The Varied Path (Akatsuki no...

By NotchesAndBullets

207K 10.2K 5.5K

Shin-ah x OC "I told you once, a long time ago, that you would have to choose which lives to save." Steel eye... More

Chapter 1: The Cell
Chapter 2: Moonlit Excursions
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Secrets, Steel and Suspicion
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: Betrayal and a Half
Chapter 7: Hairpin
Chapter 8: Fuuga
Chapter 9: Repairing Old Wounds
Chapter 10: Intentions Revealed
Chapter 11: Out of the Dark
Chapter 12: A Fighter Called Notch
Chapter 13: Family Heals
Chapter 14: Departure from the Wind Tribe
Chapter 15: Encountering the Fire Tribe
Chapter 16: Yoon and Ik-soo
Chapter 17: The Prophecy
Chapter 18: Intent to Kill
Chapter 19: Hakuryuu
Chapter 20: The Gang's Antics
Chapter 21: Catacombs
Chapter 22: Seiryuu
Chapter 23: Second Impressions
Chapter 24: Complications
Chapter 25: A Token of Gratitude
Chapter 26: Passing It On
Chapter 27: Shin-ah
Chapter 28: Recuperation
Chapter 29: Friendship
Chapter 30: Looking for Ryokuryuu
Chapter 31: Awa
Chapter 32: A Hint of Green
Chapter 33: Former Pawn
Chapter 34: The Chase
Chapter 35: Internal and External Wounds
Chapter 36: Shin-ah, Calista and Hani
Chapter 37: The Warning
Chapter 38: Captain Gi-gan
Chapter 39: Senjusou
1K Special: Calista's Knives [Oneshot]
Chapter 40: Preparations
Chapter 41: Ambush
Chapter 42: Game Changer
Chapter 43: Setting It Up
Chapter 44: Insight
Chapter 45: Enemy's Den
Chapter 46: Courage
Chapter 47: Freeing Awa
Chapter 48: All Too Innocent
Chapter 49: Party
Chapter 50: Poison
Chapter 51: Farewell to Friends
Chapter 52: Ouryuu
Extra: Bathhouse [Oneshot]
Extra: Training [Oneshot]
Chapter 53: Blood Claims
Chapter 54: The Next Step
Chapter 55: Forgiveness
Chapter 56: Comfort and Dreams
Chapter 57: Hak and Yona
Chapter 58: Katan Village
5K Special: House Hunting [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 59: The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter 60: Strategies
Chapter 61: Too Late
Chapter 62: Seiryuu's Power
Chapter 63: Aftermath
Chapter 64: Returned Feelings
Chapter 65: Hindsight
Chapter 66: A New Idea
Chapter 67: Underground Initiation
Chapter 68: Underground Initiation [Continued]
Chapter 69: The Triplets
Chapter 70: Unwelcome Newcomers
Chapter 71: Tae-jun's Poor Disguise
Chapter 72: Rich Boy's Back
Chapter 73: Arguable
Chapter 74: Chief Se-dol and Grandmother Mi-rae
Chapter 75: Eyes Opened
Chapter 76: Nightmares
Chapter 77: Changing Colors
Extra: The Girls Are Freezing [Oneshot]
Chapter 78: Following Up
Chapter 79: Patience
Chapter 80: Stranger Danger
Chapter 81: Battle Scars
Chapter 82: Ik-soo's Wisdom
Chapter 83: Parting Words
Chapter 84: It's Not Easy
10K Special: Beach Day [Part 1/7]
10K Special: Coconuts [Part 2/7]
10K Special: Snorkeling and Swimming Lessons [Part 3/7]
10K Special: Veiled Cove [Part 4/7]
10K Special: Campfire Talks [Part 5/7]
10K Special: Campfire Talks Continued [Part 6/7]
10K Special: Moonlight Dance by the Ocean [Part 7/7]
Chapter 85: Two Way Mirror
Chapter 86: New Destination
Chapter 87: Cramped in the Tent
Chapter 88: Senri Village of the Kai Empire
Chapter 89: Iza Seeds
Chapter 90: Breaking Down Walls
Chapter 91: Yona's Dance
Chapter 92: Jealousy
Chapter 93: A Mistake
Chapter 94: Overprotective Brothers
