His Dark Embrace (Rewrite)

By emilytwin

77.6K 3.4K 1.1K

His Dark Embrace - Rewrite (There will probably be the odd typo here and there. Will be fully checked once c... More

Forget Me Not
Nights Fall
The Pack Meeting
Fun & Games
A Brief Escape

Tears & Blood

6.5K 366 87
By emilytwin

🩸Aurora's POV🩸

"How does a story last forever?
Even though memories fade.
How does a picture brighten the world?Beneath the darkness of flames.
Don't stress your mind, it'll be alright.
For each day offers a new light."

The voice was soft, comforting...

Drinking water had only offered a temporary relief. Consciousness was now a battle.


A light hand patted my cheek, pulling my brain back from it's abyss.

"Come on, stay awake and keep your gaze firmly on me." Scott's voice pleaded as my eyes greeted the world once more; sounding distance even though he was right beside me.

He was trying his best to distract me from the scene around us.

Like millions of red flowers blooming, the steady droplets of blood fell to the floor and created a path. Blood dripping from injured weeping bodies. Yet, even though there was a path, no one would see it nor follow it for long. Light patters of rain scattered across the ground. Clouds whimpering as their tears lazily started to wash away the red. Heavy footsteps trampling the weeded flowers on the muddy floor, leaving them to wilt and for the story to eventually go unnoticed.

After the first withdrawal, three fights were lost.

The lucid moon shone from the black heavens brightly, stars prancing as they glistened down. They howled eagerly after each defeat, thanking their moon goodness whom they admired from above.

To them she showed herself as the moon.

Bright, magnificent, powerful.

The tumble from before was attacking my mind with vengeance.

I felt it... I felt it now.

It was as if my head was being gripped, skull crushed, temples crumpled together. A weakly uttered cry escaped, but it was faint. The deep aching pain was starting to consume my body.

Eyes fighting, blinking to stay awake as they lazily watched the bloodied girl being dragged by the guards out of the pit.

Violent screams piercing through their howls as she thrashed in her captures grasp. They didn't care that her eyes burned with disgust, nor the fresh blood that dripped from her legs.

My eye lids were slipping.

"Aurora, please." His meek voice whispered; begging.

Groaning, they blinked to try and keep open.

"I don't want them touching me." I croaked, body now heavily fatigued.

"I know." Scott's eyes turned soft. They sagged in an attempt to conceal his own disappear. The moonlight highlighting the wrinkles on his face.

"I've sent for Sam, you'll be ok." He continued softly.


My father's voice invaded once more.

"This is how you block. That's it. Keep your arm straight, but not too firm. Now, I'm going to circle around you and see how alert you are. Not taking off that blindfold, we need to develop all your senses."

"She's slipping in and out. Please hurry."

There are coloured shapes flashing above my face, the dazzling lights sting. Heart palpitating, sharp ripples consuming my chest.

Gloved hands quickly push my eyelids up.

"She's possibly got a concussion. There's a deep cut on her forehead. Possibly from the tumble she took."

A light voice mummered, the light dissipating as the source was removed. Slowly my vision was once more coming back.

Someone was leaning over me, a torch and medical bag in their hands.

"Deep breaths for me." The voice encouraged, at that moment I recognised it as Sam.

Sam was the town's doctor. Each town was assigned one doctor, simply due to the fact that humans were potential mates. No one else had access to medical supplies, apart from simple painkillers which would assist with a minor headache or general ache. Any appointments had to be recorded and sent to Edora for evaluation, before any treatments were approved. If Sam were to treat an illness prior to that consent he'd be punished and stripped of his license. This meant that seeking medical treatment once you were deemed too old to have a mate was tricky, so it was often done in secret and covered up. It was a risk, but Sam cared about his patients enough that he was willing to chance it.

With being mated to the Alpha I doubted Sam had any reason to worry about the treatment he was currently providing. In their eyes, he was attending to the needs of a Luna, regardless of the fact I was free. I wasn't stupid enough to think Dylan wouldn't go to the council and try to fight for me to be at his side.

Over the years the werewolves had significantly enhanced medicines and treatments, but it was rare a human benefited from it.

Coldness started to tingle against the natural warm of my chest, a light numbing sensation starting from the upper chest, moving to the midclavicular line of the chest, finally resting at the bottom.

