Divine Serendipity • Stiles S...

Por klaussupremacy

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Arabella craved an adventure, she had always been one to throw herself in the deep end. She longed for her ow... Más



867 24 0
Por klaussupremacy

Arabella's POV:

Fortunately for me, I had managed to scam my way out of chemistry, meaning I had a free preiod where I didn't have to listen to Harris ramble on. I was walking through the hallway, wandering aimlessly before I felt a somewhat tight grip on my wrist.


"Stiles?" I asked, turning my head to meet his face. Both of our eyes widened as he realised he had just dragged me backwards, landing on his lap. "Well hello to you too." I giggled, standing up and taking the empty seat beside Scott as Stiles visibly gulped. "At least take me on a date first. Care to explain what I've been dragged into this time?"

Stiles gestured for Scott to explain, the tanned boy leaning his head towards me slightly to minimise the chances of people hearing.

"Issac Lahey was the wolf in the locker room. He almost shifted on the field before the cops took him away. Stiles said they're keeping him in the holding cell until they figure out of he had anything to do with his dad's murder."

"Holding cell?!" I half whisper yelled, "On a full moon?"

Scott nodded as I continued to think out loud. "Why are we outside the principal's office?"

"Jackson's in there, He's Issac's neighbour and therefore a witness. Scott was going to listen in to hear what he tells them." Stiles chimed as I rolled my eyes, leaning my head back against the wall as I too listened in to the conversation in the room behind me.

"So you're telling me you knew Issac's father was hitting him?"

With a tone laced with poison, Jackson replied, as if it was completely obvious. "Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him."

"Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher, parents, anyone?"

"Nope. It's not my problem."

My blood was beginning to boil. "Unbelievable. Prick." I spat out under my breath, shaking my head slightly. Me and Issac weren't exactly close, exchanging words in classes from time to time, but still, how could Jackson brush something like this off so easily?

"No, no of course not. You know it's funny that the kids getting beaten up are always the ones that least deserve it."

Smirking almost triumphantly, I continued to listen in. And that comment alone proves the theory that Sheriff Stilinski is an icon.

"Yeah, wait what?"

"I think we're done here."

Frantically picking up the nearest magazine, Stiles attempted to go unnoticed by his father as he stepped out of the room. Obviously it was unsuccessful, making an amused expression grace my features as Noah looked at the boys poor attempt in almost disbelief.

"Hi, Scott. Arabella." He smiled before walking down the corridor with his deputies, shaking his head as he thought about Stiles' awful attempt.

"Boys." Another voice rang out from beside us. "And girl."

There he stood, a white striped shirt and a deep brown blazer.


He was our principal? Really?

"Come on in."

The three of us sat in his office, facing his desk as he resided opposite us, looking through our profiles.

"Scott McCall. Accademically not the most accomplished, but I see you've become quite the star athlete." There's no way he knows about him? right?

"Ms. Claire. Outstanding grades. It says here you're quite the charasmatic student, a range of social and leadership skills." The older man smiled, almost congratulating me really.

"Finally, Mr. Stilinski, like Ms. Claire you have perfect grades. But it says here you do little to no extra curriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Actually I'm already-"

"Hold on- McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my grand daughter, and of course I recognise Arabella here from the funeral."

"We were dating but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of eachother or doing anything with eachother...at all" Praying for you right now Scott, you bombed that impression to say the least.

"Relax Scott you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."

"Just a hard breakup."

"Oh that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me."

Okay this dude is weird. I don't like him already.

"Now listen guys, yes I am the principal but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy." That's ironic.

"Is that so?"

"However, this being my first day, I need to support my teachers. So unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention." He looked between the three of us.

I put my hands up in mock defense, "hey I wasn't even in Harris' class today I am not taking the blame."

Both Gerard and Scott turned to face Stiles, he sat there innocently before realising the burning gaze on him. His mouth gaped, his face sharing that 'seriously?' expression making this whole situation funnier. There's no way he's crawling out of this one.



"Stiles!" I mimicked as I picked up the phone. "What's going on?"

"The Argent's sent a fake deputy to go get Issac at the station. They're gonna kill him. Allison slowed him down a little but I'm on my way now, you coming?" The pale boy asked clearly slightly freaked out but trying to play it cool.

"Hell yeah. Let me just grab my car keys-"

"No need, I'm pulling up to your apartment right now." He answered before I hung up the phone, hurridly rushing down the stairs.

Right on time, he sat in his jeep, looking over at me as I climbed into the passanger side.The two of us conversing as we pulled up to the Hale house.

The familiar sour wolf climbed into the back seat, "Stiles, Brina."

"Are you bringing your hybrid friend?" Stiles asked me, making conversation ahtough we were now only a couple of minutes away.

"Tyson? No he's out of town." I answered, shrugging slightly.

"Isn't he the one who was supposed to be protecting you?" Migel asked seemingly annoyed at his absence. Although the two had not really met, he had been informed who he was and vice versa so the two didn't maul eachother to death. Although I secretly think Ty would have won.

