REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Ryder...

Par renacollins

436K 18.5K 1.6K

REMOVING FROM WATTPAD PERMANENTLY ON 1 JANUARY 2025 Mature Content 17+ || Savage Wolves MC Book Three Talia's... Plus

Authors Note
Savage Wolves MC
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Talon (Savage Wolves MC) #4

Chapter Twenty-Five

6.5K 306 42
Par renacollins


Water pours over my aching muscles. Sleeping out on the desert floor maybe wasn't the best idea last night, but fuck if the sweet woman that slept at my side didn't ease some of the pain.

My dick stands to attention just thinking about being deep inside of her last night. Again and again and again. Tasting her on my tongue and drowning in the soft, velvety wetness between her thighs.

Precum oozes from my cock and I brush it off under the water, resisting the urge to stroke myself too much. Talia's going to join me in just a moment, I can wait for her heat to be wrapped around me instead of my hand.

I shampoo the grime from my hair, wondering how I even accumulated so much filth in under twelve hours in the wilderness. After our initial lovemaking, she sure turned into a wildcat—which I guess is what attributed to the entire Mojave shaking out of my hair and washing down the drain.

I scrub everywhere, nearing being done when I realize Talia never came in to join me. I know she needs a shower as much as I do, so where did she run off to? Turning the water off and grabbing a towel, I wrap it low on my hips, tying it off so I won't have any accidents and Little Ryder—who is slowly losing his hardness—doesn't make any surprise appearances.

"Talia? Cupcake, you okay?" I question, taking in her naked, shaking shoulders as she's perched on the edge of my bed. Her back is to me but I can see her staring at something in front of her.

Soft sobs come from her and my feet speed up until I'm sliding up behind her and drawing her into my lap, rubbing soft circles along her back and grasping her bare thigh. I cradle her close, her eyes still intent on what I now see is her phone in her hands.

"Talk to me. Is it your dad?" Oh no, her dads probably dead and she's here. Shit. Will she ever forgive herself for not being there for him? Damnit, I should have made her move back home to be with her family. No matter how much she loves me or wants to be here, her dad and family need her too.

She shakes her head no and I let out a deep breath of relief. But her silent crying still doesn't reassure me that everything is okay. If it isn't her dad, then what?

"I always wanted to be able to read minds. As a kid I used to try and focus hard enough to see if I could make it happen. It never did," I chuckle, trying to make her look up at me so I can see her face, "So I can't do anything unless you tell me what's wrong? Did something happen?" Even if I can't fix anything, I still want to hear from her what has her so upset. "Was last night not-" I gulp, unconsciously squeezing her a little tighter. "Was last night got good for you?"

Her multiple orgasms and sleepy happy smile made me think she was enjoying herself. As was her several proclamations of her unwavering, everlasting... okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but she did say she loved me several times last night. I got no vibes from her that said she wasn't ready or didn't enjoy herself.

Am I just completely clueless?

"Did I hurt you?"

Her head snaps up at that and I can see her icy eyes glittering, like the water in the Gulf of Mexico. But there's a storm waging within those depths and the whites of her eyes are bloodshot from tears.

"No. No. You did nothing. It's not about last night. It's not about you. It's—" She freezes and drops her head into the crook of my neck and I move my hand that was resting on her thigh to cradle her head against me. She's shaking slightly and I rock our bodies back and forth.

My mom used to hold me like this when I was little. Even once when I was too old to be held like a baby. She'd sing, often getting confused over the words, but it didn't matter. Being in her arms brought me peace and made me feel all better. Then she'd kiss my forehead, tell me I was her handsome, strong boy, and send me on my way. I think about it from time to time and wish I could experience that part of her again, before she got really bad. Before she couldn't remember the lyrics to any songs because her head was so filled with whatever she'd taken that day to numb the pain.

"I didn't think I'd have such a reaction to seeing Athena King message me back. I wasn't expecting to be so overwhelmed." She shows me her phone and the message that Athena did, indeed, send.

It isn't a long message, but it was impactful enough to have Talia crying in my arms. I hold her tighter, wishing I could leach the hurt straight from her body.

"You don't have to be brave all the time. You don't even have to be strong all the time. It's okay to cry it out. It's okay to let something overwhelm you." I kiss the top of her head, pushing her hair over her shoulder and stroke her upper arm. "As long as you don't let it consume you. Give yourself this moment in time, but get back up, respond to that message, and be the baddest bitch I know."

