Cursed โฃ๏ธŽ {Spencer x Reader}...

By arrowDelany

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2K 51 22
By arrowDelany

TRIGGER WARNING: Season 2 (Revelation) Spoilers, injuries, mention of a past suicide attempt.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
꧁𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗꧂
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

The sharp, stabbing pain in my head was the first thing I felt when I woke up, I didn't move straight away.

My body ached, my mouth was dry, and my eyes stung. It took me a while to open my eyes, and even when I did, they didn't adjust to the dimness of the room.

Everything was blurred and finally, when my eyes did decide to focus, I still couldn't see much. Confused I sat up slowly and looked around the room.

It was cold, damp, and dirty. Rickety stairs were leading up to what I could only guess was a locked door. There wasn't much else in the room, apart from dust, and another door behind me.

It took me way too long to realize the woman lying next to me, she was facing away from me, her hair covered her face, despite this I knew who it was.

I had studied this body, and all the features of it, I would always remember everything about it. It was Y/n.

Shakily I reached out and slowly turned her on her back.
'Please don't be dead'
'Please don't be dead' I whispered to myself over and over again.

I pulled her closer to me, and rested her head on my lap, then with my shaky hand, I pushed up her blood-stained hair out of her face. That's when I felt it, the short, small, delicate breaths that escaped from her lips.

I sighed with relief and pulled her even closer to me. She didn't look like she was in a good state, she had small tiny cuts all over her face, and one large gash just below her hairline.

Dry blood-covered half her face. Her clothes were dirty and ripped, her once white blouse was now covered in dark red splatters.

I didn't remember what happened, the last thing I could recollect was sitting in the car, a Nirvana song was playing on the radio, and Y/n was looking out the window, then everything went blank.

However, it doesn't take a genius with an IQ of 187 to make an educated guess about what happened. There must have been an accident of some kind, then me and Y/n must have been dragged out of the car, and taken here.

"Y/n" I whispered looking down at her, my hand gently cupped her cheek.
"Y/n please wake up"

She didn't move, she stayed still, her breathing was so faint it made me worry for her chances. I wanted to stay calm because panicking in these situations doesn't do anyone any good, but it was hard to stay calm when the woman I was so foolishly in love with, lay lifeless on my lap.

I took several slow, shaky breaths, and shut my eyes as a stray tear escaped them and rolled down my cheek.


I looked up at the single, flickering lightbulb hanging in the middle of the room.

"Do you think you can defy me? " Charles Hankel asked as he stormed towards me.

"I don't know what he's talking about" I mumbled as tears threatened my eyes.

"You're a liar!" Charles shouted before turning his attention towards my rolled-up sleeve, he examined the track marks on my inner arm and scowled at me.

I had been in scary situations before, of course I had. I mean for most of my life, I got beaten up, thrown in lockers, and tied to goal posts, but nothing compared to this.

This was different... I was in a dark shed in an unknown location, with a severely unstable man, and worst of all I was alone. Hotch wasn't here to talk down the unsub, Derek wasn't here to get in a fight, Gideon wasn't here to give me advice. I was completely alone.

"You're pitiful!"Charles spat letting go of my arm.
"Just like my son..." He walked towards the camera that was propped up in front of me, then turned it on, before turning back to me.

"This ends now. Confess your sins." He said, before smacking me hard across the face.

"I haven't done anything" I sobbed looking up at Charles/Tobias/Raphael, he scowled at me and threw an aggressive punch to my cheek.

"Tobias, help me," I begged weakly.

"He can't help you. He's weak" Charles growled.

"Tobias" I mumbled.

"Confess!" Charles shouted slapping me once more, I fell forward and hung my head.
"Confess your sins" Charles ordered.

"Help" I squeaked, before Charles threw my chair back, knocking me to the floor.

-End of flashback-

Tears threatened my eyes as I held Y/n, I didn't want to lose her, and I didn't want to be alone. Not here, and not again.

"Y/n" I whispered once more shaking her body slightly, this time I heard a quiet groan escape her lips.
"Y/n," I said a bit louder as hope began to find me.

She groaned again but this time a little louder, her body twitched slightly, and soon her eyes fluttered open.

"Spence?" She mumbled barely audibly.

