Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

255K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol

Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)

5.3K 81 75
By DefinitelyNotTKJ


No one dares make a move after the worst possible revelation they could've gotten for their Final Exams.

"Oh?" Deku began. "No volunteers? Very well. I guess we'll do this my way."

"I'm honestly surprised you guys believed that your final exams would be as simple as taking down robots. Oh well," Deku said to the frozen class.

Deku took a deep breath as he turned towards the class, his energy still flowing, increasing every minute.

"Here's how it's gonna work. You have 2 options, you can either escape, or you can defeat me by putting on these handcuffs that Mr. Aizawa will give you." Deku announced as Mr. Aizawa passed out said handcuffs.

"Although, I'll say this now." Deku started. "You can try and run, but you won't get very far. Just because an opportunity is presented to you, doesn't mean you should take it."

"You are to come at me with 100% and more, otherwise...."

"I'll kill you."

The class had no words to this. It was so laced with venom it almost felt like he was being serious.

"Oh and if you think I'm not being serious," Deku began. "Well by all means try me, just know that the only way this ends is by you passing, or me killing you," Deku finished as he disappeared and reappeared so fast that no one even saw him move.

"All of you," Deku whispered in Ochako's ear.

She got so startled and turned around to find nothing. Once turned back around she saw Deku walking away from her.

W-W-Was that D-Deku? She thought.

"Well, see ya." Deku announced as he disappeared in a flash of silver energy.

The class stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do.

"Well you heard him, GO!" Mr. Aizawa announced.

The class then started off towards the mock city they were assigned to. Their first target was the exit, they wanted to know how to get out as soon as possible. They didn't know how exactly they were supposed to fight, whether it be a team battle or 1 on 1's each. All they knew is that a head on fight with Deku was not something they were looking for, but they also couldn't avoid it. They sure could delay it though.

I never imagined Midoriya could be this strong. I've always suspected he was much more powerful than he let on, but this is way off any calculations I could've made. He should've been the recommended student not me! Why did he even take the Entrance Exam! I'm pretty sure he was recommended but he decided to take the Entrance Exam. Did he want to work for it? While I didn't? He's so much better than me! How am I even supposed to stand a chance?! Momo worried in her mind.


Meanwhile, Ochako was having different thoughts.

I-I've never seen Deku like this before. He seems like a different person. I've always been able to read him and his emotions well, but now he's impossible to read. Was he being serious? Was he lying? When has Deku ever lied though? Darn it! I can't concentrate right now. Whether he was being serious or not, the fact of the matter is, we need to fight to survive in this test. This is the first time in a while that Deku was actually allowed to let loose his power, he must be itching to test it. This won't be easy no matter what way you look at it. Ochako concluded in her mind.

As they were walking, they spotted the exit in front of them.

"There it is!" Mina shouted as the class raced towards the exit.

Wait... Bakugo thought.

This almost seems to easy Ochako thought, on a similar train of thought as Bakugo.

"Anyone else feel it getting warmer?" Jiro asked.

Ochako's widened as she now had a newfound worry for her friend.

"WAIT MINA STOP!!" She shouted.

Mina stopped just in time to see the entrance get blocked off by a field of fire, blue, purple, white fire that was actually just heat taking the shape of fire.

"Impressive isn't it," A scarily calm voice said from above them.

The whole class turned around to see Deku slowly floating down, his piercing silver eyes glaring into the souls of every single person in class 1-A.

"I once told Ochako that if I were to burn one's DNA with the heat of my quirk, then they'd be immune to my heat. However," Deku started off as a chuckle escaped his lips. "What I failed to tell her was that if I burned one's DNA with the heat of my quirk, just as you can be immune, you can also do the opposite and attract my heat. Perfect for traps, wouldn't you say?"

The class' eyes widened at this new revelation.

"It's like I said," Deku exclaimed with a grin. "Just because an opportunity is presented to you, doesn't mean you should take it."

"She could've died if she stepped even a little closer!" Ochako shouted in anger and frustration. She was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that her friend almost died had she not warned her. And that her beloved boyfriend was the cause.

Deku turned his piercing gaze directly towards her and glared even more intensely which caught the girl off guard.

"I don't think you understand the situation you're in," Deku told the girl. "I don't know who you think I am, but I am not your lover, nor your friend, or classmate. I am a villain. My objective is to kill you." He said with hardened resolve.

Ochako gasped as she took in this realization. This was no longer a game, nor a simple test. This was survival. The only way she was gonna get her Deku back was if she passed this test.

And she was going to do just that.

"Now, who's first? Let's see...." Deku said.

"Eeny, meeny, miny," He started as he disappeared and reappeared at light speed right in front of Kirishima. "You."

Kirishima screamed in surprise as a fist came right at him. Luckily, he was able to bring his now hardened arm up to block. Unluckily, on impact his arm immediately cracked and the force of the punch was enough to send him across the mock street into a building,

"Ejiro Kirishima. Quirk: Hardening. HA! You couldn't crack an egg with that so called quirk of yours." Deku told the boy.

"You don't deserve the luxury of being beaten by part of my true power, yet I have to give it to you. Better yet, why don't I kill you and make things go faster?" Deku suggested as he closed in on the hardening quirk user.

