Steven Universe (Reader-Inser...

By Midnight-Drawing77

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An escapism is neither good nor's just an amazing sense of relief from everything. Right? More



332 10 13
By Midnight-Drawing77

Chapter 2:
Bring to Mind

The sand shifted under his open toed flip flops as the young adult walked to his van.

"Ugh...." Greg stressfully hung his head after walking out of another tiny gig at an old abandoned building. It was a start at getting recognized, but everyone who went to that party barely applauded. "Maybe the accident was bad luck or maybe destiny is telling me to take a different path?"

It had been a good 24 hours since the accident and so far you hadn't come out of your unconscious state. Greg took care of the wounds before he went out and took extreme measures to make sure Marty didn't pull anything inappropriate. He didn't know why he hung around him, but he knew more about the music business than he did. Although, Greg did meet a nicer business woman in the music department.

With a deep breath, the back doors opened and suddenly Greg took a very hard blow to the face by a fist. "GRAH! Oh! OW!!!!" He fell onto the sand and held his nose. Through his blurred vision, a figure stumbled out of the back and tried to run.

They tripped with every step and lost balance constantly which made it hard to know what direction they needed to go for help. For a brief moment, they realized they were running in sand once the grainy texture shifted through their fingertips. "Sand? AH!"

The unexpected tackle was caused by Marty.

This assault took you by a panicked surprise, especially being straddled under an older man. By instinct, you kneed him where the sun doesn't shine.

Marty fell to the side while groaning in pain, "Starchild! Get your arse over here and stop her!"

Greg shook off the dizziness as best as he could before taking off after your trotting figure. 'I know it's mean, but I'm glad Marty deserved that kick.' He thought and managed to go in front of you. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" Greg waves his arms out to stop you which it did, though you tried to run around him only for him to keep cutting you off. "I'm pretty sure this situation is really overwhelming! Believe me. I'm not too happy with it either, but can we please talk about this?"

Finally, your brain began to register that the one freaking out in front of you had been Greg Universe. Or DeMayo, however others preferred.

The both of you were out of breath from the chase and from a distance, you can faintly hear Marty groaning in pain. "Look, you may be Greg Universe, DeMayo or whatever Greg you want to be, BUT!! I! Had suddenly woke up IN A VAN and to make it worse! You two are GUYS!"

"Uh...alright. Seems reasonable by your reaction, but I promise I never did anything to you, except change your bandages on your head. I also made sure to keep Marty away from you." Greg explained and didn't catch the first part of your words.

Honestly, you hadn't expected anything like this to happen so suddenly. 'That reminds me.' You thought and took a look at your hands.

Totally weird to see a different perspective of how this plane of existence is animated. At least the voice you had spoken to earlier had calmed you down, big time. Or else you would've been freaking out worse than you already are. The voice had no clue what was going on either and it seemed surprised that you were talking to it.

"Hey? I know this is a rhetorical question, but are you okay? You're kinda spacing out there." Greg grows worried. "Feeling dizzy? Oh gosh. I hope that running hasn't caused any more damage."

You snap out of it and try to hold back an amused smile, "I'm...I'm fine. It's just—"

The clothes you had on weren't exactly the same from before. It looks....sorta like a jumpsuit. The top and bottom were mostly likely white, but now it had a few smudges here and there. The blue vest accompanied a brown belt to hold it to the suit. either.

"—I guess, things are mildly up to snuff."

"OH! That's great! Ow...At least you're conscious now. We can start making a deal here. Ow." Marty groans painfully and shuffles at a stiff pace.

Greg silently groans at the interruption and hoped that his friend wouldn't get in the way of making a peace offering to you.

"Listen up, Retro-Chick. My partner and I have come so far into our music business, so once we get to the top. WE can help you with some sort of small payment for the trouble...." Marty then mumbles to the side, "...that YOU mainly caused...." With a hand out, he gives a bright flash smile. "What do you think, Retro-Chick. Deal?"

Honestly, you had no idea what the man had said and his words went in one ear then out the other. The thought that bothered you was the nickname he kept calling you.

