The Pull

By SillyRabbit81

13K 615 60

Complete. Henry, Crown Prince of the Vampires, is avoiding his responsibilities. He shuns royal tradition and... More

Author's Note
Chapter One (Henry)
Chapter Two (Rowena)
Chapter Three (Rowena)
Chapter Four (Rowena)
Chapter Five (Henry)
Chapter Six (Rowena)
Chapter Seven (Rowena)
Chapter Eight (Henry)
Chapter Nine (Rowena)
Chapter 10 (Henry)
Chapter 11 (Henry)
chapter 12 (Rowena)
Chapter 14 (Rowena)
Chapter 15 (Henry)
Chapter 16 (Henry)
Chapter 17 Rowena
chapter 18 (Rowena)
Chapter 19 (Henry)
Chapter 20 (Henry)
Chapter Twenty-One (Rowena)
Chapter Twenty-Two (Rowena)
Chapter Twenty- Three (Henry)
Chapter Twenty-Four (Rowena)
Chapter 25 Henry
Bonus Chapter - Alex

Chapter 13 (Henry)

448 24 0
By SillyRabbit81


I watched my Little Fawn from my window, swimming serenely across the water. She left gentle ripples in her wake as her beautiful form made her swim look effortless. The white bikini she wore was almost like a beacon in the dark blue water, even watching through my dark sunglasses, she was a bright spot in the landscape.

I felt stronger mentally after my sleep like my mind was reset. Although my dreams were full of her, they were easier now. My dreams weren't tainted with melancholic pain anymore but were hopeful, full of positive plans. I dreamed of the promise of our future, the promise of lingering looks of love without fear, the promise of her body sleeping next to me each day and the promise of claiming her as mine. I didn't dare to imagine when she claims me and makes love to me. The thought of her new vampiric body climbing onto my lap and sinking her brand new ivory fangs into my neck left me shaken and aroused me to the point of near lunacy.

I hunted around for some shorts I could wear and went to the lake. The water was warmed by the sun and felt pleasant as I dove in. Taking long strokes beneath the surface, I saw the beautiful colours the sun made refracting through the water, casting rainbows off the bass swimming below. I propelled myself through the lake, needing to come up for two short breaths before I found her.

I swam beneath her, looking up at her. If she could see through the water, she would be looking directly at me. The water rushed over her skin as she swam, tiny bubbles gathered and danced over her belly as she paddled. Her belly seemed so soft and had a gentle feminine roundness that matched her hips. The only flaw in this picture was the sparkling silver around her neck. She has given up the bracelets though, I suppose they would be heavy to swim in.

Grinning as I swam, I remembered her silvery laugh last night as we played cards, how pretty her smile was and how it brought a delightful little crinkle to her nose. Unable to stand watching her and not touching her, I thought it would be enjoyable to play a trick on her and see her joyful face again.

I reached up and yanked her leg, bringing her down into the water. She thrashed at me, but I pressed a kiss to her lips and wrapped my arms around her. She melted into me, throwing her arms around my neck and returned my kiss with surprising passion. Spurred on by her response, I crushed her into me while I pressed my tongue into her mouth, seeking her sweetened tincture.

My Lust was rising quickly, and she needed to take a breath again, so I took us up, ending our kiss as we broke through the surface. She was pursing her lips, trying to keep in a smile. Fawn gave me a soft punch in the shoulder. "Don't do that!" she said, but her laughter broke through.

"Why not?" I asked, smiling satisfied to see her giggle. "You seem to have found it amusing."

"Once I worked out it was you!" Little Fawn said. "Before that, I thought I was going to die. I think you need to remember I'm human. I'll be surprised if my leg doesn't bruise."

"Then why are you laughing?" I asked, confused. Did she like being playful, or was she upset? Frustratingly I couldn't tell. I was sure I had seen human males and females engaged in this type of playful activities. Was it my strength or some subtly in human mating I had not yet discovered that she protested?

My Little Fawn shrugged and blushed. "Your kisses were nice," she said. "They made me smile."

"You have such a beautiful smile, Fawn. Are you pleased to see me?" I asked.

Nodding, she surprised me by wrapping her legs around my waists. As I felt her thighs tighten and her warmth touch me, I let out a groan.

"Sorry," she let me go.

Grabbing hold of her thighs, I held her there. "Don't you dare move," I said, unable to keep my aggressiveness out of my voice. Taking a calming breath, my large hands held the soft flesh of her thighs. "Stay," I urged. She complied and laid her head on my shoulder, giving a little sigh of contentment. Her little noise warmed me and soothed my growing Lust.