Chapter 95: Settling the Score
Chapter 96: The Request
Chapter 97: Light Humor
Chapter 98: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 99: Leaving Sen Province
Chapter 100: Mission
25k Special: Shin-ah and Calista's First Date [Oneshot] Modern AU
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/2)
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/2)
Extra: Among Us [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 101: Li Hazara
Chapter 102: Tension
Chapter 103: Nightwatch
Chapter 104: Daybreak
Thanksgiving Special: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 105: A Princess' Decree
Chapter 106: Scattering the Troops
Chapter 107: Revelation
Chapter 108: Caring
Chapter 109: The Coming Storm
Chapter 110: Everything's Interconnected
Chapter 111: Measures of Safety
Chapter 112: Kan Soo-jin vs The Imperial Army
Chapter 113: Return of the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter 114: End of the Fire Tribe's Rebellion
Chapter 115: Patching Up
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/3)
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/3)
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 3/3)
Chapter 116: Dreams From a Long Time Ago
Chapter 117: Learning Reliance
Chapter 118: The Wanderers' Market
Chapter 119: Attracting Customers
Chapter 120: Yona's Feelings
Chapter 121: Hak and Yona's Unofficial Date
Chapter 122: A Hint of Trouble
Chapter 123: The Enforcers
Chapter 124: Planning in Advance
Chapter 125: Friends Forever
Chapter 126: The Annual Cull
Chapter 127: Day Two
Chapter 128: Until the End
Chapter 129: Rescue Operation
Chapter 130: By His Side Once More
Chapter 131: Detachment
Chapter 132: Warm Safety
50k Special: Quarantine [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 133: Regarding Tae-yeon
Chapter 134: Healing Slowly
Extra: Heated [Oneshot]
Chapter 135: Sword Practice
Chapter 136: Their Pasts
Chapter 137: The Shisen Port of the Water Tribe
Chapter 138: Jae-ha's Chains
Chapter 139: Withdrawal
Chapter 140: Forced Normalcy
Chapter 141: Secrets in the Night
Chapter 142: Waking Up
Chapter 143: Nadai Infestation
Chapter 144: Three Clues
Chapter 145: His Breaking Point
Chapter 146: Don't Let the Darkness Hide
Chapter 147: To Take Action Means Putting the Rest Aside
Chapter 148: Silk Dresses
Chapter 149: Bodyguards and Boyfriends
Chapter 150: Performance of Light in Death Town
Chapter 151: Assault from the Addicted
Chapter 152: The Fight Rages On
Chapter 153: Conflicted
Chapter 154: Past Regrets
Chapter 155: Fighting for Each Other
Chapter 156: Never Give Up
Chapter 157: Lady Lili
Chapter 158: Returning Back to Everyday Habits
Chapter 159: Heart and Soul
Chapter 160: Infiltrating the Red-Light District
Chapter 161: Girls' Talk of Love
Chapter 162: Love's Stakes and Consequences
Chapter 163: The One Who Knows
Chapter 165: Tentative Waters
Chapter 166: An Unfortunate Encounter
Chapter 167: Sharp Silver
Chapter 168: Flames of Resilience
Chapter 169: Unbridled Bravery
Chapter 170: Clinging to the Hope that Everything'll Be Alright
Chapter 171: The Impact of a Memory
Chapter 172: Lapses in Judgment
Chapter 173: Guarding the Moment
Chapter 174: No Such Thing as Tact
Chapter 175: Unashamed Gratefulness
Chapter 176: Pact
Chapter 177: The Son Siblings' Vow

