Take 2, Times 2? Book 1

Autorstwa monasabay0010

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What if you could go back in time to your younger self? What would you do? How would you act? Would you chang... Więcej

Part One?
Part Two?
Part 3 Maybe
Part 4 What the...?
Part 5 Some Answers
Part 6 Where we are
Part 7 The talk
Part 8
Part 9 The beginning of the end
part 10 The work is done
Part 11 Some of the truth
Part 12 I just wanted clothes and food
Part 13 I got FOOD
Part 14 Nightmare to FUN
Part 16 Trader?
Part 17 the end of the beginning

Part 15 And now it begins

126 7 9
Autorstwa monasabay0010

(still Sam's POV)

As the game was over things in the cafeteria started to go back to normal. Well, sorta normal. People were coming up to me to congratulate me on my win. Normally I wouldn't be talking to any of these people except about work, but now they wanted to talk about other stuff like the game, my age, my past, even my clothes I had on, just anything that came to mind.

I also noticed that there was a crowd around Max. I was a little worried about that until I saw all the guys standing up. They towered over everyone, so they were easy to see. I knew he would be safe and that if or when he needed a break from the crowd the guys would make that happen, so I continued to talk to my little crowd.
Jack's POV

After Max came flying in and tackled Bear of all people, I couldn't help but be happy. I forgot to turn off the link to his bear and I heard him laughing as Bear started tickling him. Then he announced that Sam was the winner of the game of tag. I turned off his link, but I was still curious about what they were talking about. So, like any curious dad, I listened in. He was making sure that the guys where all ok and that they were going to get drinks, so they didn't get dehydrated. I ordered up drinks for everyone so they would have them here sooner rather than later. I think the kitchen staff were the only ones that didn't take part in the game, but if they did, they were on the ball. Within 2 minutes our drinks were at our table.

I got up and was going to hand out the drinks to the guys and Max, but to my surprise Max came to the table as soon as the drinks got there.

"Thanks, Dad, the guys really need these." With a happy smile on his face we took the drinks to the guys. I guess he ordered the guys to "Stay put. You're too tired and sweaty." Again to my surprise, they listened to him. They sat there as we brought the drinks to them. As they were drinking and getting there strength back, a crowd started to form around us. The team was getting nervous, I could see it in there eyes and movements, but once again Max of all people told them "Calm down. I got this." He then turned around putting his back to the team and said, "Give them some room. They need a break for a moment. After they have a drink and can stand up again, then you can get their autographs."

They laughed but kept their distance. Max started talking with some of the people while the team looked on. One by one the team started to get up. When they all were on their feet again Max said "Now remember these are very scary and dangerous animals here. They don't like crowds. So be nice. They might bite if you don't."

That got a big laugh out of everybody, but the people still looked a little scared of them, until one woman came up to Bear and put her hand out and said "Hi Bear, I'm Jane. Thank you for not running me over back there."

They shook hands and Bear said, "I hope I didn't hurt you. I couldn't stop in time, so I just did what I thought would hurt you the least."

"Oh, hunny, you can pick me up anytime." She smiled warmly and even patted his bicep. Bear blushed and glanced away.

That broke the tension and then there was a massive meet and greet. Everyone wanted to know, well, everything about the team, everything from where they got their costumes, to if they were wearing anything under them. That question got a blush out of Wolf. At some point in time Samantha came to join the party bringing another smaller crowd with her. They also wanted to meet the team.

We all got lost in the crowd eventually. It was about 30 minutes later that I started to get worried about Max. I knew he didn't do well with crowds, and with the mass of people talking I couldn't hear him anymore. I sent a quick message to the team asking if they knew where Max was. I got a ping back saying that he was safe and to look under the table.

I made my way back to our table to find the cutest sight: somehow, he had found a blanket and wrapped himself up in it. He was curled up in a ball, pacifier in his mouth and was sleeping under the table. His stuffed animals were all around him like guards protecting him. I caught sight of some sweat on his forehead. Thinking that he might need something to drink I rummaged through the diaper bag and grabbed a bottle. I knew that he might be big right now, but I was hoping he still would drink it. I pulled out his pacifier and he instantly whimpered, but the moment I put the bottle to his lips he started to suck on it. I used one of his animals to prop up the bottle as he drank. I couldn't stay bent over this way for long. I got back up and continued with the conversations around the table.

It started to die down and about 2 hours later it was just us at the table. Max was still under it. Samantha's drink went flying when Max jumped up right next to her and said "So, how many phone numbers did you guys get from all the pretty girls and boys?" The only one at the table that wasn't startled by his appearance was Bear. I actually choked on my drink.

