here to sign autographs, you misty friend over there told us that his boss wanted to meet with us, are you the boss by any chance? 

Shigaraki: Well kinda of, I only lead the league when sensei is absent, you can say that I'm the second in command. 

Damian: Okay so where is the boss anyway? 

Kurogiri: He is in this very room with us right now. 

Shigaraki pointed at a small television in the room, it turned on, but the screen was bright and Damian couldn't see anyone on the screen, but then a voice came from the TV. 

???: Ah Venom it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I do apologize for not being there in person, but I had other matters that needed to be attended. I am All For One, the leader and mastermind behind the League of Villains 

Damian: Well you wanted to speak to us, so what do you want with us? 

Shigaraki: Why are you referring to yourself like that, with 'us' and 'we'?

Damian: Our power is unique, it is as like two people inhabiting one body one half is Damian Walker and the other is Venom. 

AFO: interesting a quirk that gives you another persona, well then let's talk about why you are here, just recently my apprentice Shigaraki and Kurogiri launched an attack on the USJ of UA academy with the sole intention of killing All Might the symbol of peace, but we were poorly prepared and were defeated. I have heard about your reputation in Tokyo, and quite honestly I would like to recruit you into our League.

Damian knew it, these guys wanted him to join them in there conquest, and quite honestly....he was very tempted to say yes, he didn't hate All Might specifically, he hates what he stands for, a false society where people can always smile even without a reason, because in that society they believe they have nothing to worry about and that's the problem, also with the number of heroes hunting him down it won't take long for them to figure out his and Venom's weaknesses. While they have killed pros with fire quirks before, they wouldn't stand a chance if a whole battalion of fire quirk users came after them. So he and Venom decided that it was probably best if they were part of a team.

Damian: Alright then AFO we will join your villain league, We despise what this society has become and we want to see it crumble, but we don't work for free, we expect payment, surely you would understand, we need cash to put food on the table.

AFO however just chuckled, this kid had guts, normally people who worked for him would wait to get paid, as they were too afraid to ask him directly. 

AFO: Don't worry Damian you will be properly compensated for your services, now then I must get going use your time to get to know your allies, for it will help you work better together. 

The TV then turned off leaving Damian, Shigaraki and Kurogiri alone in the bar. 

Shigaraki: So Damian, if you don't mind me asking, why exactly do you hate heroes? 

Damian: We don't normally talk about it with people, it's a very sore subject, but considering that we will be working you guys from now on, I guess you two should know, but only you two, I won't be sharing my story with any new villains that you guys recruit understood? 

Both Shigaraki and Kurogiri nodded as Damian began to tell them his story, (while leaving out the truth about Venom) he talked about Jordyn and how she was gang raped by those three privileged Somei academy bastards, the corrupt judge and his fall to villainy. After he was done, both villlains were appalled. 

Shigaraki: Geez and the public call us evil, not even I would every rape a girl, am way above that. 

Kurogiri: It's sad that to see how low this society has truly fallen, favoring quirked individuals and letting them walk free from such a heinous crime that even our sensei would never condone. 

Damian: That's the problem with this world, people see it in black and white. To them all heroes are good guys and all villains are evil, hell half of the heroes We've killed were no saints, We would always leave the evidence of their criminal deeds to ruin their image, but those fuckers high up in the government would always destroy the evidence so that their precious heroes could always like angels. 

After an hour of talking with both Tomura and Kurogiri, the mist villain sent Damian back to his apartment, he was told by Kurogiri that AFO would call him in about a week to give him his assignment. So for now he needed to lay low for a while. 

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