That escalated quickly

By xti4max

388 2 4

Anna just wants to save Pearl, but dopplewhores and baby vampires are beginning to test her patients. luckily... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

chapter one

100 1 0
By xti4max

Honestly this started out as a conversation about how we wished Anna hadn't died and turned into this, so um yeah enjoy.

Finally finished moving in, I wish I had asked mum and dad to help me after all, I forgot how big this place was when you're on your own. The phone lay on the kitchen side starts to beep; an alarm set for her first day of school. She laughs at the thought running upstairs to get ready. "Not long now, I promise."

Phone in hand, Anna looks around the room as if it would tell her if she had forgotten anything. "What am I missing?" Frustrated she leaves for school none the wiser.

[At the school.]

Anna arrives at the front desk already annoyed at the situation she had put herself in. As she was speaking to the very unhelpful administrator a perky blond appears around the corner with a megawatt smile. The woman waves her over, as she hands Anna her papers introducing the girl as Caroline Forbes. She asks her to show Anna around as they are in all the same classes.

Instantly Anna is overwhelmed by the essence that is Caroline she is just so full of life and joy it is hard for anna not to smile, even as she rambles about which boy are hot or not.

Caroline lets out a gasp grabbing Anna's hand dragging her down the corridor. Anna recoils as she sees Katerina leaning against a locker.

"Elena. Oh, my god. How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you," Caroline turns away from the human Katerina to the Bennett witch, "How is she? Is she good?"

Anna doesn't like the way Elena speaks down to Caroline, especially when all she did was care about her friend's health. Such a dopplewhore thing to do. She tunes back into the conversation just in time as Caroline is introducing her to the 2 idiots, fake smile plastered on her face she exchanges hi's hoping Caroline would get her out of there soon.

Anna knew she would have to tell her family about the doppelganger but wanted to wait a little longer there was no danger yet and she was the only supernatural in town. It could wait until she had rescued Pearl and got her out of the hot zone. It was a shame though, she was defiantly going to have to use the brother for the sacrifice now, what a waste of a pretty face she though as Caroline having said her goodbyes once again dragged her down the hall.

Anna turns just in time to see Elena follow her brother into the men's toilets, she smothers a smirk as they leave the building Caroline trying to talk her into joining the cheer squad. Anna cringes,

"Nope, Not me at all I'm afraid." Caroline pouts, but soon perks back up when Anna promises to come watch the try-outs.

After Caroline gives her a quick tour, they end up outside their history class, Anna's eyes widen as she sees Stefan salvator inside making moon eyes at the petrova ganger. Rolling her eyes she tells Carolina she has forgotten to do something in the office and disappears back down the corridor.

Anna skips all classes that day unsure of what her next move would be. At lunch she escaped outside towards the junkie kids knowing Stefan would never mingle here. And as if by a happy accident she literally bumps headfirst into Jeremy gilbert. Laughing she apologises managing to get a small smile out of him in return. Vicki approaches flagging Jeremy. Touching a hand to Anna's elbow he says it was nice meeting her before he disappears with Vicki.

{Later that day}

[Mystic Grill.]

"We're planning a June wedding." Anna catches the end of bonnie and Caroline's conversation.

"So sunshine who are you marrying and do I get to be a bridesmaid." Caroline fakes a swoon leaning into Anna's shoulder.

"Stefan salvator." Bonnie answers laughing as Caroline fans herself.

"A town founding Family very fan-cy." She stretches the last world causing both girls to laugh, "I'm gathering a summer theme, lots of flowers," Anna lets out a dramatic gasp leaning forwards, "In the Salvatore gardens, it would be very fairy-tale."

Laughing Caroline tells Bonnie she has competition for maid of honour. Matt interrupts their conversation asking to talk to Bonnie but is interrupted by Caroline calling him rude for not introducing himself to Anna.

He sends her a sweet smile, promising a better hello and even a drink as an apology he drags Bonnie over to a table.

"That will be about Elena she dumped him," Tyler had snuck up on them, pausing mid-sentence when he sees Elena walking in the bar with Stefan, He lets out a low whistle. "Real low Gilbert." His eyes flick to Matt. He pats Caroline on the shoulder as he moves to join his friend but before he can reach him Mat has joined them at the door introducing himself to Stefan.

Later they are all sat around the table, while Caroline gives Stefan the third degree much to the group's amusement. She tells both newcomers about the party and demands they both attend. Before Anna can respond her phone goes off.

"Sorry guys I've got to go; this will be my dad. See you guys tomorrow at school. Oh and Donavon you still owe me a drink."

{The next day}

[History's class.]

As tanner insults the students one by one Anna leans across to Caroline asking if he had always been a dick, giggling she nods. They both roll their eyes as Stefan comes to Elena's rescue. When Stefan mentions the local civilian casualties Anna flinches,

"Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle." Anna sighs thinking back to all the friends she lots that day. Wishing Stefan would just drop it.

"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts."

Tanner opens his mouth to argue with him, but Anna beats him to it,

"Harper Montgomery, Frederick and Bethanne Harper, Henry Wattles, billy Ames, Jacob Knowles, Charlie Erwin, Pearl zhu. Those are just a few of the names I know from my family archive, its actually why my family left mystic falls. Pearl was one of my ancestors and my family never forgave the town for the part it played in her loss. So yes, Mr Tanner it did happen and if you are going to teach us town history maybe you should learn it first." With that Anna grabs her textbook and storms out the room angry at Stefan from bringing it up in the first place.

[The party]

Anna doesn't mean to bump into Jeremy, but she is trying so hard to avoid Caroline after what happened in class.

