Back at it again - Evan x oc...

By orchidstudyx

570 5 10

Hi!! I liked this show so I wanted to make a story Based on the show Mighty Ducks: Game Changers More


1: Game on Ep: 1 prt: 1

292 3 10
By orchidstudyx

Third person POV:

     On the podcast: "Welcome to the wraparound. The number 2 youth hockey podcast in southeastern Minnesota. It's the first practice of the new season for the mighty ducks junior division. This is real. This is happening, you guys. Everyone who's anyone is here.

In Evans room:

    Evan is walking around his room. He picks up his phone to check time and it is 4:39 and he is late for practice so he calls his mom.

On the phone:

    "Hi honey."

"Hi, Mom."

"You know I can't be late on the first day."

"Ah. I know. I'm in the car, actually. Well, I'm on the way to the car in the parking lot...I can't lie to you. I haven't left yet, but I'll be right there."

"Okay. Buh-bye."

  At practice:

      Evan and his mom are running out of the car to get In the arena. "Okay.Hey don't forget to stretch." "Ok." "Is your water bottle full?" "Yeah I have so much water." "Sunscreen, sunscreen." " you know we play indoors right?" "That's what SPF-15 is for." "Come on, let's go. We're late. Woo-Hoo."  " don't hurt yourself.
        Alex walks over to the other parents. "Hey, guys. Hey Stephanie." She says to the other parents. "Hey," the other mom mutters, "you made it. Where were you,?" The mom asks. " Oh, I was at the office doing that thing you asked Dan to ask me to do." "Oh, right. Right," she chuckles, "This one works so hard and such a great attitude." She chuckles to the other parents.
          Evan skates over to his friends. "I'm here. I'm here and I'm ready." And he asks, "so, we still hanging at you place after?" He asks. "We got a hot tub, so, yeah." "Nice! Can I borrow a bathing suit, or is that weird?"  The kid scoffs and says, "That's super weird." "Oh. Obviously." Evan mutters.
           The moms are talking when a mom says, "Alex, we didn't see you at any of the clinics this summer." Alex scoffs and says, "Ugh, I know. I went online, like, ten minutes after the stuff opened, you know to sign up. And they were all full, so..., but it was summer vacation, so..." "Our college counselor says there is no summer vacation anymore." Alex snorts, " You have a college counselor already?" "Yeah. You don't? You are so brave."
             Evan skates over to his friend Sofi. "SOFI!!"
"Evan morrow in the house." She says as she shoots a puck at the cone. "Close, but you missed the cone." Evan says. "I'm not aiming for the cone" Sofi tells him. Evan makes a weird face, as she hits the puck and it hits the ball of the cone. "Whoa! So you also a golf pro now?" He asks. "You take some shots." As she skates away and grunts. "Hey, you alright?" "I'm perfect." She lies.(Since it's like 10:30 here imma skip the whole don't bother speech and got to the scene at his house😗✌️)
Mollies POV:
          At Evans house:
As I walk to Evans I see Mrs.A talking to Nick. You maybe wondering why I'm going to his house. I saw the video that's all I have to say. "Hey, Mrs. A. Hey, Nick." As I walk up their poarch. "Hi Mollie." They say In unison. "What'cha doin?" I ask "Just wrapping up my podcast, any chance for a follow-up interview?" " Nah I'm good." I say even though he comes over anyway. " This is Nick the Stick coming in with an exclusive interview with Alex Morrow after her tragic breakdown." "I just don't wanna make a bigger fool out of myself than I already did." She sighs. " You did not not make a fool of yourself, " He tells her. "Did I hear the maintenance crew on their walkie-Talkies saying what a fool you made of yourself? I did" "He's so upset. He won't come out of his room. I feel terrible. I just wanted to help him play." " I feel ya. I love hockey. If it were up to me, I'd be out there with him." "Why isn't it up to you?" Mrs.A asks. " Well, I was on the peewee participation Trophy Circuit' til I was six. But at my age, if you're not already awesome, practicing seven days a week and on a club team or whatever... It's just like...," "Don't Bother," Mrs. A finishes. "I feel the same way ever since my big accident at the figure skating competition I have been able to skate for months and I may have just got out of the whole injury maybe 8 months ago my mom still won't let me figure skate, " I explain.
       Back in Evans room:

