By BraedimusSupreme

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Braedey Martin is just your average regular 17-year old boy. Living life at his high-school, getting knocked... More

Ch-1: Braedey Martin
Ch-2: Trip to ESU College
Ch-3: Enhancements & Explanation
Ch-4: Discovery & Dicussion
Ch-5: Spider-Man & Crimson Tengu
Ch-6: Festival Fiasco
Ch-7: Propositions
Ch-8: A Friend In Need
Ch-9: Revelations & Attacks
Ch-10: The Hospital & Jasmine
Ch-11: Final Confrontation
Ch-12: The Funeral & Next Step
Ch-13: Rhino Rampage!
Ch-15: The Curious Cat
Ch-16: The Wrathful Trio Of Women Pt1
Ch-17: The Wrathful Trio of Women Pt2
Ch-18: The Wrathful Trio of Women Pt3
Ch-19: We Are Venom Pt-1
Ch-20: We Are Venom Pt-2
Ch-21: Ambushed By a Ghost?
Ch-22: Another Cat Confrontation
Ch-23: The Mechanical Doctor Pt1
Ch-24: The Mechanical Doctor Pt2
Ch-25: The Mechanical Doctor Pt3

Ch-14: The Armoured Avenger

850 11 43
By BraedimusSupreme

"Have you guys heard about this? White Industries has shut down its weapons division and is switching funds."

Andrea looked away from the supercomputer to tell the others about what's going on around the world. They were in The Haven, Shawn tending to the Equus Bass 770 and Lazareth LM847 four-wheel motorcycle, with Leo fixing some stitching on Braedey's Spider-Man outfit, since there's a few tears from the last skirmish against some armed thugs in an alleyway. Braedey, meanwhile, he's hanging upside down on a web, drinking a cup of coffee he got from a Starbucks.

"Really? Ain't that something." Shawn commented. He then looked to Braedey. "By the way, how do you do that?" He asked in curiosity as to how Braedey can drink while upside down.

"Lots of practice." Braedey shrugged back.

"But here's something I'd like to ask." Leo spoke up, looking over to the others. "Why would you think a guy like Jack White, CEO of White Industries, would just shut down the military component of his company?" He asked.

"Well, it's whatever the genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist wants to do with all of their spare time." Braedey answered to Leo's question. "But it does get me curious as to what he's up to."

"Maybe he's gonna be continue work on that building he's been building over the last few years?" Andrea spoke up, remembering hearing about the construction of White Tower in the middle of Manhattan, which now sits right behind Grand Central Station.

"Yeah. There's been talk about that building being the icon of clean, renewable energy." Leo noted. "It's got some kind of prototype energy core in the basement of the building, and it's more powerful than any fossil fuel, nuclear, or solar power station in the world."

"Anyone would want to get their hands on that kind of power source." Braedey said, landing on his feet and throwing his empty coffee cup into the garbage bin without even looking.

"True. Best we keep and eye and ear out for that." Andrea agreed with Braedey. "But, I've actually got to ask: it's about that armoured suit you can summon."

"What about it?" Braedey asked.

"Dude, it just appears out of nowhere, and we have no idea where it came from." Shawn spoke up. "I mean, how did you even come across it?"

"I... I'm not sure." Braedey replied back in uncertainty. "Although, I think the spider that bit me might've had some kind of metallic alloy on its legs..."

"So, it's like some kind of defence?" Andrea asked.

"That does sound logical." Leo commented in curiosity about what's going on. "A defence mechanism like an armadillo would have when they curl into a ball to shield themselves."

"I think we should go over towards that tower to see what might be going on, just in case someone tries to attempt something incriminating." Shawn suggested to the others.

"Good thinking." Braedey agreed, now picking up the newly-repaired Spider-Man suit. "Let's suit up and move out!"

At once, the five teens get on their hero outfits, with Crimson Tengu flying out of the tunnel, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman swinging off after him, with Goldeneye and Goddess' Eye driving off after them in the Equus Bass 770 and Lazareth LM847. They exit The Haven, the doors closing and sealing up behind them, as they travel across Manhattan towards the tower site.


The White Tower is 93 stories high, measuring roughly 1130ft in height. The penthouse section of the building houses sufficient space for the many members, a communications room, hooked to various other important organisations, a general electronic library, a forensics laboratory, a war room, a pathology research wing, and hangars for various jets and helicopters.

