I don't have a title yet, sor...

By KeyaJesse08

53 9 5

Three girls. One writing project. Can a school year change everything? It's seventh grade at Point Arena Midd... More

Chapter 1: Fate
Chapter 3: River

Chapter 2: Era

13 3 0
By KeyaJesse08

Hey y'all! Let us know what you think in the comments! Again the picture above isn't exactly what Era looks like but it's close enough. 

Era rushed to her locker. No, no, no! She was going to be late again! She couldn't be late AGAIN!!

Only the third day of school, and she was making mistakes all over the place. She fumbled with the lock and was able to swing open her locker and grab her books. She quickly slammed the locker shut with a clang and dashed down the hallway to Mrs.Goldberg's classroom just as the final bell was ringing. Heads turned to look at her and Era felt her cheeks burn. She ducked her head low, wishing her hair was longer so that she could hide behind it, and peeked up from behind her red notebook, which was clutched to her chest, like a wall.

Fate, sitting up front right next to an empty desk, smiled and waved at her. She was wearing all purple, as usual.

Era was grateful; Fate was the one person who had ever been semi-nice to her, even if they weren't good friends. Across the room was Leah who saw Fate smiling and smiled too. Fate glanced at her and then quickly looked away; she had told Era that she didn't like Leah much, although Era didn't know why, something about Leah being 'condescending and annoying'. Fate was so exuberant that it was a struggle to keep up with her every whim. Era got the feeling that she was more like twenty personalities stuffed in a single person, making her effect explosive.

Somehow, Leah's sweet smile gave her butterflies in her stomach. Era swallowed and hurried to the empty seat next to Fate, avoiding Mrs. Goldberg's sharp glare of annoyance. Even when the teacher started talking, Era's thoughts drifted to Leah again. If there was a contest for the prettiest girl in their class, Leah would probably win it. She had long, silky auburn hair with bright golden highlights, and clear blue eyes that reminded Era of the ocean. Era herself wasn't that pretty, at least in her opinion. She had choppy, dirty blonde hair, plain brown eyes, and freckles. She was short and slightly dumpy.

Compared to all the girls in her class, she certainly wasn't anything special. Fate had told her many times, in her long monologues about ships and other random things, that the key to beauty was confidence.

Easy for her to say, she's overflowing with all that confidence. Not that she really needs it.

Fate was willowy and tall. Even her fingers were long and slender, with unbitten nails. She had black hair with violent purple highlights, olive skin, and eyes an odd shade of blue that were closer to purple. In terms of beauty, she was definitely up there with Leah.

Leah. Era started daydreaming about her classmate again and zoned out, coming back in when the class started groaning. She looked around in surprise, and Fate grinned, scribbling something on a sticky note and sticking it to Era's shirt. Era bit her lip and looked around before taking the note.

Thought you were a million miles away. We're doing a writing project that will span the whole year, and Mrs. Goldberg is picking the partners. Fingers crossed that you get to be with me, your amazing and talented friend! Even if you are a little boring.

Era smiled slightly. Only Fate would be able to casually insult her and wrap it up in a compliment for herself. She was rather fond of the girl, though her bright smiles and bursts of confidence didn't give her the same butterflies as she felt when she was with Leah. What did that mean? When Fate had asked her about her crush, she'd panicked and blurted out Daniel, and now lived every day in constant terror that Fate would work her shipping magic and get the two together. Because if there was one thing she knew about Fate, it was that she could work wonders, and that wasn't always a good thing.

"The groups: Daniel, Ella, and Leah," Mrs. Goldberg read out. Era felt a sinking sense of relief that she hadn't been put with Daniel, but felt disappointed as she glanced over her shoulder at Leah. Why had she been hoping that they would get put in the same group? If Leah felt the same way, she didn't show it.

"Next, Fate..." Era saw Fate crossing her fingers and squeezing her eyes shut. "... Era, and River."

Fate's eyes popped open. Era could almost hear her thoughts. How could I get put with her?

At least she and Fate had been put together. Era saw that Fate and River were busy glaring at each other from opposite ends of the room while the teacher finished speaking.

"Now go find your partners and start brainstorming," Mrs. Goldenberg ordered. Era sighed; this was going to be a very long year. Fate and River would spend the entire time arguing, and not doing any work, and she would be stuck with the whole thing and get a D for all her sleepless nights.

Era never got good grades even though she tried. Fate had taken it upon herself to tutor her, but maybe Era was just too dumb because nothing Fate tried ever worked.

 "Helllllo? Earth to Era? Let's go face the dragon together," Fate groaned, linking arms with Era and marching across the classroom.

Era stumbled over a backpack as they walked over to River. She gulped and tried to make herself as small as possible. River had always made her nervous; she was the biggest kid in their class. She also remembered Fate's long and lengthy rants about the girl, mostly consisting of 'Meany McMeanerson is ______'and 'you won't believe what she did today'. Era had wanted to keep an open mind at first, but over time she had started believing in all the rumors flying about over River, the most ridiculous being slightly believable. If the whispers bothered River, she never showed it.

"Hello, purple worm," River snapped.

"Nice to see you, fish head," Fate retorted. "Now are we getting started with this stupid project or not?" Era rubbed her head; she could already feel a headache forming.

"Okay. How about we write about how Fate is stupid and cannot see the future?" River said.

"No, we'll write about how River should throw herself off a rock into the ocean, where a million bloodthirsty sharks will rip her body into pieces and then eat her," Fate said with a straight face. Era had to quickly cough to hide a laugh. Fate had a very dark sense of humor, and it was easy to get used to. Even when she was being completely serious, like now.

River glared at her; Era's amusement hadn't gone unnoticed. "Have any ideas... Era, was it?"

Era nodded and squirmed. "Um, I had one idea, what if we wrote about... our lives? Like diary entries? I don't know, it's probably stupid-" 

"It's not stupid. It's brilliant. Come on, have some confidence," Fate said, tugging on her wrist. "Let's do it."

Era felt a warm glow of satisfaction, but it was quickly doused by icy doubt. What if her idea didn't work out? Would the teacher blame them? At least Mad Fate was put safely away for now and the Leader Fate would come out. Leader Fate was slightly bossy, but took charge waaaay better than Mad Fate would have. Era had learned over the years that they had been kinda-friends to assess Fate's hundred different personalities and figure out what was best to do based on that.

"We should all create a character," River suggested when Fate brought back two Chromebooks. "Wait, where's mine?"

"Oh, oops." Fate made a big show of looking around. "I must have forgotten it. Silly me." She gave River a very wide smile.

River growled and stomped across the room to get her Chromebook. Era watched her go.

"Maybe you shouldn't make her mad so much," Era suggested.

"Who cares? It's fun, and she deserves it," Fate replied carelessly.

Era didn't get a chance to reply as River was already back. Era didn't know River that well but was sure that she wasn't easy to get along with.

Era sighed and sat down, only half listening as Fate and River got into an argument about something or other. Luckily the bell rang and after shooting one last indignant look at Fate River stomped off to put away her chromebook. Fate muttered something under her breath and Era sighed and shook her head.

"Can you at least try to get along with River?"

"No," Fate said.

Era pursed her lips, "Just be a little nicer, maybe stop calling her names..." The bell rang, and Era jumped. A whole hour already?

"No," Fate huffed and picked up hers and Era's chromebooks then stalked over to put them away.

When Fate returned, Era picked up her books and walked out of the classroom to prepare for their next class.

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