Marty raised a brow and clicked his tongue, "Hello? Earth to Retro-Chick."

Greg still felt worried about the way you kept spacing out and he was about to reach out, only for Marty to pull him a few feet away with his arm around Greg's shoulders.

"Greg. We should just leave and ditch her. Clearly, she doesn't remember the whole ordeal that happened hours ago. This will make things easier for us."

"What?!" Greg shouted, but not too loud. "Marty, you can't be THAT heartless. What if she has a family looking for her? Clearly, she still isn't feeling too well to be on her own. I'm not leaving this young woman alone, especially in an unfamiliar area."

As the two males argued back and forth once again, it didn't seem to bother the peaceful night of the beach and it all went unnoticed by any passing people. Although, you were listening every now and then while you took in the sights from your spot. The smell of salty yet cool air of the ocean and welcoming sand that snuggles under your bare feet. Your gaze moves up to the starry skies with the quarter full moon. Slowly, the view of the lighthouse on top of the hill came to view.

"Beach City."

Something itches slightly on your head and you reach up to meet bandages. "What the hell?" You take it off and shake a little in fear, expecting to feel a gash or something. Only for your fingertips to run over a scar that was still tender. "Ow...."

Bright lights.

Screeching tires.

You stood there in complete shock. "I got hit by a van.... they hit me with their van!"

Marty scoffed and crossed his arms, "Fine. I'll go along with your little charity charade, but she ain't getting ANY cut of anything we make. Maybe get in some work."

Greg felt offended by his friend's words, "Charity charade? Marty, I am a selflessness guy! If that were me, then I would want someone to help me get to my feet." He brushed off the air, "You don't have to get involved if you don't want to, Marty. I will help her on my own accord."

It had gotten quiet which brought the two young men to turn in your direction, but they screamed when they noticed how close you were to them.

Two loud slaps came from the sides of their face and they held their face as the hot sting spread across their cheek.

"HEY! What the hell is your problem, Retro Chick?!?!"

Your glare at him and hold your hand from your weak hits. "Hay is for horses." You roll your eyes and feel a little bad for slapping Greg, but it was his van that hit you. "AND my problem is that you guys hit me with your van!!! At least the slap isn't as horrible as me with this gash on my head!"

"We do deserve that." Greg agrees softly and rubs his cheek. "I've got this, Marty. Can you leave us alone for a moment?"

"Oh, I can do that." The platinum haired man stomps off to the van.

You ease up more once that numpty left.

"You have a strong arm there." Greg chuckled sheepishly and awkwardly ran a hand through his hair. "So....uh....I don't really know how to negotiate through this entire problem. I mean...." He stumbled over his words and started to pace in front of you, almost seeming to have an anxious situation.

To be honest here, there wasn't exactly any way around this predicament.

"Um...." You speak up meekly which does catch Greg's attention. "I'm still unsure about this whole thing too, but I do know that....I'm at a complete loss. I have nowhere to go and I am very—..." Very was an understatement. "..—very far from home."

There's a stiff snort off to the side, "In a galaxy far, far away! Now that I think about it, you dress like a cheap knockoff of some geeky cosplay of Star Wars." Marty rolled his eyes. "What's next? You gonna tell us that there's a war happening amongst the stars and there's freedom fighters fighting against an evil empire?"

The way he stood and the way he spoke made you extremely self conscious. It's like his personality revolves being the social superior of everyone.

Greg groans, "Cut it out, Marty. I told you, I've got this."

Finally, you get to the chase. "I'm not asking for money. Okay? I just want some small comfort of a place to stay and just help you guys with whatever you're doing. Odd jobs?"

"You don't have to—" Greg started, but Marty spoke over him.

"Oh no, Starchild. If she's going to be hanging around, she's got to pull some weight like the rest of us." Marty placed a hand under his chin, "Actually, I think bringing in a sappy tramp will grab some attention that'll make people think we're not bad guys."

Sappy Tramp? Those choice of words made your blood boil and you snap at him, "What do you mean by that?"

Marty smirks and leans in, too close for comfort. "However you want it to be, Baby~."