"He is. People are figuring it out and coming for me. There's been a few who got pretty close because of some rumours, he went to go check them out and find out what people actually know. Basically evaluating my safety." I answered, nonchalantly as Stiles' grip tightened on the wheel. Does he actually care that much?

"Okay, the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk."

"I'll distract her." Derek answered obviously, about to get out of the car before Stiles spoke up.

"Woah woah woah...you? You're not going in there." He pulled him back from the front seat.

Derek of course shot him a glare. "I-I'm taking my hand off."

"I was exonerated."

"You're still a person of interest." Stiles argued. He wasn;t going to win, what was the point?

Of course I piped up."Yeah, thanks to you and Scotty."

"Exactly, an innocent person."

"You..innocent? yeah right!" Stiles laughed in disbelief. "Okay fine what's your plan?"

Unaware of his own plans, Derek paused before answering. "To distract her."

"How though?" I asked, curious to see what he would come out with.

"Yeah, how? by punching her in the face?" Truth be told, Stiles looked way more into that idea than he should have been.

"Heh. By talking to her."

"Okay, alright, give me a sample." the driver asked, causing me to laugh, "really Stiles?"

"What are you going to open with?"

A moment passed as no one spoke up, wonderful.

"Dead silence. That should work beautifully, any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face." Derek chimed.

"Now that idea is perfect." I teased, looking at the boy with a huge grin.

He scoffed slightly looking between us before I piped up. "Just go Derek!"


"Hi, I had a question." Derek smiled, working his charm as me and Stiles stood by the doorway. "Um...sorry I'm a little...a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone-"

"Like...me?" By this point, Stiles and I were shuffling across the room, I really didn't understand why I couldn't have cloaked us but, you know.

"Oh I was gonna say, 'so incredibly beautiful'. but yeah, I guess that would be the same thing."

Just as the Hale man finished his little pickup line, we entered the room, the woman was now completely swooning as Stiles approached the lockbox. I didn't blame her, I'm not affraid to admit that man is hot.

Punching in the code, Stiles unlocked the box, only to reveal it to be completely bare. Great. "Oh no."

He darted out of the room before decreasing his pace to a fast-walk as he scanned the corridors. I of cours was right behind him, alson scouting until he walked straight into a deputy.

"Whoa. Uh, just looking..um" Stiles muttered, starting an apology/excuse as my eyes trailed the man. He trailed droplets of blood down the corridor as he limped, half of an arrow emerging from his thigh. In his hand, a large siringe filled with some strange substance, he attempted to hide it but it was too late.

Although in uniform, there was no way he was a deputy. "Uh Stiles.."

"Oh shit-"

The man grabbed my arms, a hand over my mouth as he attempted to drag me backwards, I couldn't use my magic. I mentally cursed myself for getting caught off guard, I could fight him off easily in any other situation. "No!"

He tripped Stiles up as he dragged me backwards into a room of holding cells. Luckily, the nerdy boy caught himself before hitting the floor, rushing up and pulling a fire alarm just as I was released from the man's grasp.

Readying the syringe , he looked forwards towards a cell, presumably for Issac, Only to be met with a pried open cell door. As if on command, the beta appeared out of no where, slamming the fake deputy into a wall and knocking him unconsious.

Behind him, a new figure emerged, the alpha. He stood on the siringe, crushing the contents intot he floor, althought it was probably mostly wolfsbane.

Stiles was on the floor, backing against the wall as Issac snarled at him. I regained my stance, rooted protectively infront of Stiles "Ah ah ah I don't think so."

Just as Issac was preparing to charge at me, Derek let out a harrowing roar, making the boy retreat to the wall as he shifted back into his human self. "H-how did you do that?"

Literally as dramatically as possible, Derek turned over his shoulder, now facing me and Stiles as I grabbed his hand helping him to his feet. "I'm the alpha."

Of course, with the fire alarm still blaring, the Sheriff was bound to show up at some point, walking into the room. The scene in front of him was something he probably didn't expect, me and Stiles stood in the middle of the room, my arm snaked around his bicep as an unconsious deputy laid opposite us. Derek and Issac were gone.

"I- He did it." Stiles pointed towards the deputy, his dad utterly confused. Being the deceptive teens we are, we somehow came up with an excuse, cutting the Sheriff's time to question us short as I claimed to be tired.

Shortly after, I creeped back into the passenger seat of that familiar blue jeep, just as Stiles put his keys in the ignition. The headlights illuminated the path, leading the pair of us straight to my apartment complex as we chatted away.

Being completely honest, I didn't really want him to leave. I seriously enjoyed his company, and I could only wish he thought the same. I peered at the boy, a mysterious glint in my eyes as he smiled back, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he tried to figure me out.

I swiped my hand, tugging the keys out of the ignition with my magic, attracting them to my hand like a magnet. "You coming? or am I going to eat pizza and binge watch our show alone?"

