Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

256K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol

Final Exams

4.7K 92 77
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

"Stupid Ochako..." I muttered while rubbing my now red right cheek. "I should've known not to try and argue with a woman. You'll always lose."

I'm saying this because Ochako was the one that got to keep Eri after all. She's gonna be living together with us anyways, still, I wanted her to live with me now.

I guess it doesn't matter though. Payback will come soon enough. It's only a matter of how, and when.

I come to this conclusion while flying home from school after a day full of arguing gone wrong. We had also started Finals today, but the tests were the least of my problems at the time. The thing that made it hard to focus were the constant murderous glares I would receive from Ochako. Not to mention, Eri's constant giggling but that was just a bonus.

I ended up doing pretty well on the test so I'm not worried about failing. I'm more so worried about the practical exams, or, interested in the practical exams and what they're gonna bring.

As I get home I get a phone call.

"Hello?" I answer the call.

"Midoriya, we have a favor to ask."

"Mr. Aizawa? What is it?" I replied.

"It's about the practical..."

The Next Day

Oh this is gonna be good. So very, very good! You may be wondering why I am saying that. Well let's just say.... that call from yesterday was very enlightening.

I went to school with what had to be the most smug look I've ever wore on my face and everyone knew it.

I sat in my seat and waited for the bell with a smug smile on my face. As I was reminiscing about how much fun I could have, Ochako approached me.

"Hey Deku!" She said in a cheerful tone.

I stopped my reminiscing and turned to look at her with a small glare.

"Go away, Child Stealer." I dismissed her.

She seemed taken aback by this and pouted.

"Come on! You can't still be mad about that! Right?" She whined.

"What was that? Oh I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you over the sound of you slapping me in the face." I replied.

"That's petty and you know it!" She complained.

However, I still crossed my arms and refused to listen to her.

"Come on! What do you want, a handshake? A high-five? A hug? A kiss?" She asked innocently.

I only glared again.

"Don't turn my words against me!" I shouted while pointing a finger at her while making a comical angry expression.

She smiled at seeing me in my childish ways and giggled a little.

"I'm sorry if I upset you Deku." She apologized with a soft smile. "I just really wanted the chance to be the best mom I could be. We're both new at this, so we got a little carried away, but, I promise to be better!" She finished.

I smiled at this as she pecked me on my lips and hugged me. "You really are amazing, Ochako."

She giggled at this as she let go and sat on my lap. It was silent for a while until she broke it.

"So I hear you know what the practical is gonna be about."

"Are you kidding me! Is that why you said all that?! To soften me up so you can drain me for details?? For shame, Ochako! For shame!!" I exclaim.

"Oh relax," she laughed. "It was just something I heard and I was curious."

"Mhm... Yeah sure, and I'm All Might's secret love child-"

"I knew it."


"Midoriya, why won't you just admit it?" Todoroki asked calmly.

"Because it's not true!" I fired back.

"But you just said-"

"It was sarcasm Todoroki! Sarcasm!!" I explained while anime tears were streaming down my face.

"Well, if you say so." He told me before turning to openly stare at Momo.

I could practically see the lies come out his mouth as he said that which made my eye twitch in anger, but I just ignored it. What I was focused on, was the fact that he was staring at Momo.

He was making no effort to make it look like he wasn't either, he was just staring at her. He wasn't even blushing, not that I could see. Just staring.

"You know traditionally, your mouth does more talking than your eyes, weirdo." I tell the dual quirk user.

He turns to me in a confused manner.

"What? Isn't this what friends do?" He asked me.

"Ehhh?" I exclaimed in surprise. "You didn't do that for me, did you?"

"Well, no, but I thought it was different for the opposite gender." He explained.

"Well, did you do that to Ochako?" I asked.

"No. Maybe there's something wrong with me?" He mused

There definitely is something wrong with you. I thought. It's obvious that he has a crush on Momo that's what's "wrong" with him. Wait, doesn't she like him too? Wait! Didn't I eavesdrop on the girls talking about their crushes that one time before the final round of the Sports Festival? Oh yeah, I did! Wait, why haven't I told people yet??

