❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐩❞ //Kuro...

By dekumumble

4.2K 126 7

This will be a Kurohina omegaverse with some plot twist: It all starts when a rumour is spreaded , the real m... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5

chapter 6

304 10 0
By dekumumble

(up there I added a song so u can listen to music while reading,have fun!!)

•As I walk away from Kuroo and walk back to the group,hoping Kuroo won t follow us again..he s desperately to talk to Shoyo but I hope I wasn t too harsh but he needs to learn his lesson cuz Shoyo isn t like the others and he s more sensitive to these things.
"Kenma!!!" And like this Shoyo jumps on me. "What did you talk about?...." Shoyo said whispering in my ear.I responded cold and swifty.
         "Nothing important.Let's go before we are late."
"Okay Ken Ken" Shoyo said smiling and vibrating positive energy.He s back to normal,full of life and excited,good thing.

"So what happened,who is he? Is he your boyfriend or some sh!t?" Ezume interfered in

"Ah..I don t think he s Kozume s boyfriend,he would tell us if he had a boyfriend right?"Asami stated

"Maybe he s Shoyo s boyfriend" Ezume smirked

"He might,don t forget he asked for Shoyo and not Kenma-san" Asami chuckled

         "So now I have competition over my Shoyo now?" Namiyo said with a pity face.

        "W-WHAT? BAKA NAMIYO BAKA!!" Shoyo complained

         "And yet again Sho-chan is crimson at face" Ito grinned

        "Haha how funny😭" Shoyo roared.

        "But like if we are now all hanging out how about we do something interestinggg~~" Namiyo beamed.

        "Interesting? Like what?" Asami questioned

"How about..stealing?" Namiyo added.

Shoyo jumped and turned around, realizing what the idiot,Namiyo just said and he pointed at the Crazy guy as i call him(Namiyo) and Sho said,

"Steal??! It sounds fun I m in" Shoyo giggled..oh god I don't think he knows what he got into,i mean what he got US into.I don t know how I m still alive with these Medieval idiots..

Ito laughed, trying to cover her mouth and seem ladylike, she glanced at Asami's face. The shock and confusion written all over it made Ito laugh outright. Asami didn't think it was funny however, she was frustrated and panicked, her face started to change as quick as a how Ezume wins at his games,and she stomped her foot. She shouted,

    "NAMIYO!!How could we do something like this??It s illegal and you know what happened last time you wanted to do something 'fun' at the last hang out we went to and don t forget the volleyball captain of Karasuno,Daichi-san and the vice-captain,Sugawara had to get us out from prison!"  Asami snarled.

     "Ya ya whatever you say but you can t lie that it wasn t fun at all. You remember how Ms Jackson ran after us more than 3 blocks and we had to climb a ladder to go on a rooftop and Shoyo put us on his private snap story and that s how we got caught by their teammates" Namiyo was laughing his a$$ off

   "If Sho didn't put the story we would still be there and they wouldn't know to get us from prison." Asami commented.

  "WAIT WAittt don t forget the tik toks and how everyone was drunk as f7ck" Ito laughed

    "Aaannnddd don t forget Shoyo s in so what do you guys say about this?" Namiyo spoke again.

   "You mean for us to get drunk..again?" Asami said,disappointed in us as always.

    "Yes." Namiyo said proudly.

"I m in only if we go to the gaming shop as well,I need some new games,the game Quirks Illusion World,I need the new version of it and it s expensive as f7ck." Ezume added with a straight face.

   "So kenmAaaaaaa~~ what do you say?~~" Namiyo chuckled.

   "Sigh..only because Shoyo s in.." I said

    "Don t lie to us,you want video games as well." Ito said it in my face,she didn't have to say it that way though.

    "I..maybe..maybe that too but i am especially doing it to look after you idiots,tsk." I added growling

  "Keep lying to yourself Kenma-san" Shoyo added jumping away from me,cuz he knows i m going to chase him,and that s exactly what I am doing right now.


Note: sorry guys for not updating the story but i have been working on my new story and i gave a hint about it in this chapter,let s see if anyone can guess:))) if u got any other ideas leave them down😳 see ya guys have a nice day/night/afternoon.

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