Don't Leave Me

By uffthatshot

1.6M 32.4K 8.4K

"Stand up.", he said to me. "What?", I asked confused. "STAND UP.", he ordered slightly aggressive. I quickly... More

Before you begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authors note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Important authors note
Bonus chapter- long+smutty
New covers

Chapter 29

31.8K 570 191
By uffthatshot

When I woke up Matteo still had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. He was breathing heavily and when I adjusted my head to look at him he was still sleeping. I gently wiggled one of my arms out of his hold and caressed his cheek softly. When I brushed my fingers through his hair Matteo slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning beautiful.", he said with a raspy voice.
"Good morning sleepyhead.", I chuckled.
"I should cancel the ball and stay here with you all day.", Matteo stated while brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
"As much as I would like that it would be stupid. Every mafia gang would hate you even more."
"Who said they hated me?", he asked with a raised brow.
"Hello? Russo wants to see you step down or dead.", I reminded him.
"Doesn't mean he hates me. He's just jealous that I'm more successful than him."
"Yes, but jealousy often turns into hate.", I said.
"I still want to stay here.", he whined like a five year old causing me to giggle.
"Ok. Then you won't be able to make a deal with Lorenzo Russo. I guess it doesn't matter that he wants to kill me."

"I'm up.", Matteo said after getting off the bed.
"I can see that."
"How about you take a warm shower and I go down to prepare breakfast?", he asked.
"That sounds good.", I said standing up.

Walking towards the door Matteo took my hand in his and spun me around making me face him.
"Not so fast angel." He leaned down to me and softly kissed my lips. I snaked my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. His hands went to my still sore butt groping it gently. I pulled away placing sweet kisses to his neck and felt him breathing heavier. Then I stepped back and headed out of our room.
"You're a mean tease Ms. Potters.", he yelled as I entered my room.

For the next hour I was in the bathroom showering and getting ready for the day. Finishing by throwing on black leggings and a oversized hoodie I walked downstairs and a delicious smell hit my nostrils.

I entered the kitchen and saw Matteo setting down some pancakes and fresh berries. When he spotted me a smile appeared on his face.
"Sit down.", he said.

And of course I did what he told me to do. We had breakfast and I have to say this time it was really great. Not like last time where he almost burned the eggs and bacon. After we were finished with eating Matteo told me that he has to go to the ballroom to check if everything's in place. Then he left and I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Maybe I'm too clingy.

Not knowing how to kill time I went outside into the flower garden and watered the black roses that I planted. They were already starting to grow and bloom.

"You were right. They look elegant.", Giorgia said as she entered the garden.
"I'm glad you're okay with me planting them."
"Of course Emily. This is your home now. You can do what you want.", she stated while walking towards me and engulfing me in a hug.
"Thank you so much. You're too kind.", I told her. Tears were building up in my eyes.

She reminds me so much of my mom. And the fact that she treats me like family makes me so happy and emotional.

"I have to thank you for what you did.", Giorgia said.
"What do you mean?", I asked confused.
"I don't know what you said to my husband but ever since the day we left there was a change in his behavior towards Matteo. Normally they have a fight at least once a day. For the first time in years they hugged each other the day we left and when we came back yesterday. What surprised me the most is that they haven had a fight yesterday or today. You said something, right?"
"I did but I just pointed out the truth."

Giorgia pulled me into a hug again and then left. Shortly after I left too and went back to my room. I started drawing me in Matteos arms trying to capture the safe feeling I have every time he holds me tight. That took a long time to finish and when I looked at my phone I knew it was time to get ready for the ball.

Walking into the bathroom I styled my hair into loose waves and started applying some makeup. I put on a light coverage foundation, blush and bronzer. Then I applied some brow products and a light amount of eyeshadow. I focused on making a winged eyeliner, curled my lashes and secured them by putting on some mascara. Lastly I grabbed my favorite red lipstick. Looking down at my chest a smile creeped to my lips. I was still wearing Matteos necklace and won't take it off. It'll fit perfectly with the dress.

