The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

Od tooldtobehere

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(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... Více

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Attack
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
End of Book Two

Starting Again

1.4K 48 17
Od tooldtobehere

Lyra could hear the bustling of Diagon alley from the open window, feel the cool morning breeze flutter the sheets against her skin.

This wasn't what woke her though. No, what had stirred her was the gentle touch of finger tips tracing shapes onto her bare arm. The rise and fall of their warm chest against her back. The gentle flutter of her hair from their breath. She stirred, turning towards the warmth and burying her face into it. She felt his chest vibrate with a soft laugh.

"You awake love?" George whispered leaving a trail of kisses down her shoulder and arm.

"Mmmmm that depends." Lyra sighed into him. Breathing in his intoxicating scent.

"On what?"

"If this is a dream or not."

"Nope. Real as ever I'm afraid."

Lyra flopped onto her back, and her pale blue eyes, fluttered open to meet his dark brown ones. Georges mind thought back to the night before, her petrified eyes almost colorless in the moonlight. He shook the thought away.

"I suppose I'm awake then." She said woth a sigh.

George grinned at her, before leaning in and gently kissing her. He was hesitant and much more gentle then usual. As if she was a glass doll. Lyra pulled away and cupped his face. He raised an eyebrow and she squished his cheeks together. "Cut it out Weasley."

"Cu wha ou?"

She smirked and let go of his face. "I won't shatter in two just because you kiss me."

"Well your injured don't want to get carried away now do we?" But they both knew he wasn't worried about the scars on her back. Hd was waiting for everything to set in. For the shock to break away.

She rolled her eyes and sat up stretching. "My lips arent."

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into him. "Safety first."

"Shouldn't you be at the shop?" She asked noticing a decent ammount of light in the room.

"Fred never came to wake me so I'm assuming not. Why? Sick of me already?"

She leaned back into him. "Mmmm I suppose not."

"Gee thanks."

She smiled up at him and he felt his heart speed up. Over a year together and that smile still drove him crazy.

"Do you think we could go?"

"To the shop?"


"If your feeling up to it, of course."

Lyra scrambled out of his arms and off the bed. "let's go then! I want to see it!"

"Woah hold your horses." George laughed, "How about we eat first?"

Lyra pouted. "I'm not hungry."

"Your never hungry. You eat like a damn bird."

"Not true I ate a whole big bowl of soup last night."

George grinned, sitting and stretching himself. "And how long had it been since you'd eaten? Because you certainly didn't eat Breakfast or Lunch the day I came to visit. Something tells me you didn't have time for dinner either."

She blushed "Finnnne."

Lyra followed George through the small flat, it looked completely different in the warm light of the summer day. Once they got to the kitchen she walked over to one of the windows opening it and letting the noise from down below fill the space.

George leaned against the doorframe watching as she leaned over, his shirt rising and exposing her bare legs and a pair of his old boxers.

She straightened, turning back to him and then freezing. "what?"

He grinned lazily crossing his arms. "Just wondering how mad Fred would be if we christened the kitchen."

Lyra snorted and walked over to the pantry. "I think you may have to be religious for it to be considered christening." Scanning the shelves she was surprised at how much food there was. Two young guys living on their own, she expected the house to be in much rougher shape.

"Who said I'm not Religious?" George said from right behind her. She whirled around suprised. He had moved from the doorway towering over her now. His arm leaning on the pantry door clicking it shut.

"A-are you?" She asked, leaning against the door for support.

He leaned down using his free hand to capture a lock of her wild hair. "I worship you don't I?"

Lyra couldn't help herself, her lips curving up into that smile he loved so much. "You're so corny George Weasley."

"But you love it right?" He said fanning her lips with his warm breath.

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tippy toes. She pecked him on the lips and nuzzled her nose against his. "I love you, does that count?"

George reached down wrapping his arms around her legs and scooping her up. She squeaked in shock as he gently threw her over his shoulder. Opening the pantry and taking out a carton of eggs.

"George Weasley!" Lyra laughed hitting his back. "What on earth do you think your doing?"

He adjusted her on his shoulder placing the eggs down and pulling out his wand. "Cooking breakfast."

"Can you put me down?"

"Mmmmm nah."

She tried to blow the hair out of her face and huffed in frustration when it didn't help. "I was going to cook breakfast you know."

"You can't cook breakfast." He teased.

"Why on earth not?"

He walked over to the fridge and pulled the bacon out."Well your not 17 yet love. Can't use magic out of school."

