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โ†ฑ PART 1
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welcome to the end class!

Today was going to be your first day in E-class.

It had been a few days since you had been at the Ministry of Defense building and now it was time for you to start at Kunugigaoka High School.

You had been assigned to attend 2E classes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you were to stay at U.A. to take your normal classes.

Karasuma had reassured you that your teachers back at U.A. would excuse your absence as they had been told that you were going to be taking some advanced classes to further your hero training on your missing days which wasn't exactly a lie.

You technically were going to be training your quirk by using your finger knives and guns to assassinate...your new teacher.

God this gotta be the craziest shit I'm ever gonna do You thought while you examined the Anti-Korosensei BB Gun you had been given before stuffing it at the bottom of your book bag along with your holding case that stored your knife inside.

After you finished putting your (normal) school supplies in your bag, you then walked over to your full-length mirror that rested against your (f/c)-colored bedroom walls to make sure you looked presentable.

You had decided to wear your usual U.A. uniform while you were inside your house. Your mother never worked mornings which meant you would have to see her in the morning whether you liked it or not. So it was easier to change into the uniform you had to wear at Kunugigaoka once you left home than it was to have to deal with your mom's endless questions about where you had gotten it from.

Under your uniform, your binder rested tightly around your chest to make it appear flat (a/n; if you are amab, ignore this) yet the queasy feeling that was present in the inside of your chest, for once, didn't come from the binding but from your nerves.

Not only did you literally have the burden of the world on your shoulder but you were practically redoing your first day again at a new school with new people.

And you had no idea what you were getting into. No matter how hard you searched the internet, you couldn't even find a singular thing about E Class which was weird because it seemed like Kungoigka was all about flaunting its high success rate yet it seemed like to the rest of the world, E class didn't exist.

Adjusting your tie, you glanced up and down at yourself in the mirror and while you looked decent, you still felt like you didn't look good enough to impress your new classmates.

Eh nothing I can do 'bout that now❜ Slugging your bag onto one of your shoulders, you exited out of your room and downstairs to the kitchen.

Once you got there, you saw your mother standing at the kitchen counter in her house clothes, sipping on a mug filled with her favorite brand of peach green tea as she scrolled on her tablet. "Morning Ma." You greeted her to make your presence known.

"Oh morning ███." A small frown formed on your face at the mention of your deadname, "You have a good night bébé?"

"Yeah, I slept 'ight."

Your mother kept a tired, neutral look on her face but her eyes held a shiny tint in them; her special way of grinning.

However, that didn't last as she went back to slightly pouting as she began to scold you, "That's good, just cause I'm not here doesn't mean you get to stay up wilding around."

"I'm not paying all that money for that damn hero school for nothing, you remember that." And just like that, she picked up her mug and drank more of her tea as if she didn't just go on a mini rant for no reason.

You just rolled your eyes. You were used to your mother's habit of trying to start arguments no matter the time of day so you learned not to entertain her shenanigans — but her attitude never failed to irritate you.

You thought you were subtle with your sign of slight disrespect though it seemed your mother did notice and of course had no problems commenting on it, "Aye don't roll your eyes at me little boy/girl"

You stopped in your tracks and your heart almost froze, but you knew you couldn't say anything, you couldn't correct her. You knew how it would go if you did as what happened when you came out to her at 13 always stayed in the back of your mind.

You knew better than to make that mistake again.

So all you could do was look down at the floor and suck the inside of your cheek to keep the sick feeling that was beginning to rise in your throat at bay.

"I'm not a boy/girl" You mumbled under your breath.

You hoped you spoke low enough that your mother couldn't hear you but she did because she looked up at you suspiciously.

"What? You're speaking too quietly." She then pointed to your flattened chest, "And why are you wearing that tight crop top thingy again? You're gonna hurt your chest."

"That's kinda the point."

Your mother, once, again, heard the slick remark you tried to keep quiet, "I still can't hear you, you gotta talk louder."

You mentally groaned and clutched your jaw. Why does she always have to do this?

"You know what, it's nothing." You decided to drop the subject, it wasn't worth your time or energy, "I gotta head out if I wanna make it on time."

You rushed to close up all the zippers on your bag before throwing one of its straps back on your shoulder. "Bye Mom, love you!"

Your mother called out, "Love you too, study hard!" You opened your front door and closed it behind you as you began to walk down the street.

Usually, you would be heading towards the train station to catch the train that would take you from where you lived, Tokyo, to Musutafu, where U.A. was located. But since Kunugigaoka was also located in Tokyo, you got to save yourself the train ride and instead walk there but first, you had some business to attend to.

You pushed open the door to your local convenience store, the chime of the bell hitting your eardrums. The attendant at the counter said hi to you and asked you how you were and in return, you flashed a smile and gave a quick "I'm good" back as you walked past them to the back where the bathroom was and entered into it.