I went out of the bathroom and entered the walk in closet. There were hanging my two options. The one that the owner of the boutique first gave me and the red one which according to Matteo would suit me perfectly. Without thinking I decided to wear the red one. It had long sleeves which was perfect since it's still fall and pretty cold outside. The dress had a low neckline revealing some of my cleavage and showcasing my beautiful necklace. It was long and touched the ground. On the right side was a high slit that showed my leg if I walk or move. I paired it with silver high heels and a silver clutch which matched the same tone my necklace has.

(A/N: I know a lot of you have strong opinions so I hope you like the dress. If not, just imagine a different one.)

Checking the time again I saw that I received a messed and read it.

From: Matteo
Hey angel
Come downstairs I'm waiting for you in the living room.

I made my way downstairs into the living room and saw him looking as perfect as always. He was wearing a black tux, a white dress shirt and a black tie. His hair is somehow styled but at the same time a little messy. Through the tux you were able to see the outlines of his muscles and the light stubble was still on his face. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Like I already said, he looks like sex on legs.

"Emily, you are the most stunning and gorgeous woman I have ever laid my eyes on.", he said in a serious yet sweet voice. His statement made me blush instantly. Will I ever get used to someone complimenting me that much? He truly means every word he says.

"And you're the most handsome and hottest man I've ever seen.", I told him while walking over to him and placing a soft kiss to his lips.
"Are you ready to go?", he asked holding a hand out for me.
"I am.", I answered smiling up at him and taking his hand. "Where are your parents?"
"They are already at the location waiting for us."

We went outside of the villa and a black limousine was waiting for our. My eyes widened. I have never been in one and this looks so luxurious. Matteo lightly tugged on my hand and guided me towards the limousine. Once we sat down the driver started hitting the road.

"You haven't told me about the deal you want to make with Russo.", I stated.
"It's nothing you have to worry about. Mainly we will help him gain more money."
"Do you think he'll agree?"
"I hope so. If not it was worth a try. At least today he won't do anything. Cristian and Raffael are still trying to find out when he'll make a move.", Matteo answered.

The rest of the drive we sat there in comfortable silence. He was holding my hand the whole time and caressed it with his thumb. I was resting my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes enjoying his warmth and touch.

After an hour we arrived in front of a big building that kind of looked like an elegant white castle. Matteo got out of the limo first and extended a hand to help me out. Grabbing his hand I climbed out after him and straightened my dress. He placed one of his hands on my back and we went to the entrance of the building. Looking around there were a lot of cars and security guards.

"Here we go.", Matteo said and opened the doors. As soon as we entered the whole huge ballroom fell silent. Everyone turned their head towards us and I could kill him right now for not telling me that we are the last ones to arrive. As all the attention was on us I grew anxious and uncomfortable. "Smile angel. Show them how beautiful you are.", he whispered in my ear.

Then we went down the long stairs and walked towards his parents and Pietro, Raffael, Cristian and Sofie who were standing at the other end of the room. While we were walking through the middle of the room everyones gaze was still on us. Just as we were standing in front of the others everyone started continuing their previous conversations again.

"Emily you look amazing.", Giorgia said.
"So do you.", I complimented her back.
"No time for compliments. We all look amazing.", Raffael interrupted us. "Do you see the man standing there? That's Lorenzo Russo.", he told me pointing at a tall man.

Russo had a few wrinkles on his forehead. He has grey hair, brown eyes and a scar on his left cheek. Overall he looked scary and deadly. There was nothing else worth mentioning about his appearance. Suddenly he spotted us and walked over in our direction. I instinctively grabbed Matteos arm.