She rolled her eyes "even if we were following that rule. I could still cook breakfast. Unlike some people I can get on just fine without magic."

George reached his wand free hand up and pinched her ass. She yelped in surprise before hitting him in the back again. He just chuckled.

"George put me down!" Lyra pleaded squirming in his grip.

He sighed dramatically, as if she was the one being difficult. Turning and gently setting her down on the tall table. "There, happy your highness?"

Lyra did her best to glare. "it's not as if I'm bedridden I can cook for myself."

He smirked bopping her on the nose. "nope not allowed."

Lyra was about to retort when there was a knock on the front door. They both looked towards the living room. Lyra grabbed the front of his shirt anxiously. She looked back to George, hope in her eyes, "Fred?"

"No, he wouldn't of knocked. But I'm sure it's nothing watch the eggs while I check." He began towards the living room stopping once he got to the doorway. "oh and Lyra?"

She looked over to him, still clearly anxious. "Yes?"

He smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. "Move one inch before I'm back and you will be bedridden got it?"

Lyra turned a deep red, her eyes wide with shock. She was about to tell him off but he ducked around the corner disappearing into the living room too quickly.

When George got to the door. He was surprised to find a very tired looking Lupin standing there. "Lupin?"

He smiled warmly, but it didn't reach his eyes. "please call me Remus. It's not as if I'm your Proffesor anymore."

"Who is it George?" Lyra called from the kitchen.

Lupin looked past George. "so she's awake? That's good. I wanted to check in on her."

George smiled moving out of the doorway. "yeah she woke up last night. Why don't you come on in I bet she'd love to see you."

"Is she.... Is she up for it?"

"I would of told you to bug off if I thought she wasn't." George admitted.

"The eggs are gonna burn!" Lyra yelled from the kitchen. Lupin allowed George to show him the way back to the kitchen.

He stopped in the doorway as George entered quickly going to the stove. Lyra turned towards the doorway freezing as her eyes landed on Lupin.

He gave her a small smile, relieved to see her awake and so full of life. "Lupin?" She asked as if not quite believing he was real.

"Hello Lyra," He replied.

And to his shock, but not to Georges Lyra was on her feet she ran towards him jumping up into his arms pulling him into a hug. Lupin stumbled, almost fell, but then regained his balance before hugging her back. He hesitated at first, the girl barely dressed. But she hugged him so tightly, and so honestly full of relief and love that he couldn't help but to wrap his arms around her and hug this strange girl back with as much passion.

Tears began to stream down Lyra's cheeks. "I'm so sorry Lupin. I'm so sorry."

Lupin looked to George who placed three plates of food down on the table. George didn't seem suprised by her reaction at all. Just shrugging at Lupins suprised gaze.

"It's okay Lyra." He said hugging the girl tighter to him. "It's not your fault."

"B-But Sirius is dead, and we put you all in danger-"

Lupin pulled away, placing his hands on her shoulders, Lyra looking up at him wiping away her tears. For one instant Lupin was struck with the horrific realization of how young she looked. How young she was. "It's not yours or any of the others fault Lyra. None of us blame any of you. We didnt even for a second, and Sirius didn't either. All we cared about was getting you all back safe."


He tightened his grip. "Listen to me. You have no idea how happy Sirius would have been to see you like this today. Sitting in your kitchen, making breakfast. Living. It's okay to miss him but live for him too. Understand?"

Fresh tears welled in Lyras eyes. This man. This man who had mourned, who had been betrayed, the last of his friends. Something pierced itself deep inside Lyras heart. She placed her hands on top of his and squeezed them tightly. "Will you stay and visit for a bit?"

Lupin smiled, "of course."

She let go turning back towards the table and George. As soon as she was in arms reach he pulled her into a hug kissing to top of her head.

They all sat. George sliding a plate towards Lyra he looked at her pointedly. "Eat Stone."

She rolled her eyes picking up her fork. "Yeah yeah Weasley."

George slid a plate towards Lupin as well. "Oh no that's alright I'm fine." He said politely.

"You worked a shift for the order last night didn't you?" George asked picking up his own fork and digging in.

"I did." Lupin said not sure where he was going with this.

"You should eat then. I doubt you've had any time to rest."

"It'll be easier if you just give in and eat." Lyra sighed picking up a piece of bacon.

Lupin smiled. "You know, your mum does the same thing anytime I come around."

George grinned, "I suppose that's where I get it from. Plus no offense Remus but you look like shit."