Down on the streets below, the Equus Bass 770 and Lazareth LM847 were swerving in and out of traffic, heading towards the building, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman and Crimson Tengu all swinging/flying over to the building.

Spider-Man perched himself on the ledge of a nearby bullring to look up at the White Tower. He looked up at the tower with curious eyes. He saw Crimson Tengu and Spider-Woman crouch down next to him, and they looked up to the building.

"What do we do here?" Crimson Tengu asked up.

"I think we should sneak in and take a look at the arc reactor." Spider-Man whispered to him and the others.

"Goldeneye and I are about 10 minutes out, so you'll have to bear with us being late." Goddess' Eye called in on Comms.

"Acknowledged." Spider-Man replied back.

Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Crimson Tengu made their way along to the building, entering through the crawl-spaces and the ventilation system, making their way inside. They got past the security systems, thanks to Crimson Tengu's EMP devices, and they arrived at the arc reactor. They could see it's some kind of huge glass doughnut-like structure that has a blue core of energy surging through it.

"Impressive." Spider-Woman commented in awe.

"Talk about a powerful machine." Crimson Tengu noted, scanning the arc reactor. "Looks like it would use 50 megawatts (MW) of power to produce 500MW of fusion power, 200MW of which can be delivered to the grid. That's enough to provide 200,000 people with electricity." He said to the others.

"Very impressive-" Spider-Man stopped mid-sentence as he sensed something closing in fast. He tackled down the others to dodge something incoming, and they fell to the floor, just as something slammed into the ground.

The figure is a being clad in a large, dark red suit of high-tech armour. It had a large glass dome over his head, with a helmet that contained a white V-shaped visor.

"What the heck is that?" Spider-Man commented in confusion of seeing the metal being.

"Now 'what'. It is 'who', Spider-Man." A male voice spoke out from the armoured being. "I am Crimson Dynamo, and you're not stop-" He was cut off when Goldeneye drove in and slammed the Equus Bass 770 right into him, sending Crimson Dynamo flying into a wall. The car, meanwhile, wasn't even scratched or dented: no doubt from some high-tech equipment that kept the machine operational.

Goldeneye got out of the car, aiming his right arm (in shotgun mode) at the red bulking humanoid. "Okay, tough guy. You've got two seconds to stand down before I put a lot of shells in you." He warned, just as Goddess' Eye drives in on the four-wheel motorcycle.

Crimson Dynamo, however, he shot missiles and lasers at the heroes, forcing them to take cover and dodge the incoming cannon fire. Goldeneye began to open fire at the hulking metal humanoid, the bullets ricocheting against the alloy, all the while with Crimson Dynamo still opening fire. Spider-Man and Spider-Woman swing around to fire webs to try and contain the metal man, only for the webs to fail. Crimson Tengu immediately started to do some kind of bombing runs, dropping EMP grenades down to try and immobilise the armour.

Suddenly, AC/DC's 'Shoot To Thrill' began to play out on the on the speakers inside the building, getting the attention of those in the room. Everyone looked up and they saw a red and gold blur fly down towards Crimson Dynamo, blasting the armoured being away, knocking Crimson Dynamo into some electrical cables, shocking the armoured individual, the red/gold blur landing on the ground.

When the blur stopped, Spider-Man and his crew now got a good look at the new arrival. It's a man; well, it looks like a man, in an advanced suit of armour. The armour is primarily red, with gold on parts of his arms, legs and face, and had a blue triangular light coming from his chest.

"Whoa..." Crimson Tengu muttered in awe. He's never seen such a suit of armour before, especially one that seemed to outclass his own suits and devices. 'I should take notes about this.' He thought to himself.

The red/gold armoured 'Iron Man' now held up one hand, just as every single weapon possible deployed from the armour at Crimson Dynamo. "Make your move, red." Iron Man challenged. The dark red armour villain held one hand up, showing that he surrenders, so Iron Man retracted his weapons, and lowered his arms. "Good move." He said.

Iron Man now turned to look behind, only to see there was nobody else in the arc reactor room. This got him curious, as he then launched electric bolas and cuffs at Crimson Dynamo, holding him down in place until the police arrives to take him away. At the same time, Iron Man began to make a mental note to take a look at the internal camera footage to see what had really happened in the depths of White Tower.