"We really need to stop meeting like this, one of us its gonna end up with brain damage." She laughs rubbing her head. He smiles leaning behind him snatching up another 2 beers having dropped the last one in the collision.

"No harm," he holds out the beer to her with a smile. "So who are you hiding from."

She cringes. "Was it that obvious," at his grin she pulls a face. "Caroline, I kinda lost it in Tanners class today and she won't stop calling."

"Yeah, that sounds like her, she just worried about you. You should talk to her." Seeing the look on her face he continued. "Or you could chill with me for a bit."

She gives him a small smile "I think I'd like that." She looks around. "So what do you do for fun around here." He raises the beer.

"Not much else to do it's a small town, no matter what you do you're under a microscope." He tilts the bottle nocking back the last of his beer.

"That sucks, I grew up traveling never really lived in one place long enough to call it home, my parents are like nomads, they like to travel from place-to-place learning about the people and culture. Its why I'm here alone my dad is with some tribe in Nepal and my mum is in New Orleans." She catches Jeremy's gaze, seeing the light in his eyes she realises she's been rambling; she throws out an apology pulling herself up to leave embarrassed.

He reaches out clutching her hand tugging her back down next to him. "No stay, tell me more, I've never travelled outside of mystic falls."

So she sits and they talk, she tells him of places she visited the people the culture and he listens with rapped attention. As she tells him about a beautiful waterfall she found as a child, he grins grabbing her hand, he pulls her up and further into the forest. "Come on you gotta see this, not exactly forests of Vietnam but you'll love it. I swear."

He isn't walking fast but his long legs mean she has to run to keep up. He stops dead causing her to walk straight into his back. "Hey, Leave her alone." Hearing Tyler respond Anna comes out from behind Jeremy to see him holding Vicki against a tree, she sends the man a disgusted glance.

"Put her down perv." At Vicki's agreement that he get away from her Tyler scowls calling her a whore. Tring to see if she is ok Vicki verbally abuses both Anna and Jeremy defending Tyler's actions. Anna rolls her eyes, Knocking Jeremy's shoulder so he would look at her. "There is no helping some people. So what were you gonna show me?" He gives her a small smile turning his back to Vicki.

"It's this way come on." They leave Vicki standing alone in the woods.

They spent half an hour at the serene waterfall, Anna wished she could tell Jeremy that she had been here before that this waterfall was so important to her existents because it was where her parents married in secret, all those years ago. So instead she smiles in wonder and they talk about nothing and everything. It's only when Anna scents blood that she realises they have been gone far too long.

She gets Jeremy back to the main party sending him to get them more beers, before rushing off back into the forest to look for the injured human. She finds Vicki lay on the forest floor, puncture wounds on her neck.

"Son of a bitch."

Hearing Jeremy arguing with the dopplewhore, she shouts for help. Jeremy clears the trees quickly scanning the area for Anna when he realises what he is seeing the beers hit the floor.

"Oh, my god Vicki." He joins Anna at her side, "I'll carry her back."

"Jeremy Gilbert, don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you."

"OK, dopplewhore, Vicki is dying so move or be moved." Anna pushes past Elena making sure that Jeremy had a clear road to walk back to the party.

"Somebody call an ambulance. Quickly." Matt is at Jeremys side instantly in a panic. Anna gives him her scarf, telling him to put pressure on the wound until the ambulance arrives.

During the panic Anna slips back into the forest to retrieve her purse, catching site of Vicki's she grabs that too, figuring she could drop it off at the hospital the next day.

She spins around just in time to grab Stefan by the throat.

"Not too smart are you Salvatore." He struggles against her, but she is far older and far more powerful. "Your still just a baby vampire Salvatore. Don't ever forget that, and if you ever." She squeezes his throat for emphasis "Think of putting your hands on me again I'll kill you." She throws him through three trees. "Oh and if you haven't figured it out yet I didn't attack Vicki or anyone else, fucking idiot."

She makes a beeline for Jeremy, knocking shoulders. He asks her where she's been, holding up her clutch as an answer he calls her crazy.

"I'm going with Bonnie to sober Caro up, you gonna be ok." At his nod, she bounces on her toes to peck him on the cheek. Leaving him stood there wide eyed she disappears into Bonnie's car.

[At the Mystic Grill]

Trying to sober Caroline was harder that they though, she was in no mood to be sober after the way Stefan had treated her, Bonnie is trying not to pick sides when Anna tells her to just go home, that she will sober Caroline up and if she can't just take her back home and text her mum. Once Bonnie is gone, she turns to Caroline.

"Your right Stefan is an arsehole and Elena just dumped Matt she shouldn't be rubbing Stefan in him face, she is being a bitch, also you girly." She pokes Caroline in the shoulder to make sure she has her attention, "You are worth much more than, that creature, if he hadn't just been dumped, I'd say go for matt he'd be perfect for you." She stands up coming around the table asking where she wants to stay tonight, upon hearing the mumbled I don't want to go home, she laughs telling her she is always welcome at her house her parents are out of the country. Anna leaves to pay the bill. As she walks back to the table, she sees Damon Salvator eyeing up Caroline. She storms straight up to his table, realising he was the problem in town. "Stay away from her or I will kill you." Turning just a quickly she moves over to Caroline's side pulling her towards the exit.

"So, its Friday night, so I'm thinking ice cream and a bad movie." Caroline lets out a little squeal making Anna cringe. They jump in Caroline's car that she had left at the grill when Bonnie had picked her up for the party, Anna driving them to her house.

Let us know what you think.

T and her Lazy ass brother, who doesn't really help.

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