Chapter 164: Resurfacing Insecurities

351 19 26
By NotchesAndBullets

On the way to their shared room where she knew Yona was probably changing and overthinking her newly admitted feelings for Hak, Calista found herself veering off to the side to go see someone in particular.

Absentmindedly, she milled down the nearly empty hallway. Her bare feet made no sound as it contacted softly with the heated floor panels that must have cost a fortune to extend to the entirety of the hotel.

Poor Yona.

Calista resisted the urge to dip into the waistband of her robe to pull out a knife to fiddle with, knowing full well that she didn't have any weapons on her since they went to the baths.

A small frown set on her face as she hurried to her destination, her skin crawling as she passed by countless rooms with the doors shut. There was only one thing on her mind as kind lavender eyes were slowly replaced by glittering gold, her heartbeat drumming in her ears as she made her way down the hall.

I want to see him.

She wouldn't be gone long. She just wanted to see him.

Calista didn't know why the feeling was so strong as she got closer to where she wanted to go. It took her by surprise and confused her.

Why was she so unsteady?

Just for a second. She convinced herself, sneaking a peek through the crack in the door to scour the men's section for any sign of blue hair. Just to make sure they're all alright and then I'll go.

Of course she knew they were probably fine. They could all handle themselves, even with Yoon being a pacifist.

Of course she wanted to see all three of them. Her significant other just happened to make her heart ache for some reason, making it feel like it was the strongest feeling out of all of them.

Grumbling under her breath in frustration as she failed to catch a glimpse of them, she ventured stealthily past the door that blocked the inn off from the men's side and snuck further back where there was a huge row of other doors.

Calista gulped and wiped her sweaty palms on her thighs.

This is fine, right?

She halted just outside of the hot springs designated for two dragons and a Yoon, as written on the plaque hanging from an iron nail on the outside door, but the hand she raised to knock froze in the air.

What am I doing?

Yona was her first priority.

Spinning on her heel, Calista made haste back to where the princess resided. Nevermind that she was overreacting like a scared and insecure little girl, she had someone she had to protect. Someone that she was entrusted to protect.

I'm such an idiot.

Footfalls pounded against the floor, disregarding her previous caution to keep quiet. Her hair came undone from the loose bun she had hastily put up, damp black strands whipping around her face as she ran.

Ao held on for dear life, waving like a leaf in the wind as the fighter sped up.

Her heavy breathing was all that filled the air with each step that thudded against the floor and just as she raced around the corner, she skidded to a halt, just managing to avoid crashing into the said princess as she exited the room.

"Calista!!" Yona blurted out, her lavender eyes widening in surprise at the blatant fear in her friend's eyes.

Floundering for a second to maintain her balance, Calista blew her hair out of her eyes, smiling apologetically at the younger girl for startling her. But she couldn't help but feel relieved.

Damn it.

It could have been bad. A lot could have happened in the moment that she left her side, even though she was only gone for a minute.

Awkwardly, Calista shuffled her feet, shifting from side to side as she did a quick sweep of their surroundings and the baffled princess.

Yona tilted her head curiously. "What are you doing?"

Pursing her lips, Calista gave her what she hoped was a reassuring smile of sorts. This was weird.

She wasn't used to this.

Ever since they were little, it was Hak who had looked out for and protected Yona. With every breath, he dedicated himself fully to her. He had always been by her side.

And she had been taking it for granted.

With her brother there, she didn't need to worry as much, always opting to look out for him since he would always prioritize the princess first. It was a chain, a routine woven together so intricately that it was second nature, and it never failed.

She found herself double-checking for his presence, only to balk in surprise when there was nothing there.

Calista almost didn't know what to do. The squirrel sitting on her shoulder squeaked and pushed her paws against her cheek, to which the girl petted her softly, thanking her for the small sense of comfort.

Rolling her stiff shoulders she forced herself to relax as Yona got visibly more worried the longer she stayed silent.

It's been a while since I've put it into practice, huh, Soo-won?

Chest deflating as she let out a breath, Calista straightened up and leaned her back against the wall as her panic slowed. She had forgotten what it was like, how lonely it was when her annoying brother was not with her.

How it felt when her one duty was to protect her master.

"Sorry for scaring you, Yona." Calista grinned sheepishly, the smile lopsided as she carded a hand through her unruly hair and answered the unspoken question in her eyes. "I'm okay, I promise. There's nothing wrong."

Yona rocked back and forth on her heels, clasping her hands behind her as she returned her smile instinctively.

Calista didn't know if her dropping the topic was out of consideration for her prickling unease or if her friend decided to let it pass knowing that pressing for answers would only put up her guard.

Either way, she knew the princess was aware something was a little off but she was grateful that she didn't pressure the issue.

But a jerky movement that felt out of place stole her attention in a split second.

Her silver eyes flitted over Yona in concern but the princess caught on quickly to what she was doing and waved her off, giving her the nonverbal okay that she was fine.


She hesitated for a beat.

Calista's eyes narrowed as she recognized the tell-tale signs that the princess was definitely tricking herself into pretending that she was okay but she kept her mouth shut, knowing very well that anything she tried to say right now about romantic feelings would fall on deaf ears.

It wasn't as though Yona would be against any advice, their princess was nothing if not open-minded, but it was that she hadn't come to terms with it herself and wouldn't be able to process anything else anyone said about it without having formed her own opinion.

Calista strengthened her resolve. Patience. It'll take time.

They fell into a silence that was more comfortable than the last and Calista crossed her arms in front of her, eyeing her inquisitively as something that she should've noticed earlier caught her eye.

"You didn't change?" She questioned as she caught Ao just as she cannonballed into her cupped hands. Thank goodness for fast reflexes.

