only human | k. parker ✓

By sturnsxo

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"Oh come on, I know you love me Rora" "That's the very last emotion I feel for you" - "I love you, Kai" "Too... More

before you read
part I - the prison world
1. don't call me that
2. i'm just like you
4. in this together
5. damn you, kai parker
6. two can play that game
7. am i broken
8. you saved my life
9. you wish
10. happy thanksgiving
11. we're trapped, it's over
12. old memories
13. lets forget it happened
14. the lion and the lamb
15. the way out
16. the island
17. where the hell are they
18. merry christmas
part II - the real world
19. welcome home
20. living a lie
21. happy new year
22. rescuing elena
23. the merge
24. the truth
25. no good at goodbyes
26. liz's funeral
27. people grieve differently
28. 1903 prison world
29. betrayals and kidnappings
30. liz forbes' letters
31. what is love
32. the wedding; part one
33. the wedding; part two
34. its been four years
35. the return
36. time for another wedding
37. all is well
38. next chapter

3. stuck with me

387 8 1
By sturnsxo

Today was the day, today Aurora, Bonnie, Damon, and unfortunately Kai are escaping this prison world. After 4 months, Aurora finally gets to see Caroline again, she wonders how's she doing with her life; is she okay? Is she happy? Has she moved on from her sisters death? Thoughts were racing through Aurora's mind, she couldn't wait to get back and hug Caroline ever so tight and never let go of her.  

They were walking in the woods and meeting Kai so they could prepare for the eclipse later and go home, Damon was whistling along happily. "You're happy" Aurora says looking at him. "I have a hot date with my girl tonight" Damon says. Bonnie and Aurora roll their eyes, "That's if Kai is telling the truth" Aurora says walking ahead of them. "I'm thinking dinner and a movie" Damon says ignoring Aurora's comment. "You know what? Screw the dinner and the movie, skip straight to the good part" he adds, Aurora put a disgusted look on her face.

"That's if I can do the spell which I won't know until I see it" Bonnie says. "We don't even know if we can trust him, Damon. Who's to say he won't screw us over" Aurora says turning around and facing the two. "I said. Because I will kill Kai and anyone who comes in the way of me going home" Damon says using the stick he was holding as a sword. Kai comes out from the trees, "I heard my name. All good, I hope" he says looking up to the sky. "The eclipse will happen directly overhead. In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. You need to dig into the tunnels below us. We'll do the spell there" he says looking at Damon.

"Why?" Bonnie says confused. Kai looks at them with a fake dumb look, "Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before?" he says. "Obviously not" Aurora replies. "Look the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the ascendant. You spout a little witchy woo and then poof anyone standing in the circle of light holding the ascendant goes home" Kai explains gesturing to the ascendant placed in his hand. "By witchy woo I assume you mean the spell" Bonnie says. Kai nods, "Let's me see it" Bonnie asks. Kai shakes his head, "When the time comes" he responds walking in the direction they came.

"Where are you going?" Damon asks following his walk. "Into town. I need to gather some important supplies" Kai replies turning around and walking away. "Go with him" Damon says to Aurora. Her eyes widen, "What why?" she responds. "Because I don't trust him, and it's not like he can siphon anything to hurt you since you have no magic yourself" Damon says pushing Aurora in the direction Kai went.
"No, I'm not going" Aurora says crossing her arms. "Just do this for us Aurora" Damon says angrily.

"She doesn't have to do anything" Bonnie defends Aurora. Damon turns and looks at her, "We don't trust Kai, we need someone to go after him make sure he doesn't screw us over" Damon says standing in front of Bonnie. "Yeah but putting Aurora in danger isn't the way. Kai can't leave here, he has no magic. We're his only way out as he is ours" Bonnie argues back. Aurora scoffs and follows in the direction Kai went, she'd rather be with him than witness another fight with Bonnie and Damon.


"This is ridiculous" Aurora mumbles to herself as she walks into a store hoping that Kai was in here and didn't ditch them and found his own way out. The only thing heard was the music playing in the store, and whistling. Bingo. Aurora walked into the isle the noise was coming from and noticed Kai was filling his backpack up with a random junk that Aurora had no clue why they were 'important'

"These are the important supplies you needed" she says leaning on the shelf crossing her arms. Kai turns his head in her direction, "Stalking me now?" he says raising an eyebrow. Aurora laughs, "No, just observing, don't know if we can trust you" she says staring at him. He stands up and slowly walks towards her, leaving his bag where it was. "So they sent you? The useless on? The one who doesn't have any magic so she can't defend herself against anything" he teased standing in front of her.

