A Flicker of Redemption

By Freak-of-Madness

103K 3.4K 372

She ran away from an abusive home at fourteen. She learned to live on the streets and how to look out for her... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 1

6.3K 104 6
By Freak-of-Madness

Angelika had come from an abusive home. Physical. Verbal. Emotional. Her parents fought constantly. With each other and with her. As she grew up, she didn't understand why her friends and classmates didn't have the same bruises she did. As she got older, she began to realize her home life was not the normal. When she was fourteen, one of her teachers finally called in CPS on the family. She was then taken into the foster care system while the investigation happened. Her foster parents were just as bad as her parents were making her angry. To her dismay, CPS let her go back home after a two-month investigation.

One night after a particularly bad fight, Angelika watched as her father stabbed her mother to death. Blood went everywhere at the repeated stabbing. Angelika watched in horror with her hands at her mouth to keep herself from screaming. She suddenly ran back to her room hoping he hadn't seen her witnessing what he'd done. She packed a back of her clothes & sketch books, and climbed out her window. Her father went to work like nothing had happened the next day leaving his wife's dead body where it was. He didn't care what his daughter was doing or if she made it to school.

She didn't know where she was going or how she was going to get there. All she knew was that she couldn't stay with her father anymore. The CPS system was broken and she didn't trust them to not put her with worse people than her father. He'd killed her mother, what's to say he wouldn't do the same to her? She walked down the street with her duffle bag strewn over her shoulder looking for a way to leave her hometown. She came across a homeless camp and decided to stop since she was effectively homeless to try and figure out her next move. She knew she had to keep moving in case her father actually was looking for her.

It was a few days before anyone realized something was wrong. When her mother's co-workers went to their house to check on her, they found her dead in the living room. They immediately called the police. Knowing they had a daughter, and fearing for the teen's life, they put out an Amber alert for her. The police called the school to ask about Angelika's whereabouts but were told she hadn't been to school in a few days. They were about to call the parents and ask about her absence. The detective assigned to the case frowned fearing for the girl's safety. She was only fourteen, after all, and he was worried the father might have done something to her as well.

Angelika learned to live on the fringe of society. She learned how to handle the homeless camps she stayed in. She was taught how to fight by some of the homeless men that surrounded her since she was a female and so young. It had come in handy more times than she cared to admit to. She learned how to panhandle and even pick-pocket. She hitch-hiked her way from Mesquite, Texas all the way to Northern California. After deciding she wanted to be somewhere where the temperatures were usually steady nearly year-round, she began her journey to California. It took her four years before she made it. Sometimes she'd stay at one place for a few weeks so she could save up or steal some money. Other times she'd stay longer.

During her time in the homeless camps, she learned not to trust anyone but herself. She was the only one she could depend on. She was young and pretty and sometimes the men at the camps didn't want to take no for an answer. She'd learned to use a knife in her time on the streets and had more than once stabbed someone for not leaving her be. None of the other homeless men would jump in and help her so she only had herself to count on. She'd been hit on by some of the truck drivers she'd hitched rides with but she always threatened them if they tried anything, she'd cut off their dicks.

She was finally dropped off at the edge of California earning a sigh in relief. After thanking the trucker who'd brought her, she climbed out of his rig and began walking down the highway. There was no clear destination in mind. She was running low on money and needed to get some soon or she wouldn't be able to eat. Angelika was very grateful for the nice truckers who bought her meals for her. It was out of pity, she figured, but it was still a nice and welcomed gesture. She started the long walk down the side of the road stopping when she needed to for rest. It was warmer in Cali than she had anticipated as she started sweating during her walk.

She stuck her thumb out to try and catch a ride. The air conditioning of a car would be welcomed at this point. Someone finally stopped making her sigh with relief. She was able to hitch a ride all the way into Lodi. She thanked the woman who'd picked her up as she took her bag and exited the car. Still unsure where to stop, she began walking again. Her stomach made noises so she opted to stop inside a café to grab a small bite to eat. It had been a long while since she ate and she knew with walking in the sun, she'd need the sustenance. The café was cool as she strolled up to the counter to have a seat. There was a special on the board so she opted to go with that.

After her meal, she paid out and made her way back to the highway. She was walking along when the sound of several motorcycles could be heard coming. Turning to watch them ride by, one guy waved at her making her raise an eyebrow even though he couldn't see it. With a shrug, she continued walking. When it began to get dark, she started looking for some sort of shelter. Having spent the last four years homeless, she knew what would make good shelter and what wouldn't. She finally found a motel by the side of the road. Although she didn't want to spend any money she did want to get a shower since she'd been sweating.

With a sigh and the sky turning cloudy, she opted to spend some of her remaining money on a cheap room. The guy behind the counter gave her the creeps as he handed her key over to her. She took her bag and walked out of the office to her room. Once in her room she quickly locked the door and shut the curtain. Being on her own for the four years had made her a little suspicious and untrusting of the human race. She stripped down to take a nice hot shower. It had been days since her last shower and she wanted to enjoy that one as long as she could since she didn't know when she'd get another one. Her funds were running low. She'd have to either grift or panhandle for more very soon.

The shower felt good on her aching body. After her shower she toweled off and put on some clean undies before slipping into bed. She channel surfed for a while as the rain came pouring down. It put her in a very relaxed state and she drifted off to sleep. When she woke up the next morning, she looked around wondering where she was. Then she remembered she'd gotten a hotel room and had taken a shower the night before. She dressed quickly, packed her bag, and checked out. It was time to start walking down the highway once more to her unknown destination.

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