As calm as you please Bear just said, "I got 6 from girls and 3 from boys. I told them I wasn't gay, but they insisted I take them anyway, just in case I change my mind."

"It's the same with me." Wolf said "The girls wouldn't believe me that I was gay. They kept saying something like 'I could change your mind.' Sooo not my type. I'll trade ya?" As he started to pull out pieces of paper.

The talk went on like that for a while as we all ate. I actually even got a couple of numbers. But what surprised the whole table was the stack of paper that Max pulled out. He put them on the table with a evil grin on his face. "I beat you all." He said with a chuckle. The whole table erupted with us saying that he was too young and that everyone up here was too old for him, but he pulled one out and read it. 'If you ever need to be Little away from everyone, I'll be your daddy for a weekend.' He pulled out another that said 'I like to spoil my grand kids. I would do the same with you. I make really good cookies.' He pulled out a third that said 'You and your big papa bear can come over to my place anytime. We could play house together.' He passed that one to Bear saying "I think she just wants you. So you can have that one."

He pulled out a fourth one and read it, but he didn't read it out loud. He started to turn white, and shake. He was quiet so long that the whole table went silent and was looking at him. He folded it up and put it in his pocket.

"Max, what did that one say?"

He slowly looked at me and whispered. "Not here. Not now. Later." He pulled out a fifth one and slowly opened it still shaking a little. He read this one forcing a smile 'Good idea about the game. I've always wanted to be able to have fun like you, but people judge too much. If you ever want to play together, give me a call. I think I'm like you.'

He then got a real grin on his face and started bouncing on the spot. "There might be another Little up here. I'm not the only one."

Everyone was happy for him that he might have a friend up here like him, but at the same time, I was definitely worried about that other letter he got. For now, I would let it slide. Why ruin his happiness, there's so little time left.

"Hay Max, you got a nap, but these guys, I'm sure they're tired. And I think they might need a shower. How about we let them do that and we can watch a movie or something?"

Max stopped bouncing and said "Ok. I could go for a movie. Popcorn and snacks?"

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yes, popcorn and snacks go great with a movie. We can sit back and relax for a while."

"I think I need a shower and a nap as well, Dad, so it's going to just be you two for the movie." Samantha said as she stretched and then yawned. The guys all agreed, however reluctantly, that they might need a little nap, but they all agreed that they really needed showers.

We all got up and got our things together. Max was overflowing with joy at the possibility that he's not the only Little up here. He was having a hard time managing that news and carrying all his stuff. "Hey, Max, give me those letters and I'll put them in your backpack for you."

He started turning around and around trying to see his back. I guess he finally saw it because he said, "Oh, I forgot about that."

I pulled on the strap across his chest, moving him closer to me. He handed me the letters and I put them in the backpack zipping it closed. When I was done he picked up the stuffed animals that he had dropped.

I packed up the diaper bag along with the rest of my stuff. All of us got up and started walking to our rooms. When we got to our main hallway, we all split going to our own rooms. Max and I entered ours and he ran to the bedroom. I stayed in the living room putting the stuff away. I got the popcorn popping and grabbed the snacks. I put them on the coffee table and got the TV ready. The popcorn was done a couple of minutes later, so I put it in a bowl and put it on the table as well. I got us some sodas, but I also made a bottle for Max just in case. Everything was done and good to go when Max finally came out of the bedroom in only a diaper.

I was about to say something when he put his finger over his lips. I snapped my mouth shut. He then pointed to his eyes then his ears. Then he pointed up and circled it around. That was a signal asking if anyone could see or hear us. I pulled out my tablet and scanned the room. Nothing but the tablet could see or hear us. I reached in to the drawer of the desk that we had and pulled out a little black box. I turned it on then said, "We're all clear. That's a jammer and there was nothing I could find before I turned it on. What's going on Max?"

"We are being spied on. No, I'm not small right now either. I did, however, find a tracking device in my underwear. I ripped one of these apart to see if they were being bugged, so there is a mess in the bathroom right now. Also the stuffed animals are in there along with the backpack. Dad, I trust you with my life. I trust Sam too. I want to trust the guys, but I'm not sure if I can anymore. I know I'm being tracked by you and the guys. I'm being listened to and seen through the animals. And now I know why they are here. My life is in danger even up here."

"Why do you say that, Max?" He handed me a letter. It looked like the one he read before. I opened it up and read it. "Do you remember who gave you this? Or at least, when it was given to you?" I looked at my son and I was worried. If someone could get close enough to hand this to him, then he was in trouble. I just hoped he knew who it could be.