Yona was still wearing the silk bathrobe instead of her dress that Calista thought for sure she was going to change into.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Yona beamed up at her, her lavender eyes sparkling. "It's cozy!!"

Calista shook her head, an amused smile playing on her lips as she refrained from laughing. Instead, she plopped a hand on the princess head and ruffled her hair fondly.

Crying out indignantly, Yona pouted and this time Calista couldn't help but burst out laughing,

"Hey!!" The red-haired princess protested.

"Sorry, sorry." Calista managed to get out in between her giggles, retracting her hand to spare her of any more embarrassment.

Yona eyed her suspiciously. "No you're not."

Flashing her a grin, she held up a hand in surrender. "Guilty as charged."

"Calista!!!" Yona shrieked, flailing her arms wildly.

Her dramatic fashion caused the other to laugh harder as she ducked out of the way. The two of them danced around each other in the vacant hallway, bright and easy laughter ringing out and bouncing off the walls.

When they finally managed to catch their breath, Calista wiping tears of hysteria from her eyes and Yona bent over to catch her second wind, the fighter thought it would be a good time to return to the company of those kind enough to invite them to this place.

Placing a hand on Yona's shoulder, she fully intended to steer her back to where Lili and the other two were waiting for them in the gardens to continue their conversations from earlier when the princess caught sight of someone behind her.

"Shin-ah?" Yona called out, both confusion and happiness lacing her light tone as she peeked over Calista's shoulder.

Calista was almost ashamed of how quickly she spun around, a smile breaking out across her face despite her best attempts to quell it.


Her eyes went wide upon landing on his form.

Water dripped off of the ends of short blue hair and Shin-ah was clothed in a simple robe, which was very similar in design to theirs, that exposed his pale skin and collar bones. Instead of his usual mask, he was wearing the same white bandage around his eyes to cover them and his fluff was nowhere to be seen.

Ao squeaked happily, jumping off of Calista's shoulders to land in Shin-ah's awaiting hand.

Yona smiled knowingly to herself and flounced back a couple paces to give the couple some time alone. She wandered around the empty halls, exploring different parts of the building without going too far. She made sure she was still within eyesight, knowing full well that her friend would not react well if she left her field of vision.

"You cut your hair." Calista commented in awe, reaching out to touch the cropped hair only to retract at the last second. "Oh, may I?"

Shin-ah smiled softly at her and inclined his head. As if she ever had to ask.

Giggling, Calista stretched out and tangled her fingers in the stardust blue strands. Her expression was painted in awe.

"Yoon?" She guessed, admiring the handiwork.

He nodded, light pink dusting his cheeks as she tousled his newly trimmed hair. His heart skipped a beat and his arms tensed at his sides.

Tilting her head to the side, Calista blinked. "... Shin-ah?"

She squeaked when he suddenly reached out to grasp her hand.

Shin-ah fought back a smile and his eyes fluttered shut as he tugged her to him. His nose fell into her soft hair and he inhaled her scent, unbothered by the setting where they were at. No one was around to see.

Calista's voice came out muffled from where her face was planted in his chest. "Y-Your haircut looks good."

Shin-ah nodded against the top of her head and she closed her eyes.

Her body dropped the instant his name rolled off of Yona's tongue. She calmed down too fast. He simultaneously had the ability to put her at ease and make her heart feel like it was about to explode.

"Hey, Shin-ah."

He glanced down at her curiously, his mouth parted in surprise at the note of hesitance underlying her tone.

Calista's eyes flickered over to her battered hands littered with scars. Knuckles scarred over with repeated injury. It looked out of place in such a luxurious resort like this.

Hiding her hands from view, she dropped them back down to her sides. "Do my scars bother you?"

Shin-ah cocked his head in confusion and made a quiet noise of bewilderment. But his eyes widened when she drew back slightly, his hold on her hand tightening the barest bit to convey his desire not to let go.

Lifting their joined hands to eye level, Calista gazed at her left forearm sadly at all the marks scattered across the skin. The bath had rejuvenated the rough skin but she couldn't help but focus on the pale scars that criss-crossed each other.

The ones that marked everything she had done and the price that she paid for doing so.

Beauty had always been something she was envious of in the back of her mind. She knew she wasn't as flawless as other girls or as pretty but she couldn't afford to be hung up about it before.

Ayura and Tetora's beauty were unmatched. Why couldn't she look more like them?

Now that she had started to slow down, she had too much time on her hands to think about all her imperfections and short-comings.