The first order of business was to change into your Kunugigaoka uniform which reminded you somewhat of your U.A. uniform with the white dress shirt and the gray blazer with black lined edges on its collar and the matching cargo pants. You could have gone with wearing the light-yellow cardigan instead of the blazer but you knew you would feel a little more comfortable in your new environment with a uniform that was similar to the one you always wore.

Once you finished doing up your tie, you checked yourself out in the cheap bathroom mirror and you were now a little more pleased with your look than you had been when you looked in your bedroom mirror just a while before.

You headed out of the restroom once you were done and went straight to the contained food section and picked out a bento box to take for lunch.

You went to the counter, paid for your food and drink, and then left as fast as you had come in.

Now it was time for your second order of business, heading to Kunugigaoka High School to officially start your first day in E-Class.


You stood inches outside of the entrance to Kunugigaoka High School. Seeing as it was early in the morning before classes were set to start, the courtyard was overcrowded with students and staff.

You trailed cautiously around the area, trying to avoid bumping into anyone but at the same time trying to find where you were supposed to be going. "Woah there." You stopped in your tracks only inches away from someone's chest, realizing you were very close to bumping into them.

You looked up at the person in front of you to see a strawberry blonde with narrow violet-purple eyes. "You alright there?" He tried to sound sincere with his concern but the smug smirk on his face as he looked down at you like you were small told you otherwise.

You instinctively took a step back, only then did you notice the two guys that stood behind him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for bumping into you." You attempted to keep your head down so you could go on your way but the boy only stepped ahead of you to stop you.

"I haven't seen you around here before." He tilted his head slightly to study you, "I'm Asano Gamushu." He extended his hand out for you to shake.

You glanced skeptically at him and then at his hand but despite your better judgment, you shook it, "(Y/n) (L/n)."

His smirk only grew more toothy the more he talked, "Well welcome to Kunugigaoka High School, I'm sure you'll love it here. If you need any assistance, we would love to help."

"Well if you could tell me where the E-Class building is that would be nice." It only took a few seconds after you finished your sentence for the three boys to burst out laughing.

You stood in confusion until one of them spoke up, "Oh so you are one of them?" Your head whipped around with a wide-eyed, skeptical look at what he could be trying to insinuate, but you couldn't get a word in before another lackey joined in, "I wouldn't show my face around here if I were in E-Class." Oh, so that's what they find so funny.

"Hey!" You cried out in an offended tone, getting ready to say something back yet you were interrupted again, this time by Asano, "Gentlemen it's not nice to pick on the...lower class." He stated the last part in a low tone, turning his head to glare at you with darkness over his face, making your heart drop into your stomach.

Although, when he glanced back at you, he was all (threatening) smiles, "E-Class is at the top of the mountain." Using his head to motion to the mountain. Before you could even push your pride away to say thank you, he began to walk away with his "friends" following close behind.

"Hope you have fun." Asano taunted as he headed to the entrance of the school.

You watched as he disappeared with a confused stare, trying to comprehend what in the hell just happened. You shook your head to break out of your daze; you had to focus, those guys were just assholes and you most likely wouldn't see them again.

Getting yourself back on track, you started on your way towards the mountain. Couldn't be that bad, right?


It was, in fact, that bad. Hell, it was even more tiring than the training sessions Aizawa put you and Class 1A through and that was saying something. At least at UA, your gym didn't have bugs and snakes crawling everywhere and a beehive you almost bumped into (your soul had never left your body as fast as it did at that moment). To top it off, you had been one step away from falling into the river which probably would have been better than having to walk in the humidity.

By the time you made it to the top of the mountain where the E-Class building stood, sweat stuck to your body like a second skin, your hair frizzy in different places, and your legs felt like they were burning.

You dragged out a groan, ❛Shit I feel like I'm dying. You rested your hand on your bent knees, gasping for what little air you could get into your lungs, ❛I'm never doing this again — who am I kidding? Yes, the fuck I am.

It took what felt like hours to catch your breath and when you finally did, you got the chance to take in the scenery and it was worse than you could imagine. The building was just a rundown wooden shed that was barely bigger than the size of your homeroom.

You were surprised that the place was still standing.

You would be even more surprised to see if that place had running water or a functioning ventilation system. All around it looked like it came straight out of a horror movie.

The realization of your situation kicked in, ❛Well, I'm fucked. You stood up straight and gazed at the building with your hands on your hips and a raised eyebrow on your mistrustful expression.

You sucked in your breath and letting out an exhale, you trailed towards the front door. The inside of the building looked similar to the outside though it was more well-kept with cleaner wooden walls and posters here and there.

When you got to the end of the hall, you saw Karasuma pop out of one of the rooms. He stepped out with his hands in the pocket of his black suit as he stalked closer to you, "Oh there you are. Hope the walk up here wasn't too much."

Seeing how your chest was still heaving up and down, the spiky, black-haired male took that as his answer. "You made it just in time, class just started." He continued.