"Jarvis. Do a quick camera sweep of the arc reactor room and show me what you've found." Iron Man asked, now flying up to his penthouse inside the tower.

"Sir. We've had five unexpected guests arrive and were involved with Crimson Dynamo." The British voice of Jarvis (designated as Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) spoke out, the natural-language user interface computer and artificially intelligent system of Iron Man's operations and of White Industries. "Seems as thought they were curious about the arc reactor before Crimson Dynamo intervened and caused trouble."

Up on the penthouse floor, Iron Man landed, and as he made his way towards the penthouse, just as a circular gantry with many small arms, which make the circle, began to disassemble the suit, revealing the man inside the armour.

The person is Jack White, CEO of White Industries, a genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, as well as an excellent inventor, and always one to think five steps ahead of those around him.

Jack is a slim young man of average height with rather messy black hair, almost reaching to his shoulders, along with some strands pointing upwards on top of his head and a prominent tuft obscuring most of his forehead. He has red eyes with slit pupils similar to that of a snake's. He has a thin scar across the bridge of his nose. Jack has on a long, black cape reaching down to his feet with golden edges, a much lighter collar circling his neck, and a prominent white ribbon hanging down on his chest. Below it, Rogue has on a plain grey shirt with prominent brown cuffs and what looks like a large metal band circling each bicep. From a light sash circling his waist hangs a distinctive, pale blue cloth waistguard, consisting of four long pieces of cloth reaching down below his knees. Each of these pieces is adorned by a large, dark cross with fan-shaped arms. Below such waistguard, Jack has a pair of armoured boots, which, on the front, bear plates bearing the very same motif which appears on the waist-guard.

(A/N: Jack White belongs rightfully to RickyArgueta60)

Jack White made his way inside the penthouse, all the while for his A.I system Jarvis to bring up the security footage on holographic projections, showing what had transpired inside and outside of the building.

"Who's the one in red and blue with the spider mark?" Jack asked in curiosity, zooming in on Spider-Man.

"From latest reports, the people of New York call him simply 'Spider-Man', and he has a group of allies alongside him." Jarvis explained. "Those individuals goes by the name of Crimson Tengu, Spider-Woman, Goldeneye, and Goddess' Eye."

"Anything else we know of them?" Jack asked, and he saw reports regarding Dark Goblin and Spider-Man, as well as other exploits. 'Geez, these fellas have been rather busy around Manhattan...' He thought to himself.

"So far, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman possess the traits of spiders such as wall-climbing, leaping, as well as being sable to make their own webbing. They also have a level of strength and durability." Jarvis gave his diagnosis to Jack's question. "Crimson Tengu looks to have talented martial arts, as well as balance and control while in command of his jet glider. Goldeneye's known abilities looks to be of his driving skills and his prosthetic limb, which looks to have a multitude of weapon attachments to it. Goddess' Eye seems to be a regular human being. No other information is available."

"Anything else?" Jack asked to his A.I.

"Their base of operations is currently unknown. But it seems they are only based here in New York City." Jarvis reported in. "As far down as The Battery, to as far North as Yankee Stadium."

"I see..." Jack cupped his chin in thought. He had a curious thought on his mind about these individuals and about what they have done all around New York. It got him curious. "Jarvis, do me a favour and keep a track on anything regarding Spider-Man and his crew." He advised.

It won't take long for Jack White, and he'll make an appearance...


About two nights later, Spider-Man was again out on patrol, in his regular attire. He was taking a look around at some of the streets, but fortunately for him and his group, there's been no sign of any crimes or such, so he began to make his way back to The Haven.

'The guys deserve to go and relax at their homes. Today isn't too bad.' Braedey thought to himself, now swinging along to the base of operations. Spider-Man swung into one of the many tunnel entrances into The Haven, which closed up behind him. As he goes down the tunnel, he gets switched into his regular clothes and landed on the ground. 'Time to go home.' Braedey thought, and he made his way back to his house. But as he was about to make his way home, he was taken aback by seeing Jack White standing nearby the cars and motorcycle. 'Oh, crab-baskets.' Braedey thought to himself.

