I don't have a title yet, sor...

By KeyaJesse08

53 9 5

Three girls. One writing project. Can a school year change everything? It's seventh grade at Point Arena Midd... More

Chapter 2: Era
Chapter 3: River

Chapter 1: Fate

17 3 0
By KeyaJesse08

Hi! This is a joint account between @Starcatcher2008, @Savvydoggo08, and @RoyalOceanWave.  We write books together under the pen name of Keya Jesse. We hope you enjoy our newest story and the characters! Feedback is welcomed, as well as suggestions for an actual title. The picture above isn't exactly what Fate looks like, but it's close enough, and I, Starcatcher2008, love anime so this is an excuse to add it in:P

Also I don't own the art above.

Enjoy the chapter!

Thirteen-year- old Fate Harper awoke to the sound of her alarm blaring. She trudged across the room to turn the darn thing off. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she grabbed the clothes she had laid out on the floor the night before- a startlingly violet tank top with daisies floating across it, and a darker purple skirt with stars.

She loved the color purple. The walls of her room were dark purple speckled with white and yellow stars(she also loved stars) and glitter of all colors. Her floor was wood but she had a purple rug spread over most of it, and her bed and pillow covers were lavender. Most of the clothes in her small walk-in closet were purple. Fate loved purple because it represented more than just a color, it was the color of royalty, and it was black, mysterious, but not quite. Purple had always felt welcoming to her, like a warm hug.

Fate ran to the bathroom, pulled her clothes off, and started to shower. A lot of kids showered before bed, but Fate preferred to shower in the morning because it woke her up.

Wrapped in a towel, she stepped out and started dressing before she was fully dry. Ten minutes later, her black hair with violent purple streaks was brushed and held back by a purple headband with cat ears.

Fate grabbed her purple backpack and shoved her gold, top-secret notebook inside. Then, she started her morning predictions, closing her eyes tightly.

"I predict..." Fate closed her eyes, waiting for visions of the future to come to her, and she wasn't disappointed. A strange sense washed over her that her mom would pack jam sandwiches for lunch that day. It would come true, she knew, because she could TOTALLY SEE THE FUTURE and only dumb and narrow-minded people put her down for that. Her visions came true like ten million times. Like more than that, like infinity times. She had first started seeing the future in fifth grade, where she had forced her sort-of friend, Era, who was kind of boring and forgettable, to test her by crumpling up three tissues and putting a tiny object inside each one, and she had gotten it right every. Single. Time. So maybe it wasn't the future, but more like a premonition. Fate shivered. Premonition. She loved that word.

Fate flounced downstairs and dumped her backpack on the floor. Her parents had already left for work as usual, but her lunch(in a purple lunch box) was ready and packed. She dropped it into her backpack and grabbed a few pieces of bread, shoving them into the toaster. On her lavender phone, she started to play "Believer" by Imagine Dragons, because she liked the song and because her parents weren't there to yell at her to stop.

"You made me a, you made me a believer, believer," Fate sang as the toast popped up. She ate it all in under three minutes and swung her backpack over one shoulder, opening the front door and slamming it shut behind her. As always, she frowned, surveying the minuscule town of Point Arena.

Fate hated Point Arena.

She hated how it was so tiny and boring and annoying. Fate was destined for far greater things, like becoming a famous author one day and leaving Point Arena and never looking back. It was a ten-minute walk to the other side of town. Five minutes if you ran. They were surrounded by other, bigger cities, which were less forgettable and boring. Fate sighed; she knew that she should be content with a small life, but she had never liked being small. She wanted to be someone that people noticed and remembered and cared about.

She scowled as she remembered the evil, dastardly, River White. She was sooo annoying and hated Fate for some reason. She believed that the last time they yelled at one another, River had called her 'childish' and silly for NO REASON. Just because she wasn't a grumpy, slow, annoying person like River didn't mean that she was childish and silly. At least they could engage in another argument where Fate would win. As usual.

Fate hummed as she walked to her school; she reached it in five minutes. She liked to arrive early so that she could more or less have the blacktop to herself to read. She sat down on a bench and pulled out her sparkly golden notebook.

Fate had a habit. She liked finding possible future relationships between her classmates and then making them happen. It was her way of changing what was going on and making it happen. Her sort-of friend, Era, had a massive crush on Daniel that she had confessed to Fate, and Fate kept trying to make Eraniel(their awesome ship name) a thing, but it JUST DIDN'T WORK because Era was too shy to make a move. It just so happened that Fate and Daniel were neighbors, and so she had bribed Angela Davies into switching Science partners with her last year and then she had pestered him about having a crush and he JUST NEVER ANSWERED.

Seriously. Some people.

He was just as bad as that River White, aka Meany McMeanerson(the least of the rude and annoying names that Fate had come up with for that girl). Fate looked up as a shadow fell over her notebook; to her dismay, it was River White, looking as annoyed as though Fate had summoned her using a Summoning Charm.

Fate was a bit of a book nerd too.

Fate scowled up at her and tucked her notebook away, putting on a bright smile that showed off all of her perfectly straight, braceless teeth. She had never needed braces and never would, even though most of her classmates wore them. She knew that River was CLEARLY jealous of that fact.

Other than that, River was okay-looking, not gorgeous, but okay. She had long dark hair that fell halfway down her back, and didn't wear makeup, like Fate, and she always wore dark colors. She had tan skin, not light but not dark, and her eyes were a very dark brown, but in good lighting, they had an odd bluish tinge. She usually wore knee-length dresses and fleece pants, even if it was a hundred degrees. Once while it was raining, she had worn a sleeveless summer dress and no pants. And her parents let her!

Fate scowled again. "Hello, Puddle! I'm Fate Harper, appointed official school matchmaker and the smartest one in the class!"

River crossed her arms. "I am River, not Puddle, and you are not the school matchmaker, that's not even a thing."

"Is too a thing."

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"It is not, you silly little girl. Jeez, what would it take for you to grow up?" River said, stomping her foot. Fate smiled wider. It was fun to make River mad. Added spice to her days. Even though River was three inches taller than her and bigger too, as well as trained in martial arts, Fate just kept on smiling, because she got so angry sometimes that her face got all red and she looked as though she wanted to punch Fate but couldn't.

The girl had anger issues.

"Oh, right, Fish," Fate said, humming to herself. "Have you seen River White? She's this really annoying, ugly, dumb girl. I would go over and wish her a happy morning, but she doesn't really deserve it."

"Ugh! You-you-" River turned around and stomped off. Fate tucked a strand of purple hair behind her ear and resumed her humming. River was annoying but easy to deal with. She only had one stinger, like a bee, and if she gave it up, it was all over for her. Meaning that if she attempted to physically harm Fate, she would get expelled, like she deserved, and it wasn't like anyone would miss her anyway. River didn't have any friends at all;it wasn't hard to see why.

Fate squinted at her watch. It was time for her to get to English class; she didn't want to be late. Continuing the song blasting inside her head, she got up and walked away from the bench.

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