Lyra elbowed George. "George! That's was incredibly rude!"

"What? I'm saying it from a place of concern!" George defended.

"That doesn't matter it's still rude!" She scolded. "I swear you and Fred have no tact sometimes."

Lupin laughed and picked up his fork as well. "It's alright Lyra, he's got a point. If it'll make you two feel better I'll eat with you."

George stuck his tounge out at Lyra in victory. She rolled her eyes and tried to kick him from under the table but she was smiling, and he knew she was glad to Lupin was eating.

"How are your wounds healing?" Lupin asked between bites.

"Good. I don't think I'll even have a scar left this time. If I do it'll be faint."

Lupin nodded. "That's good to hear. We were worried when Fred and George told us you hadn't woken right away."

Her mood shifted. "I'm sorry if I-"

He waved her away, "You've got nothing to be sorry for."

She bit her lip. Thinking back to that night. To her rage. "I don't think, I don't think I've ever been angry like that before."

Lupin looked at her with understanding and sorrow. "Grief does strange things to us... I'm sorry to ask but, when it happened could you feel-"

"Not his, but everyone else's. It was like gasoline to my rage. It was more then that too though..." Lyra pushed her last egg around on her plate. She thought of the room with all the books. Of Bellatrix's touch. Of the images that flashed before her eyes. The emotions she had felt. Memories that weren't her own.

George put a hand on her back, rubbing it soothingly. "You don't have to talk about it love."

She smiled up at him gratefully, before turning back to Lupin. "how are the others? Hows the order?"

"Moody and Tonks were released from saint mungo's yesterday morning and are already back to work. Moody wants to come see you once your feeling up to it. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a few other visitors either."

She winced. "Alisters not mad is he?"

George furrowed his eyes, "why would he be mad?"

"He's glad your safe." Lupin said not answering her or George's question.

"And the order itself? I'm assuming the Ministry is working with you now seeing as we haven't all been carted off to askiban?"

"They are working with Dumbledore, and have finally accepted Voldemort's return."

She shivered at the name. "It's all really starting isn't it?"

Lupin nodded solemnly, and Lyra abandoned her plate. No longer having an appetite.

"Where are you all meeting now?" George asked curiously.

Lyra's eyes widened with realization. "You can't use Grimmuld place anymore?"

"We believe it may be compromised." Lupin looked at George suprised. "I'm surprised you don't already know. Most of the order has been working out of the Burrow."

George slid Lyra's abandoned plate towards him. Stabbing her last egg and eating it whole. "Don't be surprised, Mum's been determined to keep Fred and I out of the Order since we've left school."

"And I've never been to the burrow." Lyra admitted to Lupin.

"Yes you have." George said as if she had said something ridiculous.

"No, I haven't."

"But you've stayed over for Christmas-"

"At Grimmuld place. Your dad was in the hospital Christmas remember?"

George thought about it a bit more, and realized she was right. "Oh we are going to have to rectify this."

Lyra laughed, her fear from earlier slipping away. She scooped up the three now empty plates walking over to the sink. "No objections from me, I'd love to see where you all grew up."

Lupin looked at his watch "well I better be off, I need to catch some shut eye before my next shift starts for the order."

Lyra set the plates down in the sink turning back. "I hope you all aren't pushing yourselves to much..."

"You just focus on healing those injuries." Lupin said taking George's hand and shaking it.

They walked him to the door Lyra wrapping him in another tight hug before saying goodbye.

As soon as the door was shut George wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. She leaned back into his touch sighing deeply.

"I hope you do realize your not doing those dishes."

Lyra frowned. "You cooked."

"Your healing."

She rolled her eyes. "my arms work fine George. For that matter my magic works even better."

He brought her bandaged hand up to his lips. Kissing it gently. "Stone, do me a favor and let me spoil you for once."

She sighed dramatically. "If you insist."

As George set the dishes to clean themselves Lyra wandered back to his room. George had placed her chest from school at the end of his bed. When she opened it she was suprised to see that her books were missing. Only her clothes and a couple random things remained.

"The three bottom drawers are yours, and I cleared out some room in the closet for you." George said from the doorway.

Lyra jumped, turning to look up at him. "What?"

He grinned pointing to the dresser "for your clothes love. You don't plan on living out of your chest for the rest of our lives do you?"

Lyras heart quickened as she realized what he was saying. "You really do love me don't you?"

"That's what I've been telling you all along love. You're stuck with me."


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