"He's got you worked up." Ochako mused.

I turned back to her as I replied.

"Ehh it's fine. He'll get his later, probably in more ways than one." I replied to the girl on my lap.

"So you do know something about the practical!" She said while pointing an accusing finger at me.

I took her finger, put it to the side, and got straight in her face and her face turned red. I could feel her breath on my mouth and it only made me smirk. I got closer to her and whispered hotly in her ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I ended with a small bite of her her ear.

Her face turned crimson as she hid her face in my shirt to avoid eye contact while wallowing in her embarrassment.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. While she had gotten more confident and fierce over the time period of our relationship, she's still just a cute little cinnamon roll when it comes to me.

"Alright everyone," Mr. Aizawa said after walking into the classroom. "Today is the final day of the written portion of your final exam. So, Ashido sit down, Todoroki turn around, Bakugo get your feet off the desk, Uraraka get off of Midoriya, and everybody shut up. Or I expel you all."

Everyone immediately did as told to avoid Mr. Aizawa's wrath.

"Okay, now begin."

I looked at the test and started to go to work. I had done problems like these before during my training, but most of these ones were different. It wasn't a huge problem though, if you studied. Though I usually never study since there's never a need, I actually did for this test since I had a feeling it was gonna be difficult.

I look around and I see the slightly panicked looks on the other kids faces. They were definitely doing better off since they studied at Momo's place/mansion. Still, it was pretty difficult. I'm pretty sure Electric Dunce was just filling in random answers.

After 3 hours, the whole class was done.

"Okay everyone, I've collected the papers, so you all get free time til lunch so I can go and prep the practical exams." Mr. Aizawa announced.

The class cheered at this because now they had free time after those grueling finals.

"I can finally relax," Mina said with a happy sigh.

"Take it easy," Kaminari continued with his own happy sigh.

"And I can finally get information out of you!" Ochako shouted as she stood up from her desk and came back to my desk and sat on it so she was facing me.


"Why?" She complained.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." I replied.

"C'mon please just tell me!" She continued to whine.














She continued to pout at me for not telling her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sparky called out.

"He knows what the practical is and won't tell us." Ochako told him with crossed arms while still pouting.

"Woah! You do?" Kirishima exclaimed in surprise.

"Wow! That's pretty cool!" Sero told me.

"Yeah, I guess." I said as I got up. "But it isn't that big of a deal."

"Wait, why do you get to know? Kaminari asked.

"Umm do I have to spell it out? I. Am. Better. Than. You." I replied arrogantly.

"Hmph. Geez." He replied while crossing his arms and looking away.

"You guys still have huge control problems, not to mention you still need to get much stronger if you want to become pros. I'm not saying I'm ready, but I'm definitely ahead." I explained.

We eventually headed to lunch where I sat with my friends and girlfriend.

"So, where's Eri?" I ask Ochako in order to initiate small talk,

"She's getting to meet her new grandparents right now!" Ochako exclaimed.

"Eri should meet my mom soon," I suggested. "She's been dying to meet her."

"That's a great idea!" Ochako agreed. "I'm sure she'd love that."

"Yeah and-"

As I was about to continue my conversation with Ochako, my senses went off. I detected a "clumsy" elbow coming straight at the back of my head. I got up, caught the elbow with my right hand, slammed him to to the table with my left, and took his lunch once again with my right.

"Something you need, Crazyface?" I asked.

Neito Monoma. Class 1-B's "resident Class 1-A hater". To be fair, none of the first-years really like us because we're always in the spotlight, not to mention the fact that I single-handedly embarrassed all of them during the sports festival. So that makes sense, I guess. However, this guy is genuinely insane and we only make it worse.

"yOu MuSt ThInK YoUr sO sPeCiAl DoN'T YoU!! JuSt bEcAuSE YoU KnOw sOmEtHiNg aBoUt tHe fInAl ExAM!! WeLl YoU'rE nOt!!" He yelled in his trademark "1-A mocking voice"

As he was rambling on, the rest of the class and I were getting very unnerved at how much this guy hated us. I, however, just chalked it up to insanity. Luckily, we were saved.

