Don't Leave Me

Von uffthatshot

1.7M 32.4K 8.4K

"Stand up.", he said to me. "What?", I asked confused. "STAND UP.", he ordered slightly aggressive. I quickly... Mehr

Before you begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authors note
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Important authors note
Bonus chapter- long+smutty
New covers

Chapter 33

24.1K 569 167
Von uffthatshot

Matteos POV

"Emily. Don't leave me!", I yelled as her breathing stopped. She looked pale and lifeless. I started to shake her but there was no reaction. Emily is dead. All I was able to do now is take her in my arms and hug her tightly. My most precious angel is gone.

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back which caused my grip on Emily to vanish. Her body sank back down to the floor. Looking up I saw Pietro still holding my shoulder while Raffael picked up Emily bridal style.

"Don't fucking touch her! What are you doing?!", I yelled.
"Trying to bring her back to life!", Raffael screamed back at me. Then he left the building with my angel.

I was still on my knees as some tears escaped my eyes. Looking down I tried to hide my emotions. I'm still a mafia leader and nobody should see me weak or crying. Even if the only people around me are my dad and Pietro. They still shouldn't see me like that.

"Matteo come on we have to leave.", my fathers voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I got up and left without saying another word. After I finally reached my car I slumped down on the seat and released a shaky breath.

Raffael won't be able to save her. She's dead. How can I live without her? After all it's my fault. I'm the reason she's gone. I brought her into this life without her knowing. I was selfish and stupid and she had to suffer for that.

"Get to the passenger seat. I'll drive.", Pietros voice startled me. Looking to my left he was waiting for me to get out of the car and to the other side. I did what he said and was now sitting on the passenger seat.
"She's gone.", I mumbled as my head was buried in my hands and my elbows were rested on my knees for support. The car started moving.
"Raffael is taking her to the best hospital and doctor in Italy. If there's any chance she could survive the doctor will do everything to get her back to life.", Pietro stated.
"My angel will d-die because of m-me.", I whispered while tears started rolling down my cheeks once again.
"It wasn't your fault. She decided to give her life in order for you to live.", he told me.

I snapped my gaze to him. Pietro was staring straight ahead focusing on the road. My jaw clenched and I couldn't help but ball my hands into fists.

"IT IS MY FUCKING FAULT! I brought her into this life. If I had let her go the day we met she wouldn't be dying right now!", I screamed. Pietro flinched at my sudden outburst and widened his eyes.
"Matteo she wanted to-"
"I don't care. I wanted to die for her! Do you know what I found in her room? Fucking drawings of me and one of us together! And she said she would only draw things she find beautiful and that she loves. Emily is so fucking talented. If she got the chance to live I'm sure she could have become a great artist. My angel would be able to do something that's good. But I'm alive and I don't do anything good. It should have been me!", I screamed again.

"Have faith. Angels don't die that easily. Besides she doesn't know you called her your queen yet which means everyone else should call her that too. Cristian once said to me how Emily threatened him and told him to be careful because one day he would possibly have to call her a queen. She would totally love knowing that she was right.", Pietro stated.
"Yes she would.", I chuckled. Closing my eyes I could see her pretty face right in front of me. Her long silky brown hair. Her smile and beautiful lips. Her breathtakingly captivating blue eyes. I could even hear her laugh.

After an one hour drive we arrived at the hospital. Raffael took Emily here hoping that doctor would be able to safe her. But I have my doubts. I felt her breathing stop and her heartbeat vanish. I saw her life draining away. The paleness and cold taking over her body.

Stepping out of the car we walked inside and got to the reception. As I was looking around the waiting room I saw my entire inner circle sitting there. Sofie, Cristian, my mom and lastly my father who entered the hospital after us. Pietro was still standing right beside me and Raffael came over to me. Everyone was here. And it felt like we were here to say goodbye.

"What can I help you with?", the receptionist smiled at me.
"I'm here for Emily Potters.", I stated coldly.
"She's still in the operation room. It'll take a couple of hours.", she told me.
"A couple of hours? Can't you just-"
"Relax Matteo.", Raffael said and turned to the receptionist. "Thank you for helping us."

Pietro and Raffael guided me to the waiting area and forced me to sit down on a chair. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. It felt like seconds turned into hours and my mind was clouded with fear, worry and heartbreak.

We all sat there in complete silence for two hours. No one dared to say anything. There were a few tapping of fingers here and there but that was it. The sky had turned dark by now and I knew it was the middle of the night.

Looking at my mom I let out a sad sigh. Her face was knitted in worry and sleeplessness. When her eyes locked with mine her expression turned from tired to pure sadness.

"You should all leave. It's late. I'm going to wait here. The rest of you go. Pietro and Raffael you still have a shipment to take care of tomorrow.", I said gaining everyones attention.
"But-", my mom started talking.
"No buts. No discussions. Please, you all need to rest."

