Tord X Reader oneshots


87.9K 1.4K 979

(This Book is intended to be gender neutral, anyone can read.) Just something I could possibly use to distre... More

Shy!sick! Reader
Ally!reader (part 2)
Yandere!Tord (part 2)
Future!Tord x Past!reader
Teen!Reader (part 2)
Bandit!Tord (part 2)
Yandere!Tord (part 3)
Bandit!Tord (part 3)
Red Soldier!Reader (part 1?)
Red Soldier!Reader (part 2)
Leader!Reader (part 1)


2.1K 41 5

(Art credits to small_washx on insta)

Y/n's POV-

I'm not entirely sure how this happened but I know for a fact he's over reacting. "Tord, please come here," I kneeled down beside our bed where he'd run off.

Let's put it this way, from what I know. Tord was in his magic lab and somehow managed to turn himself into a cat. When I walked in to check on him he ran out in what I assume to be embarrassment. I know it was him because of those two fluffy horns on his head, They're too easy to spot.

"I promise whatever you did, I'll always help," I called out leaning my head on the mattress. I could hear quiet hissing under the bed frame.

"You really gotta be a pain in the ass sometimes, huh?" Crawling down on the floor I reached under the bed and grabbed him. Unfortunately he was a fairly large cat and still somehow stronger than me. 

I struggled for a second longer as he held onto the carpet. "UGH! I GIVE UP!" I yelled out and let go of Tord.

I could hear him huffing in front of me. My face fell into the carpet and I stayed under the bed. I waited a few seconds to cool off and wait for him.

Even though he still seemed agitated he slowly but surely walked over to me and laid beside my head.

His body was curled up into my neck while his breathing started to calm down. I sighed and turned my head towards him.

"Tord, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that," I whispered. He didn't move at first, only stayed where he was for a good second. He huffed again and walked out from under the bed.

I crawled back out and saw him fully now. His coat was the same color as his hair, just as a tabby, and he had huge gray eyes. He was definitely a Norwegian cat since his coat was larger than a normal house cat.

Tord looked me dead in the eye. Next thing I knew the room was filled with red smoke.

"What the-!" I choked out while coughing. I opened my eyes to my boyfriend being human again- well sorta. He still had ears and a tail,... Also he had no clothes on.


"Oh! My bad. Sorry (y/n),"

I covered my face and turned around. I could hear him opening and closing our dresser.

"H-... how exactly did this happen-?" I decided to ask.

"I'm not entirely sure myself, but something must've gone wrong with the chemicals I was using,"

"Right-... are you done now?"

"Yes, don't worry,"

I'd turned around to find him in only a gray T-shirt and black boxers. He looked so adorable with the cat features I couldn't help but giggle.

"Hey, what's so funny," his ear twitched while he crossed his arms. He walked closer while I continued to laugh. "(Y/n)?"

"Hehe nothing! You're so cute like this," he blushed slightly and looked to the side while chuckling himself.

"Well you got that right (nick/n)," he looked back down at me and started ruffling my hair aggressively. "NO! Don't!" I laughed and leaned into his chest.

We both laughed as he held me there for a bit until we died down. I looked up at his gray eyes as he looked down into my (e/c) ones. "So we're just accepting this now?" I asked him calmly.

"I mean what else are we gonna do?" He said. He had a good point, how can we fix it if we don't know how it happened in the first place. Whatever he's just cuter now.

"Yeah you're right, but I mean look how cute you are now~," I squealed out. Tord was very unimpressed to the point he decided to pick me up by the waist and carry me somewhere else. His fluffy tail was flicking from side to side in a bothered manner.

"Hey! What you doing?" I stopped squealing and watched his tail. "A new problem is I have a meeting today with pau and pat but there's no why in hell I'm letting them see me like this," he hissed out walking down the stairs.

"Your Friends? What do you want me to do??" I asked confused.

"All I want you to do is tell them I'm sick and can't come," he dropped me in front of the front door and grabbed a blanket off the couch. He laid the blanket over his head like an old lady and started fake coughing.

"Wow, very convincing. You should win an Oscar," I clapped watching him cover his soft tail under the blanket. "Haha very funny (n/n)," he scoffed.

I laughed under my breathe for a second while he slightly flared at me, unamused. "Come on! It's funny!" I continued. He scoffed again and sat down on the couch.

Suddenly there was a firm knock on the front down. I also knew this was gonna happen but it still made me jump. I quickly ran to the door and opened it.

"Tord's sick. Sorry," I said bluntly, then tried to close the door. One of them stuck their foot in the door before it could close. "Ay! (Y/n)! Come on!" I could hear pat say just outside the door.

They pushed the door open with ease and pushed with back in the process. "HEYY! He's sick! He can't come!" I held it open and pointed outside hoping they'd listen.

Of course they didn't, they started laughing under their breathe. It's not everyday you see a small gremlin point you out the door.

I shouted in defeated and hollered to Tord. "Tord! You got company!" I called out down the hallway. I hear his dismantled groans because he knew I'd failed him.

Pay and Pat walked down the hallway to the living room where Tord has now began to double his acting. He was sitting back, huffing, and letting out an occasional obvious fake cough.

"How you feeling boss?" Pau leaned over and ruffled the blanket on Tord's head. He let out an almost angry cough, "I'm so doing so hot chief". Pau and pat were definitely not easily tricked and knew Tord even better than I did.

I'd sat down in between Tord's leg just to piss him off. Tord was becoming more irritated by the second. We all laughed as he broke character to squeal like a toddler.

Well it was fun while he just kind disappeared. We fell silent when the place Tord once sat was a cat shaking underneath a blanket. He stuck his head out and just kinda sat there for a second, only to sneeze.

"(Y/n)... w-what- uH- happened just now," pat pointed at Tord and looked at me. "I- uh-... I don't know," I only looked at Tord while he laid down and stared at me. Only sliver to (e/c) orbs, staring for what felt like forever.

The room once again was filled with that stupid red stuff. Tord was sitting on the couch covered by the blanket still. He head was hung low while he still connected his eyes with mine.

"Thank you," was all he said and turned towards the other two. He watched to see what their response was gonna be.

"Nice," was all that came out of Pau after a few seconds. "Really that's all you can come up with?!" Tord questioned him. "I mean you did say you were sick, just I didn't realize you were this sick," Pau shrugged.

Tord scoffed and turned back around. "(Y/n)," he asked me.


"Could you please grab me a bigger blanket... and some clothes,"

"Oh!- uh yea!"

I quickly stood up and dashed upstairs. I couldn't help but still stop to laugh at how ridiculous this all was. My boyfriend just turned into a giant CatMan and we all just kinda accepted it. I calmed down and grabbed a fleece blanket off our bed.

I ran back down and threw it over his already partially covered body. "Thanks (y/n)," he looked unamused while I smiled at him. "Of course! No problem!" I giggled at him. That seemed to make him smile a bit.

"Are we gonna have that Meeting than Boss? Or should we wait until tomorrow?" Pat asked while Tord's was twitched. "We can have the meeting here then you leave and never speak of this again," Tord spoke and sat up.

"I'll leave you to it then," I smiled and walked out of the room. At some point we're gonna have to fix this but for now he's extra adorable.

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