As his eyebrows raised, his grin grew wider "y-yeah of course. Okay."

- - -

"Pepperoni or meat feast?" I asked, emerging from my closet with a fluffy blanket in my signature oversized shirt and short shorts combo. I tossed Stiles some comfier clothes to which he caught, thanking me.

"Meat feast of course."

"I knew I liked you Stilinski." I teased, typing in my apartment number into the delivery app. He left to change, coming back out of the bathroom with a question. "Hey belle, uh, weird question but how come you remember so many different spells?"

"They're in my grimoires. You learn them and try memorise em, once you get the gist of one it's easy."


"Yeah, remember that old book I had when you and Scott spent the night? That's a grimoire. Filled with spells, some very powerful." I answered nonchalantly. This was normal to me, I was completely oblivious that I was blowing his mind right now.

"Wait, how many do you have?" He asked, eyes widening.

"A lot." I giggled, grabbing his hand and leading him back towards me room. "I'll show you my magic room."

"You have a mag- Woah." Pulling him into my make shift witch-study he stood in complete awe. Eyes trailing across the spine of each and every book, each and every herb, each and every candle.

His reaction caused me to chuckle slightly, he looked utterly adorable right now, of course I would never tell him that. "The oldest one I have dates back to around 950, it was my Grandmothers."

"I'm still not adjusted to the fact your dad is over a thousand."

I watched as his eyes seemed to light up, asking me all kinds of curious questions about herbs. So for he had established some different forms of wolfsbane, that vervain burns vampires and can prevent compulsion, and that magic muting herbs were a pain in the arse.

He still looked flabberghasted, looking at our surroundings. "Can you show me another cool one?"

"A spell?" I thought about it before closing my eyes, focusing my energy.

"I learnt this one not too long ago." My voice added, this time behind Stiles. He whipped his head, eyes widening in confusion as he turned back to me. A mirror image of myself waving at him tauntingly.

"Wait did you clone yourself?!"

With a laughter ripping through the air, I looked at him. "I doubt you could handle two of me, it's a projection/deception spell thing. I can make a person or object look like something or someone else or just straight up project them." I smiled.

"Woah.." He muttered, taking a step and turning to face me as my projected self faded into thin air. I don't think he realised with that one step he was now dangerously close to my face. Again, my confidence faultered, my breath hitching slightly as I averted my gaze from his curious eyes, finally resting on his lips.

I wanted nothing more than to connect our lips in that moment, but I hesitated. Tension stacked inside the room, turning thick with anticipation as I zoned into his heart beat. It was rapid. I took that as my sign.

Placing my hands either side of his face, I smashed my lips on his.

He held his breath for a moment, tensing in shock like that night at the school, before melting into the kiss, his hands finding their way to my waist as if it was a natural instinct, pulling my closer.

I was kissing Stiles Stilinski. Again. And it felt right.

I deepened the kiss slightly, regaining the confidence knocked out of me earlier, wrapping an arm around his neck as his grip tightened. My tounge swiped across his bottom lip, silently asking for permission, to which my entry was granted.

I swear the temperature in the room shot up as he tugged the fabric of my shirt forwards, forcing me as close to him as humanly possible. In return my hands grasped a hold on his collar, pulling it towards me with the same effect. It was bliss.

Haulting the kiss, three loud knocks sounded from the front door. I pulled away, my forehead resting on his as both of our breathing patterns had grown heavier. "Pizza's here." I smirked, moving away and waltzing towards the door.

I'm not going to lie, I could literally feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I processed what had just happened. I just made out with Stiles. I'm sure I made quite the impression on the pizza delivery guy, how great. Tipping the man, I retreated back into the apartment with a large meat feast in my hand, placing it on the coffe table before making my way into the kitchen to grab us both drinks.

Stiles was now perched on the couch, his leg was bouncing up and down, though his flushed cheeks and shocked expression made it clear he wasn't upset. "You good?" I asked, handing him the glass as I turned on the TV.

"Yeah- Perfect. Never been better. I mean- Belle can we talk about what just happened?"

Taking a seat next to him, I looked at the boy, thinking about how to word my answer. "Well, I mean, I like you Stiles. I'm sorry if I over-stepped or made you-"

"What? No! You didn't. Bella I've been crazy about you since you got here!" He confessed, my mouth moulding into a smirk as I handed him the remote.

"Have you now?" I teased, shuffling closer to him under the blanket before placing our food over our laps. "Cmon, I'd rather not eat cold pizza."

We spent the rest of the night discussing anything that came to mind, amist watching as many episodes of 'the office' as we could manage before eventually falling asleep...


A/N: Highly unmotivated atm, my apologies! Still trying to update at reasonable dates. What's going to happen with Issac? When is Hope coming and what's gonna happen when she gets here? What's going to happen with Stella?

Word Count: 3k

Until next time..

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