Jack White slowly began to walk away from the cars. "As far as muscle cars go, this isn't too bad." He noted about the Equus Bass 770. He took note of the large supercomputer. "Whoa, what do we have here? Retro tech, huh? Where'd you get this?" He asked, taking a look at the many screens and keyboards.

"It's actually a custom-built computer. A friend of mine knows a thing or two." Braedey replied simply. He was not too sure about why Jack White was here, but he might know about something.

"So, you have friends who know a thing or two." Jack commented.

"Quick question of the rhetorical variety." Jack pulled out his phone which projected a video of Braedey in his Spider-Man outfit. "That's you, right?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Braedey asked with a shake of his head.

"Yeah. Look at you go." Jack now showed footage of Spider-Man chasing after an 18-wheeler truck and stopped the truck. "Wow! Nice catch. 40 tonnes at 60 miles an hour. That's not easy. You got mad skills."

"Well.... I mean, that could've been just edited. You know, like on YouTube." Braedey tried to dissuade that. "It's all done on the computer."

"Mm-Hmm." Jack said, not believing it. "You mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?" He said, now walking over to where the suits are.

"Exactly." Braedey agreed, then saw where Jack was walking up. "Wait-"

"Oh, what have we here?" Jack pushed a button, and it showed all of the Spider-Man suits. Jack turned to Braedey, the latter looking defeated as he's now been exposed and revealed. "So, you're the... Spider...ling. Crime-fighting Spider...you're Spider-Boy?" Jack asked.

"It's Spider-Man, actually." Braedey corrected.

"Who else knows? Anybody?" Jack asked with curiosity on his face.

"About four friends. And my parents." Braedey replied. "Their folks don't know about their alter egos."

"You know what I think is really cool? The webbing." Jack said, throwing a crowbar into the air. Braedey shot a strand of web at the crowbar, catching it and brought it down safely. "The tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?"

"It's my own." Braedey admitted.

"Climbing the walls, how you doing that? Adhesive gloves?" Jack asked.

"No. It's like tiny microscopic barbs are jutting out of my hands, and I can grip onto the walls." Braedey clarified.

"Wow." Jack picked up the Spider-Man mask, and puts it on. He took note of the HUD in the lenses, as well as the other functions. "Man, how do you filter this out and see where you're going? This is something-"

"Hey! Don't break that." Braedey took off the mask, putting it back with the rest of the suit. "And I can filter it out easily. Anyway, ever since I've gotten my new spider powers, it's like my senses have been dialled to 11."

Jack sat up against the workbench behind him, looking to Braedey. "Why are you doing this? I gotta know. What's you and four friend's MO? What gets you outta your beds in the morning?" He asked over to him.

"Well...." Braedey sighed. "Ever since my grandfather died, I wished I could do something to bring him back. But then, after getting these powers, I realised I could do so much more than what I realise. But I can't tell anybody. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't..." Braedey sighed as Jack leaned closer. "Then the bad things happen... they happen because of you."

Jack looked affected by Braedey's words. "So you wanna look out for the little guy? You wanna do your part? Make the world a better place, all that, right?"

"Yes, exactly." Braedey nodded. "Yeah, just looking out for the little guy. That's what it is."

Jack slowly stepped over to Braedey, the former gently placing a hand on the latter's shoulder. "You're alright, kid. Do what you can. You ever need help..." He placed a card in Braedey's hand. "You call me on this." With that, an Iron Man suit landed behind Jack, which then opened up to allow him inside, and he flew off up the tunnel back to his building.

Braedey now took a look to the card, which was grey and read 'White Industries' on it, and it has his number on it. Braedey considered about the card, putting it into his wallet, and he made his way back towards his own home.


The next day, Braedey explained to the others about the surprise visit from Jack White when they arrived at The Haven, and the fact he knows about them. It was a bit of a surprise for them, but for Shawn, he considered this to be a pretty good opportunity.

"Think about this: we can have whatever we can made by Jack White, and he gives them to us to use." Shawn said to the others.

"I'm... not sure that's how it works." Andrea corrected, sitting up from her seat at the supercomputer.

"She's right." Leo shrugged back. "Anyway, when are you going to tell Jasmine that you're Spider-Man, Braedey?" He asked to Braedey.

Braedey turned on his heel and looked at Leo so quickly, one would think he'd break the tendons in his neck. "No way! We all agreed that only a handful of those we know can ever know about our secret hero identities." He stated. "And I'm definitely not telling her."