Itsuka Kendo. Class 1-B's "big sister" came and knocked out Monoma.

"Sorry about that. I really try to get him to stop." Kendo apologized while rubbing the back of her head.

"Don't worry about it Kendo." Ochako replied.

"By the way, about the final exam, I heard it was gonna be those robots from the entrance exam." She said.

"HA!" Ochako shouted as she pointed at me. "So that's what it is!"

"My eyes widened at this, "Wait-How-When- What??"

"Thanks a bunch Kendo!" Ochako said.

"No problem." She replied.

"Never give up..... Never give in.... don't listen to them Kendo, they're evil. ThEy sHoUlD JuSt gO BaCk tO WhEre tHeY CaMe FrOM!! YoU hEaR mE!! ClAsS 1- ScUm!!" Monoma shouted before he was knocked out again by Kendo and dragged away.

We stayed silent for a while until I broke it.

"That dude has some serious issues." I said as the rest of the class nodded their heads as a sign of agreement.

Third Person POV

The rest of the class finished their duties and headed towards the training grounds for the Final exams. Light conversation sparked on the way, but one person was missing. Deku. He had a "different" test so he could not be joining them so soon.

They made it to their destination to see the teachers lined up, waiting for them.

"Good, everyone's here." Aizawa said. "I'm aware that you have some idea of what we're doing here today."

"We're gonna be fighting those big 'ol robots!!" Kaminari yelled.

"Camping trip here we come!!" Ashido yelled.

The camping trip was the reward for those who finished and passed the final exams. The camp is for the sole purpose of strengthening and training one's quirk which would, of course, be very beneficial.

"No. Not even close." Mr. Aizawa deadpanned.

The two stopped their mini-celebrating immediately.

"What?!" They shouted in unison.

"That's right!" A cheerful voice exclaimed.

The class looked and saw a bear/dog/mouse like creature crawl out of Mr. Aizawa's scarf and reveal itself to be Principal Nezu.

"I decided that we will completely change everything! The tests seemed too easy so we teachers met up and made a decision." The small creature announced. "At first, to make things more difficult we were gonna put you up against the teachers, but then we decided to change it up a little."

Now the class was listening intently. What could be worse than the teachers?

"The one you're facing is...." he paused.

"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~" a voice sang.

The class looked and saw a figure falling out of the sky and landing on the ground. After further inspection, the figure revealed itself to be Deku. Fully equipped in his hero costume.

The class' eyes went wide in shock.

"Deku." Ochako breathed out.

"The one and only." He replied with an excited grin. "I did say my test would be a little different. Oh and by the way,"

He took off his 2 wristbands and 2 leg bands and dropped them to the ground. You might as well have set off an explosion right then and there, the way the ground erupted from the weight of those small objects.

"No weights. That means I don't have to hold back."

As soon as he said that, everyone had to brace themselves to keep them selves from being pushed back. The pressure Deku was emitting kept growing ten-fold every second. The students were getting more and more scared. They've felt his power when he's angry, and that is when he's most dangerous, but what they felt before was nowhere near as powerful as what they're experiencing now. Mineta already fainted from the pure power in the air. As the wind died down, the smoke cleared, all you could see was a silhouette of Deku covered in a bright silver light. That light dissolved like weathering rock off of Deku as it revealed his new form. The second level: Ultra Instinct Omen. This time not for only a split second, this time it's for real. You can feel the blue, purple and white combination of heat radiating off him as his black hair with shades of silver waves in the air. His piercing silver eyes, along with his now black and silver costume. The costume that was designed to change colors once the heat of Deku's quirk reaches a certain level.

He looked on at the shocked and intimidated look of his class as he stepped forward and stepped forward again. He walked slowly towards his classmates, power coming off of him in waves as he continued to approach the class. The students couldn't move a muscle. They were rooted in the ground by their own fear.

"So," Deku began as he was finally in front of the class.

"Who wants to go first?"

Sorry about that. For some reason the rest of the chapter didn't save so I had to write the rest again but I think it came out fine! How you enjoyed! I'll see you next time.

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