Then, out of nowhere, Sato came with his quirk activated and punched Deku. Only to find out that he caught it without looking at him.

"Rikido Sato. Quirk: Sugar Rush. Once you consume sugar, you get freakishly strong. But what good is it, if you can't hit your opponent." said.

True to his word, the more Sato would attack, the more Deku would dodge. He looked so graceful while doing it to, like there was no strain or uncertainty in his movenents. Just dancing around him effortlessly.

"Enough." Deku said as he caught Sato's arm. "You know what your problem is? That quirk of yours doesn't just make your arms stronger, it makes your entire body stronger. Meaning, your legs should be powered up just as much as your arms. You leave behind speed and focus on power, and it's still not nearly enough to match me. Even if you get stronger, it still won't be enough to match me. Your quirk is still too weak. Which makes you useless!" Deku shouted as he threw Sato at the same building Kirishim was in.

Why am I still so weak?? Kirishima yelled at himself in anger. After all these years, I still can't protect people. Isn't that what a hero is? A person who protects people? So how can I call myself a hero if I can't even do that. I can't. So I have to start now!! I have to be a hero who protects people, who will shield them from danger!

"Sato, are you alright? Kirishima asked as he got up.

"Yeah, I am." Sato replied.

"I'm gonna face him, while you recharge." Kirishima announced.

"What!? But that's crazy!!" Sato shouted in protest.

"Your the strongest out of both of us. The others cannot interfere, this is a test. It's up to you. Don't worry, I'll protect you!" Kirishima shouted with resolve as he stepped forward.

"Oh? Are you gonna attack me?" Deku mused as he observed Kirishima.

"C'mon!! If you're that strong, then come and prove it!!" Kirishima shouted as he got in a defensive stance

"Well then, this will be fun. Let's see how long until you break!" Deku said as he shot towards Kirishima and launched an onslaught of attacks on him.

This. Is. Nothing!! Kirishima convinced himself. I have to do this! If I can't do this, then how will I be able to when the time comes again!? I won't be able to protect people, and prove to myself that I can be a hero!! I won't fail here, not now!! In order to protect people and become a hero, I HAVE TO BE THE ULTIMATE DEFENSE!!"

As Kirishima's resolve hardened, so did his body. It got even more solid as he shouted at the top of his lungs,


"Ack!!" Deku shouted as he stepped back from the impact of this new form.

"That was.... unexpectedly painful," Deku mused as he held his hand. "I'll get you for that!"

He launched back and continued to punch. Even though he punched, Kirishima wouldn't budge. He stood there taking the hits, being as the name suggests, unbreakable

This goes on for or three minutes before Kirishima finally gives out and falls to the floor, having overused his quirk.

"Thank you, Kirishima." Sato said as he got back up and consumed a ton of sugar. "I may not be as strong as you, but there's no way I'm going down without a fight! This is everything I got!!"

Sato then flew straight at Deku with astounding speed as he launched his attacks that got dodged by Deku, he then hit the ground as Deku jumped high in the sky and Sato followed and unleashed another barrage of super powered punches that got dodged midair. Sato then changes tactics and kicked Deku down to the ground, creating a huge crater.  and Sato flew back down and delivered a monstrous punch that sent shockwaves to everyone around for miles. The punch was in the ground since Deku bobbed his head to the left and it missed. He kept throwing punches of the same caliber as it continued to miss. Deku slid under Sato and jumped back up as he prepared an attack, but was surprised when Sato caught it.

"TAKE THIS!!" Sato yelled as he punched Deku in the face with all his might with it finally connecting and sending Deku flying as Sato reappeared and kicked Deku upwards as he flew up and released and onslaughts of punches and kicks in midair that were too fast for the regular eye to see.

"SUGAR RUSH ULTIMATE COMBO!!!" Sato yelled as he finished it off with a earth shattering right hook that sent Deku to the ground so fast he looked like a shooting star. The impact was so great, that the rest of the class had to hold on to one of the buildings just to not get blown away.

The smoke cleared for the class to see Sato barely standing over Deku as he finally let unconsciousness take him over and fell to the ground, near Kirishima.

The class looked in in shock at the power that those two showed.

"Did. Did they win?" Mina asked in shock.

"Is he finished?" Toru also asked.

The only one who wasn't shocked was Ochako. She was even more nervous than before.

"No," She quietly said as the class looked at her. "It hasn't even begun." She finished with a shakily pointed finger.

The class shoots their heads back towards the scene to also get more nervous, some horrified.

Deku, the one who got seemingly destroyed, slowly stood back up and dusted off his suit.

"Well that was interesting." Deku mused as he continued to wipe the dust off of himself.

"I had no idea those two could be that strong! That actually made a decent warmup! I could use another one though." He said.

He looked at his fist.

"That new form of Kirishima's really is something. I actually felt those hits, I think they even hurt a little! Sato was powerful too! I bet he could match Ochako! At least when she was back at the Sports Festival. Oh well. Nonetheless, you pass!" Deku announced.

"Now," Deku said as he turned his attention to the petrified class.

"Who's next?"

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