"Why?" Shawn asked.

"I don't want enemies who we've fought against get involved, and use her against me like a hostage." Braedey clarified to his friends. "That's a rule and to keep her safe from our enemies."

"I hope you're right." Shawn said.

"Still, I'm gonna go out on patrol." Braedey said, now putting on his Spider-Man suit. "You take care for now, and tell me if anything is happening." With that, he swung out of The Haven to head forth into the city.

"I mean, Braedey has a point." Leo spoke up to his friends. "Those we know of could become potential targets of our enemies, and they'll use them against us for their own personal gain and advantage against us."

"They're right. Have little to no connections, so our friends and families will be alright." Andrea nodded.


Meanwhile, over at her house, Jasmine was up in her bedroom taking a look on the internet at some of the latest news as well as newspapers all around her room. Ever since she got saved by Spider-Man twice a little while ago, she's seen him as her own hero. At any chance she can, she's been collecting newspapers of the webslinger in action, focusing on the good side of him rather than listening to the Daily Bugle's rubbish.

'I really want to see him in action, or even find out who this Spider-Man is under the mask.' Jasmine thought to herself. 'His voice... Ever since I've heard him talk, his voice sounds so familiar? Still... it be great to see who he really is.'

Jasmine then got a text on her phone. She checked it and saw it was from Braedey, offering to meet her over at a restaurant in Midtown. Jasmine smiled at this, and she got ready to meet up. She got dressed in her regular outfit, and was about to make her way outside, but then...

"Where do you think you're going?" Jasmine stopped, and she sighed in exasperation. She turned to see her mother Roxanne standing nearby, a stern expression present on her face. "And who are you going with?"

Roxanne is a very pretty woman of average height, who seems to be around 30 years of age. She has big brown eyes and long dark red back-length hair. Her face is a bit long in shape, has a pair of red lips, and a rather pointy yet small nose. She has a curvy figure; a large bust, along with long, shapely legs, as well as ample hips, and curvy thighs. She's got on a purple shirt, which is underneath a dark green suit jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a black belt around her waist and a thigh-high blue skirt, with small flat shoes.

"Mom, I'm not really in the mood to talk. I've got to go." Jasmine said back.

"You're not going anywhere, little lady." Roxanne spoke back harshly, Jasmine flinching from her words. "I have gotten your report card, and so far, I'm not pleased. You've got only B's and C's, when I've told you to get A's and A+'s, nothing lower. You only got ONE A-, and that's not good enough!" She suddenly shattered the glass she has in her hand. "You are going to go back to your room and study until you get A's in ALL of your classes-"

"Enough, Mom!" Jasmine snapped back, Roxanne taken aback by this. "I'm sorry if I don't get all A's in my class for you, but I'm doing the best!"

"'Your best' is not good enough! God, girl. If you don't get straight A's in school, you're never going to find any kind of job or go anywhere in the world!" Roxanne yelled out.

"Screw you, Mom! I'll make my decisions and choose my own future!" Jasmine snapped back. "You can't control my life!"

"I can, and I will!" Roxanne snapped. "You are going to be a successful businesswoman at a big-time financial company here in New York in order to pay me back for every dollar I've spent on you, and that is my final-!"

"NO! I don't want to be a businesswoman! I never wanted to be one in the beginning!" Jasmine screamed out. "I will be whosever I want to be, and there's nothing you'd do to stop me from doing what I want!" With that, she stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her with a crash.

Eventually, Jasmine made her way to Tony's Di Napoli, an Italian cuisine restaurant. When she saw Braedey standing by the door waiting patiently, Jasmine's anger faded away and she smiled once she saw him, walking up and hugging Braedey, who hugged her back. They made their way inside the restaurant, got to their table, and were enjoying the meals they had.

Braedey's spider-senses picked up on something from Jasmine. "Are you alright, Jasmine? You seem a bit... tense." He asked hesitantly.

Jasmine sighed, looking up from her meal. "Sorry if I am, I'm just dealing with my mother. She's demanding me to do business work and work at a company here in New York, but that's not what I want." She took a deep breath and looked to Braedey. "It's what she wanted to do, but she didn't get that point, since all she cares about is getting more money in her pocket."

"What do you want to do?" Braedey asked her in a calm tone. "What do you want to do with your life?"