"Hey princess" I replied smiling softly down at her.

"What's... What's going on?" She asked blinking repeatedly to clear the crud from her eyes.

"I uh... Doesn't matter right now, how are you feeling?" I asked changing the subject.

I wasn't sure telling her that we were being held hostage in some basement was the best idea. This was most likely the work of her parents and I didn't know how to tell her, without her freaking out.

"Everything hurts" She murmured weakly.
"And I... I don't feel well"

"You're going to be fine" I assured her.

"What's going on Spence?" Y/n asked again.

"We've... We've been taken" I told her honestly.
"But we'll get out, I promise, we'll find a way out"

"Spence I'm sorry" Y/n mumbled as tears rolled out the corners of her eyes.

"It's ok-" I responded

"No" she cut in weakly as her bottom lips began to tremble.
"It's not... You don't deserve this"

"Neither do you" I pointed out softly.

"You don't understand" She sobbed.
"All you ever do is look after me... You've saved my life... A-And this is your repayment... I-It's not fair"

"Y/n I-- When did I save your life?" I questioned furrowing my brow at Y/n.

I've indeed helped her out of some compromising positions on the job, but from what I knew, never had I ever saved her life.

Certain things that people say tend to linger in my mind, especially if they don't elaborate. It consumes my thoughts until I get an answer, it's how my brain works, I can't help it, but now Y/n has told me that I've saved her life I can't stop thinking about it because I think I'd remember if I had.

Y/n didn't answer, she slowly rolled her head away from me, and shut her eyes. I carefully pushed her face back towards mine and in the kindest and most gentle way possible, I forced her to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When... When Jessica d-died... I... I climbed over the railings... on my balcony... And one by one I lifted each finger... Then you rang my doorbell... You were my distraction... That's why I was so, so pissed at you... Because how could I do it, when all that was going to be on my mind was you" She explained quietly.

She seemed to be looking up at me, but she wasn't focusing on my face, her mind was a million miles away.

"Y/n" I mumbled wiping a tear from my cheek.

"The funny thing is... If you were 5 seconds slower, I'd probably be dead..." She continued.
"I'd be dead and you'd be safe"

"I'm happy you're alive" I stated biting my trembling bottom lip.

"What's coming for me next is worse than death" She murmured.

"No, because we're going to get out of here, I promise" I assured her.

"I love you for your optimism... And maybe you'll escape, but not me" she replied before her eyes slowly shut once more.

"Y/n!" I shook her but no response.

She was still breathing but barely.
"HELP!" I screamed.

Suddenly the door at the top of the stairs opened, light from the landing lit up the room and a dark figure appeared.

"Your shouting won't save you, no one can hear you" he stated

"I'm not calling for saving, I'm calling for you" I replied confidently.

"What do you want?" The figure asked

"You want Y/n alive right?" I asked just hoping to god that they did. The figure didn't move or say anything.
"She's dying... If you want her alive, then you need to help her"

"What makes you think we want her alive?" The figure asked.

"Because you wouldn't have taunted her and then kidnapped her if you were just going to let her die here. If you wanted her dead, you wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to get her here..." I pointed out.

"You, your family, you want her to suffer, letting her die now would be too kind. It would be giving her the easy way out" I continued. At this point I was just hoping that this man would save her, I had no clue if anything that I was saying was true.

The figure didn't say anything, he just turned around and left the room shutting and locking the door behind him.
"PLEASE" I screamed, sobbing as I held Y/ns body.

Suddenly the door opened again and several men walked into the room. The first man pulled me away from Y/n, I tried to fight back but the man was too strong.

The three other men scooped Y/n up from the floor and carried her out of the room.
"Y/n!" I shouted, I couldn't tell if they were going to help her or not.

Once all the men had left, I managed to get to my feet, drag my tired self up the stairs, and pulled on the door, but it was no use, I was no Derek Morgan.

Attempting to keep myself calm, I paced around the room which seemed to make me worse when I realized the pain in my ankle, it was bruised or sprained.

Then I tugged on the handle of the door at the back of the room. The door opened and inside the room, was a simplistic bathroom. A toilet, a basin, and a shower that only sprayed out cold water.

