
By issavibe07

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By issavibe07

10 years later


"IMONIIIIIII"Sherman yelled from tha back.

"Yuh"I asked walking ta his room.

"C'mere"he said.

"Yhu gone hit meh"I asked him.

"No I would neva do that"he said.

(Sherman is tha kidnapper)

"Mm imma chill right hea"I said standing Inna door.

He got up causing meh ta flinch.

He grabbed meh and sat meh onna bed.

I opened mhii eyes untouched.

"It's ok Ian gone hurt you nomo"he said.

"Yhu said that before and turned around 30 minutes later and hit meh"I said rolling mhii eyes.

"Yuh buhh mean it this time"he said.

"Yea ight"I said getting up.

"Whea yhu going"he asked grabbing mhii arm.

"Back Inna living room"I said.

He threw meh onna bed and began kissing mhii body.

"Sherman stop"I screamed as he began ta take mhii clothes off.

He kept going.

"Sherman get off"I said crying.

"Shut tha fuck up"he said.

"No get off meh"I said.

That must've made him mad cuz he slummed mhii ass.

*2 hours later*

I woke up back Inna basement chained to tha pole.

I know watchu thinking.

And don't pity meh I been doing this fa 10 years.

Wat doesn't kill yhu makes yhu stronger right.

All of a sudden I hear gunshots.

I fell to tha floor and got down.

When they stopped someone busted Inna basement.

Tall chocolate dude wit a fade and waves.

"Damn ok I see how this gone have ta go"he said pulling his ski mask back down pointing that gun at meh.

I ducked.

I busted out in tears.

"Please don't shoot meh"I cried fucking causing tha chains ta rattle.

"Woah yhu chained"he asked walking ova ta meh.

He picked mhii head up I jerked away.

"It's ok"he said.

"Yhu don't understand I been down hea since I was 7 years old Neva once seen day light since"I said.

He went behind tha post and tried ta get meh free.

He got up and juhh walked off.

As I knew neglected.

So when he back to tha basement it surprised meh.

He came back wit two other dudes.

"Yhu know whea tha key at"he asked.

I nodded.

"In tha safe under his bed tha code is 1984"I said.

He sent one of tha other dudes up thea ta get it.

"Y'all came ta rescue meh"I asked.

"Not originally"he said.

"So wat happened"I asked.

"We came ta take care of Sherman he been stealing from us"he said.

"Wait wait wait I'm confused stealing"I asked.

He nodded.

Tha other guy came back wit tha key.

Thank God.

He took tha key and got meh out.

As soon as I got out I jumped in his arms.

I know sudden right.

I started ta cry not regular tears tears of joy.

"Woah woah calm down"he said.

He hugged meh back tho.

"Thank yhu so much I am for Eva grateful fa yhu"I told him.

"Imoni by tha way"I said wiping mhii face.

"Jamari"he said.


I smelled the air this was tha first time I've see tha sun in 10 years so Yea when we walk out I'm kinda blinded.

As soon as I stepped out tha door I jerked back a li bit.

Jamari laughed.

I smiled.

He smiled back.

"Yhu gotta nice smile"I told him.

"Yhu do too"he said.

When mhii eyes adjusted I walked off tha porch.

"Any relatives I can drop yhu off at"he asked.

I shook mhii head.

"They all live in Chicago"

"Mom"he asked.

"Dead"I responded shrugging.

"Dad"he asked one eyebrow up.

"Dead"I said slowly nodding.

"Oh mhii bad Ian know"he said opening tha car door fa meh.

Wat a gentleman.

"I Neva went on car rides wit Sherman"I said.

Heen say nun.

I knew he felt pity for meh.

I juhh looked out tha window.

"Yhu know"he said causing meh ta look up.

"Yhu a strong ass female fa all tha shit that yhu been thru"he said.

"Thank-wait how yhu know all tha shit u went thru"I asked him.

"Sherman used ta come ta work and brag about tha shut like it was cool or sumn"he said.

He briefly looked ova.