She snorts and lifts her hands to wipe her eyes. "Well that speech started off being sweet."

I laugh, feeling the tension leave her body as her limbs loosen up in my arms. "I can't always be insightful. I am just a dirty biker after all."

"Mmhmm, 'dirty biker'." Her eyes peruse my freshly cleaned hair and body. "Looks like you might have missed a spot in the shower. I'm going to need to help you out, seeing as you can't even take care of that yourself." Her eyes droop in arousal and my cock twitches beneath her bare ass that's only hidden to me by the towel wrapped around my waist.

There's no way I missed any spot of dirt on me, but there's also no way in hell I'm missing out on getting to scrub her body clean with my hands. Getting to touch every inch of her, savoring the feel of her smooth skin under my soapy hands.

I swallow a groan that wants to escape my throat and stand, dragging her quickly to the bathroom.


We spend longer than we should have in the shower, wasting way too much hot water.

"Enough already!" I hear Jace shout from outside my bathroom door. He pounds on it, the hinges shaking under his rough treatment. "You're taking all the hot water and now I've got to shower in the fucking icy tundra that's pouring out of my shower head now!"

"Fuck off!" I shout at him, continuing to kiss Talia, licking every single square inch of skin on her body. She's my treat and I've not had enough yet. It'll never be enough. I need all of her, always.

"Stop wasting the hot water, jackass! Fuck your Old Lady in the bath if you're trying to get frisky with water play!" I hear him scoff before he storms off and slams my bedroom door.

Talia snickers into my shoulder and grabs my shoulders, pulling me back to my full height. I crave to be back inside of her, but I'd already taken her against the wall—twice, in the built in sitting ledge, over the edge of the tub, and then one more time with her hanging onto the shower head, me behind her, pounding into her soft, clenching cunt.

My mouth goes dry at the memory and I try and drag her back under the spray of cooling water but she takes my jaw, pressing my lips into a fishy pout. "We can't stay in here forever and I do need to respond to Athena."

I groan in protest, slipping my hand down her arm as she steps out of the shower and grabbing her hand to try and keep her wet, dripping body in. She pulls away and I breathe deeply to get my newest erection to calm down.

I shut off the water for the second time this morning and grab my still damp towel, drying off completely this time and joining Talia where we both dress—slowly. It takes longer than usual to get dressed because both of our hands keep tugging and pulling at each other, needing that skin-to-skin contact.

"Let's just stay naked in bed all day, I'll stay between your thighs and eat your pussy for hours if you want," I offer but she shakes her head.

"I do have to work later today and what if I can get Athena to meet me today?"

Sighing, I acquiesce and step away from her this time to make sure my clothes actually find their way onto my body. The same with hers, if you want to call what she's dressing in clothes.

Her lower half is covered in skin tight jeans that hug every single one of her luscious curves, but her top half is barely hidden by a...shirt...that only covers her front half, several strappy pieces holding it together behind her.

I purse my lips and shake my head, "Nah. Nope."

She places her hands on her hips, staring me down even though she's shorter than me and half my size. "I know you're not trying to tell me what to wear. Because there's no way that would ever happen right?" She draws out the last word. Her face narrows and her foot taps on the floor. There's a teasing lilt to her voice but it's carrying undertones of seriousness.

"The guys already want to fuck you," I grumble, coming up to her and placing my hands on her hips and bringing her into my space.

"But do I want to fuck any of them? No. I want to fuck you. And often. Hard and often. Soft and whenever. You're the only person I'm fucking and even if I walk out of this room ass naked, no one would even think to touch me because I'm you're Old Lady. Isn't that how it works?"

She's right, it has been socially talked about—her being my Old Lady. "I need to make it official."

She raises an eyebrow. "Official, huh? And how does one do that?"

"For starters, I've got to clear it during church. After that..." I trail my finger over the exposed skin right above her left tit. "We're going to need to put my name on your body."

"Oh, yeah?" She looks up with light in her eyes and I feel myself break for this perfectly imperfect woman before me. I'd give her everything if it meant I could see the look she's giving me right now for the rest of my days. Anything at all. "Well, as long as my name goes on your body, too, then I guess it's alright with me." She shrugs and looks away, pulling herself out of my hold and heading to the door.

Delight fills me to my core as I follow her out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me, already yearning to be back in bed, explaining with my mouth how exactly thrilled I am she wants to ink my name on her skin.