"You can't do anything either. You have no magic either. We're even" Aurora says acting tough. Kai laughs and stands even closer to Aurora which made her back up, her back going against the shelf behind her, Kai put his arm beside her head, trapping her in. "See thing is, I killed my siblings without magic, just did it the easy way. And hey maybe you're right, you can't trust me, because who's to say I won't kill you right here right now" he says his expression turning dark. Aurora stays quiet looking for any sort of escape route. "No Damon or Bonnie to save you. Just you and me" he says leaning in and whispers in her ear, "Alone" his voice lingers.

Aurora was shaking, she didn't want to die here, not now, not when she's so close to leaving this place. Aurora hears laughing and looks at Kai and he backs away from her laughing. "Aw man you should've seen your face, you were so scared" he says pointing at laughing at her. She scoffs and walks away, "Let's just get back to Damon and Bonnie so this stupid spell can happen" she says beginning to leave the isle but his voice catches her off guard.

"Your friends better not have another plan on ditching me and leaving me behind, because plain and simple, if they do, I'll just kill you, easier target." he says never breaking eye contact. "Alright let's go" he says cheerfully grabbing the bag and walking past Aurora, who's still stood there shocked. She really hopes nothing bad happens to him, because if they plan on doing anything, she'll pay the price.


Aurora and Kai walk back to where Bonnie and Damon were. "Looks like we got back just in time" Kai says looking at the hole in the ground where Damon was. They both look at Aurora with worried expressions, she nods that she's okay, she just has no idea how she's gonna tell them not to do anything otherwise Kai will kill her. Damon vamp speeds out the hole and grabs the bag that was on Kai's shoulder and opening it up. "Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card known to man and a pager, really?" Damon says going through the bag.

"Five-five-five-hi-Kai. No way I'm giving those digits up" Kai explains. Aurora forgets that he grew up in a completely different decade than she did. She wasn't even born yet when Kai got sent away to this prison world, which really makes her feel young. "These were the important supplies?" Damon says looking at Kai and then Aurora for confirming, she shrugs her shoulders. "The future sounds great. All right? I'm super excited about the internet. But 1994 has been my home for most my life. I'd hate to get homesick" he says.

Aurora rolls her eyes, she's found herself doing that a lot in this prison world, especially around Kai. "So let's get down there" Kai says pointing towards the ground. "No" Bonnie speaks up and pushing Damon and Aurora behind her.
"We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell" she says her face having a straight expression. "Okay" Kai says dragging the 'O' and putting his hands in his pockets. He was smiling at the group, literally doing nothing.
Aurora scoffs, "Are we literally not going anywhere?" she says getting fed up.

Bonnie looks down at the ground, "Fine. You don't wanna show me the spell, then you can do it yourself. You want my magic. Take it" she says extending her arm out towards Kai who was smirking at her the whole time. "Uh oh. She's being brave" he taunts. "I'm serious. This was your big threat. If I don't do the spell and let us out of here you'll just take my magic and leave me for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it" Bonnie says narrowing her eyes at him.

Aurora stood beside Damon, both sharing looks, she hoped that inside that head of Bonnie's was a plan, because Kai can and will kill them, and Bonnie's giving him the means to do so. Kai thinks for a second, "Don't mind if I do" he says forcefully putting his hands on Bonnie's side and the familiar red glow embeds from his hands. Bonnie groans as the life is literally being sucked out of her. "Bonnie" Damon says worriedly. "It's okay. He won't kill me" she says looking up at him. "Doesn't look like that from here" Aurora says worried for her friend.

Kai will kill her at this point. "Guys stop" Damon says as Kai let's Bonnie go, a wicked smile on his face, the power running through his veins. Bonnie and Kai both glare at each other, both breathing heavily trying to catch their breathe. "He doesn't know the spell. Which means we don't need him. Motus" she says as the picaxe Damon used hits straight in the chest. Aurora's eyes widen not expecting that. "Bonnie you killed our only way out" Damon told her, anger in her voice."I'll figure it out myself, don't worry, I'll get us out" Bonnie assures them. Damon and Aurora both share a look with each other, not sure if Bonnie can pull this off.


Bonnie was sat holding the ascendant and reading a book, hoping to find something about their escape since Bonnie killed their only way out. Aurora sat on the ground against the tree,  cutting out Damon and Bonnie's conversation as she watched Kai's body which was laying a few feet away. He looked peaceful, you wouldn't think that he was a serial killer and didn't care about anything or anyone. He reminded her of someone she used to be friends with, until he got killed.


"You mean so much to me" he whispers trailing his finger along Aurora's jawline, staring into her eyes. She gazes up at him and smiles, "Who knew you could be nice when you want too" Aurora says wrapping her arms around his neck. "Only around you" he replies placing a hand on her waist, pulling her closer, their foreheads resting upon each other. He looks into her eyes and smiles, "In all my years, I have never met someone quite like you" he mumbles.