"Wat happened to yo eyes"he asked.

"Sherman slummed mhii ass cuz I was pushing him and shii while he was tryna rape meh"I shrugged.

"Rape"he asked one eyebrow up.

I nodded then shrugged.

"Nun big I guess he been doing it since I been 7"I said.

"Seven"he asked.

I nodded slowly.

Isn't that wat I juhh said.

"Yhu hungry"he asked.

"Yea buhh I shouldn't eat right now Sherman said I should watch mhii figure cuz niggas don't like fat bitches"I told him.

"Fuck Sherman dat nigga dead na so it ain't nun he can go about it especially if I'm around"he said.


Wats it called when yhu get butterflies.

Cuz I got them right na.

"Watchu wanna eat"he asked.

"Um actually can yhu take to tha grocery store"I asked.

"Sure"he said driving pay all tha fast food restaurants.

"Why are you so nice to meh"I asked him.

"Because yhu deserve someone better than Sherman yhu deserve someone who ain't gone treat yhu like that yhu deserve someone says gone protect yhu and ride witchu thru thick and thin and Sherman disrespected yhu so much that yhu are used to it so yhu know wat imma spoil yhu and I don't care who or wat says about it"he said.

I just looked.

Ya know I Neva felt like this before.

*Grocery store*

"So whea yhu learn how to cook"he asked.

"Sherman used ta let meh out the basement fa like 2 hours everyday so would start ta get Inna kitchen"I said.

He nodded.

"Wat do yhu wanna eat"I asked him.

"Yhu asking meh I should be cooking fa yhu"he said.

I smiled.

"No I insist watchu wanna eat I will cook fa yhu"I said.

"Ight If yhu say so"he said pulling his phone out.

He called somebody.

She picked up it was a pretty li girl she looked abt 14.

"Hey big bro"she said.

"Wassup ceii"he said.

"Whea yhu at"she asked.

"Store"he said.

"Wat y'all wanna eat"he asked.

"Awl yhu finna buy us some food bubby"she asked.

I snickered.


"Gurl juhh go ask Niya pops and lan wat dey wanna eat"he said.

She huffed and got up.

"Pop bubby said watchu wanna eat"she said.

"Wat he finna cook or sumn"he asked.

"Yhu finna cook"she asked.

"Y'all ask too many damn questions"jamari said.

I chuckled.

"Whea lan and Niya"he asked.

"Inna back"the li girl said.

"Take Dem da phone"he told ha.

She huffed.

"Juhh call them damn"she said.

"Ayee li guh watcho mouf"he said.

"Yea yeah yeah ion give a fuck"she said flipping him off then hanging up.

"Imma whoop ha ass"he said calling tha other girls.

"Wat fat head"she said answering tha phone.

"Whea ceii ceii"he asked.

"Inna room wit Kel why"she said.

"And y'all let ha"he asked sounding frustrated.

"I mean-""do pops know"he asked cutting ha off.

"Huh"she asked tryna play it off.

"Ian st-st-st-st-stutter did I DO POPS KNOW"he asked saying that last part a bit louder.

"I gotta go walk uhhh mhii pet fish"she said hanging up.

"Ughhh mhii fucking family is so dysfunctional"he said making meh chuckle.

I stopped thinking about how mhii family used ta be.

I looked down.

"Yhu good"he asked.

I wiped the escaped Tears and nodded.

"Mhm"I said.

"Imoni are yhu ok"he asked.

"Yea I'm fine"I sniffled.

"Oh ok Soo...yhu wanna pick wat ta eat since ain't nobody telling meh eat they want"he Said.

"Sure"I said picking spaghetti noodles up.

"So watchu wanna eat"he asked meh.

"Sausage spaghetti fish and garlic bread"I said.

"Wats sausage spaghetti"he asked.

"It's like instead of ground beef or meatballs I use sausage that's how I keep mhii figure down by substitution"I said.

He nodded as we walked around ta get tha rest of the ingredients fa dinner and left.

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