Immediately, your face scrunches up in heavy disgust and unfortunately Greg came between you two before you raised a fist to sock the creep in the face. "Can we settle this without getting physical? Maybe a verbal agreement?"

"Sure. Is that a deal, Sweetie? You get to stay with us if you keep the big mishap a secret." Marty raised a brow.

"As long as there's no funny business." Greg adds, mainly looking at his friend.

"Yeah, that too."

You glance between them and you sigh heavily, "Fine."

Marty nods and raises a finger to point at you, "Great. One thing though? How about changing out of that getup? Greg, throw in one of the shirts from our merch inventory." He still still has that oddly sickening smile, "Whatever we get you, you pay back with your odd jobs agreement. I'm off to a party. I don't care if you don't go, Greg, but don't have too much fun with the gal." Marty waves before walking off.

Greg blushed immensely and panics, "I-I-I would never do that! I promise you!"

You shrug carelessly and smile softly, "I know you won't. You seem like a very amazing guy. Much better than him." You nod toward the fading figure of Marty, then point a thumb at him and make an inappropriate gesture before gaging in disgust.

This made Greg snicker, "Definitely, so much better than him. There are a lot of amazing ladies out there, but I'm waiting for THE ONE."

At the van, you dug around for your size shirt within Greg's merchandise. Speaking of the Universe man, he waited patiently outside and strummed his guitar to give you privacy. Also making sure, Marty doesn't pop up randomly. You found one that you liked and in your size as you took off the vest, slipping on the shirt. The rest of the clothing didn't match that well, but still, it covered you better.

"I guess this will have to do." You say while opening the van doors to get out.

Greg smiled, "I'm sure we'll be able to get you something better along the way. By the way, I haven't had the time to ask for your name." He rubs his head sheepishly, "I'm pretty sure you already know our names from the banter earlier."

"(____). I have a feeling Marty is going to keep the nickname to annoy me." You pout when Greg gives a hum in agreement.

The cool sand shifts again between your toes, which leads your gaze toward the sky full of beautiful stars. Everything was calm, especially when Greg began to play a soothing tune on the guitar. Obviously, he understood that you wanted to stay quiet for awhile. As your mind began to wander, you recalled what had happened while you were unconscious.

Now, your eyes look down at your hands.

You and the voice.

The two of you just suddenly appeared in the same space. It was weird. You could feel they were there, but they weren't. Like you're both connected from afar.

They a female.

The bubbly yet gentle giggle that came from her helped you calm and her voice curious yet kindhearted.

"I'm just as confused as you are. I don't know how long I've been here, but.....I'm very happy that there is someone other than me in this place."

You try to look around, but all you saw was just a misty and bright white space. It was too bright for your liking. "Can you see me?"

She hums in uncertainty, "No."

It grows silent, though you can feel that she's still there. A sense of comfort for the two of you. Both glad you're unaware of what's happening and in the same situation.

"It's too bright." You say unamused.

She sounds like she's holding back laughter. "I agree with you."

If only the space was a little more like the space with stars— Suddenly, the area grew dim and faded into the night sky. The many shimmering diamonds all around which you turn only to shout in surprise. "Ack!!"

"Are you okay?" She sounded concerned for you. "It....doesn't seem so bright anymore, but I still can't see you."

"Um....I think..." You weren't sure and very carefully reached out as your hands finally formed to hold the bubble in front of you. "I think I see a part of you now."

Her voice sounded excited and amazed, although still gentle, "I may not see, but I can detect you now. Like a touch and sense what you're feeling."

Inside the bubble, a gem resided. You couldn't really tell what kind of gem. "Do you have a name?"

"I've been given many nicknames. Some of them are quite silly, though not a name that makes me unique from the others." She chuckled faintly with a hardly noticeable sad sigh.

There had been a name that came to you, but you wanted to make it not so long and not too silly.



You grin and hold the bubble close, "How does Veebie sound for your name?"

There's silence until Veebie gave a very happy reply, "Veebie!....I like that name very much—..?"



The clothes you're wearing at the beginning, you can pick whichever one you were wearing. They're digital drawings I've made.

The bubble you saw in the space.

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