Aurora smiles and her gaze goes down to his lips, he notices it and a small smirk came across his face. "If you want to kiss me...... do it" he whispers his face leaning into her ear.
Aurora closes her eyes at their closeness, not wanting to let go, afraid that if she does, he'll disappear. "I'm afraid" she mumbles moving her head into his chest. "Of what" he replies, moving his hand through her hair. "When I open my eyes, you'll be gone or things will be different" Aurora says sadly pulling her head out his chest.

He takes his hands and places them on the side of her head, making her look at him.
"I promise you, I'm not going anywhere" he whispers, grazing his thumb across her cheek.
"I will never leave you" he says leaning in and kissing her forehead.

End of Flashbacks

"Aurora" Bonnie's voice says snapping Aurora out her thoughts and looking at Bonnie. "You ready?" she says smiling. Aurora looks confused, she doesn't know what their conversation is at. "For what?" she replies, "Home" Bonnie says smiling. Aurora gets off the ground and takes one last look at Kai and follows Damon and Bonnie into the caves below. Aurora stood back with Damon and watched as Bonnie cut her palm and began chanting, the ascendant clicking.

"It's time guys" Bonnie says smiling to the other two, "All right. Let's get awkward" Damon says walking over to Bonnie, Aurora following behind him, they place their hands under Bonnie's."I'm sure there are a billion people you'd rather be with" Damon says looking at Aurora and Bonnie. They both laugh, "Not exactly—" Bonnie says but is cut off when she is lunged back, an arrow in her stomach.

The ascendant dropping to the ground. Aurora turns around but is knocked down when an arrow is shot into her side as well, knocking her down away from Damon and Bonnie. Aurora looks to her side and sees Kai holding a crossbow. "Forgetting someone?" he says smirking, "Did you really think I haven't tried to kill mystery before? Because I have. Lots of times. Lots of ways" he says reloading the crossbow and aiming it at Aurora, who pulled the arrow out her side, she was still bleeding though.

"Grab that and the next arrow goes in her heart" he says threateningly, gesturing to the ascendant and Aurora. Damon looks at Aurora and she shakes her head and gestures to Bonnie, Damon vamp speeds to Bonnie and rips the arrow out, going go feed her his blood.
Kai took the opportunity to go for the ascendant, luckily Aurora was onto it, she was able to stand up and tackled him away from the ascendant. While that Damon helped Bonnie into the eclipse light.

"Rory hurry" Damon yells, "Motus" Bonnie says sending Kai away. Aurora stood up and was almost there when Kai came from behind her and wrapped one of his arm around her neck, the other on her waist keeping her there and pulled her away. "Rory!" the both shout as a white light appears and they both disappear.
The ascendant dropping on the ground in pieces, "No!" Aurora shouts out. Kai's grip on her loosens and she drops to the ground, from exhaustion and the pain in her side being unbearable to stand. She felt tears escape her eyes as she looks at the spot where her friends previously were, she felt Kai's gaze on her. She turned her head angrily at him.

"Why did you grab me and stop me from going home" she spat out, he sighs and kneels down next to her. "See vampire or helpless witch, you go the one who can't fight back themselves. That and they'll come back for you, and like I said, you're fun to be around Rora. Guess you're stuck with me" he smirks standing up and walking away from Aurora's view. Aurora watched as he walks away and once she thinks he's gone, she puts her head into her knees and cries like she's never cried before. She was trapped in here, and the only other company she has is the reason she's trapped.

Aurora lost all hope on getting out. I mean why risk letting the psychopath out in order to get her back? There's no point. Aurora doesn't think they'll come back for her, not if it means Kai coming back as well. She made a sacrifice so Bonnie and Damon could get back home to everyone that they loved. She only hoped that they lie and say that she wasn't there, that she found peace. She didn't want her family and friends worrying about her, she didn't want to be the reason they were in pain.

The pain in Aurora's side started getting unbearable, her eyesight was getting foggy, she was going to die on this cave floor in a stupid prison world. This was her end. But maybe she'll find peace with her biological parents, she'll be free from Kai, he won't be able to hurt her. She'll be free. Aurora's eyes closed as she collapsed on the cold cave floor, giving into the darkness.


Authors Note
That small part of Aurora's and Kai at the store shows the beginning on their 'relationship' and it shows that he with no hesitation would kill her, and now they're both trapped in the prison world, they're each other's hope at any chance of escaping. Aurora would be Kai's leverage in the real world, and Kai knows all about the prison world, hear-by he's Aurora's only way out. It's a work in progress, their relationship is at nothing but hatred right now, but over time like I said, it grows into something more. And also who do you think is Aurora's old love interest. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed, and now the real fun can begin with this book.

I hope you liked this double upload!! Since it is Christmas after all :) Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it

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