Genesis Ending

By Kayla-Phoenix

7 1 1

My name is Genesis Haven and I'm twelve years old and I have dreams like any other kid my age. Well that was... More


7 1 1
By Kayla-Phoenix

Chapter 1: Prologue


That's all I could do as i ran through the dark forest around me. Everything was hard to see as it all blurred together and the impending darkness that seemed to suffocate me didn't help. But even so I ran on, my legs moving as fast as they could till I felt a burning sensation in them. Behind me the yells grew louder, the yells of the men that were chasing me. Their whoops of glee and lust pounded through the silent forest.

The joy of the hunt and the lust for the kill.

Those two words pounded in my head like someone took a hammer to it and decided to pound me repeatably. My breath came in deep gasps as I tried to breathe in as much oxygen as I could as I burst through the dense vegetation of the forest, branches cut at my face. Behind me I heard the sounds of crying and whimpering, that was Jack my baby brother. My hand gripped tightly on his hand as I dragged him with me. Sweaty palms couldn't separate me from him not with the grip I had.

"Geny!" he cried fear laced in his voice. I kept my face forward not once looking back because I knew if I looked back it would spell the end. And I couldn't afford that to happen, not for Jack.

"Keep running!" I ordered sternly as I tugged at him more tightly which caused him to cry out even more. I gritted my teeth in anger and frustration as my eyes began to burn with tears. No, I can't cry now! It won't bring them back!

Behind us the yells seemed closer then before as lights from flashlights shot through the darkness around us. They were right on top of us my screamed as I turned sharply to the right, behind me I felt Jack stumble. Slowing down slightly I gave him time to reclaim his footing but only a little after he did I picked up speed. The burning in my legs was worse now, I was on fire but I couldn't stop I had to keep running no matter what. The pounding in my head grew even more with every step I took as adrenaline coursed through my body.

How did dad put it? Face what this new world throws at you and no matter what survive. But how could we survive something like this!?

Mom and dad were the strongest people I knew and they were.......

Shut up Genesis don't even think that!

A wet streak slipped down my face and feeling that I bit down on my lip till I felt that metallic taste of blood. Tears won't change anything, this was the fates design all along, no this was probably God's plan all along!

I let the blood burn hot in my mouth as I put more force behind my bite the pain was welcomed because it told me I was alive. But the question was for how much longer? Behind me the voices still rang loud as if they were right next to me, looks like that answered my earlier question. Come on just a bit more my mind screamed as I continued my run a branch whipped harshly into my face as I yet again turned another corner in this dark maze. My face burned from the blow but once again the pain was welcomed.

We just had to make it across the river then we could.....

I couldn't finish that thought when Jack suddenly tripped over something hidden in the ground making him tumble forward. With a cry he hit the ground and hard I had no time to stop his falling or even catch him not even time to stop running. So, the end result was I dragged my little brother across the ground like a rag down. Muttering a quick sorry I came to a half my chest heaving up and down like a rapid heartbeat. Lifting Jack up gently I brushed him off as he whimpered his body was shaking. In the darkness I could vaguely see his small form quivering violently as if he was cold.

My heart broke to see him this way as I gently reached out and wiped the salty tears from his face.  

"I want mama and daddy." he whispered clutching onto me tightly. His small arms wrapped around my waist as he buried his head into my stomach. Sighing I wrapped my arms around him holding him close even though staying here was fatal.

"I know but........" I stopped mid-sentence as a blinding light suddenly wrapped around us. Casting my gaze upwards I blinked several times till my vision focused and then I saw him one of the men that was hunting us. His brown hair was matted down in a greasy wild mess as dark brown eyes stared into my green ones. The man's clothes were dirty and worn and dosed in a dark red color, that red color being my parents blood. My mind went into overdrive how the hell did I not hear him or see the light!? Past the lights glow I saw him smiling a cruel smile as he gave a signal to his friends. He howled into the night as if he was a wolf calling his pack to dinner. Jack began to cry harder as he held onto me tighter and right then and there I made my choice as I shoved Jack behind me and grabbed what was in the waistband of my jeans hidden by my dirty T-shirt.

Revealing a sleek black hand gun I took aim and steadied by breathing while the guy before me merely looked at me amusement. My eyes narrowed into slits as I took the safety off and took a steady aim at his head but even when I did that the man did not wipe away his amusement or even react to the fact a gun was pointed at him.

A loud laugh escaped his lips as his eyes took on a crazed look that was twisted into pleasure and happiness. It was if someone told him a really funny joke, a joke that I did not find funny at all as my face darkened.

He didn't think I would shoot. He didn't think I could kill.

He was wrong.


Well that's the prologue done and over with please vote and comment if you liked it:) I'll get chapter one out soon!

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