Vision fully clearing as the stethoscope was lifted, it's mental glistening in the moonlight.

"Her breathings shallow." He informed Scott. "Keep an eye on her tonight and if it doesn't improve I'll request for a scan. For now, I'll clean and wrap her head and chest wound. Her chest needs a few stitches, but the other wounds should be ok. Hopefully she just needs to take it easy for a couple of days."

"What about the pain? Can you give her something?" Scott asked weakly, his hand grasping one of mine in reassurance.

"Of course, I'll give her a shot which should ease it for now. Reducing the pain should also help her stay awake. It's one of the newer medicines so it should start to kick in within a couple of minutes. I'll leave some stronger painkiller tablets with you as well. Makes sure she eats first though before taking them."

Rummaging around in his medical bag he pulled out a needle.

"Relax." He coed, "this will just take a second."

A light prick nudged my arm, a coldness slowly spreading through my body. Painkillers worked a lost faster, more instant.

Tears pricked my eyes as they slammed closed. Teeth gritted in protest, refusing to let another moan of pain surface. A sickly feeling invades my mouth as fresh sweat slides down my forehead.

Hold it together.

"It's alright." Sam tried to reassurance once more. "You'll start to feel the effects shortly."

"Urgh... My head feels like it's going to explode." I wined, Scott's hand took mine softly, trying his best to comfort me.

Sam excused himself briefly as a guard approached. After a hushed conversation, with little input from Sam, he returned.

Crouching back down he rummaged through his bag once more.

"There is one more thing." Sam's eyes showed sympathy as he looked down on me. "I can finish up here but then their pack doctor wants to take over your treatment." He finished nervously.

My grasps tightened on Scott's hand.

My reply was replaced with a grunt as Sam quickly started to clean my chest, another needle in hand which would be for the stitches. My grasp unconsciously tightening on Scott's hand as a way to try and distract myself.

"No." Scott replied harshly as Sam wasted no time in closing the wound. Using his hand he arched my back up, proceeding to lightly wrap bandages around the area.

"Alright." Sam replied quietly, knowing the werewolf was listening.

"However, if she needs a scan it will be out of anyone's control. I'm not permitted to use that equipment without first gaining permission. Like I've said, if her breathing is still weak by the morning, please contact me and I'll try and sort the paperwork, but I can't guarantee it."

Sam turned to the werewolf who was now standing behind him. Passing on the refusal rather anxiously.

His eyes darkened at the words, but he remained silent as he walked off back toward the rest of the pack.

Light growls erupted. The pack weren't happy with the response.

Tough luck. This mess was all their fault.

A soft moan escaped my lips, the painkiller kicking in more. It's coldness battling the warmth of my blood. The reaction rather soothing, a calming balance between the two.

"Alright, that's your chest sorted. Sit up for me the best you can and I'll sort that cut on your forehead. After this it's important you rest, at least for tonight. Please Aurora, if you do have any issues breathing in the morning or it gets worse tonight please let me know."

Nodding at his words I slowly sat myself up, the tingling sensation of the painkiller getting stronger.

"I promise." I confirmed softly.

Smiling lightly at me he blocked my vision as he quickly cleaned and bandaged the final wound.

I'd fail to notice the light footsteps approaching.

"Did you miss me, luci?"

"Buttercup?" I gasped as Sam stepped back. Finished with his work he went over to Scott to explain the tablets in more detail. He'd then leave.

Breath catching in my throat as Eric wearily approached.

Bruises of multiple shades were starting to form, colours that normally should not be on someone's skin. Fire like red splotches, roughly the size of a fist, accompanied by some darker more purple like patches. Light gashes running down from the neck and finishing on the stomach.

Kneeling down towards me I inspected his neck. Bloody, but clear.

He looked at me with gleaming eyes, a frown on his lips as he studies my injuries. As we embraced each other, I felt the life in him; his heart thumbing rapidly in his chest, the warmth off his breath, the tenseness in his muscles. My body sagged, tiredness soon catching up again.

"You did it." My voice was soft, it felt like I was dreaming.

Dark rings encircled his eyes, he chuckled at my words.

"Did you really doubt me?" He smirked.

"I was the last one, it's over." He then added.

Relief flooded me. A few wisps of untameable hair fell to the side as a deep breath of relief left me. Fresh sweat making stray pieces stick to my forehead.