Everyone nodded and went out of the hospital. Well, almost everyone. Cristian didn't make any signs of movement. He remained glued to the chair.

"I told you to leave.", I snapped at him.
"Yes, but I'm not tired and I don't have any work tomorrow. Emily is my friend and my GIRLFRIENDS best friend. She is also the reason I met Amy in the first place. If it wasn't for her I would still be single and miserable.", Cristian stated.
"I didn't know you two were that serious."
"You're blinded by your own love.", Cristian chuckled.

Rolling my eyes I rested my head against the wall and closed them. To be honest I was extremely tired. Last night I didn't get any sleep and right now all of the events made me tired of life. Before I could stop myself I drifted off to sleep.

Someone shaking me by my shoulders tore me out of my nap. Opening my eyes I saw Cristian standing right in front of me with dark bags under his eyes.

"What?", I asked confused and still half asleep.
"The doctor is done with the operation. He wanted to talk to you.", Cristian said.

His statement made me wide awake and I immediately stood up to follow him. We walked down a hallway and entered a room. Inside was my sweet angel laying in a hospital bed and the doctor standing next to her. She looked so pale and vulnerable.

"Mr. Rizzo it is an honor having you here.", the doctor said shaking my hand. "I took the bullet out of Ms. Potters chest. Furthermore we did a CT scan which showed us that she has three broken ribs and really severe bruises. In addition to that Ms. Potters has a concussion. We checked her vitals and realized she was starving and dehydrated. Of course we did our best and took care of everything but-"
"But what?", I asked anxious.
"Her body is weak and it looks like she's giving up. We can't do anything at this point. She decides to live or to die. All there's left to do is wait and hope.", the doctor finished.
"Thank you.", Cristian said.

If my heart didn't already shattered to the ground it would break right now. I did hope that he would tell us Emily would survive. But this is too much. Wait and hope? How long are we supposed to wait? Every second I don't hear her voice or see her smile I feel like dying myself.

After the doctor left the room Cristian and I stayed by Emilys side for a couple of hours. My parents came in the afternoon and told me to go home and rest. Reluctantly I took their advise and left.

~~~time leap (one week later)~~~

It's been another week without my angel. At least this time I was able to see her beautiful face. Everyday I went to the hospital and visited her. I held her hands and placed soft kisses to her forehead hoping she would react somehow. But she never did.

My mom and dad forced me to eat, drink and sleep. They said Emily would hate me if I didn't take care of myself. Knowing they were right I did what was humanly possible in this situation.

Cristian took care of my hotel chain while Pietro and Raffael dealt with all of the tasks concerning my mafia. All this time they supported me in every way they could. I couldn't think straight and couldn't work. Literally most of the day I spend holding my angels hands and talking to her as if she could hear me.

Sofie and Lukas visited her as well. And I even got Amy to move here already. She was crying badly once I told her the news about Emily. Since Amy came here three days ago she visited her best friend a couple of times.

Cristian and Amy looked very loving together. Looking at them made me happy and sad at the same time. Sad because I don't have that with my angel right now. But the two deserve love. They were supporting each other and although both were heartbroken because Emily wasn't waking up, they still had reasons to smile.

But I didn't have any reason to smile. Yes, I am glad that me and my dad finally get along and he supports me. Right now, I don't care about that. I care about my angel and I need her more than anything.

She is the most amazing and loving person I know. Selfless and caring. Stunning and gorgeous. Innocent and sexy at the same time. She's my sunshine. My light in the dark. While she brings light into the life of others I bring darkness. She's the sun and I'm the moon. Emily sacrificed herself for me like the sun goes down in order for the moon to rise.

I can't imagine my life without her. Not everybody would selflessly take a bullet for me. But Emily did and she didn't care if it was the last thing she would do.

Yesterday the doctor told me that Emilys body is slowly healing and getting better however that doesn't mean she'll make it. Each passing second she could wake up or die. It's all up to her.

Right now I was staring at her laying in the bed. Not moving or smiling. Nothing. I sat next to her and took her left hand in mine. The sun was slowly rising and some rays of sunshine illuminated her beautiful face.

"Hello my sweet angel.", I whispered brushing my free hand through her hair. "It's time for you to wake up. We all miss you so much."

As always there was not reaction. My face fell slightly.

"Emily wake up.", I commanded hopelessly. "I need you angel."
Resting my head in the crook of her neck I clutched her hand tightly. Tears were building up in my eyes once again.

God, these days tears leave my eyes so much. Usually I never cry. What am I turning in to?

"I love you Emily. I promised to not leave you and you did the same. So, don't leave me."

Suddenly there was a small squeeze on my hand. My head immediately shot up and I could feel my heart beat stop.

I was staring straight into the most beautiful and captivating eyes.


Whose eyes is he looking into?

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