Calista wondered if she was strong enough, good enough and deserving enough of him all over again.

Those insecurities that always simmered in the back of her mind returned and she was ashamed of how much reassurance she needed. She was independent. Always had been, always will be.

At least, that's what she always thought. So why were these thoughts plaguing her? Was she really this weak that she couldn't keep them at bay?

Ao pushed her paws against her cheek due to the blue dragon's proximity to her, offering up an acorn for her to cheer her up and Calista mustered up a watery smile, tickling her under the chin to show her gratitude for the squirrel's efforts.

But her breath caught in her throat when Shin-ah took a step forward, placing a hand on her cheek.

Calista gasped at the heat emitting from his palm, subconsciously leaning into it as his other arm encircled her waist. His chest pressed against hers as he crowded her closer and she swallowed hard as his legs knocked clumsily against hers.

Shin-ah tilted his chin down until his forehead bumped against the crown of her head, lips millimeters away from cheek.

"No... you're perfect." He breathed softly and her eyes closed, all her insecurities and calls that she wasn't good enough becoming muted.

It was white noise until it dissipated into nothingness. Swallowing thickly, Calista stood up on her tip-toes, stretching until her soft lips grazed his ear.

Shin-ah... She sighed, her heart skipping a beat as he sucked in a sharp breath.

"Thank you." She murmured, pursing her lips to contain involuntary giggles and bit back a smile. "But I fear you might be mixing me up with someone else."

Shin-ah frowned, his brow furrowing at her attempt at humor. He didn't understand what was so funny or why she was suddenly bringing up other people. There was no way he could mistake her for someone else, it wasn't possible.

"I'm sorry." Calista said between awkward laughs at his weighted silence. "I know I'm being ridiculous."

Her counterpart's frown deepened. It was true that he didn't know a lot but he was sure that her claim wasn't true. Her invalidation, he didn't like it when she did that.

Calista's shoulders slumped in defeat at the distressed noise that lodged itself in the back of Shin-ah's throat and knew immediately what was the cause of it. She stumbled over her words to correct her mistake.

"I-I know you don't think I am, but..."

She trailed off as he pressed his lips softly to hers in reassurance.

Shin-ah brushed his thumb over her cheek as he still cradled her face in his hand. He had seen her come to the men's baths and frowned when she turned and left the other way without coming in.

After hastily drying off and quietly telling a worried Yoon that he would be back, he got dressed as quickly as he could and followed her.

Now, he was glad he managed to reassure the youngest that he wouldn't be gone long and appreciated the yellow dragon's offer to protect him while he went after her.

Shin-ah's eyebrows pinched together in concern and his nose scrunched up in the cutest way.

Calista's heart fluttered.

Tentatively, she reached out and smoothed the lines on his forehead, drifting down to ease his frown into a small smile.

"Thank you." She repeated from earlier, whispering it so softly that she would have thought he didn't hear it had it not been for the slight hitch of breath and squeeze around her waist.

She didn't know how to explain it. She didn't even know if she could, let alone actually do it justice. But somehow him just being there made everything better.

Shin-ah bumped his nose against hers and she smiled a real smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling with joy as she pecked him softly on the cheek.

He moved with a small pout, as if put off of the fact that it wasn't on his lips, and she giggled, smushing his cheeks together.


The moment was cut short, however, when a distinct holler resonated at the end of the hall. A vague irritated shout for a certain blue dragon to return already so that Zeno would stop following him around like he was glued to his side.

The two fell into a fit of soft laughter tinged with an unspoken acceptance to attend to the matters that required their attention.

Calista would go back with Yona to Lili and her entourage while the blue dragon took care of whatever mayhem was going on with Yoon and Zeno. And with one last kiss to her forehead, he was off.

But just before Shin-ah turned to leave, he looked back at her.

A silent reminder that if she needed him, he would stay.

Calista shook her head slightly, communicating with her eyes as the princess came to stand by her side. Go. I'll be alright.

He nodded and she watched him until he disappeared from view and Yona was tugging on her arm, playfully chanting over and over again for her to hurry up.

The princess pulled her behind her as she made way to the gardens and Calista couldn't help but wonder what life would've been like if she didn't have them.

But the thing was, there was a time when she didn't. When she was all alone in the world with no one to depend on but herself. That feeling, it felt so foreign and far away, as though it was from a life that wasn't fully hers.

But now she was surrounded by all these people who cared about her, who really actually cared about her and now that she wasn't alone anymore, she couldn't imagine life without them. 

She was so lucky.

She was so very lucky.

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