"No. I have no clue who, how, or when I got that letter. A lot of people gave me letters and notes while I was awake. And others gave me them when I was under the table taking a nap after the game. Now I wish I hadn't set that up."

"Set it up? What do you mean? I thought, well I'm sure everyone thought, that you were being small when that happened. We all thought you were just playing around, having fun getting Bear and Panther to chase you." Now I was confused.

"No, Dad, I've been big this whole time. I went under the table to get away from everyone. I knew the guys could keep an eye on me easier that way and, that it would be safe. Why do you think I set up my stuffed animals that way? I didn't think I was tired enough to take a nap. I was just letting others get close to the guys. I don't remember which one said it, but one of the guys said that the reason you got them the costumes is so I wouldn't be scared of them. And that most people up here are scared of them, so I thought that this would be a good way for people to get over their fears. And maybe the guys might get to talk with someone other than us and maybe even have some fun. I wasn't told that there might be someone up here that wanted me dead."

Max sat on the couch, but the second his bare back touched the back of the couch he jumped back up. "Dat cood." I caught the Little slip and eyed him, wondering if this was too much for him. "I'm still big, Dad. That just caught me off guard is all. I'll let you know if or when I really start to slip. I hope." He said eyeing me back.

"Fine, I believe you, but as for who we can trust up here, I know we can trust Samantha, Bear, Wolf, and Panther. I trust all of you. I have done checks on everyone up here, but as for the guys, Bear is the one that brought Husky and Bull into the group. And I trust Bear with everything."

Max sat back down, only slower this time. And we continued to talk about everything: who we could trust, who I wasn't 100% about. I couldn't look everyone up because of the jammer I set up, but I could still remember a lot about everyone. I gave Max as much information as I could. About 30 minutes later he started to rub his head like he was getting a headache, so I asked him how he was doing.

"Dad, I'm ok for now. This is just a lot to take in all at once, but I am good still. Let's keep going."

We kept going for about another 30 minutes when I heard something. There was a noise outside of our room. Then in the middle of a sentence the door banged in to reveal Bear. Both Max and I jumped up not knowing what was going on. "Panther, on Max." Bear shouted "Wolf, Door" He pointed to the bedroom. "Sir, are you ok?" Bear asked me.

"Yes, we're fine."

Wolf came back saying "All clear, but there's a mess in there. Are they ok?" Then Wolf went to the door and shut it, putting his back to the wall right next to it as he looked over the room.

"Sir, you've been out of contact for over 90 minutes. What's going on? Are you sure everything is ok?"

I looked at my watch and said, "Sorry, Teddybear. We are all good here." I then eyed Max making sure he was ok. I knew he was getting close to possibly having a panic attack or possibly even slipping to his younger self. He was staring at me probably wondering what was happening. "Max, everything is ok. I just forgot the time. This is normal for them. If I am out of contact with them for more than 90 minutes without telling Bear first... this is what happens. We can trust them. I promise." Max nodded his head not saying a word. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, I could see that he was more in control of himself.

"Teddybear, Wolfey, Panther kitty, we are all good here. Max and I have been talking. Come and have a seat. I think that Max needs to know everything, no holding back this time." I sat back down on the couch and Max followed. I pointed to the little black box that was sitting on the coffee table. "Jammer" All the guys looked at it and nodded. They all took seats and we began to talk.

The guys were surprised at why Max started the game of tag, saying stuff like "You thought that up on the spot? I told you guys he's a smart kid." Panther side hugged Max.

Or Wolf "You know, I can get all the guys I want back on Earth, right?"

Or Bear "And I thought you were Little when you did that. You had me fooled."

Then Max said, "Everyone underestimates me because I'm a Little. They only see me as that, but I'm smarter than even my dad knows." He looked at me and continued. "All growing up even my grades were average, right?" I nodded. "Have you ever checked out what the average was?"

I said, "No, not really. Why?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I have. I made sure that I was a perfect average, at least as my reportable grades were considered. Nobody, and I mean nobody thinks that I'm anything but an average kid." He opened his eyes to look straight at me. "However, about 90% of what you had me looking at I could understand, and that was enough for me to be scared about what you were doing up here. AND WHY I HAD TO BE THE ONE TO GO BACK IN TIME."

All of us looked at each other finally understanding why Max was having such a hard time of it up here. He understood what was at stake. He understood more than I wanted him to. I never wanted him to bear this heavy of a burden. And he has been bearing it all on his own, having to keep it a secret from even me.


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