Her head is buried in her phone and I know she's drafting something to Athena as we walk down the stairs to the Den. June is here, serving breakfast with a couple of the Sheep who must have spent the night with some of the guys last evening.

"Mornin'," Lowell grumbles from the breakfast nook. Ash is across from him, devouring a tall stack of pancakes that would probably make me vomit. He's twice my size, so he can pack it away a lot more than I can.

"Good morning," Talia greets the small crowd of people. She waves to Kitty and I remember they've started getting friendly with one another. Kitty has also gotten friendly with Fox, but knowing him it won't last. It never does with him. He's a good looking guy, but he's not interested in long term.

Neither was I. Not for a long time.

Maybe he'll change. Maybe Kitty will be the one to change him. They do seem to spend an awful lot of time together.

"Mornin' June," I say, going up and kissing her on the cheek from over her shoulder. She lifts the hand not stirring eggs around in the pan and pats the side of my head.

"Morning, sweetie. You look well this morning."

Kai snorts his orange juice from where he's sitting on the edge of the kitchen counter. "Yeah I would hope so after spending two hours in the shower banging it out with his girl."

I look over to Talia and see her cheeks don't even flame with color or embarrassment. Instead her eyes narrow and her hands steeple in front of her. "Funny you should mention it, we did spend two hours in the shower. And it was wonderful. I can't imagine you can relate, though, seeing as the girl you fucked on one of the tables out there last week didn't come and you finished in about, oh... ten minutes maybe?" She sucks in a breath through her teeth and grimaces. "Yikes. Maybe one day you'll get the hang of it. Ryder can give you some tips if you need it."

Ash chokes on his pancakes, laughing boisterously, filling the room with booming hysterics. Lowell can't keep his grin off his face and June is snickering at the stove.

Kai's face, unlike what Talia's looked like when he thought he embarrassed her, has blossomed into a flaming red. "Yeah, whatever. I can't be bothered to take my time with the Sheep. They're just Sheep."

Talia rolls her eyes, sipping on her cup of coffee and sitting at the other table across from the nook that Ash and Lowell are sitting at. "Mmhmm, sure. There's no need to feel inadequate. There's always room for improvement." She smirks before adding, "Though, not with Ryder. It seems as if he really has got it all down." She winks at me and my cock begs to be let out and shoved into her dirty little mouth.

Embarrassed, Kai storms out of the room but looks back in the doorway, raising his finger as if he's going to say something. He opens his mouth, inhaling, but Talia speaks before he can get a word in, "Was there something else?"

His jaw ticks in frustration and he looks to me as if to say I need to get a handle on my woman but I just shake my head, holding back my laughter. Kai leaves, mumbling about how he'll show everyone he knows how to fuck. Just we wait.

"Yeah, I think I was right in knowing you were going to make a pretty good Old Lady," Ash quips from the nook, finishing off his pancakes.

"Speaking of, we need to make it official during next church," I mention to him and he nods his head.

"Sure thing, brother."

June sets a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Talia, stroking her hair and pinching her cheek lightly. "Good to have you as part of the family. I always like seeing new Old Ladies around here. Brings me back to the old days."

June isn't old enough to be our mother but she was around back when most of our parents were members and a few others who have since switched charters. In her earlier days, there were way more Old Ladies. It was easier to have relationships back when they weren't as into so many criminal activities.

If we could go straight edge, some of us might be more inclined to settle down.

Talia's eyes send a signal for me to come sit beside her and I do. She shows me the phone and Athena has agreed to meet her for lunch at a Greek restaurant in the city.

"I have to go. I need to see her."

"I'll go with you."

She shakes her head. "She doesn't know you. What if you showing up with me spooks her? I'll go alone. I'll be fine."

"At least let me keep an eye on you from afar. You won't even notice I'm there. I'll dress like a regular person."

She thinks it over for a minute and then nods. "Okay. But don't intervene. Let me talk to her. Alone. I kinda want to see her again for the first time on my own anyway."

I grab her hand and put it in mine, feeling her warmth in my palms. "I understand."

She smiles softly, my heart doing those stupid little flips it does when she does anything.

So Talia is going to meet with Athena. Alone. A member of the King family is going to meet my woman. So help me god if anything happens to her I'll tear this city apart and raze it to the ground.

Continuer la Lecture

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