Hours passed and there was no sign of Y/n, everything was silent. I was stuck in this dark room with nothing to keep me company but my thoughts, which unfortunately at this moment weren't very helpful.

'The team will find us' I assured myself.
'They always find us in the end'

I counted the hours and minutes and if my calculations were correct it had been 5 hours and 21 minutes since Y/n had been taken out of the room.

The door finally opened once more, and the men entered again carrying Y/ns body, they put her down on the floor next to me and left us.

Y/n looked a little better, the gash under her hairline had been stitched up, and a bandaid was placed over it. The blood on her face had been cleaned up, and from what I could see, a minor surgery had been performed in her abdomen.

The sleeves of one of her arms had been rolled up, and I could see a small red mark on her inner arm, she'd been drugged possibly to either keep her unconscious or to help with the pain, or both.

Tiredly I lay down next to her and carefully wrapped my arm around her waist. Exhaustion took over my body sending me into a deep, yet very unpeaceful sleep.

𝟸 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛...


"What's your name?" I asked as the man entered the room.

"Tobias" The man replied, he seemed softer than his other personality, he also seemed more nervous.

"Tobias? Who was here before?" I questioned, it was important to know who each of his alters were.

"It was probably my father. I'm sorry if he hurt you." Tobias said before he began unbuckling his belt and walking towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously. Tobias wrapped the belt around my upper arm.
"Don't. Please don't" I pleaded as he buckled it up tightly.

"It helps" Tobias assured me, as he pulled out a vial and a needle out his coat pocket.
"Don't tell my father. He doesn't know they're here"

"Please. I don't want it. I don't want it" I begged shaking my head wildly, as he filled the needle up with the clear liquid that I could only assume was some kind of Narcotics.

"Trust me," Tobias whispered pushing the needle into my arm.

-End of Nightmare-

I opened my eyes as Y/n began to stir, quiet, weak sounds escaped her lips before her eyes fluttered open once more.

"Y/n" I whispered sitting up and helping her up with me, she blinked and looked around the room in confusion.
"You're ok, they fixed you"

"Fixed me?" She questioned.

"You were dying," I told her.
"But they fixed you, a-and we're gonna find a way out of here"

"I'm tired" she mumbled leaning into me.

We sat there in silence for hours before the door opened again, the figure walked down the stairs, holding what seemed to be blankets and pillows.

"Louis?" Y/n whispered as the man approached.

"Salut (hi)" Louis replied glumly.
"J'ai des oreillers, des couvertures et des serviettes pour vous (I have pillows, blankets and towels for you)"

"Les serviettes (Towels)?" I questioned taking the items from him.

"To wash" He replied in English.
"You two are going to be here for a while"

"Oh... Thank you" I mumbled giving him a half grateful smile.

"Ne me remercie pas (Don't thank me)" Louis sighed.
"You two are fucked"

"I know" Y/n sighed

"And she speaks" Louis chuckled.

"Oh sorry if I seem a little quiet, it's just I huge car smashed into me not too long ago" Y/n snapped grumpily. It was clear that Louis wasn't a threat to her.

"This is your fault" Louis pointed out

"I just wanted a better life" Y/n replied clenching her fists.

"Well I hope you had fun while it lasted, but from what I know, your life is as shit as it was when you were living with us, so nice try" Louis sneered, it was clear these two were siblings, they definitely argued like them.

"Fuck you" Y/n mumbled before collapsing into a coughing fit. Louis crouched down in front of her, unfolded one of the blankets to reveal a water bottle that was hidden inside. He unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to her lips.

"Are you two hungry?" He asked as he helped Y/n drink

"If you get us something to eat will you get in trouble?" Y/n asked pulling away from the bottle.

"No, Mom and dad want you both alive" Louis replied.

"Then why did you hide a bottle of water in the blankets?" She questioned.

"They want to keep you both weak, that means limited food and limited water unless you want to drink from the basin over there but I wouldn't advise it" Louis informed us.

"Why are you helping us?" I asked furrowing my brow at the man.

I had mixed opinions about Louis, one moment he seemed to be mean and horrible, the next he seemed to be caring and considerate. It was hurting my brain if I'm being honest.

"Are you hungry or not?!" Louis snapped, he clearly didn't like that question.

