Sleep | Park Sunghoon

By vatann_

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โ Please don't leave. โž In which a boy has a fear of falling asleep. || ENHYPEN HIGH SCHOOL AU || More

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5.5K 87 33
By vatann_

|| 6 MONTHS AGO ||

"I'll give you 15 bucks if you manage to sneak into that school without getting caught."


"Fifteen bucks? Get ready to lose your money." I say to my friend Jinsoul in my room as I slip on the extra blue school uniform of her cousins over my head.

"Do you think anyone will fall for it?" Heejin asks from Jinsoul's bed, sucking on a red lollipop that stained her lips a bright cherry colour.

"I'll buy you all pizza if no one notices." Hyunjin declares to the girls in the room as she helps me fix the uniform.

I look in the mirror hanging on Jinsouls wall. "Holy shit, it fits perfectly."

"I cant believe this. I'm really starting to believe that Scarlett's gonna pull this off." Olivia says over my shoulders. I grab my bag from next to the door.

"Well, I'm gonna go now." I say nonchalantly.

"I think you should be way more nervous than you look." Hyunjin says, looking more anxious than I am.

"Nervous about what? I'm telling you, I can pull this off." I joke, making laughs come out of the girls. "Remember to tell Mrs. Lee that I'm sick."

And with that I leave Jinsoul's apartment and make my merry way to a school I don't even go to. I turn off my ringer as the group chat kept on blowing up my messages.

I guess while we're taking our time to get to the school, I might as well introduce myself.

My name is Scarlett Heo. And I guess you can say my life is kind of interesting, considering the fact that I'm sneaking into a different school because someone dared me to. But there's a perfectly good reasoning as to why I put myself into dumb situations like this.

I've always been alone my whole life because my parents were always working and they never had any more children after me. They sent me to live in Switzerland with my deaf aunt, which is why I go by Scarlett and not my Korean name. But yeah, I was pretty bored as I occupied myself with studying a lot and nothing else. But when I entered high school in Korea this September, I decided to take a turn in life.

I cut my hair short, got a few illegal tattoos that my parents don't know about... I even made a band with my friends Jinsoul, Heejin, Hyunjin and Hyejoo, or what she likes to be called—Olivia.

Well, I guess that small introduction wasn't so small after all as I'm already at the school. Now I just have to pretend like a new student.

The other students don't really pay much attention to me, which is good. Standing out like a black sheep isn't really ideal when doing things like this. Jinsoul's cousin goes to this school, so she gave me a copy of her schedule so it seems more real.

I see a group of girls in the front of the school on their phones. I walk up to them and tap one of them of the shoulder. "Excuse me?"

The girl with light brown hair and pink ribbons in her locks looks up at me. "What do you want?"

Rude. I guess that's what happens when you sneak into a private school full of privileged kids with superiority complexes. "Do you know where Mr. Shin's class is?"

The girls whisper to each other in secret before speaking to me. "On the 3rd floor, next to the washrooms."

Hey, at least they answered me. I make my way to the stairs that were packed with students studying or just talking to each other. I finally get up to the 3rd floor and search the hallways for the bathrooms. I finally find them and there behold, a classroom with "Mr. Shin" written on it in bold letters. I look in the classroom and see it pretty much full. There were around seven guys in the corner joking around and some other random students at their desks.

Jinsoul voice kept on playing in my head. "The seat in the farthest corner to the window is not taken!" Of course, that's the seat I take. I see Jinsoul's cousin Chaewon sitting right in front of the seat. It's pretty easy to tell it's her as she's the only person in this school with bright blue hair.

"Oh my god. You actually came!" Chaewon exclaims when she sees me sit behind her. I'm not really exactly close to Chaewon, more like good acquaintances because we've met before at birthday parties and such.

"Of Course I came. I never fail a dare." I let a mischievous smirk take over my face as I notice the seven guys from before looking at me, probably wondering who I am.

Before I know it, they're all heading towards me. They looked like they were trying to be tough, but I swear one of them looked like a first year middle schooler.

"Yah, Park Chaewon. Who's this?" A guy—really handsome— says while pointing at me.

"A new student that I happen to know. What's it to you?" Chaewon fires back at the boy.

"Woah—chill. Just asking. What's your name?" A guy asks, clearly checking me out.

I keep my poker face as I wasn't going to let myself be intimidated by these guys, not like they were very terrifying in the first place. "Scarlett Heo."

"You're western, huh? Then you can sit next to Jay, he has a crush on you." Another guy pushes a boy named Jay next to me.

"I don't have a crush on you, they're joking." He says. "You don't smile a lot, huh?"

"Can you leave us alone?" I sigh, making all the boys stop talking.

"H-hey! You can't talk to us like that!"