"Hey, the ducks ducks don't get to take hockey away from you." Alex Explains " Can you just leave me alone, please?" "No, your moms right you should be allowed to play hockey even if your not on the Ducks." I say as I walk over to Evan and lay my head in his shoulder. " Exactly, I want to to think about all the other kids who've been told that they're to small or to slow. They just wanna get out there and play. Let's start our own team. A whole bunch of Don't Bothers. Nick, come in here. Look at this. Your first teammate!" "Teammate. I don't know what to say. Yes." "You can't just start a team. There's gotta be rules. Besides what is Mollie gonna do." As he looks at me. "It says in order to be a team, you just have to have six players, a home rink and a coach over the age of 21." "We can totally do that." Mrs. A exclaims. ", But you have to be registered by Team Day this Friday ," I read off the rest "So we only have 3 days," Nick says. "We can maybe do that."  "Wouldn't even be any good. No offense." "No, I agree. I would not be an asset physically. I have more of a podcast body." "And since I can't skate maybe ever again in my life. I will be team manager. I'm sorry o can't really help Ev." I say as I frown "Okay, so it wouldn't be a powerhouse team like the Ducks, but that's not the point. And anyways, who cares? Those guys don't deserve you. I'll find a coach. I'll find a rink. You guys find four more players and let's just get out there and have fun." "All right, let's give it a shot." He says as the go in for a high five but Mrs.A switches up on him and says psych. "Okay, this is exciting. I do not own ice skates" Nick says as I hug Evan while looking at him.

     At school:
What she's wearing :

As were walking down the hallway Evans says, " We just need four players. Who we got?" " We got tons of kids who I don't know at all." Just then a kid comes through the hallway on his skateboard skating to the vending machine slamming his body into it.(this sounds so wrong in my head😀). Evan starts running over to him. "So, Sam, I noticed you enjoy flinging your body into large objects." "Someone dares you to do something you gotta do it. Right?" "Have you ever thought of playing hockey?" "Nah, to many rules. Not a rules guys." He says walking through us getting back on his skateboard. "It was worth a try." I say taking out a clipboard. "Well I'm off to ask people if they wanna join as a good team manager should." I say kissing Evans cheek walking away. "Dude you like her." Nick says to Evan. "Whatttt.Nooooo.," Nick gives him a look, "OK. Maybe a little crush, but that's it. Now, go ask people if they wanna join." Evan says shoving Nick in a playful way ahead.

Mollies POV:
   At lunch:
I'm sitting at the table Nick usually sits at when I see him walk up to the popular girl table "Hello, ladies. I love that crop top is that brandy Melville? I know you're all popular and winners in the game of life, but would any of you want to join a ragtag, year very hip hockey team?" The girl with an attitude says, "Yeah. I think we're gonna be good." She finishes laughing. I see Nick look down walking away(Can I just say Nick is a pure bean). Lauren Gibby walks over to him. "Don't let them get to you. They make fun of me 'cause I dress like a warrior princess and go to Magic: The gathering conventions. But it doesn't bother me."(I'm also skipping Evans whole conversation with the mighty Ducks table because I feel there is reason to right it). We see Evan slide into the bench next to me. "Hey. How's it go with with Sofi?" "Hey. Hard pass. And apparently, I can't sit at the Ducks' table anymore. My sports career is dead and now my social life is, too. Look, five tater tots. Not even a full order." "Well, there's plenty of room here," Nick says while stealing some of Evans Tater Tots. "I don't know how we're gonna find any new players." "Oh! I have an idea. What if I airdrop everyone in here about the new team," I say pulling out my phone. After I finish sending the text everyone's phones ring. "And the seed has been planted." I say with a smirk.

Authors Note: 
   THATS THE FIRST CHAPTER FINALLY GOT MY ASS UP AND WROTE IT. Don't forget to vote if you like the story and comment if you want any specific things to happen.BYEEE❤️😗✌️


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