I held my Fawn close to me as our weightless bodies floated together, and the mild water's little waves moved her body against me. Her breasts and sex skimmed over my chest with each ripple. My deepest desires from the darkest part of my heart were full of wretched and lurid thoughts of my Little Fawn, and I struggled with my bestial nature to keep my hands on her thighs and nowhere else.

I focused on the quiet intimacy of this moment together. This will be a memory to cherish, to look back on as a real moment of connection. I closed my eyes and listened to the water lap at our bodies, her slow breaths juxtaposing her rapid, thumping heart and her occasional swallow. Her gentle sighs confirmed that perhaps we had moved past a divide, she trusted me not to take her too soon. I vowed to live up to her trust.

I wished it were night so that I could see her clearly, but it was far too bright to take my glasses off. My hands roamed over her back, up and down the small hills of her spine, curving gently to the soft flesh of her rear. My Lust rose, and I took in her scent. Her sweet blood called to me from beneath her flesh, and despite my vow made not a minute ago, my darkest desires rose again.

I felt her lips against my shoulder, and I stiffened. Unsure if it was an accident, I stayed as still as I could, only working my legs to keep us above water. I felt it again, her soft velvety flesh pressed into my shoulder, and my body throbbed as my Little Fawn kissed me. Her sweet, caressing mouth moved across my shoulder and up to my neck. Oh, Lilith, my heart ached for more, but I feared moving, afraid that one false step would stop my skittish Little Fawn. I needed this, needed to feel her. However, it had been so long since I had touched a human female like this I was worried I would hurt her and ruin this moment when she opened up herself to me.

She kissed at my pulsing vein, and I couldn't stop my voice rumbling in my throat. I heard her make a tiny satisfied hum. Her warm tongue came out between her lips and licked at my vein. I didn't hold back my moan, my body trembled, fighting my repressed urges, fighting to not take control, to not pull her down with me into the darkest depths of my soul.

In a display of trust, I threw my head back and exposed my neck to her completely. She clung to me and sucked at my neck, so small against me. How could such a little helpless thing be so trusting of me? Did she know how close to the edge I was? How close I was to ripping her scant protection from her throat, the poison be damned, and sinking my teeth into her, taking her vitality, and owning her? My body burned, and my hands clenched into fists, and my ragged breath burned with each gasp.

With sudden ferocity little teeth sunk into my flesh, and not just any flesh, she bit me in the place she would mark me one day. My body spasmed, and I cried out her name. "Rowena!" I squeezed her in my arms and as my hips thrashed, I felt my release. Thick white ropes spilled forth from me into the water, each rising pulse brought a euphoria that I hadn't felt in years.

The forest was suddenly alive with birds flying away in fear of my sudden outburst. Small critters hid in burrows and logs, and the fish beneath us swam away. My Little Fawn pushed herself away from me in alarm. My Lust was borderline insatiable now, and I prayed she didn't try to flee me. If she fled my hunting instinct would take over and I don't think I'd be able to stop. 

I knew what I would look like to her. My eyes would be red, my nose would flare like a startled horse, I could hear my breath rumbling in my throat, my fangs were bared like a lions. Her fear hit me like a slap across the face, but worst of all was her arousal. It punched my guts, and the release I had just felt seemed like a prelude to something more I needed to take from her. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Not answering straight away, I concentrated on her fear, hoping it would temper my desire. I didn't want to hurt her. I reminded myself, she is your mate, your Lover, your Inamorata. She was still human, delicate, fragile and vulnerable. I knew I could take her at any moment, but I swore it would be her choice when I did. Eventually, I could speak, "It's not your fault. I should have stopped you before I lost control."

"I mean, I'm sorry I pushed away from you."

Her quiet words shocked me, "You're not afraid?" I grumbled, still not in control

"A little," she admitted, and I admired her honesty. Her face was open, her trusting eyes pierced my dark and deadly Lust. How long could I stand this tension? How long could she? She was obviously struggling too. Her desire and fear created an evil concoction of need within me that couldn't be contained for long.

She swam back to me, and I was awestruck. She was more courageous than I had thought possible. She reached out to me, her hands tentatively rested on my shoulders, and she swam behind me and wrapped herself around my back. "Take me back?" She asked in my ear.

I nodded. I swam to the shore, her slight weight did not affect my swimming, but her presence weighed on me. Her thick scent filled me, and the promise of her threatened to destroy me. She was as tempting as heroin, euphoric and dangerous. If I went too far, our mutual destruction would be assured.