"Yes please" I replied quietly, Louis nodded and disappeared off upstairs. I looked over at Y/n who stared at the space where her brother once stood.

"Everything ok?" I asked snapping her out of her trance.

"It's been almost 17 years since I last spoke to him" She mumbled looking over at me.

"You were 12 right?" I questioned

"Mhm... Now I'm 28, I might even be 29, who knows" She sighed.

"Happy birthday if you are" I whispered kissing her cheek.

"I preferred my last birthday celebrations to this" Y/n stated, it was an attempt at a joke to lift the mood slightly.

"What? You preferred partying at Rossi's, to sitting in this weirdly spacious, damp, cold basement?" I questioned jokily, I'm not the best at jokes but it seemed to make Y/n laugh.

The door opened again and Louis re-entered with half a loaf of bread. He threw it to me, took the empty plastic bottle, and hid it under his jacket, before turning back towards the stairs.

"Hey, Louis?" Y/n called, her voice wasn't very loud, it still sounded so very weak.

"Oui (Yes)" he replied turning back to us

"est-ce notre anniversaries?(Is it our birthday)" She asked, Louis looked down at him watch them back up at her.

"c'est maintenant (It is now)" He replied.

"Bon anniversaire Louis (Happy Birthday Louis)" She whispered, kissing her index and middle fingers then placing them on her heart.

"Bon anniversaire Y/n (Happy Birthday Y/n)" Louis whispered back doing the same motion as her.

꧁𝒀/𝒏𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗꧂
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

A few more hours passed and not much happened, this was the reality of being held hostage, it's not all torture and drama, a lot of it is just boring waiting around.

Not that I'm asking to be tortured or anything but I can't say I enjoyed sitting on the hard dusty wooden floor.

Spencer fell asleep on my lap a while ago, I tried to sleep, and failed to do so, even though I was running on barely any sleep.

I guessed it was night, probably very early morning at this point and the house seemed empty. We weren't visited by anyone else before Spencer fell asleep.

"Y/n" I heard someone whisper, I looked up at the top of the stairs and saw Louis. He was now in his pyjamas, and looking very suspicious.

"Quoi? (What?)" I whispered back, watching as Louis crept down the stairs.
"Louis que fais-tu? (What are you doing?)"

"Je voulais verifier que tu allais bien (I wanted to check on you)" Louis responded

"Pourquoi? (why?)"

"Like you said before, you were hit by a car not too long ago" Louis pointed out, taking a seat in front of me and checking the wound on my head.
"Is he actually asleep?" he asked looking down at Spencer.

"Mhm... He can sleep anywhere" I sighed

"You should be asleep" Louis pointed out.

"And so should you" I replied, wincing as he pulled the bandaid off completely.
"So how have you been?"

"Small talk? Really?"

"It's been 17 years, I wanted to catch up" I stated.

"Well who's fault is that?!" Louis snapped.

"Louis, my life-- Our life here was shit" I sighed

"And your life now isn't?" Louis questioned.

"It's better"

"It is, is it? So you're not some suicidal alcoholic, with PTSD and commitment issues" Louis snapped, dabbing rubbing alcohol to my wound.

"You've been stalking me? So it was you... I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me" I realized.
"Why were you stalking me, yet not do anything to me? I mean-"

"Enough" Louis interrupted, pressing the cotton wool into my wound causing it to start bleeding.
"Shit" he mumbled.

"Louis why were you stalking me?" I asked again.

"Quiet" Louis snapped.
"The point is, you left for a 'better life' but you haven't even tried! You left me here alone so that you could fuck off to DC, and drink yourself to death"

"Louis I... It's more complicated than that" I whispered

"I'm sure it is, but my point still stands" Louis sighed finally covering the wound with a fresh band-aid.
"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Do you have any strong painkillers?" I asked resting my hand on Spencers' head and playing with his hair.

"Please don't tell me you're falling into that rabbit hole too-"

"No, it's for the pain, my entire body hurts, and I can't sleep" I cut in

"Sure, I'll find you some" Louis mumbled walking up the stairs, just as he went to unlock the door, the door swung open, and Louis came face to face with my father.


✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
A/n: Uh oh, is Louis good, or is this all a ruse.
Are we going to be ok? What's going to happen?

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