"I really want to be a dancer or a singer." Jasmine replied softly. "I mean, getting the chance to perform on stage to many crowds." She sighed deeply.

"Sounds interesting. I think that's a good job to take up." Braedey commented. "Plus, you have the looks and the friendly personality that people will like about you."

"Thanks, Braedey." Jasmine gently held his hands. She looked at him with gentle eyes, then thought on about something. "By the way, did you see the news about Spider-Man? He, Crimson Tengu, Goldeneye, and Spider-Woman worked together with Iron Man to take down Crimson Dynamo."

"Yeah. I saw that." Braedey nodded then grumble. "However, that goddamn Daily Bugle said Spider-Man was smashing up White Tower with Crimson Dyanmo, the others also seen at the scene." He added, groaning in frustration. "That Jameson is never going to say anything good about Spider-Man or his team."

Jasmine gently squeezed his hands. "Hopefully, one day it'll happen." She reassured gently to him. "But there is one thing I'd like to ask: it's about Spider-Man."

"W-What about him?" Braedey asked in surprise. He was taken aback by the question, but relaxed before he could say anything. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, he seems to appear out of nowhere, and you seem to disappear whenever he's around." Jasmine said to him. "Is there-"

Suddenly, Braedey's features dropped and his eyes widened in shock. Quicker than anyone could've been able to react, Braedey launched himself across the table and tackled Jasmine out of the booth. What followed next was a blur for Jasmine. She remembered a bright flash of light, followed by the building shaking, followed by bricks and dust flying everywhere. Then everything when dark.

Jasmine groaned as her head pounded in pain with her heartbeat and her ears rang like someone banged a church bell with her inside it. She tried to move, but felt something heavy keep her pinned down to the ground. Jasmine opened her eyes to see dust and debris everywhere, a few small fires scattered around. The diner was in shambles with several people lying on the ground unconscious, running for their lives or helping those that where unconscious to safety. Jasmine moved her head and saw she was partially buried under some rubble, pinning her to the ground. She then noticed movement in front of her. Looking out, to her surprise, she saw Spider-Man, his back to her. He stood in front of her in a fighting stance in front of the destroyed wall of the diner.

Then, out from the gloom, now stepped out Crimson Dynamo, who seemed to glare at Spider-Man from his position. The hulking individual now armed one of its arm cannons at Spider-Man, only for the webslinger to dodge the attack and swing around, knocking back the red armoured being over, falling down into the street, before Spider-Man kicked and jumped off him, again knocking Crimson Dynamo into a streetlight.

"Of all the times for you have to come across me..." Spider-Man grunted in exasperation. "How did you get out of jail?"

"That's me to know, not for you to know." Crimson Dynamo now charged forward, only for Spider-Man to swing around and distract him from the nearby buildings. "Oh, for the love of..." Before he could do anything, a missile flew out of nowhere and slammed into Crimson Dynamo, sending him flying down the street.

Spider-Man looked, and to his surprise, there was Goddess' Eye standing nearby, and she was riding on the Lazareth LM847. She gave a cheeky smirk and she saluted over to Spider-Man.

"You take care of that girl, Spidey. I'll do what I can to hold down Dynamo until backup arrives." Goddess' Eye said to the webslinger, then she got on the motorcycle, and she raced off in the direction Crimson Dynamo flew down.

Spider-Man made his way back into the restaurant, taking note of the damage, now seeing Jasmine before him. At once, he knelt down next to her, and began to lift the rubble off of her. Jasmine coughed, and she began to crawl away from under the rubble, and as she got clear, Spider-Man dropped the rubble remains where Jasmine was.

"You okay, Jasmine?" Spider-Man asked, holding a hand out to Jasmine.

Jasmine smiled bashfully, gently taking his hand, and he helped her to her feet. "Oh, well... T-Thank you." She thanked him sheepishly. "I... I didn't know you were here-" She stopped when she realised Braedey was missing. "Wait. Where's Braedey?" She asked in concern, looking left and right for him.

"Don't worry. He's fine." Spider-Man reassured to her, Jasmine looking to him. "I got to him after he saved you from that blast. He also told me to check on you and make sure you're safe."