"Mhm, watch me." I shoo them away with my hand. They give me one last glare before going ahead to the other side of the classroom. One of the boys kept on looking at me even though the others had let it go by this point.

Suddenly, an old man walks in, holding a crane to assist him to his desk. His skin was wrinkly as his hairline looked like it has been receding since the day he was born. "He looks like he's about to expire."I say to Chaewon who nods in agreement.

"There's a rumour he's over 100 years old." Chaewon whispers back as we watch the man I assumed to be Mr. Shin slowly place himself onto his desk. The rest of the students quiet down as Mr. Shin starts doing attendance.

"Ahn Youngjin?" Mr. Shin says in a raspy voice.


"Bang Hyuna?"


Mr. Shin continues until he gets to one boy. "Park Sunghoon?"

"Yeah, I'm here." One of the guys who was talking to my earlier says. More specifically—the boy I thought was really hot. To bad him and his friends are dicks.

Mr. Shin skims through the rest of the attendance. "Did I miss anyone?"

"Yeah, you missed the new student." A boy who I now know as Heesung thanks to roll call chirps out while pointing towards me.

I'm fucked.

"We have a new student?" Mr. Shin asks suspiciously.

"Yeah. I don't think they put my name on the attendance yet." I say confidently. I may not be smart, but I was thankfully granted the skill of being a master liar when I was born.

"Fair enough. What's your name, dear?"

"Scarlett Heo."

"Oh, you're from America?"

"No, Switzerland." I repeat his questions right away to avoid any doubts or suspicions. I think everyone fell for it, including the teacher.

"Alright, class. Take out your math books." Mr. Shin says as the class released a number of groans. This was one part I was NOT looking forward to today.

"How are you so good at lying? I almost fell for it." Chaewon whispers to me.

"I wouldn't call it lying... More like stretching the truth." I give her an evil smile before starting the lesson. Hey, looks like I am going to get away with this after all.


Chaewon and I had lunch together since I didn't really know anyone else and I'm not a loser so I'm not eating by myself. Honestly, the food was fucking scrumptious. My school should start taking notes on how to give good cafeteria food to students.

After lunch, I noticed that most people went outside to hang out in the courtyard. Chaewon and I decided to stay in the classroom since it was burning up out there and I'm not ready to be toasted like french toast in front of a bunch of students I don't even know.

In the classroom, there were a few people in there. Like that guy Sunghoon and his friend Jay. Chaewon and I sit at our desks on go on our phones for a little bit before loud stomps echo through the hallway and eventually arrive in front of our class. I look up to see a woman in her late 30s with a tight bun and a pencil skirt on. Oh! And I forgot to mention—she was hella pissed.

She scans the classroom of around 8 people before her eyes land upon me. "You! Student!"

The class turns their eyes towards me. Holy fucking shit. She definitely found out.

"Oh my god Scarlett, that's the vice principal!" Chaewon whisper-screams towards me.

"Who are you?" The vice-principal angrily asks.

"Uh... Scarlett Heo?"

"Now why are you claiming to be a new student when you don't even go here?" She bends down towards me. I keep my mouth shut as there's pretty much nothing I can say in this situation. I'm completely done with it.

"You don't go to this school, huh?" She repeats herself.

I purse my lips into a thin line. "Fine. I don't. What are you gonna do about it? Suspend me?"

Shouldn't have said that. Her face turns even redder than before as she heads towards the phone in the classroom and dials a number in.

"Fuck. Does this mean I'm not getting my 15 bucks?" I complain out loud as the class still has their eyes on me.

There's no point in staying here anymore. I quickly pack my books into my backpack and make my way past the vice-principal and out of the classroom. I hear someone yell "Follow her!" from inside. I'm halfway down the stairs when I hear a stampede of footsteps following me led by the taps of the vice-principals heels. I start walking faster as I finally make it down the stairs and out of the building.

I'm walking slowly but see a bunch of teachers slowly getting towards me. Well, there is no way in hell I'm letting them catch up. I give them a little smile and wave before running at full speed past all the confused students who were probably wondering why I was getting chased by half the school facility.

I continue running as I see some students take out their phones and start recording. At the same time, the vice principal gets into her car and starts chasing after me in it. At this point, I was far off the campus as I persist on running until I can no longer see the staff after me. Five minutes later, I finally reach my apartment as I take out my phone and text the group chat.




SOULSTAR: we already know



MICHAELJACKSON_HEE_HEEJIN has attached one video

THEREALNICKIMINAJ: wtf is that me in the video?

OLIVIAHYEEE: idk is there any other girl with short black hair who got chased out of school today you know of?

THEREALNICKIMINAJ: im fucking screwed

OLIVIAHYEEE: yeah we know


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