"Karasuma, who on Earth are you talking t-" A fair-skinned woman with long, shiny blonde hair who had exited the same room cut herself off upon landing eyes on you.

"You didn't tell me we were getting a new transfer student."

Karasuma didn't turn his head back to look at the woman as he replied, "Irinia, this is (Y/n) (L/n) from U.A. They'll be here half of the week till the octopus is killed."

Irinia trailed away from behind to come face to face with you. "Oh, so you're a UA student? Impressive." She complimented you, her fingers resting on her chin as she looked up and down at you.

"Uh thank you, Ms-" "Irina. Just call me Irina."

Unexpectedly, she clasped her hands tightly over yours and bent down to stare at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes and a toothy smirk, "Word of advice, don't listen to what those brats say about me, I'm such a nice person."

All you could do in response was blink in confusion, "... Ok?"

"Calm down Irinia, they just got here." Karasuma rested his hand on Irinia's shoulder, his way of warning her to lay off. "Ugh, you're no fun!" Irinia whined but did as she was told, letting go of you and standing back up. The agent just sighed deeply with his hands on his hips before he looked at you with a tired but nonchalant glance.

"You should head into class now." He turned around and began to walk away, "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." And just like that, he and Irinia headed back into the teacher's lounge, leaving you alone in the hallway.

You turned to the door that stood in front of you and faintly heard talking.

Welp, here we go❜ You gathered the courage to slide the door to the classroom open. The moment the door fully opened, you could see that everyone's eyes were on you, trying to figure out who you were and what you were doing standing in their doorway.

Korosensei was the first to speak, "Ah there you are!" You took that as an invite to fully enter the room and stroll up to stand in front of Korosensi's podium.

"Class, this is (Y/n) (L/n), they will be joining our assassination classroom!"

You nervously raised your hand halfway to simulate a wave, "Uh hello, it's nice to be joining you all."

The class just stared in silence for what felt like forever until a bright red-haired boy stood up out of his seat, "Hey I have seen you before. At the U.A. Sports Festival. What is a hero like you doing in a dump like this?"

The rest of the class was quick to erupt into questions and whispers at the gossip. "Now now children, (L/n) wouldn't be here wouldn't be here if there wasn't a reason." The neon yellow octopus reassured his students, "They happen to have quite an interesting quirk."

A gruff scoff was heard from the back of the class, "Please what use does your flashy quirk have?" You identified the voice as a sandy colored skin boy with short but spiky brown and blonde hair.

"Hate to break it to ya but whatever quirk you got won't be much use in here so you might as well go back to your cushy hero academy." He babbled on in a seemingly rough and bitter tone.

You had expected the class to push back about your arrival since Kunugigiaoka was a school specifically for people whose quirks were practically useless or were just straight-up quirkless. Hence, you just brushed the comment off.

"My quirk isn't flashy per se but I can do this." You spun around with your hands clasped together to form a finger gun and in a flash, you fired an anti-Korosensei bullet and hit one of Korosensei's tentacles. He screeched in surprise but before he could react, you tried to take advantage of his weakness by activating your anti-Korosensei knives you had replaced your fingernails with and began to attempt to claw at him. However, he activated his Mach 20 and was effortlessly dodging your attacks.

When you had eventually given up, sweat was forming on your forehead and you were trying to catch your breath while Korosensei still looked the same and had long since regrown his tentacle. "My quirk is weaponry; there's a built-in rifle in my hands so I can shoot things through my fingers. My fingernails also-" You put your hands up and with a schwing sound, your fingernails went back to knives, "Can be turned into knives."

"Woah that's so cool!" "I see why you're a UA student with that. "So much for a useless quirk, huh Terasaka?" In response to the last comment, Terasaka just let out a grumble.

A nervous giggle leaves your lips, "Thank you guys. But seriously I'm excited to join your class, I hope we can all get along well."

"Well thank you for that...demonstration (L/n), why don't you go take a seat?"

"Of course, sorry if I disturbed your lesson Korosensei." You said with a sheepish smile. You began to head to the last open seat in the back, not noticing the pigtailed, ombre blue-haired boy who was gazing at you as you passed by.

And you surely didn't hear his inner monologue:

A hero assassin. Who would have thought?

PUBLISHED ON: 02/28/23
not edited


hi people, first off sorry for the disappearance 😭 i swear i'm not purposefully updating this story only once a year, i could never leave y'all hanging but i have been very busy with school and just life in general. to quickly sum up how hectic my life has been: i finished writing and editing this chapter today after getting a bomb threat at school and being evacuated in the middle of 2nd period so yea💀that and i get killer writer's block when it comes to writing for this book and the chapters do take awhile to write since they're each bout 3,000 words and i have other stuff i have to work on. but i'm gonna start trying my best to update this semi often especially now since we finally got to meet e class and i'm actually so excited to write how the reader will interact with the class.

sorry for the long note but thank you all for the patience and i'm truly will try my best to get more out to you lovelies (apologies in advance if i fail at it miserably) ♡


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