"What about the others? Taylor?"

"I'm sorry Aurora." His voice wobbled.

"Taylor and a couple of the others lost. The rest submitted after seeing more of the fights. They've been taken away to be whipped and collared. After the events of the day, they decided to do that part in private. Dylan and Sophia both dismissed themselves, along with the others on the stage, once the fights finished. They've probably gone to contact their  council. What we have managed to do today isn't exactly what they expected-"

"What is best to do now?" Scott questioned, interrupting Eric.

His voice was steady, he looked guarded as he continued to watch over me.

Eric was still supporting my body weight, something making me feel guilty as he was also injured.

"We're take Aurora back to your cabin, she needs to rest. I'll stay with you both as I honestly have no idea what will happen next. I've spoken with my family and they're fine with the arrangement."

"Thanks Eric, I appreciate that." Scott replied gratefully.

"Are you ready?" I gasped as his grasp tightened, "I'll carry you."

"It's ok, I'll walk-"

"You're not walking, not on my watch." As he lifted me up, my body protested in pain. Grunting lightly I pushed the feeling back, using the light from the stars as a distraction. They relaxed my mind as it used the hot starts to visualise images. Eric scooped a large handful of my hair, elegantly letting it fall down his arm so I'd be more comfortable.

Eric then started to head back to the cabin. Shielding me from the stares which flooded in our direction.

"I'll be as quick as I can." He reassures as my eyes blink rapidly, light tears threatening to spill.

Soon enough, heaven's starry eyes finally depart. Eric had pushed open the door and we were safely back in the cabin.

Scott comes into view as his hands fumble around numerous candles, shakily lightening them.

Electricity was limited, and was turned off after 8pm each night until the following morning. We had an hours supply for breakfast and lunch, followed by a couple of hours after work. The more they controlled the more power they had.

We were suppose to be grateful for what we had.

"Here you go." Eric announced softly as he sat me down on one of the tired sofas. My eyes traced the frost growing over the window as a warm duvet engulfed me. Scott coming over and passing me my mother's blanket, a comfort which always made me smile.

"We need to be careful, they may try and use Sam for information." Scott commented as he sat down, quickly being accompanied by Eric.

He was an open target for the pack to manipulate. They'd want to know everything about my injuries.

Since I hadn't allowed their pack doctor near me, they'd have to use other methods of getting what they wanted. They'd probably order Scott to update them about my injuries, which in line with the laws we were forced to follow, he'd have to comply.

"Lorenzo tried to approach me after my fight, as you can guess I also refused his assistance." Eric updated us.

Smiling sadly I gazed up at Scott, pity shining through his eyes.

"This who situation is so fucked up."

"You've got that right." Eric agreed.

He stared at me for a second, before deciding it was ok to proceed.

"Sapphire, Mia. What happened to them?"

"Sapphire..." I gulped, eyes squeezing shut briefly as I remembered her fate. Tears pooling, threatening to fall.

"She's the Gamma's mate. He's got her now."

I took a deep breath.

"Mia. She's ok. She should be either out there mixed in the crowd or back home."

His eyes grew soft.

"We'll find out how she is. I'm not surprised she didn't chose to fight. She never trained."

He paused, his hands twitching, fingers drumming against the chair in an attempt to keep the rest of his body still.

"I just can't believe it." His voice cracked slightly before being replaced with a fierce anger. "All three of us! What crap is someone trying to pull-"

"But anyway!" Scott's voice perked up, "you're both free from here. To travel the world, explore, discover new things. That's got to be exciting surely."

Eric grinned, his mood quickly changing. "The highlight of the evening."

My heart dropped at the thought of leaving my uncle.

"I can't leave you Scott-"

"Of course you can!" He pleaded, "I'm not as young as what I use to be and this is my fate. Your path is different and you won't be wasting it. I won't have you throwing away the opportunity you've just fought for, plus I'll still be here for you to visit. During your travels you may unlock the story of what has happened to your parents."

Sighing in defeat I nodded, he was right. I needed to make full use of the opportunity tonight have given me. Even if it meant we'd been distanced for some time.

It was a story I needed an answer to.

Scott turned to Eric, seeming relieved that I'd agreed.

"Now that's settled, both of you get to bed. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."

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