"It's ok he won't do anything.", he assured me and I nodded.
"Aren't you a beauty.", Russo said to me once he reached us. "Let me introduce myself. I'm-"
"I know who you are. And you know who I am. There's no need to introduce each other.", I stated coldly. Matteo put an arm around my waist and stood next to me in a protective manner.
"Feisty I see.", he stated with a smirk that I had the urge to slap away. "I hope my man didn't cause you too much trouble." Russo was clearly hinting at the man who tried to stab a knife in my heart.

"Russo. I have a proposal.", Matteo spoke up.
"I'm excited to hear about it later. Right now we should enjoy some dances. Would you like to dance with me Ms. Potters." Russo was smirking again. I swear if he doesn't piss off I'm going to throw up right in his face.
"She already promised me the first and all other dances.", Matteo said through gritted teeth while taking my hand in his and guiding me towards the dance floor.

A lot of couples were already slow dancing as well as Giorgia with Davide and Pietro with Sofie. Matteo placed his hands on my waist and I put my hands around his neck. We started swaying to the slow music staring straight into each others eyes. Then he pulled me even closer.

"I have the most beautiful girlfriend.", he whispered making me smile.
"Stop it.", I told him while blushing and looking to the ground.
"Look at me." I did what he said and directed my gaze back to his eyes. "I mean it. Don't doubt your beauty."

His words caused butterflies to appear in my stomach. I stepped even closer to him and rested my head against his chest. As he swayed me around I was able to look around the room. Everything looked so expensive and perfectly planned to every detail. The ballroom was decorated in white and silver. All of the guests were wearing beautiful gowns und tuxedos. If I didn't know that everyone here is part of a mafia I would have thought they were rich business people.

After the song ended Matteo pulled away and place a kiss on my forehead.
"I have to hold a speech now. Don't go anywhere.", he said.
"Ok boss. I won't.", I told him while chuckling.
"Good girl.", he whispered in my ear and then went away.

Once he reached the stage I went over to the others and listened to his speech. Ok, maybe I didn't listen. I just stood there and admired his handsome face. He looked so freaking good today and I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. The sudden applause tore me out of my daydreaming and I quickly clapped along. Then Matteo came back to us and put a arm around my waist again. Everyone praised his speech and I went along with it.

"Angel you know I hate lying. You didn't listen to anything I said.", he whispered in my ear.
"How would you know?", I asked.
"You were literally drooling over me. I almost thought I have to wipe your face once I get to you.", he whispered and laughed quietly.
"Oh shut up.", I said and rolled my eyes.
"Rolling your eyes and telling me to shut up. You want more of what we did last night, right baby?" I didn't answer him and simple bit my bottom lip thinking back to the pleasure from last night.

Then a waiter came and gave all of us champagne. Once everyone had a glass we made a toast and drank it. And of course it even tasted expensive.
"By the way everything looks incredible.", I said to Matteo.
"Thank you. I spend a lot of time on it.", he told me with a smile on his face.
"You did a great job.", his father said causing Cristian to almost choke on his champagne and the rest of us to look at him surprised. I know he is trying to change but giving Matteo a compliment for his work is completely strange. He always used to put him down and now he's appreciating his efforts.
"Thanks.", Matteo said.

"I'm going to the restroom real quick.", I whispered in his ear.
"I'll guide you.", he said not letting go of my waist.
"Yeah why not join me in the toilet?" Sarcasm was visible in my voice.
"Very funny."
"I'll be right back.", I stated.
"Fine. But hurry up I want another dance.", he said and kissed my cheek softly. I nodded and left the ballroom.

It took me ten minutes to find the damn restroom. This building is huge. On my search for the restroom I strolled through a lot of long halls and even barged into two rooms that were occupied by couples. They were doing something I wish I didn't see.

Once I did my business I went over to the sink and washed my hands. All of the sudden I felt a hard impact on my head causing a sharp pain. Before I knew it everything went black.


What do you think happened?

Will Matteo get his next dance?

My dear readers, how are you feeling today?
For those who are not feeling good: What would make you feel better? I would love to give you a virtual hug right now🥰
See you in the next chapter. Love you🖤

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