My father's face entered my mind, and it shamed me how close I had been to ignoring her wishes and taking her. Finally, I found the thought that made my Lust simmer in my breast rather than overflow into unrestrained fury. I sighed in relief. I would control the thoughts I have. I would not be my father.

Reaching the jetty, I climbed us both out of the water. After setting her down, I covered her with a towel, both to keep her warm and so I didn't have to look at her feminine form. I dried myself and went inside before heading to a cold shower.

Getting lost in my thoughts, I spent longer in the shower than I thought I would. I wondered where we would go from here.

I found my Little Fawn making ham and salad sandwiches. She was in one of the dresses I had purchased for her, and she smelled as though she had showered. Her hair was still wet and hung down her shoulders. Tiny drops of water fell from her still damp hair and soaked into the white dress she wore, making the fabric tantalisingly see-through. I wondered if she knew.

"I made a snack," she said. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I hope it's ok."

"Thank you," I said.

She carried over the plates to the dining table that was already set. She sat next to me, waiting for me to start to eat. I took a bite, and the flavour was extraordinary. "It's delicious. I don't think I've ever had this before."

"You've never had a sandwich?"

I shrugged, "Not like this. We mostly eat meat, not a lot of salads."

As I always did, I watched her eating, and the familiar yearnings rose in me again. She blushed as she ate. This time, her lips couldn't hold my attention, and my eyes drifted lower over the curve of her breasts. The water dripping from her hair occasionally made the patch of wet more prominent, and I shifted in my seat, my pants tightening and my Lust rising.

When she finished eating, she took our plates to the sink and started clearing up. I went to help her packing away the vegetables while she washed them up. It was strange doing this work, I didn't mind it, but the new domestic routine we were falling into was foreign to me and part of what would make life with a mate different.

An awkward silence fell over us once we had cleaned. It was too warm yet for a fire, so we stood there in the kitchen. With nothing else to keep my mind occupied, I couldn't help but look over her body. When I first got her from Alex, she wore silver on her legs, wrists, and neck. She now only wore it on her neck. Her trust in me must be growing despite our slips in discipline.

"Shall we read some more?" I asked.

"Maybe tonight," she said. "Can we talk some more?"

I nodded. Taking her hand, I led my Little Fawn to the sofa, pulled her onto my lap, and her legs sat across mine. Holding her hand, I traced the lines on her palm, contemplating how much time had passed since I first knew her. I wondered how different her hands were now and how much of her life I had missed. She would become a Vampire later than most females, but she was by far not the eldest. I had seen mates turned at 40.

Kissing her palm, I trailed kisses to her bare wrists. Her skin translucent, I could see the veins pulsing as her little heart worked her cruor through her tiny vessels. The cadence of her heart increased as my kisses lingered over her joint. Testing my resolve, I risked a short suck against her skin, careful of my fangs. My hand gripped hers tightly, and a short moan escaped her lips. Lifting my eyes, I beheld her face, parted lips, the rosy hue of her flushed cheeks and her fluttering eyes. Her face entranced me, bewitched me, and without thinking, my fangs scrapped at her skin.

Her eyes flew open as she squirmed against me, she was hot, frustrated and aroused by my touch. Her green eyes pleaded, begged. "Henry," she whispered her impassioned plea. 

With great difficulty, I tore my lips from her wrists and made my way to her mouth. Roughly my tongue entered, relishing her sweet taste. Her tongue danced against mine and followed my retreat into my mouth. She felt my fangs and let out a little shiver. I wanted more of her to savour, her mouth was but a morsel of her potential offering. Would she let me slip between her legs to her delicate flower that promised such delights? The smell of her drove me wild, feral with desire. Could I stand to taste her there and stop? 

Heedlessly, my fingers skimmed the inside of her thigh, tracing the path from her knee to her most intimate place.

She crossed her legs, halting my advance. "We can't," she murmured into my mouth.

"We can, little Fawn," I implored. All rational thought had escaped me.

"I'm scared," she admitted gravely.

I almost asked of what. But I knew. My eyes would be almost entirely red, my fangs were not hidden, and my desire would be plain to see.

I wanted to assure she was safe with me, but the truth was we both knew my intentions were anything but pure. Even with the Pull muted, my Lust was on a knifes edge when she was close. She was my only weakness in this world, the only thing that could make me abandon all morality. The unspeakable things I would do to her if left unchecked mortified me. My father was right, I was a monster.

My urges receded, and crestfallen, I removed my hand from between her legs. I felt a gulf grow between us again and I grew angered. Lifting her off me and placing her as gently as I could in my current state on the sofa, I spoke in the manner of my childhood. "If you will excuse me, I shall go to my chambers." Without waiting for a reply, I left.

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