I Must Not Break Harry Potter

By Sweet_Wing_King101

617K 20K 18.1K

Harry stared down at his bleeding hand, the words "I must not tell lies" dripping down his skin in blood-red... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

36.3K 1.2K 231
By Sweet_Wing_King101

Hogwarts School of Dangerous Creatures

Hogwarts has always been known as the safest magical building in the wizarding world. Its wards are known as

powerful enough to keep Death Eaters and many Dark creatures and objects at bay. Many parents send their

children here in hopes that they will have a safe seven years of education.

But they are deceived.

The school has been home to a fully-grown Cerberus, an ancient Basilisk, a werewolf, one hundred Dementors

and several Acromantulas, as well as played host to a fully-grown troll, a cursed diary, two Death Eaters, four

dragons, and You-Know-Who himself.

In 1991, Albus Dumbledore hired Quirinus Quirrell, unaware that the man had been possessed by You-Know-

Who. That year, the headmaster was also protecting the Sorcerer's Stone, which his friend, Nicolas Flamel, had

supposedly given him to watch over. Given the wards protecting the school, one would think Dumbledore had no

need to add any more protection. Instead, he placed a series of traps in front of the Stone and borrowed Rubeus

Hagrid's Cerberus, "Fluffy," to keep any unauthorized wizard from getting the Stone.

If Dumbledore assumed this would keep the students safe, he was wrong. By the time the school year had ended,

Severus Snape, Potions Master, had been attacked by the colossal dog, Professor Quirrell had died, our own

Boy-Who-Lived had been attacked by the possessed teacher, and Harry Potter's young friend, Ronald Weasley,

had been knocked out by one of the "traps" guarding the Stone.

If you think the danger stopped there, my dear readers, you would be wrong.

The very next year, the Chamber of Secrets was reopened -- not by the Heir of Slytherin, but by Ginevra Weasley,

who was being possessed by a cursed diary which had once belonged to the Dark Lord. The ancient monster in

the chamber was a Basilisk, who managed to Petrify four students, the caretaker's familiar, and the Gryffindor

ghost before Harry Potter managed to kill it. The diary was also destroyed by the Gryffindor Golden Boy when the

memory of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named tried to murder the child.

If any students expected the next year to be safer, they were sorely wrong. As the readers may recall, 1993 was

when the supposed murderer, Sirius Black, escaped from Azkaban. What most people are unaware of is that

Dumbledore, in his infinite wisdom, allowed the Minister to send a hundred Dementors to "protect" the school.

"Right, 'protect,'" scoffs Blaise Zabini, fifth year Slytherin. "Black wasn't going to attack any of the students except

Harry Potter. Dumbledore could have hid him in a safe house to protect him from a wizard that might have

attacked someone instead of endangering an entire school with creatures that are entirely willing and able to

suck out people's souls, innocent or not."

Mr. Zabini was quite right. The dementors ascended on a Quidditch game, almost performing the Kiss on forty

children before they were banished by Dumbledore. Harry Potter, the Seeker of Gryffindor, fainted fifty feet over

the ground and almost died.

At the end of the year, the Boy-Who-Lived and his two friends, Mr. Weasley and Hermion Granger, were attacked

by a werewolf -- Professor Lupin, who, most of the time, was a kind, gentle wolf, but in the excitement of Sirius

Black attacking the school, he had forgotten to take his Wolfsbane.

1994 was the most dangerous year by far. The Triwizard Tournament was introduced as a fun little competition

that encouraged friendship between the three schools -- Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beaubatons -- when in

reality, it was a dangerous trial that forced a fourteen-year-old boy to steal a golden egg from a mother dragon,

a Hungarian Horntail no less, brave vicious mermaids, wicked Grindilows, and a giant squid to rescue his friend,

Mr. Weasley, and navigate a maze full of Blast-Ended-Screwts, sphinxes, Acromantulas, and Boggarts. The

Tournament was so dangerous that a talented, powerful wizard died. And to finish off the chaotic year, their

Defense professor, the trusted, powerful Auror, Mad-Eye Moody, had been impersonated by a mad Death Eater,

Bartemius Crouch Jr.

How are parents supposed to relax, knowing their children are in danger every time they send them off to


How are parents supposed to trust the headmaster to protect their children?


*mentions of a pedophile and r***; skip the section about Sebastian Gray*

Defense Against Dangerous and Incompetent Professors

Yes, readers; your children are being taught by unqualified wizards. After the last article, I'm sure you hoped

I would deliver good news, but this is not the case.

For the last fifty years, nearly every single Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has been dangerous, mad,

or stupid. Each teacher only lasts one year before they are fired, killed, or maimed. This is because the Dark Lord

cursed the position many, many years earlier.

To persuade you of this, I begin with Professor Sebastian Gray.

In 1973, Headmaster Dumbledore hired what seemed to be a charismatic, warm-hearted individual: the inventor

of the Pain Reliever Potion, Sebastian Gray. However, the man turned out to be a pedophile. Many students were

nearly attacked by the man, but with the help of the Marauders -- James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and

Peter Pettigrew -- the man was unable to satisfy his desires, and the students were protected.

"The man was a disgusting, horrible butthead," Sirius Black states furiously. "Sometimes I wish I'd burned his

face off!"

This was not the last time Dumbledore hired professors like Gray. In 1974, Professor Barnabas Reed attempted

to r*** Professor Sprout, but his efforts were stopped by Professor McGonagall.

Other times, the professor was simply unintelligent, but this made them no less dangerous. In 1956, Professor

Caractas Rosier set fire to a student when improperly handling a fire salamander; in 1960, Professor Orville

Newton blew up his office with what he thought was a rhinoceros horn, but was actually an erumpent horn; in

1967, Professor Victoria Bird brought a dragon egg to class -- which promptly hatched and set fire to her robes;

in 1992, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart destroyed his own classroom by releasing about thirty Cornish Pixies on

a class of twelve-year-olds, which included our dear Boy-Who-Lived.

I haven't even mentioned the times were Dumbledore has ignorantly hired two Death Eaters!

Can we trust Dumbledore to hire qualified witches and wizards who will teach our children of the dangers out

in the world? Or will he continue to disappoint us with pedophiles, Death Eaters, and idiotic men and women?


Dear Lord Voldemort,

I'm attempting to have a law passed that will allow creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and Veela the same rights as human witches and wizards. If this is truly what you're fighting for, please tell your followers to vote for it to be passed.


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