Jasmine smiled gently in response. "Well... well, thank you for that." She thanked him, then quickly gave him a hug, to Spider-Man's surprise, but he hugged her back. 'He feels so warm... and oddly... his smell... is he wearing Jean Paul Gaultier's Pour Homme? It's the same one that Braedey wore earlier...' She thought to herself, releasing her embrace from Spider-Man.

"You take care of yourself, and get home safely." Spider-Man said to Jasmine. "And if I see Braedey, I'll tell him that you got home safely." With that, he jumped into the air and swung away on a strand of web, going after Goddess' Eye and Crimson Dynamo.

Jasmine watched him swing away down the streets, lost in her thoughts as she watched the webslinger swing away, wondering about what had happened. She wondered so much about Braedey and Spider-Man, from the former's motion of saving her from the explosion, then Spider-Man's appearance when he disappeared, as well as the fancy smell he had on. It got her attention, then she began to make her way back home.

'I just hope Braedey's doing alright, as well as Spider-Man and that Goddess' Eye.' Jasmine thought to herself, heading out of Midtown to go and take the underground subway back to her neighbourhood.

Back with Spider-Man, he swung along to try and find his teammate and Crimson Dynamo, the sound of gunfire and yelling could be heard ahead, so he swung towards the area quickly. He could see people running off away from a location: another sign of his teammate being there with the enemy. He soon got there, just in time to see Goddess' Eye racing around Crimson Dynamo on the motorcycle, the latter firing his lasers and cannons at the former, but the blonde in blue kept ahead and dodged each attack, the bike utilising its speed, agility, as well as modifications done to it.

With a yell, Spider-Man swung in and double-kicked Crimson Dynamo in the chest, making the humanoid start to stumble and walk backwards, leaving him open for another attack. At that second, Iron Man suddenly flew in, launching some EMP missiles that shocked and struck down Crimson Dynamo, immobilising the red humanoid, just in time for Goddess' Eye to launch a cable bola from the motorcycle, Spider-Man shooting webs to immobilise and stick down Crimson Dynamo.

Iron Man now turned to the two teenage heroes, giving a nod of his head, Goddess' Eye and Spider-Man saluting back to him, just as police sirens being heard in the distance. At once, the latter two swung/drove away from the area, just as police cars arrived on the scene, Iron Man now flying away as they finally took Crimson Dynamo out of his suit, revealing him to be a dishevelled man who's weak and mentally unstable, putting him into a police van and drove away.

Up on a building perched over, Spider-Man watched as the police drove away. He gave a nod to himself as he watched them with the remains of Crimson Dynamo's suit and the man himself go off towards prison, and hopefully, for good this time.

"Hey, Braedey. What's going on?" Shawn asked over Comms.

"I'm fine. My feet still hurt from that double-kick, but I'm fine." Spider-Man sighed.

"By the way, what we're you doing down over at Tony's Di Napoli?" Andrea asked next. "I mean, you weren't just there for the sake of it-"

"You saw on cameras, didn't you?" Spider-Man asked in a blunt tone of voice.

"A little..." Karai replied honestly. "By the way, nice girl you got there-"

"Karai, don't even finish that sentence." Spider-Man spoke back harshly.

"Speaking of which, were you wearing Jean Paul Gaultier's Pour Homme?" Andrea asked suspiciously.

"Okay, fine." Spider-Man sighed, now swinging away back towards The Haven. "I was spending time with Jasmine since nothing had been happening."

"Right..." Shawn spoke out sarcastically. "Anyway, with one villain out of the way, things should be fine." He then added.

"For now, at least." Spider-Man replied back. For some reason, he couldn't help but think something is bound to happen soon...


At Jasmine's house, the redhead had managed to get back home before her mother or father finding out. Once up to her room, she was still thinking about what she can do to even try and get close to Spider-Man, maybe find out who he really is under the mask, maybe know more about him and even try something. Sure, it be wrong to do so, especially since she's gotten close to Braedey, but she has to know who is Spider-Man.

Jasmine now looked out her window, and she noticed what looked to be a ginger cat just walking out in the front lawn of her house, heading back to its house. 'Wait... what if I... yeah. That can work for this...' She thought to herself.

At once, she got herself a sketchpad, and she began to do some drawings, thinking of what she could come up with, as well as some utilities and devices. She got to her feet, making her way to her wardrobe, and began to look around for any kind of red leather material...

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